Transcript File

What are some problems we face in the
U.S. today?
From Republic to Empire
Disorder in the Republic
After the Punic Wars….
Roman armies won
wherever they went, yet
problems were building at
Dishonest officials stole
Gaps between rich and
poor was growing. (Even
after the Plebeians gained
Meanwhile, generals were
working together to take
over the government.
Disorder in the Republic
Rome in 70 B.C. was a
dangerous place to
 The army took on a
new role and entered
 Politicians & generals
fought for power.
 Wars and Riots broke
out in the city.
The 3 most powerful
generals were
Crassus, Pompey, &
Julius Caesar.
 Together the 3 formed
the first Triumvirate to
rule Rome.
 A Triumvirate is a
political alliance of
3 people.
Caesar’s Military Campaign
Caesar was a great
General. He was
admired for his bravery
and skill in battle.
 His soldiers respected
him because he treated
them well.
 After one of his victories
he announced 3 famous
 “Veni, Vidi, Vici”
Caesar’s Rise to Power
His military successes
made him a key figure
in Roman politics.
 Since he was a good
speaker, he won
support with his
Trouble in Paradise
The partnership
between Caesar,
Pompey, and Crassus
fell apart after 10 years.
Caesar grew too
popular and his friends
grew jealous.
Crassus was killed in
Pompey’s allies in the
Senate ordered Caesar
to give up command of
his armies.
They wanted Pompey
to control Rome alone.
Caesar Refused
Caesar refused and led his
troops into Rome for a
 He crossed the Rubicon (a
small river) into Italy with
5,000 of his troops.
 Caesar knew there was no
turning back.
 War was certain because
Roman law said no general
could enter Italy with his
 This began a civil war in
The Chase
Pompey and his allies
fled Italy and Caesar’s
army gave chase.
 They chased Pompey
for one year into
 Pompey was killed in
48 B.C.
Caesar the Dictator
When Caesar returns
to Rome in 45 B.C. he
declares himself
dictator for life.
 This broke the
tradition that allowed
dictators to hold
power for short
periods of time.
Caesar Improves Rome
He gave citizenship to
people living out side
of Italy.
 Gave land to the
 Created more jobs
 Ordered landowners
to hire more free
workers and not use
only slave labor.
Caesar’s Power
Even though he tried
to improve Rome by
creating more jobs
people were mad at
the way he gained
 Caesar’s growing
power worried many
 They were scared he
would destroy the
republic and become
Caesar Assassinated
The senators were
especially angry
because Caesar
reduced their power.
On March 15th 44 B.C.
a date known as the
“Ides of March” the
Senators stabbed
Caesar 33 times.
The Roman Republic,
founded nearly 500
years earlier, was at its