Pharmacy Technician Orientation
Transcript Pharmacy Technician Orientation
Online orientation is designed to help you familiarize yourself with the tools you
need to succeed, to assist you in making an informed decision on the Pharmacy
Technician program, and help facilitate your transition and integration into the
School of Continuing Education.
By participating in this orientation you will:
• Learn what it means to be a Pharmacy Technician student at the School of
Continuing Education and to be a part of this unique and innovative
• Be more familiar with the academic resources that are available to help you
• Feel more comfortable with campus processes such as program requirements,
registration and program cost.
• Learn more about counseling support services.
• Feel more confident about your transition to the School of Continuing
Upon successful completion of the online orientation, you will be able
to demonstrate an understanding of:
The requirements for a chosen educational pathway.
Proven academic planning strategies.
Successful registration procedures.
The School of Continuing Education information, policies and
Let’s get started!
What does a Pharmacy Technician do?
Assists pharmacists in preparing and dispensing medications for patients.
Keeps accurate records of medications dispensed.
Cleans and sterilizes equipment in accordance with prescribed methods.
Maintains high customer service standards.
For information on employment outlook and wage data, please visit
Where do Pharmacy Technicians work?
Most students initially seek employment at:
Institutional and retail pharmacies.
With additional training, experience, and education, Pharmacy Technicians can
also be employed as:
Systems Trainers
Corporate Recruiters
Prior Authorization Technicians
Lead/Charge Technicians
Pharmacy Insurance Billers
Sales Representatives
What can you expect when you work as a pharmacy technician?
• You will be an important part of a health care team and you will
need to be able to think on your own and problem solve.
• Math is a key part of any pharmacy technician job. You must be able
to perform basic pharmacy math calculations.
• Many pharmacies are open long hours or even 24 hours a day and
include weekends and holidays. You will likely need to be flexible in
your availability to work.
• Standing for long periods of time and some lifting is required in
many pharmacy technician positions.
• Pharmacy is a rewarding career where you can feel satisfied that you
had a positive impact on someone’s life.
How do I qualify to work as a Pharmacy Technician?
• To be employed as a Pharmacy Technician you must be licensed as a
Pharmacy Technician with the State of California Board of Pharmacy.
• Completing SCE's Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program is one
method by which you may qualify to obtain a license as Pharmacy
Technician. The other two ways are certification by the Pharmacy
Technician Certification Board or training provided by a branch of the
• You must be 18 years of age and have a high school diploma or GED.
• You must be fingerprinted and supply a social security number.
• No prior record of substance abuse or drug abuse conviction.
NOTE: If you have been convicted of any offense other than a minor traffic
violation you will be required to declare this on your state application for a
license. A criminal offense may affect your eligibility to become a licensed
Pharmacy Technician.
SCE Pharmacy Technician Certificate Program:
• Prepares students for entry level positions as Pharmacy Technicians in:
- Institutional facilities such as skilled nursing, long-term care, or
- Community retail pharmacies such as Walmart, CVS, or Walgreens.
• Prepares students to take the national Pharmacy Technician Certification
Board exam. The PTCB exam is OPTIONAL, but highly recommended.
• The program is nationally accredited by the American Society of Healthsystems Pharmacists, ASHP.
• Upon completion of the SCE Pharmacy Technician Certificate, students
may enroll in the SCE In-Patient and Out-Patient Externship Program.
• Students who complete this optional externship program will receive an
additional certificate from ASHP.
SCE Program Details
• You must be at least 18 years of age to enroll in the SCE Pharmacy
Technician program.
• The Pharmacy Technician program has a strict attendance policy. For
each class you enroll in, you must attend the first day of class, even if you
are on the waiting list. A student may only have two absences per class.
• If you fail to attend the first class, you will be dropped from the class.
• School of Continuing Education (SCE) Counselors can assist you in
planning your schedule with a Student Educational Plan (SEP).
• The School of Continuing Education (SCE) is accredited by the Western
Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC).
• The SCE Pharmacy Technician program is a noncredit program based on
240 instructional hours; not college units.
• Courses are not transferable to college programs and will not fulfill course
requirements for a college degree.
• Courses are held during a 12-week trimester (Fall, Winter and Spring).
Summer session is 6-weeks. Not all classes are offered in summer.
• All Pharmacy Technician classes are offered at the Anaheim Campus.
• Externships are completed at institutional and community pharmacies
with whom SCE has a contractual relationship.
Certificate Program Requirements
All requirements must be completed within five (5) years
Nine (9) required courses for State registration:
MEOC 130 Introduction to Pharmacy Technician
MEOC 104 Medical Terminology
MEOC 140 Pharmaceutical Mathematics
MEOC 121 Pharmacology I
MEOC 122 Pharmacology II
MEOC 135 Human Relations for Healthcare Workers
MEDO 230 Pharmacy Operations Lab
MEDO 220 Out-Patient Lab for the Pharmacy Technician
MEDO 221 In- Patient Lab for the Pharmacy Technician
Requirements continued…
Keyboarding Proficiency Requirement: (one of the following)
- Pass a 3 minute, 30 net words per minute (nwpm) keyboarding proficiency
- Receive a passing grade in COMP 685 Beginning Keyboarding
Externships are optional, but highly recommended. Upon completion of the
externship component, ASHP accredited program requirements are met.
MEDO 317 Out-Patient Externship for the Pharmacy Technician (120 hours)
MEDO 316 In-Patient Externship for the Pharmacy Technician (200 hours)
It is recommended that students begin with Introduction to Pharmacy
Technician and/or Medical Terminology. Completion time varies based on
your individual situation.
• Some classes have a "prerequisite" which means the student must have
certain knowledge before entering the course.
• Prerequisites are requirements that will prepare you to take the next
• If a class requires a prerequisite, you will be blocked from registering
for that class until the prerequisite has been completed.
• Students must take prerequisites before they can enroll in certain
• Check the specific class that you would like to register for any
• If you are still unsure if a class has a prerequisite, meet with a counselor
for assistance.
Program Costs
SCE Pharmacy Technician classes are offered at no charge to the student.
The classes are FREE!
Students are required to pay for:
• Lab coat- Call the bookstore for current lab coat cost (714-808-4675).
• Required textbooks
• Student Parking Permit if you plan to park your car on the school's
parking lots. Permits can be purchased at the Admissions and
Registration counter located at all 3 centers.
-Day permits are $2 or $35 for a half yearly permit
(January - June and July - December).
-The permit allows you to park at both Cypress and Fullerton
College campuses.
• A Hold on your account means that you have outstanding fees/fines.
• You may have a hold on your account if you owe fees at either SCE or
at Cypress College or Fullerton College.
• Holds MUST BE cleared prior to registration for an Assessment
• Visit the Admissions and Registration counter at any SCE Center for
Challenge Exams
Medical Terminology or Pharmaceutical Math Challenge Exams
You may take the Medical Terminology Challenge Exam if:
• You have successfully completed a medical terminology course at
another educational institution, or are a medical professional.
You may take the Pharmaceutical Mathematics Challenge Exam if:
• You have successfully completed a Pharmaceutical Math course at
another educational institution.
Taking the Medical Terminology or Pharmacy Math Challenge
• Schedule a 1 hour appointment with a SCE counselor PRIOR to
beginning the Medical Terminology or Pharmacy Math course.
• If you attend the first day of class, you are no longer eligible to
take the challenge exam.
• You may take the challenge exam only once.
• Bring acceptable documentation to the appointment. Exams will
not be administered without this documentation.
Acceptable documents can be one of the following:
Unofficial transcript
Certificate of completion
Professional license
How to Register
Step 1- Banner ID
Apply for a Banner identification (ID) number (formally called Student
ID or User ID) at the Admissions and Registration counter located at all
3 centers or online at
• You cannot register for classes without a Banner ID number.
• DO NOT wait until registration day to obtain a Banner ID number as
the process can take up to 48 hours for you to receive your ID number.
• If you have a Fullerton or Cypress College ID number, you can use the
same ID number as a student enrolling at SCE.
Keyboarding Proficiency Exam
Taking the Keyboarding Proficiency Exam:
• No appointment is necessary.
• Visit the Business/Computer Skills Lab at the Anaheim or
Wilshire centers and ask to take the exam for the Pharmacy
Technician Program.
• You may take it multiple times until you pass.
Step 2- Online Orientation
Complete the Online Pharmacy Technician Orientation and pass the
• You must complete the orientation and pass the quizzes in order
to register for classes.
• If you do not meet both requirements and try to register, you will
receive an error message ("cohort restriction") and you will not be
able to register for the classes.
Step 3- Online Registration
• Do not wait until Registration day to learn how to register.
• Attend an Online Registration Workshop located at the SCE
Anaheim Campus.
• See the current SCE Class Schedule for Registration Workshops
times and room locations.
• Or view the Registration Tutorial Video for instructions on “How
to Register” via the SCE webpage
• Pharmacy Technician Registration is online and first-come/firstserved.
• Registration opens at 7:00 a.m.
• Classes fill very quickly! (within minutes!!) Be Ready
Contact Information
SCE Anaheim Campus, 1830 W. Romneya Drive, Anaheim, CA 92801
• Career Technical Education (CTE) Office, Room 513 (5th Floor)
(714) 808-4915 or via email at [email protected]
- The CTE Office handles the overall management of the Pharmacy
Technician Certificate program.
• Career and Counseling Office, Room 215 (2nd Floor)
- The Career and Counseling Office can assist with program
planning, academic advising and connect you with other student
service resources, such as the Learning Center, the ESL Lab, and
the Disabled Student Programs and Services.
- Call (714) 808-4682 to make an appointment with an SCE
Counselor. Counselors can help you with the following:
Academic Support
Career Counseling
College Counseling
Program and Course Advisement
Student Education Plans