Chapter 5 Section 4 - Kenston Local Schools

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Transcript Chapter 5 Section 4 - Kenston Local Schools

Daily Life in Athens - Outlining
•Section 4
• Quiz MONDAY!
Daily Life in Athens
The Athenian Economy
A. Farming
1. Terracing – carving smal plots from hillsides
2. Olives, grapes, figs
B. Trade
1. Colonies – farmers and workers sent overseas – built colonies
along the Mediterranean, Aegean and Black Seas.
2. Import – good or service bought from another country or
3. Export – good or service sold to another country or region.
Brain Break!
 Stand up.
 Do 15 seconds of stretching of your choice.
 Sit back down.
Daily Life in Athens (cont.)
II. Home and Family Life
A. Homes
1. Maginificent temples and public buildings.
2. Simple, one-story brick homes.
B. Marriage
1. Arranged by parents.
2. Girls married at 13 or 14.
3. Purpose was to have children.
C. Women
1. Inferior to men – could not own or inherit property.
2. Managed the household and slaves, raised ch
D. Children
1. Boys cared for by mom until age 7 – then received a pedagogue to
teach manners.
2. Girls learned to manage a household.
3. Rich families sometimes taught girls to read and write.
Daily Life in Athens (cont.)
III. Education and Military Service
A. Education
1. Sons learned reading, writing, grammar, poetry,
music and gymnastics at elementary schools.
2. Sound mind and healthy body – important to
3. Sophists (wise) opened schools for boys – teaching government,
mathematics, ethics (good and bad) and rhetoric (public
speaking, oratory and debate.
B. Military Service
1. At 18 – All men received one year of military training.
2. Wealthy become hoplites – form the basis for military.
3. Poor served on the flanks of the army.
4. Other citizens rowed the ships of the Athenian fleet.