PTSD - Collaborative Family Healthcare Association

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Transcript PTSD - Collaborative Family Healthcare Association

Session # G3a Van Dyke
Friday, October 11, 2013
Anne Van Dyke, Ph.D, ABPP
Amber Gruber, D.O.
Captain Michael Gruber
Collaborative Family Healthcare Association 15th Annual Conference
October 10-12, 2013
Broomfield, Colorado U.S.A.
We have not had any relevant financial relationships
during the past 12 months.
 To
increase awareness of the prevalence and
impact of Combat PTSD on the individual &
 To
understand the scope of specialized medical
and mental health services needed for
returning war veterans & their families
 To
increase the ability of health care providers
to effectively diagnose & treat Combat PTSD
from a biopsychosocial model
Audience Question & Answer
Diagnosis of Combat PTSD can be a hopeful one
Concept of “Posttraumatic Growth” in combat veterans
involves 3 growth processes:
• Strength through suffering
 confidence to face future struggles
• Existential reevaluation
 gaining of wisdom, life satisfaction, new purpose in
• Psychological preparedness
 Rebuilding core beliefs about oneself and one’s life
 Past
10 yrs ~ 3 million U.S. military veterans in
Operation Iraqi Freedom & Operation
Enduring Freedom
 Up
to 19% of returning veterans report
problems of depression, anxiety &/or PTSD
 Veterans
w/ PTSD report poorer health, more
days off work, somatic complaints, depression,
substance abuse & interpersonal difficulties
 Improvements
in combat armor, vehicles and
evacuation systems -> “survivable” injuries
 Most
 More
common injuries = PTSD and TBI
systemic diseases being seen in veterans
due to prolonged & unrelenting stress –
elevated cholesterol, triglycerides, HTN, DM
George Washington era: “nostalgia”
Civil War days: “Soldier’s Heart”
WWI: “Shell Shock”
WWII & Vietnam: “Battle Fatigue”
PTSD formally recognized and named 10 yrs
after leaving Vietnam
 is now the 50th anniversary of Vietnam War
currently under consideration to reduce stigma
SORT: Key Recommendation for Practice
Clinical Recommendation
Returning service members who were in life C
threatening situations or those where serious
injury could occur should be screened
for PTSD
Quinlan et al. Care of the returning veteran. Am Fam Physician Jul 1; 82(1):4349, 2010.
 Substance
abuse to help control “biphasic”
trauma response of emotional dysregulation
• Hypervigilance, agitation, obsessive thinking vs. lethargy,
depression, dissociation
 Depression
 Social
and Anxiety
& interpersonal difficulties
 Increased
suicide risk without proper
What are adaptive and potentially life-saving behaviors
in combat become “symptoms” in civilian life
 Hypervigilance
 Hyperarousal
 Channeling of anger
 Shutting off emotion (numbing)
 Replay/rehearse responses to danger
 Limited sleep
 Reversed sleep pattern
Important not to dismiss PTSD possibility in
those not directly involved on the battlefield
‘System at War’ involves non-combat oriented
Military Operations Specialty such as security
detail, medics & food service
tx with sufficient empirical evidence
• Prolonged Exposure Therapy – in vivo, imaginal,
Cognitive Processing Therapy – psychoeducation,
narration, reframing negative thoughts and outcome
• 12 sessions 60 to 90 minutes each
effective trauma intervention
 National
Competency Based Staff Training from
the VA … only 10% of mental health providers
report providing manualized PTSD tx
 Evolving
area of research
 Changes
in hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal
 Alteration in serotonergic and noradrenergic
neurotransmitter systems
 Ultimately compromising memory processing,
emotional reactivity, learning & behavioral
 Currently
Paroxetine (Paxil) and Sertraline
(zoloft) are the ONLY Medications approved
for the treatment of PTSD
 18 RCTs to date
 Short term treatment of PTSD
 29.4% remission rate with paxil alone at 12
 No difference in 20 mg vs 40 mg of paxil
 No difference in remission rate if comorbid
Unknown how long to treat.
 1 year based on expert opinion
 High risk of relapse
SSRI: paroxetine (Paxil), sertraline (Zoloft) (LOE A)
*SNRI: venlafaxine (Effexor) (LOE A)
*Mirtazapine (Remeron) (LOE B)
*Alpha-blocker: prazosin (minipress) for
refractory patients who cannot sleep (LOE B)
*Anti-psychotic agents if psychotic symptoms
*Add olanzapine if refractory to 12 weeks of SSRI
 Acts
via serotonin system
 Alternative to SSRI and Venlafaxine
 Primary SE: sedation
 Sexual SE less than SSRI/SNRI
 Additional SE: weight gain
 NO
EVIDENCE for benzodiazepines!!
 May interfere with PE therapy because they
suppress fear extinction
 Medical
management difficult
 Divalproex and respiradone have failed to
show efficacy
 Psychotherapy, behavioral interventions and
use of different first line agents more effective.
+ comorbid substance abuse
 Afghanistan/Iraq veterans with comorbid
Traumatic Brain Injuries (Prolonged Post
Concussive Syndrome)
 Tele-mental Health video conference
Insufficient evidence to support behavioral
family therapy or couples therapy
S.A.F.E. (Support And Family Education)
Multi-session group therapy for family
members of the mentally ill (PTSD, bipolar,
schizophrenic, MDD)
14 sessions with educational material
4 workshops to teach specific skills training to
minimize stressful home scenarios
 Hotline
to help family members of vets to get
access to their V.A. Benefits
 Local
vs. non-local spouses
 Seminar
 Call
list of other spouses
 Informal
gatherings organized by the most
senior officer’s spouse
 Depends
on military branch
 Pre-entry
 Reunion “honeymoon”
 Disruption phase
 Communication
 New “normal”
 Recognizing/diagnosing PTSD
 Training in EB treatments
 Treating complicated patients
 Recognition of problem
 Stigma associated with seeking help
 Accessing services
Ruzek J, Hamblen J.(2012).Improving Care for Veterans with PTSD. National Center for PTSD
Fragmented military medical care
(deployment, changing assignments, discharge
Stigma of weakness in military culture
Military care model: free, as needed, care
management coordination w/ employer, appts
part of work day
Civilian care model: can be overwhelming
initially and avoided
 Bio
 Disclaimer
 My
 Basic
Training to the Battle field to Going Back
 Generation PTSD?
 The patient’s perspective
 Obstacles to Care
 What works and what doesn’t work
 Resources
 Volunteer
 Location
 Family
 Education
 Race
 History
doesn’t include “Coward”
 Increased awareness brings soldiers in for
 Causes
 Symptoms
 Obstacles
 (blog of Mike Piro,
Army combat veteran) (U.S. Dept
Veteran Affairs Nat’l Ctr for PTSD: PTSD Resources
m (link for physicians who want to learn more about
using CBT in patient care)
ical.asp (U.S. Dept Veteran Affairs Nat’l Ctr for
PTSD: Biology of PTSD
Bulin T, Zawalski L. Biopsychosocial challenges
in primary care for the combat PTSD patient
from a social work and psychiatry perspective.
Osteopathic Family Physician 4:36-43, 2012
Perterson A, Luethcke C et al. Assessment and
treatment of combat-related PTSD in returning
war veterans. J Clin Psychol Med Setting
18:164-175, 2011
Tedeschi R. Posttraumatic Growth in Combat
Veterans. J Clin Psychol Med Settings 18:137144, 2011
Hetrick, SE “ Combined pharmacotherapy and
psychological therapies for PTSD (Review), Cochrane
Ipser, JC “Evidence-based pharmacotherapy of PTSD”
International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology
Jeffreys, M “Pharmacotherapy for PTSD: Review with
clinical applications” JRRD, vol 49, Number 5, 2012
Monson, CM “Couple/family therapy for PTSD: Review
to facilitate interpretation of VA/DOD Clinical Practice
Guideline” JRRD, vol 49 number 5, 2012
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