Pharmacy workplace
Transcript Pharmacy workplace
Coming soon??---pharmacy assistant. Fits between pharm tech
and pharmacist
2/3 ph tech in retail
CPhT----certified pharmacy technician
RPh----registered pharmacist
Pharm D----Doctorate of pharmacy
Manufacturing---research and development
Nuclear---prepare radioactive substance
Nutritional----supplements for malnourished or special diet
Disease management-----diabetes.hypertension,asthma,ect for
pharmacy/doctor partnership
Mail order-------fill rx mail delivery
Insurance-------work as auditor for 3rd party company
FDA-----charged with protecting American consumers.
Enforces federal food drug cosmetic act.
Approve new drugs
Regulate drug inserts
Regulate advertising
Issue recalls
DEA--- The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA) is to enforce the controlled substances laws and
regulations of the United States and bring to the criminal and
civil justice system of the United States, or any other
competent jurisdiction, those organizations and principal
members of organizations, involved in the growing,
manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances
appearing in or destined for illicit traffic in the United States;
and to recommend and support non-enforcement programs
aimed at reducing the availability of illicit controlled
substances on the domestic and international markets.
USP---United States Pharmacopeia----sets standards
for all rx and OTC
medications and other health products made and sold
in US. Sets standards for food ingredients and
dietary supplements.
Sets standards for quality, purity, strength and
DEA-----Enforcement of the provisions of the Controlled
Substances Act as they pertain to the manufacture, distribution,
and dispensing of legally produced controlled substances.
Enforcement of the provisions of the Controlled Substances Act
as they pertain to the manufacture, distribution, and dispensing
of legally produced controlled substances.
Seizure and forfeiture of assets derived from, traceable to, or
intended to be used for illicit drug trafficking.
State board of pharmacy--The Texas State Board of Pharmacy
is the state agency responsible for the licensing/registration of
Texas pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, and pharmacies; for
establishing regulations for pharmacy practice; and for
disciplining licensees and registrants.
The practice of pharmacy is more than just counting out the right
amount of a drug for a prescription. The Texas Pharmacy Act
governs the practice of pharmacy and defines it as:
providing an act or service necessary to provide pharmaceutical care;
interpreting or evaluating a prescription drug order or medication order;
participating in drug or device selection as authorized by law, and
participating in drug administration, drug regimen review, or drug or
drug-related research;
providing patient counseling;
being responsible for:dispensing a prescription drug order or distributing
a medication order;
compounding or labeling a drug and device other than by a
manufacturer, repackager, or distributor of a nonprescription drug or
commercially packaged prescription properly and safely storing a drug or
device or maintaining proper records for a drug or device;
performing for a patient a specific act of drug therapy management
delegated to a pharmacist by a written protocol from a physician licensed
in this state in compliance with Subtitle B; or administering an
immunization or vaccination under a physician's written protocol.
Information on requirements, fines, continuing
education, ethics,ect for pharmacists/pharm
Texas CSA(controlled substances act)—states
may have different definition of controlled
substance or put a drug in a different schedule
Conflict of laws?---tougher law prevails
CMS---centers for medicare and medicaid
Government entity covers 100 million. Provides
coverage to those qualified.
medicaid--medical for lower income
medicare---medical for elderly or disabled
tricare--- medical care for military
government may give funding for nonprofit
hospital and research(NIH)
‘workers comp’---injuries on the job
ACA---affordable care act
employee insurance----most companies provide
health insurance for full time
employees…ACA reactions
most big companies pay for work comp ins.
in Texas work comp is not required
by employers but that allows you to sue for damages.
work comp=no lawsuit
private ins---person applies for insurance and pays
monthly. small business might get group discount.
out of pocket----no ins, pay cash
pharmacy cashier----money only no drugs
CPhT-- licensed to help pharmacist
pharmacist---PharmD --licensed to do pharmacy
pharmacy manager---pharmacist approved by BOP
to ensure regulations
job descriptions in retail pharmacy--interpret rx
count pills
verify insurance
job in hospital pharm(inpatient pharm)---compound rx
prepare sterile IV
dispense unit dose rx
interpret orders
delivery meds
fill med carts
inventory control
extra training for---inventory tech
robot filler
IV tech
chemo tech
anticoagulant tech
pharm informatics analyst
supervisor tech
outpatient pharmacy(community)
fill rx
order inventory
call ins
assist customer
closed door pharmacy
home health
assisted living
longterm care
make blister packs
parentreral meds
nuclear pharmacy tech(NPT)
the 2 big tests when youre ready!!
--PTCB test---pharmacy tech certification board
90 questions. Score over 650.
the main test required(run by pharmacist assn)
PTCB--1995 by ASHP,APhA,
Illinois Council HC pharm,
Michigan Pharmacist assn
---ExCPt by NHA( run by ph tech assn)
(exam certified ph tech)
by Institute for Certification of Pharmacy
easier test but not all states will accept it
but growing
test requirements-get tech in training lic ,diploma or GED
no felony conviction
test requirements-get tech in training lic
diploma or GED
no felony conviction
no drug misdemeanor
clean records from other state BOP
passed PTCB to Texas BOP website to upgrade your Tech in training
to CPhT
20 CE hours every 2 years (some hrs with Dpharm)
ACPE approved only(American Council for Pharmacy
a great benefit for med school or others
dept of labor reports 30% increase needed
in 10yrs