in Pediatrics
Prof. Unn Hidle
Updated Spring 2010
Congenital Heart Disease
Incidence 5-8/1000 live births
>35 well-recognized defects, but most
common is Ventricular Septal Defect
Etiology in 90% of CHD is unknown
Multifactorial: Genetic and environmental
Acyanotic VS Cyanotic
Cyanosis may occur as a later sign in
“acyanotic” conditions.
Cyanotic conditions may appear “pink” or
of normal skin color
Classification system based on
hemodynamic characteristics is better
(blood flow patterns):
Increased pulmonary blood flow
Decreased pulmonary blood flow
Obstruction to blood flow out of the heart
Mixed blood flow (saturated and desaturated)
Increased pulmonary blood flow OR
obstruction of blood flow from ventricles
LEFT to RIGHT cardiac shunting (except
when there is an obstruction)
Often leads to CHF because excess blood
is going to the pulmonary circulation
Murmurs are commonly auscultated
– Blood is shunted to the right side of the
heart because the left side is normally
functioning under a higher pressure
than the right
– Oxygenated and unoxygenated blood
mix, which results in increased
pulmonary blood flow because the
opening sends more blood to the right
side of the heart than normal
Types of L-to-R shunting
Atrial-Septal Defect (ASD)
Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)
Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA)
Atrioventricular Canal Defect (AVCD)
Obstructive/stenotic lesions
Narrowing or constriction of an opening in
a valve or vessel that results in obstruction
of blood flow through the area
Aortic Stenosis
Pulmonary Stenosis
Coarctation of the Aorta
Overall Assessment:
L-to-R or Obstructive
May be asymptomatic
May show signs and symptoms of CHF
May exhibit failure to thrive
Growth retardation
Poor eating
Assess respiratory status for the presence of
nasal flaring and use of accessory muscle
Auscultate lungs for the presence of crackles and
Assess for signs of CHF such as fluid retention in
the eyes, hands, feet, and chest
Assess for diuresis
Assess urine output; weighing diapers is
Assess calorie intake
Plan interventions to allow maximal rest for the
Allow parent or child if appropriate to verbalize
feelings and concerns regarding disorder
RIGHT to LEFT cardiac shunt
– Occur when blood is shunted to the left side of
the heart because one of the right heart
chambers has a higher pressure
– Oxygenated blood mixes with unoxygenated
blood; cyanosis occurs
– Decreased pulmonary blood flow or mixed
blood flow
– Deoxygenated blood is circulating where
oxygenated blood should
Usually does not lead to CHF
Types of R- to – L shunting
Tetralogy of Fallot (both)
Transposition of the Great Arteries
Truncus Arteriosus
Pulmonary Atresia
Tricuspid Atresia
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
– Symptoms occur in the first week of life
– Dyspnea after feeding, crying, or other
– Hypercyanotic or “tet spells” (blue spells)
characterized by increased respiratory rate and
depth and increased hypoxemia with TOF
– Squatting episodes with tetralogy of Fallot
– Signs of CHF
– Respiratory distress
– Clubbing of digits
– Poor growth
– Tachycardia
Monitor vital signs
Monitor respiratory status notifying physician if
any changes occur
Auscultate breath sounds for crackles or rales
Keep child as stress free as possible
If respiratory effort is increased, place child in
reverse Trendelenburg (elevate head and upper
body) to decrease the work of breathing
Monitor for hypercyanosis and place child in
knee-chest position and notify physician
Administer humidified oxygen as prescribed
Provide endotracheal tube and ventilator
care as prescribed and restrain hands of
intubated child
Monitor for signs of CHF
Monitor body weight (daily weight)
Monitor I&O and notify physician if a
decrease in urine output occurs
Palpate liver noting enlargement, which is
an indication of right-sided heart failure
Administer diuretics as prescribed
CHF – What do you think?
When children develop congestive heart
failure from a congenital heart defect, the
failure is usually:
– Right-sided only
– Left-sided only
– Cor pulmonale
– Both Right- and Left-sided
– Inability of the heart to pump sufficiently to
meet the metabolic needs of the body
– Increased right ventricular workload leading to
right sided heart failure
– In infants and children, inadequate cardiac
output is most commonly caused by congenital
heart defects that produce an excessive
volume or pressure load on the myocardium
– In children a combination of both left-sided
and right-sided heart failure is usually present
Congestive Heart Failure
Common causes
– Volume overload – especially in L-to-R
– Pressure overload – obstructive lesion (i.e.
coarctation of the aorta)
– Decreased contractility – cardiac myopathy or
myocardial ischemia
– High cardiac output demands
Mostly seen in L-to-R shunting
Congestive Heart Failure
Assessment of Early and Late Symptoms
Arrhythmia – gallop (S3 and S4)
Poor perfusion
Mild cyanosis
Tachypnea leading to dyspnea during feeding
Poor feeding
Poor weight gain due to increased metabolic
rate – FIRST SIGN!
– Activity intolerance
– Diaphoresis during feeding
Congestive Heart Failure
Cough/hoarseness (pressure on the laryngeal nerves)
Hepatosplenomegaly due to pooling of blood in the
portal circulation and accumulation in the hepatic tissue
Edema / weight gain from Na and H2O retention
Pleaural effusion
Distended neck and peripheral veins from consistent
increased CVP
Prolonged CHF leads to developmental delays
Congestive Heart Failure
Commonly used term for CHF is cor
pulmonale resulting from obstructive lung
disease (i.e. Cystic fibrosis or
bronchopulmonary dysplasia)
– Based on clinical S/S
– CXR: cardiomegaly and increased pulmonary
vascular marking
– EKG: ventrcular hypertrophy (arrhythmias)
Implementation goals:
– To improve cardiac function
– To remove fluid and Na
– To decrease cardiac demands
– To improve tissue oxygenation and
decrease oxygen consumption
Congestive Heart Failure
– Elevate the head of the bed
– Administer oxygen as prescribed during
stressful periods such as bouts of crying or
invasive procedures
– Feed in a relaxed environment
– Provide small frequent feedings, which will be
less tiring
– Monitor STRICT I&O and DAILY WEIGHT to
assess for fluid retention
– Weigh diapers
Implementation (cont’d)
– Monitor for facial or peripheral edema,
auscultate lung sounds, and report
weight gain to physician
– Monitor electrolyte levels
– Treat existing infections
– Instruct parents regarding diagnosis
and administration of medications
– Instruct parents CPR
Medications used in CHF
DIGOXIN: Know your Dig!
– Cardiac glycoside = improves function;
strengthens heart muscle; slows down heart
– Therapeutic serum level: 0.8 – 2.0 ng/ml
– Monitor EKG rhythm for desired effect (i.e. if
prolonged P-R interval = hold and notify MD)
– Monitor AHR (i.e. bradycardia = hold dose) –
know your child’s normal HR range
Medications cont.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE inhibitors)
– Inhibits the normal function of the reninangiotensin system in the kidneys
– Blocks angiotensin II so instead of
vasoconstriction, vasodilatation occurs and
arteries opens (decreased BP; improved
systemic circulation; decreased afterload and
decreased R-L arterial pressure)
– Examples Captopril (Capoten); Enalapril
(Vasotec) and Lisinopril (Zestil) = most
common (QD)
Medications cont.
– Furosemide (Lasix) = potassium wasting
– Spironolactone (Aldactone) = potassium
sparing --- Be careful with IV additives!
What do you think?
The two main angiotensin-converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors most commonly
used for children with CHF are:
– Digoxin and captopril
– Enalapril and Captopril
– Enalapril and furosemide
– Spironlolactone and captopril
What do you think?
The calories are usually increased for an
infant with CHF by:
– Increasing the frequency of feedings
– Introducing solids into the diet
– Increasing the density of the formula
– Gastrostomy feedings
Treatment Options For Various
PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosis)
Indomethacin (Indocin)
Prostaglandin E1
Coil embolization
VATS = Video-assisted throacoscopic surgery
ASD (Atrial Septal Defect)
– Cardiac catheterization
– Laparoscopic techniques
– Sternotomy (“open heart”)
Cardiac Catheterization
Video Assisted Thorascopic Surgery
VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect)
– Some close on their own
– Diuretics
– Cadiotonics: Ca Channel Blockers
(Nifedipine or Procardia)
– If surgery, then similar to ASD
Aortic and Pulmonic Stenosis
– Balloon angioplasty
Balloon Angioplasty
What do you think?
Coarctation of the aorta should be
suspected when:
– The BP in the arms is different from the BP in
the legs
– The BP in the R-arm is different from the BP
in the L-arm
– Apical pulse is greater than the radial pulse
– Point of maximum impulse is shifted to the
Coarctation of the Aorta
– Specific S/S: Increased BP and bounding
pulses in upper extremities and
decreased BP and weak/absent pulses
(femoral) in lower extremities
– Balloon angioplasty
– Surgical intervention = end-to-end
Resection & End-to-End
Atroventricular Canal (AVC) defect
– Complete surgical repair in infancy
– Palliative if older
TOF (Tetrology of Fallot)
– Palliative surgery (Blalock-Taussig
– Corrective open-heart surgery /
Complete Transposition of Great Vessel
– NO communication b/t systemic and
pulmonary circulation
– Repair WITHIN HOURS! Not conductive with
– Palliative procedure = pulmonary artery
– Corrective surgery = arterial switch procedure
Truncus Arteriosus
– EXTENSIVE surgical treatment
Pulmonary Atresia
– EXTENSIVE surgical treatment
Tricuspid Atresia
– Palliative and EXTENSIVE surgical treatment
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)
– Multiple stage surgery
– Heart transplantation
Endocardial Cushing
– Total mixing of blood = EXTENSIVE surgical
What do you think?
Chronic hypoxemia is clinically manifested
by which of the following signs?
– Squatting
– Polycythemia
– Clubbing
– All of the above
Cardiac Surgery
Implementation PRE-OPERATIVELY
– Similar as with CHF
Remember HOB elevated / high Fowlers with
acyanotic conditions and knee-chest position
(squatting) with cyanotic conditions – GENERALLY!
– Prepare for procedure
Developmentally appropriate teaching
Preparing what is to be expected post-operatively
– Equipment
– Pulmonary exercises
What do you think?
The MOST painful part of cardiac surgery
for the child is usually the
– Thoracotomy incision site
– Graft site on the leg
– Sternotomy incision site
– Intravenous insertion sites
– Monitor vital signs frequently (as per policy)
– Monitor temperature – report ANY fevers! **
Usually low-grade fevers are accepted in 1st 24 hours
(i.e. 101-101.5F)
– Maintain aseptic technique
– Monitor for signs of sepsis such as fever, chills,
diaphoresis, lethargy, and altered levels of
Postoperatively (cont’d)
– Monitor equipment:
Cardiac monitor
IV lines (CVL, PIVL, CVP, A-lines)
ET tube
Chest tube **** see X-ray ****
Thoracotomy: Chest tube
Postoperatively (cont’d)
– Assess for signs of discomfort such as
irritability, changes in heart rate, respiratory
rate and blood pressure, and inability to sleep
– Sedation
– Pain
– Antibiotics and antipyretics as prescribed
– Encourage rest periods
– Facilitate parent-child contact as soon a
What do you think?
An infant who weighs 7 kg has just
returned to the ICU following cardiac
surgery. The chest tube has drained 30 ml
in the past hour. In this situation, what is
the FIRST action for the nurse to take?
– Notify the surgeon
– Identify any other signs of hemorrhage
– Suction the patient
– Identify any other signs of renal failure
MOST IMPORTANT: Follow individualized plan!
Omit play outside for “several weeks”
Avoid activities where the child could fall, such
as bike riding, for a period of time
Avoid crowds in the immediate time after
Follow a no added salt diet if prescribed
Do not add any new foods to the infant’s eating
Do not place creams, lotions, or powders
on incision until completely healed
Child may return to school 2-3 weeks after
discharge starting (depending on type of
procedure and “individualized plan”)
No physical education until cleared by MD
Instruct parents to discipline the child
Instruct parents about the importance
Avoid immunizations, invasive procedures,
and dental visits for 2 months
Advise parents regarding the importance
of a dental visit every 6 months after age 3
and to inform the dentist of the cardiac
problem so that antibiotics can be
prescribed if necessary (new guidelines
regarding prophylactic antibiotics)
Inform parents to call the physician when
coughing, tachypnea, cyanosis, vomiting,
diarrhea, anorexia, pain, fever, or any
swelling, redness, or drainage occurs at
the site of the incision
Critical Thinking
Tommy, a 4-year old with TOF has just returned
from the catheterization laboratory. He has
vomited, and his mother calls you to the bedside
to tell you that he is bleeding. You arrive to find
Tommy crying and sitting up in a puddle of blood.
What is the FIRST thing you should do?
Increase the rate of his IV fluids
Give an antiemetic and keep Tommy NPO
Call the cardiologist
Lie Tommy down and apply direct pressure above the
catheterization site
Cardiac Catheterization
– History including allergies
– Ht / Wt
– NPO X 8 hours
– Mark pulse location
– Prepare for administration of analgesics
/ sedatives / anxiolytics
– Monitor distal pulses and VS (BP)
– Monitor perfusion: temperature and
color of affected extremity and compare
– Dressing for bleeding
– Leg extended straight for 4-6 hours
– Strict I&O
– Encourage voiding to remove dye
– Analgesics
An inflammatory “autoimmune disease” that
affects the connective tissues of the heart,
joints, subcutaneous tissues, and/or blood
vessels of the CNS
Presents 2 to 6 weeks following an untreated or
partially treated group A beta-hemolytic
streptococcal infection of the upper respiratory
Serious complication is rheumatic heart disease,
which affects the cardiac valves
Clinical Manifestation
– Starts with URI
– Inflammatory hemorrhagic bullous lesions
called Aschoff bodies are formed, which
causes swelling, fragmentation and alteration
in the connective tissues (circulatory system,
brain, pleura and joints)
– Fibrous tissue forms causing valve stenosis
and occlusion of blood flow = murmur
– Carditis is the end result
What do you think?
One of the most common findings on
physical examination of the child with
acute rheumatic heart disease is
– A Systolic murmur
– Pleural friction rub
– An ejection click
– A split S2
Rheumatic Fever
Edema, inflammation of large joints
Joint pain
Pallor and weakness
Anorexia, weight loss
Erythematous macular rash on trunk and extremities
Subcutaneous nodules in the joints, scalp, and spine
Abdominal pain
Systolic murmur, tachycardia
Pericardial rub
c/o chest pain (pericarditis)
Diagnostic Evaluation
No single S/S or lab test:
– Based on diagnostic guidelines set by the American
Heart Association (Jones criteria):
– Increased Anti-Streptolysin-O titers (ASLO)
Measure of antibodies formed against streptolysin-O (streptococcal
extracellular product which produces lysis of RBC).
Formed within 7 days and peaks at 4-6 weeks.
Reliable test in evidence of recent streptococcal infection
Normal value is 0-120 TODD units. Value >333 = RF
2 tests are required to confirm diagnosis
Increased C-Reactive Protein (CRP)
Increased Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR)
Prolonged P-R interval
Antibiotics for Strep (PCN or Erythromycin)
Antibiotics prophylactically (teaching)
Bedrest until afebrile
Salicylates (Aspirin) is used for the INFLAMMATORY PROCESS to
decrease fever and comfort (** Pediatrics + Aspirin = Reye’s
syndrome – toxic encephalopathy) – This is an exception!!!
– Steroids (i.e. prednisone) to decrease inflammation
– Administer anti-inflammatory agents as prescribed and if aspirin
is prescribed, it should not be given to a child who has chicken
pox or other viral infections
– Initiate seizure precautions if the child is experiencing chorea
Complications of Rheumatic Fever
– Edema, inflammation and effusion of joint tissue
– Lat approx. 2 days after fever
Erythema marginatum
– Erythematous macules (clear center)
Subcutaneous nodules
– 0.5-1cm non-tender swelling nodules that resolves
– Endocardium, pericardium and myocardium
CNS involvement
– CNS irritability = Sydenham’s Chorea (St Vitus Dance): Sudden,
aimless movements of extremities, facial grimacing and
An acquired heart disease with progressive
inflammation of the vessels and damage
to their walls
Believed to be caused by a noncontagious
Without treatment, 20-25% develop
cardiac sequela
The leading cause of heart disease in the
US and Japan
What do you think?
The peak age for the incidence of
Kawasaki disease isin the
– Infant age group
– Toddler age Group
– School age group
– Adolescent age group
Diagnosis of Kawasaki Disease
No specific diagnostic test
Dx is based on clinical signs & symptoms
– Fever for > 5 days
– Bilateral conjunctival injection (inflammation) without
– “Strawberry tongue”
– Change in extremities: peripheral edema, erythema of
palms and soles; desquamation of hands
– Polymorphous rash
– Cervical lymphadenopathy (one lymph node >1.5cm)
3 Phases of Kawasaki
ACUTE PHASE (1-2 weeks)
Abrupt onset of high fever >5 days
No response to antipyretics or antibiotics
Bulbar conjunctiva with erythema and tearing
Inflamed pharynx
Red, cracked lips
“Strawberry tongue”
Desquamation of hands and feet
Cervical lymphadenopathy
VERY irritable and inconsolable
– Myocarditis, CHF and temporary arthritis
– EKG changes (ischemia)
Kawasaki Disease
SUBACUTE PHASE (2 to 6-8 weeks)
Fever resolves and s/s begins to disappear
Still irritable
Risk of developing coronary artery aneurysm
Thrombocytosis and hypercoagulability = coronary
– Arthritis continues
Lab results
– CBC: anemia and leukocytosis
– Increased ESR
– Transient elevated LFTs
Kawasaki Disease
– All clinical s/s are gone
– This phase is completed when blood values
return to normal; usually 6-8 weeks after
– There is always a high risk of MI that remains
Treatment of Kawasaki
High dose IV immune globulin (IVIG) given
within 10 days of infection. One infusion of 2
Gm/Kg over 10 hours.
High dose aspirin for the first 2 weeks
– Decreases fever, edema and inflammation
This combination tends to show good results
within 24 hours
After 2 weeks of high dose aspirin, change to
low dose for the next 4-6 weeks (prevent clots)
Anticoagulation therapy (Coumadine) may be
What do you think?
Because of the drug used for long-term
therapy, children with Kawasaki disease
are at risk for
– Chicken pox
– Influenza
– Reye syndrome
– Myocardial infarction
Kawasaki - Nursing
Teach to restrict physical activity due to increased bleeding
Monitor cardiac status (CHF)
Symptom relief
– Fever reduction
– Mouth care
Discharge teaching
– Irritability may last up to 2 months
– No live immunizations until about 5 months (11 months for Varicella and
– PROM exercises
– Assess for aspirin toxicity (tinnitus, H/A, dizziness and confusion)
– Usually full recovery
Hematologic Disorders
Sickle Cell Anemia
Sickle Cell Anemia
Normal adult hemoglobin (HgbA) is partly
or completely replaced by abnormal sickl
hemoglobin (HgbS)
Sickle cell trait is the heterozygous form
Primarily seen in the African American
The RBCs are “sickled” and cannot carry
enough Hgb
They are destroyed earlier than normal
Sickle Cell Anemia
Two main occurrences:
– OBSTRUCTION from sickled RBCs
Sickled cells causes vaso-occlusion = vasoocclusive crisis (“sickle cell crisis”)
Results in local hypoxia leading to tissue
ischemia and infarction (cellular death)
Can be life threatening
S/S of Sickle Cell Anemia
– Splenic sequestial crisis from engorgement with sickled cells
(enlarged and no function)
– By age 5 years, functional cells are replaced by fibrotic tissue =
functional ASPLENIA
– Prone to infection
– Hepatomegaly from extensive lysis of RBC
– Development of gallstones (obstruction)
– Kidney ischemia leads to hematuria and decreased renal function
– Nephrotic syndrome
– Bone changes due to bone marrow’s hyperplastic production of
RBC to compensate for destruction of sickled cells
– Bone marrow crisis (aplastic crisis) – may lead to osteoporosis
– Lordosis and kyphosis
– Osteomylitis secondary to chronic hypoxiap
– CVA due to occlusion, ischemia and infarction
– Cardiomegaly – from chronic anemia
– Systolic flow murmur
– May lead to MI
Sickle Cell Anemia
4 Types of Sickle Cell Crisis
Vaso-occlusive crisis
– Most common and non-life threatening
– PAIN (joints; abdomen)
– Priapism
Spenic Sequestration crisis
– More severe
– Blood pools in spleen and causes quick drop
in blood volume = hypotension and
hypovolemic shock
Other manifestations
Exercise intolerance
Jaundice / icteric sclera
Leg ulcers
Growth retardations (height and weight)
Delayed sexual maturation
Decreased fertility
Aplastic crisis
– BM crisis: decreased RBC production
– Triggered by viral infection: human parvovirus
– Increased destruction of RBCs leads to anemia
(megaloblastic anemia resulting from folic acid and
Vit. B deficiency)
– PRBC transfusion usually required
Hyperhemolytic crisis
– Very rare
– Decreased production of non-sickled RBC & overall
hyperplastic production
– Accelerated rate of RBC destruction and BM tries to
replace dead RBC
Diagnosis of SCA
Blood smear
– View sickled cells
– Hgb electrophoresis = “fingerprints” which detects
different types of Hgb (A=Adult; F=Fetal; S=sickled)
– Increased WBC, Platelets and Iron
– Perinatally through amniocentesis and CVS
Signs and symptoms
– Pain: joints, back and abdomen
Intervention for Sickle Cell Crisis
Hydration to prevent sickling of cells
Prevent acidosis: O2 supplementation
Supplement with Folic acid
Bedrest to decrease energy expenditure
PRBC transfusion prn (maintain Hgb >10mg/dl)
Analgesics / Opioids
Heat for relief of joint pain
Strict I&O and monitor weight
Regular eye exam: damage to the retina
What do you think?
Infants are often not diagnosed with sickle cell
anemia until they are 1 year of age. Why?
– Usually there are no symptoms until after age 1 year
– High intake of fluids from formulas prevents sickle cell
crises during this age.
– Fetal Hemoglobin is present during the first year of
– Increased hemoglobin and hematocrit amounts
compensate during this period
– In children < 5 years old (remember, they have
functional asplenia > 5 years of age)
– May be life saving! Spleen is the major site of sickling
and destruction of RBC
Prophylactic PO Penicillin
– Reduce the chance of pneumococcal sepsis
– HIB (Haemophilus influenza type B)
– Meningococcal
Bone Marrow Transplant
Complications of SCA
– Sickled cells block major vessels to the brain
– Resembles pneumonia
– May lead to restrictive lung disease and
pulmonary hypertension
– Due to defective splenic function
– May cause death in children <5 years
What do you think?
Pat is a 4 year old being admitted because
of diminished RBC production triggered by
a viral infection. What type of sickle cell
crisis is she most likely experiencing?
– Vasoocclusive crisis
– Splenic sequestration crisis
– Aplastic Crisis
– Hyperhemolytic crisis
What do you think?
Therapeutic management of sickle cell
crisis generally includes which one of the
– Long-term oxygen use to enable the oxygen
to reach the sickled RBCs
– Decrease in fluids to increase
– Diet high in iron to decrease anemia
– Bed rest to minimize energy Expenditure
A group of bleeding disorders resulting
from a congenital deficiency of specific
coagulation proteins
Excessive uncontrollable bleeding!
X-linked recessive trait: MOTHER passes it
on to SON
– Boys (XY): Hemophilia is transmitted on X
– Girls (XX): Inherits the carrier status ONLY
Two types of Hemophilia
Hemophilia A
– Classic hemophilia
– Most common – 75%
– Deficiency in clotting Factor VIII
Hemophilia B
– Also called “Christmas disease”
– Deficiency of clotting Factor IX
Diagnosis of Hemophilia
Based on history of bleeding
Abnormal PTT
– Prolonged > 40 seconds -- (Normal = 30-40
Platelet function
– Normal
Specific tests for factor VIII and IX assay
DNA testing
Signs and symptoms
– Excessive bleeding at umbilical or circumcision site
Excessive bleeding anywhere in the body
Melena (black, tarry feces)
Hemarthrosis = joint bleeding
Very painful
Dangerous = blood loss
Bone changes and cripling deformities over years
Treatment of Hemophilia
Main focus: replacement of missing clotting factors
Blood transfusion for Factors VIII or IX
Cryoprecipitate (plasma derivative with factor VIII): NO
LONGER RECOMMENDED! – cannot guarantee safe
elimination of Hepatitis or HIV
DDAVP (I-deamino-8-D-arginine vasopressin): IV or
– Causes vasoconstriction
– Increases plasma factor VIII
– Plasminogen activator
Analgesics, but NO aspirin
Goal is to prevent bleeding!
Dental care: soft toothbrush
No contact sports
Avoid aspirin
Diet: avoid obesity (stress on joints); iron rich foods
Genetic counseling
Support groups
Teach s/s of bleeding
If bleeding occurs: RICE
R = Rest
I = Ice
C = Compression
E = Elevation
Complications from Hemophilia
Bone changes = crippling deformities
GI hemorrhage
Intracranial bleeding
Bruising over spinal cord = paralysis
Airway obstruction if bleeding in
What do you think?
Which one of the following is the most
frequent form of internal bleeding in the
child with hemophilia?
– Hemarthrosis
– Epistaxis
– Intracranial hemorrhage
– Gastrointestinal tract hemorrhage
Beta (B) Thalassemia Major
Also called Cooley’s anemia
Group of disorders characterized by reduced
production of the globin chains in the synthesis
of hemoglobin (B-chain affected)
Cultures such as Italians, Greeks and Syrian
living near the Mediterranean Sea are affected
Another group is the Alpha, affecting groups
such as Chinese, Thai and Africans
Autosomal recessive trait: both males and
females must be carriers in order to pass it on
Types of Thalassemia
Thalassemia major
Cooley’s anemia
Those who have the diseases
Severe anemia and not compatible with life without transfusion
Thalassemia minor
– Heterozygous
– Have trait only
– Asymptomatic or mild microcytic anemia
Thalassemia intermedia
– Heterozygous
– Moderate to sever anemia and spenomegaly
Hemoglobin electrophoresis (analysis of
protein mixtures) confirms the diagnosis
and distinguishes the type and severity
There is no cure!
Children usually die in late adolescent
Must cope with frequent blood
transfusions in the late stages
Genetic counseling in all types
Signs and symptoms
Fatigue r/t hypoxia
Poor feeding
Neurological impairment r/t hypoxia
Bone and joint pain
Exercise intolerance
Growth retardation
Long term complications
Splenomegaly (splenectomy)
Hepatomegaly: cirrhosis with jaundice (yellow from bilirubin
mixed with retained iron) = Bronze skin color
Weak bones due to osteoporosis = spontaneous fractures
Skeletal changes
Thick cranial bones
Enlarged maxilla
Prominent facial bones
Bossing (but not from hydrocephalus, from bone changes)
“Frankenstein appearance”
“Mongoloid” appearance
– Malocclusion (malposition of mandibular and maxillary teeth)
– “Buck teeth” = crowded and crooked teath
Cardiac abnormalities
– Dysrhythmias
– Fibrotic cardiac muscle
Gall bladder disease
– cholecystectomy
Growth retardation
Endocrine problem (DM) due to iron deposit’s
effect on pancrease
Delayed sexual maturation
– Small genitalia
– Decreased pubic hair
Transfusions are the foundation of medical
management (keep Hgb >9.5)
Iron Chelation theraphy = Deferoxamine
Due to multiple transfusion, iron stores increases
Helps pull iron from tissues and eliminate Fe
Give with oral Vitamin C (to draw iron out of tissues)
It is given either of 2 ways:
SQ – over 8-10 hours 5-7 days/week (during sleep)
IV – over 4 hours
Can also be given as deep IM injection
Prophylactic Antibiotics
Folic acid supplements (Vitamin B9) –
stimulates production of RBCs
Avoid injury, rest, good hygiene and
Avoid infectious persons
Avoid contact sports
Support groups
Genetic counseling
What do you think?
Norma, age 2 years, is to begin therapy for Bthalassemia. Which one of the following would
be appropriate for the nurse to include in the
educational session held with the parents?
– Norma will need frequent blood transfusions to keep
her Hgb level above 12g/dl
– Large doses of vitamin C will be needed throughout
the disease
– Chelation therapy is delayed until after 6 years of age
to promote normal physical development
– To minimize the effect of iron overload, deferoxamine
(Desferal), an Iron-Chelating agent, will be given IV
or SQ
DIC = Disseminated
Intravascular Coagulation
Idopathic Thrombocytopenic
Purpura (ITP)
Aquired hemorrhagic disorder:
Excessive destruction of platelets (thrombocytopenia)
Purpura (petechia), mucocutaneous bleeding
Occasional bleeding into tissues
Normal bone marrow with unusual increase in large, young
Acute or transient
– Acute self limiting: “comes and goes”
– Chronic: “comes and goes” into remission (>6 month duration)
– Acute following viral illnesses such as measles, varicella, mumps
and URI (onset usually 1-4 weeks after the viral illness)
– Suspected that an immune mechanism is the basis for the
Signs and symptoms
Easy bruising especially over bony areas
Bleeding from gums / mucous membranes
Menorrhalgia (painful menstruation)
Intracranial hemorrhage is a rare (<1% of
cases), but serious outcome
Often diagnosed with clinical symptoms
– Platelet count <20,000 m3/dl
– On blood smear, the platelets are large
(megathrombocytes) = increased marrow
Usually occurs around time of puberty
– Danger of bleeding with menses
Excellent prognosis (75% recover)
Sometimes no medical interventions, self-limiting
Restrict activity! Prevention from trauma and bleeding
Corticosteroids: Prednisone; Decadron (Dexamethasone)
– Increases platelet count temporarily
– Avoid long term therapy (usually <3 weeks) in order to decrease side effects:
Bone marrow suppression
Cushingoid changes
Growth failure
Blood transfusion = Only transient benefits
– Given in life threatening situations
Platelet transfusion = Only transient benefits
– Platelets has a short survival
– If unresponsive to treatment
– Usually only with chronic ITP
– Decreased risk for hemorrhage
Chemotherapy agents = Not commonly used
– Vincristine
– Severe side effects
Danazol (danocrine)
– Decreases estrogen and halt menses
IVIG (Gamma Globulin)
– IV administration of antibodies to spare the removal of antibody coated
platelets in the spleen
– Sustained rises of platelet count
– Large doses may induce remission
– Monoclonal antibody
– New and investigational
Sandimmune (cyclosporin)
– Used to prevent organ rejection and inhibit WBC growth factors
Excorim System (Protein A Immunoabsorption)
– Antibody removal system, used mostly in Europe
– Plasmapharesis: Plasma is removed and filtered until desired lowered
immunoglobulin level is achieved:
Plasma is removed and “rinsed” before being re-mixed with blood in the cell separator
and returned to the patient.
The process is performed on-line and continuous until the desired amount of plasma is
– Very noisy, LIJ has it
Anti-D antibody
– Temporary and sometimes long-term elevation of the platelet counts
– Works by coating the RBC and blocking the spleen’s destruction of certain
– By doing so, there is an increase in platelet count within 1-3 days with a peak in
counts 8 days after infusion
– The elevation in platelets last approximately 1 month – longer than IVIG
– Advantage over IVIG in that it is given IV push and IT IS CHEAPER!
– Decrease risk of reaction
– Decrease pain
What do you think?
Which one of the following does the nurse
recognize as true when administering
anti-D antibody for ITP?
– The platelet count will increase immediately
after administration
– Eligible patients include those with lupus
– Bone marrow examination to first rule out
leukemia is necessary before administration
– Pre-medicate the patient with Acetaminophen
before medication is infused.
– Malignant exacerbation in the number of leukocytes,
usually at an immature stage, in the bone marrow
– Affects the bone marrow causing anemia, leukopenia,
the production of immature cells, thrombocytopenia,
and a decline in immunity
– The cause is unknown and appears to involve gene
damage of cells leading to the transformation of cells
from a normal state to a malignant state
Description (cont’d)
– The most common form of childhood cancer
– Peak incidence is age 2-6 years for acute lymphocytic
leukemia (ALL)
– Dramatic improvements in survival rates, 80% (>5
years) due to the extensive research
– Risk factors include genetic, viral, immunologic, and
environmental factors and exposure to radiation,
chemicals, and medications
– Risk factors in children include those with Down’s
syndrome or a twin of a child who has had leukemia
What do you think?
Of the following assessment findings, the
one that would most likely be seen in a
child with leukemia is:
– Weakness of the eye muscle.
– Bruising, nosebleeds, paleness, and fatigue.
– Wheezing and shortness of breath.
– Abdominal swelling
Affects bone marrow = anemia + bleeding
Diagnosis is based on % of blasts
(immature WBC) in the blood
CBC will show
– May have an increased WBC, BUT they are
really leukopenic because the WBC are
– Decreased Hgb/Hct = ANEMIA
– Decreased platelets = thrombocytopenia
Classification of Leukemia
– Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)
Mostly lymphoblasts present in bone marrow
Age of onset is less than 15 years
Usually higher success in treating
3 subtypes (“markers” on cell surface antigens)
84% of the leukemias
Mostly myeloblasts present in bone marrow
Age of onset is between 15 and 39 years
Survival rate is not as positive
8 subtypes
Approximately 20% of the leukemias
– Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML)
– Most of the signs/symptoms are a result of bone
marrow infiltrate
– Anorexia, fatigue, weakness, weight loss
– Pallor and anemia
– Bruising and bleeding from the nose or gums, rectal
bleeding, hematuria
– Prolonged bleeding after minor abrasions or
– Hemorrhage and Petechiae
– Elevated temperature
– Lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly from
marked infiltration. May lead to fibrosis
– Palpitations and tachycardia
– Dyspnea on exertion
– Vague abdominal pain caused by inflammation from
normal flora invading intestinal tract
– Wasting of major organs due to infiltration of
leukemic cells
– Increased ICP if meninges are infiltrated
– CNS: severe headache, vomiting, papilledema (edema
& inflammation of the optic nerve which may result in
blindness), irritability, lethargy and eventually coma
– Muscle wasting, weight loss, anorexia and fatigue
– A major cause of death in the
immunosuppressed child
– Can occur through autocontamination (i.e.
Staph aureus on the skin) or cross
– Most common sites of infection are the skin,
respiratory tract, and GI tract
Neutropenic Diet
Reverse Isolation
Protecting the Child from Infection
Initiate protective isolation procedures
Maintain child in a private room
Frequent and thorough handwashing
Strict aseptic technique for all nursing procedures
Limit the number of caregivers entering the child’s room and
ensure that anyone entering the child’s room is wearing a mask
– Keep supplies for child separate from supplies for other children
– Reduce exposure to environmental organisms by eliminating raw
fruits and vegetables from the diet, and keeping fresh flowers
and standing water out of the child’s room * Neutropenic diet
What do you think?
The severe cellular damage that is caused
by chemotherapy drugs infiltrating into
surrounding tissue occurs when the
chemotherapeutic agent is a(n)
– Hormone
– Steroid
– Vesicant
– antimetabolite
– During the period of greatest bone marrow
suppression (the nadir), the platelet count
may be extremely low
– Children with platelet counts below
20,000/mm3 may need a platelet transfusion
– For children with severe blood loss, packed
red blood cells may be prescribed (for Hgb
Fatigue and Nutrition
– Assist the child in selecting a well-balanced
– Provide small meals that require little chewing
– Assist the child in self-care and mobility
– NORMALIZE their life as much as possible!
– Monitor for severe bone marrow suppression
– Monitor for infection and bleeding
– Protect child from life-threatening infections
for at least 2 to 3 weeks following
– Monitor for nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea
– Assess oral mucous membranes for stomatitis
– Monitor for renal, hepatic, and cardiac toxicity
– Inform parents that hair loss may occur from
– Instruct parents about the care of central
venous access devices as necessary
– Listen and encourage child and family to
verbalize their feelings and express their
– Introduce family to other families of children
with cancer
Treatment (i.e. NYII protocol)
– 4-6 weeks in length
– Goal is to achieve complete remission
Corticosteroid = decrease inflammation
Vincristine and L-asparaginase with or without Doxorubicin
CNS prophylactic therapy: IT (not IV due to the blood-brain
barrier) Methotrexate – given directly into the CSF via LP. It
protects against CNS invasion of leukemic cells. Radiation
used to be done but changed due to long term side effects.
– Goal is met if <5% blasts in BM
– If CNS disease is present, give Sanctuary therapy
= combination of chemotherapy agents, more intense
and therefore need to watch for neurotoxicity
Always concerned about tumor lysis syndrome during
induction therapy
– Caused by sudden, rapid death of cells in response to treatment
and that in terms causes electrolyte and metabolic disturbances
To prevent tumor lysis syndrome:
Alkalanization = 2X IV maintenance therapy with NaHCO3
Allopurinol to decrease uric acid
Amphojel to decrease phosphate
Strict I&O maintaining urine pH >7.5
Tumor lysis syndrome would be a concern with:
Increased Phosphate
Increased Uric Acid
Increased Potassium
Decreased Calcium
– Also called consolidation
– Serves to maintain the remission phase
– Duration may be 2 1/2 to 3 years
– Continue corticosteroids, methotrexate and
Side effects to treatment
– Nausea and vomiting
– Alopescia (temporary)
– Certain agents, i.e cytarabine (cytosin) will cause
peripheral neuropathy with decreased sensation and
Interthecal chemotherapy – Ommaya
resorvoir or LP
– Spinal headache
– Keep flat or Trendelenberg for at least 1 hour after
administration to prevent headache and distribute
drug throughout the body
Bone Marrow Transplant
Not recommended for children with ALL during
first remission because of the excellent result
with chemotherapy during second remission
Complete reverse isolation
Pt is typed and crossed with donor marrow
Sibling is the #1 choice for HLA match
BM donor banks – difficult for certain ethnicities
BM aspirate – local anesthesia
“Cured” if 5 years in remission after
Adjunct goal: Pt has no assessment of
disease but cancer cells are evident
through tests
Palliative goal: Make them “comfortable”
and control s/s until death occurs (i.e.
Hospice or home)
– “To Live Among Lions”
Infections of the upper
and middle airways
An infection or inflammation (hypertrophy) of the
palatine tonsils
Most children with pharyngitis have infected tonsils, but
NOT necessarily tonsillitis (may “just” have phyaryngitis)
Viral or bacterial
Tonsils are lymphoid tissues:
– filter and protect respiration tract from invasion of
– form antibodies
Children usually have larger tonsils than adolescents or
Adenoids are located above the tonsils
Tonsillitis usually occurs with pharyngitis
– Enlarged and edematous tonsils
– “Kissing tonsils” = they may meet at midline and obstruct
passage of food or air
– Frequent throat infections
– Cervical lymphadenopathy
– Difficulty swallowing or breathing
– Adenoids enlarge and cause difficulty for air to pass from nose
to pharynx.
– Usually snoring when adenoids are affected
– Mouth breathing
– Drying of mucous membranes secondary to mouth breathing
– Otitis media and possibly decreased hearing may result
(adenoids close to eusthasian tubes)
– Based of visual inspection and clinical manifestation
– Throat culture
– Symptomatic treatment:
Provide comfort
Acetaminophen (may be given PR) or ibuprofen to decrease
inflammation and throat pain
Cool, non-acidic fluids and soft foods; throat lozenges
Ice chips or frozen juice pops (increase hydration)
Humidification / vaporiziation (cool mist)
Gargle with warm salt water (soothing)
– Antibiotics based on C/S (Throat culture: pharyngeal – tonsil swab).
First line antibiotic is usually penicillin base (i.e. amoxicillin)
– Surgery: Tonsillectomy &/or adenoidectomy (T&A)
Recommended if recurrent throat infections (documented Strep
throat: >3 in 6 months or >5/ in one year)
Chronic tonsillitis
Obstructive sleep apnea
Nasal speech
After the age of 3 years (it can stimulate growth of other lymphoid
tissue in the nasopharynx)
Teaching is very important
Baseline VS
History of bleeding pattern
Side-lying following surgery to drain secretions
No coughing frequently, clearing throat and blowing nose - may
aggravate operative site
– Assess for hemorrhage:
Most common within the first 24 hours or 7-10 days after tonsillectomy (scar
is forming during that time)
Use penlight
Inspect secretion and vomit for evidence of fresh blood
Increased pulse (>120, but depends on age-group – refer to G&D chart)
If bleeding is suspected, call MD immediately
– Diet: Cool water, crushed ice, ice pops, dilute fruit juice (avoid citrus acidic - irritating to site), soft foods - cooked fruits, jello, soup, etc
– Airway obstruction may occur due to edema or accumulated secretions
– Assessment of respiration distress:
Increased respiration rate
– Suction & 02 should be available
– Assess for infection (most common first 7-8 days):
White coating in back of throat
Low grade fever (report temp >102) (38.8C)
– Discharge teaching:
Avoid highly seasoned food
Avoid gargling
Avoid vigorous tooth-brushing
Avoid Ibuprofen the first post-op week. Use acetaminophen
Discourage coughing and throat clearing
Use mild analgesics
Limit activity to decrease potential for hemorrhage
Persistent sever earache, fever or cough required MD evaluation.
What do you think?
Adenoidectomy would be contraindicated
in a child
– with recurrent otitis media.
– with malignancy.
– with Thrombocytopenia.
– over the age of 3 years.
What do you think?
Which of the following food(s) is/are the
MOST appropriate to offer first to an alert
child who is in the post-operative period
following a tonsillectomy?
– Ice cream
– Red gelatin
– Flavored Ice Pops
– All of the above
Term applied to a broad classification of upper
airway illnesses that result from swelling of the
epiglottis and larynx, often extending into the
trachea and bronchi
Boys > girls
– Late autumn and early winter = more frequent
Classification system of croup includes viral
syndromes such as (the “big three” of pediatric
respiratory illness = affects the greatest number
of children across all age groups in both sexes):
– 1) Spasmodic laryngitis (spasmodic croup)
– 2) Laryngotracheobronchitis (LBT) = most common!
3 months - 8 years
Viral invasion
Slow progression.
Specific symptoms:
– Stridor
– Degree of inspiratory stridor and may lead to respiration distress due to edema or
obstruction of airway
– Seal-like “barking” cough
– Resonant cough: “brassy” like in sound
– Hoarseness
– Dyspnea
– Restlessness
– Irritability
– Low grade fever
– Nontoxic
– Treatment:
Racemic epinephrine.
– 3) Bacterial syndromes (includes bacterial
trachitis and epiglottitis)
1-8 years old
Bacteria Invasion (Haemophilus influenzae)
Almost non-existent due to vaccination: Hib = PREVENTION!
Rapidly progresses
Specific symptoms
Stridor aggravated when supine
High fever
Tachycardia and tachypnea
– Antibiotic therapy
– Airway protection (intubate in the OR)
– Corticosteroids for edema
What do you think?
In the child who is suspected to have
epiglottitis the nurse should:
– Have Intubation equipment available
– Prepare to immunize the child for
Haemophilus influenzae
– Obtain a throat culture
– All of the above
Inherited autosomal recessive disorder (both parents) of the
exocrine glands that results in physiologic alterations in:
– Respiratory system:
Abnormal accumulation of viscous, dehydrated mucus
Inflammation and lung changes
Gastrointestinal system
Integumentary system
Musculoskeletal system
Reproductive system
All body organs with mucous ducts become obstructed and
Predominantly in white children
Gender is not a factor
Average life span is 30 years (may vary)
Blocked pancreatic ducts and resulting pancreatic damage causes a
STOP in the secretion of natural enzymes necessary to digest fats
and protein.
As a result, essential nutrients are excreted in the stool
Respiratory system:
– Bronchi, bronchio-pneumonia & bronchial emphysema (barrel
– Increased secretion requiring intervention
– Classic cough secondary to increased mucus
– Atelectasis
– Secondary respiratory infections = increased morbidity and
Small intestine:
– Obstruction from mucous
– If newborn does not pass meconium you must R/O cystic fibrosis
– Ducts blocked
– Unable to absorb & digest fat
– Missing pancreatic enzymes that break down fat
– Steathorrhea
– Frothy (bulky and large in quantity)
– Foul smelly
– Contain fat (greasy)
Bile ducts:
– Obstructed
– May lead to cirrhosis
– Jaundice, portal HTN
Sweat glands and salivary glands:
– Lose a lot of salt – electrolyte imbalances due to loss of Na and Cl
– SALTY KISSES!!!!!! – initial S/S
Reproductive system:
– Male sterility due to blockage or absence of the vas deferens
– Females difficulty conceiving due to increased mucus secretions in the
reproductive tract interfering with sperm passage
– Family history - genetic
– SWEAT TEST: patch on skin with measure of amount of Na absorbed
Chloride concentration of 50-60 mEq/L is suspicious
Chloride concentration >60mEq/L is diagnostic
– If positive: Pancreatic enzyme fast (eliminate) and check for steatorrhea
– CXR: to check for mucus
– CNS: Possibly hyperactive children (evident early in childhood)
Steatorrhea (fat, frothy, foul smelling)
Eats large amount, but does not gain weights because can not absorb fat
Missing pancreatic enzymes - Trypsin, Lipase and Amylase.
Need vitamins because fat-soluble vitamins will not be absorbed through food
Wheezing, rales, dyspnea, non-productive dry cough
May develop atelectasis
May have ear, nose and throat problem more than average kids.
Long-term complications
Corpulmonal - Right sided enlargement
CHF = Pulmonary blood flow is obstructed by the mucous
Esophageal varisies = enlarged vein - may bleed
ducts blocked, tubes blocked, mucous in vaginal tract
vas deferens blocked
– Respiratory:
Cupping, postural drainage, deep breathing,
bronchodilators (Q4H before meals) – percussion/vibriation
Aerosol treatments (bronchodilators)
– Nutrition:
Increase SALT, especially with exercise
Salt tablets in warm weather
Pancreatic enzymes pills taken with meals (non-fat & nonprotein such as fruit, vegetables or carbohydrates).
Sprinkle on food, “mix” in well AS A “SANDWICH”. Don't
get on lips or skin = breakdown.
Teach about disease and how to explain the condition to
the child
Becomes progressively worse
Avoid infection
Encourage activity, rest, ventilate feelings, support groups
Genetic counseling
Percussion Vest
Postural Drainage
Chronic inflammatory disorder of the airway with airway
obstruction that can be partially or completely reversed
Chronic condition with acute exacerbations or persistent
Approximately 5 million children are affected in the United States
(school absenteeism)
Boys > girls until the age of 10 years and then it equals out
Most are diagnosed before the age of 5 years
Called Reactive Airway Disease (RAD) in infants….. Discussion:
– Bronchospasm
– Increased mucous secretion
– Usually results from allergic hyper response. Before puberty –
– Air gets trapped in the lungs and cannot get out (wheeze)
– Major allergic component:
Seasonal allergies
Irritants: smoke
Roach allergy
Food allergies
Skin sensitivity tests to determine causative agents
– Respiratory difficulties of an asthma attack result from
inflammation that contributes to airway obstruction
– Mucus formation , mucosal swelling and airway muscle
– A stimulus or TRIGGER initiates an asthmatic episode
– S/S visible includes:
Air hunger
Coughing (productive vs non-productive)
Wheezing - inspiratory and/or expiratory
Cyanosis, and diaphoresis --- late signs
Barrel chest (chronic)
Long-term control medications
– Leukotriene modifiers
– Long-acting beta-2 agonists (LABAs)
– Theophylline
Quick-relief medications
– Short-acting beta-2 agonists
– Ipratropium (Atrovent)
– Oral and intravenous corticosteroids
Medications for allergy-induced asthma
– Immunotherapy
– Anti-IgE monoclonal antibodies
Long-term control medications
(Usually taken on a daily basis)
Inhaled corticosteroids:
– fluticasone (Flovent Diskus), budesonide (Pulmicort),
triamcinolone (Azmacort), flunisolide (Aerobid), beclomethasone
(Qvar) and others.
– Reduce airway inflammation and are the
– Most commonly used long-term asthma medication
– Low-risk for side effects as compared to systemic corticosteroids
– These inhaled medications work by opening airways, reducing
inflammation and decreasing mucus production.
Leukotriene modifiers:
– montelukast (Singulair), zafirlukast (Accolate) and zileuton (Zyflo
– Inhaled medications; work by opening airways, reducing
inflammation and mucus production
Long-term control medications
(Usually taken on a daily basis)
Cromolyn and nedocromil (Tilade)
– Inhaled medications reduce asthma signs and symptoms by decreasing
allergic reactions
– Considered a second choice to inhaled corticosteroids
– Given TID to QID
Long-acting beta-2 agonists (LABAs):
– salmeterol (Serevent Diskus) and formoterol (Foradil Aerolizer).
– Inhaled, long-acting bronchodilators, open the airways and reduce
– Used in combination with inhaled corticosteroids with persistent
– Long-acting bronchodilators should not be used for quick relief of
asthma symptoms
– Daily tablet that opens your airways (bronchodilator)
– Relaxes the muscles around the airways – VERY RARELY USED
Quick-Relief Medications
(also called rescue medications)
Short-acting beta-2 agonists:
– Albuterol and Xopenex
– Inhaled bronchodilators, relax airway muscles
– Act within minutes, and effects last four to six hours
Ipratropium (Atrovent)
– Inhaled anticholinergic for the immediate relief of your
symptoms; relaxes the airway
– Mostly used for emphysema and chronic bronchitis
Oral and intravenous corticosteroids
Prednisone and methylprednisolone
In treatment of acute asthma attacks and severe asthma
May cause serious side effects when used long term.
Used short-term for asthma
Other Asthma Medications
Medications for allergy-induced asthma:
– To decrease the body's sensitivity to a particular
allergen or prevent the immune system from reacting
to allergens. Allergy treatments for asthma include:
– Allergy-desensitization shots (immunotherapy) are generally
given once a week for a few months, then once a month for a
period of three to five years. Over time, they gradually reduce
your immune system reaction to specific allergens.
Anti-IgE monoclonal antibodies:
– omalizumab (Xolair)
– Reduces the immune system's reaction to allergens
– Xolair is delivered by injection every two to four weeks.
Most commonly what we see:
– Bronchodilators: Beta2-agonists (short-acting: Proventil /
Albuterol) for ACUTE ATTACK.
Proventil: teach about SE including tachycardia,
nervousness, tremors
– Inhaled steroids: Used as a prophylactic (i.e. before exercise),
during and after exacerbation of asthma for more effective
treatment (i.e. fluticasone (Flovent Diskus), budesonide
(Pulmicort), flunisolide (Aerobid), combination drug such as
Advair [Fluticasone and Salmeterol])
Now considered MOST EFFECTVE treatment in asthma:
– Reduces asthma symptoms and flare-ups
– Improves lung function
– Reduces bronchial reactivity
Increased risk of thrush
– Rinse mouth and/or brush teeth after treatment
Treatment (cont.)
– Oral corticosteroids:
If inhaled steroids are not used, systemic steroids with a 5
day course of Prednisone is usually given
Due to the short course of treatment, it is very rare to see
any of the common side effects to corticosteroids:
– HTN, muscle wasting, adrenal suppression, Cushing's,
impaired immune system, hirshuism, anorexia
– Anti-inflammatory:
Used for prophylaxis such as Cromolyn
NOT USED during exacerbation of asthma
– Epinephrine: Fast acting (arrhythmias, nervous,
restless, tremor, headache, insomnia). Used more if
asthma is caused by allergic reaction
– Aminophylline: VERY RARELY SEEN USED Must be
administered through IV Pump! (tachycardia,
nervous, n & v, anxiety, seizures)
– Theophyllin: VERY RARELY SEEN USED! Intoxication
can occur-monitor serum concentrations (seizures,
n/v, tachycardia, anxiety)
– Know baseline PEAK FLOW METER:
Best attempt out of three rapid expirations
Consider the zone they are in (red, yellow, green)
High Fowler's position and bend forward in mild exacerbation
CPT: Always do aerosol therapy before CPT
Suctioning as needed
VS very important
Monitor PC02 (35-48) & P02 (80-100) pH (7.35-7.45) if
possible (ABG or VBG)
Pulse oximetry (keep PO2 >95%)
Extensive IV fluids to hydrate them and liquify secretions
Antibiotics prophylactically or specific for present infection
Promote normal activities
Prevent further episodes, support.
– Acute, severe prolonged asthma attack.
– Does not respond to normal treatment.
– Person can die.
– Teach patient not to wait too long before
initiating treatment or seeing MD/NP
Lower respiratory tract illness caused by virus or bacteria which
causes inflammation and obstruction of the bronchioles
Occurs mostly in in toddlers and preschoolers
Most severe in infants under 6 months (if <2 months, very prone
and hospitalized)
Most common cause: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV):
– Viral infection mostly of bronchiolar level
– Primarily occurs in winter & spring
– The disease usually begins in the fall, reaches a peak in the winter and
decreases in the spring
– Bronchiole mucosa swells and fill with mucous and exudate
– Frequently sloughed epithelial cells obstruct the lumen, mostly on
– Hyperinflation could occur and cause air trapping
– The trapped air distal to the obstruction causes progressive
overinflation (emphysema)
– Transmitted via respiratory secretions, hand to eye, nose or other
mucous membrane.
Breath sounds: wheezing, diffuse crackles/rhonchi,
– Intermittent fever.
– With progression of illness:
Increase coughing and wheezing
Air hunger, tachypnea, retractions, cyanosis
– Severe illness:
Tachypnea >70/min., listlessness, apneic spells, poor air
exchange, poor breath sounds.
OM and conjunctivitis may also be present.
– Once the lower airway is involved, classic
manifestations include:
Signs of altered air exchange, such as wheezing, retractions,
crackles, dyspnea, tachypnea and diminished breath sounds.
– Poor feeding, slight lethargy, irritability, possibly low
grade fever
– Tests done on nasal or nasopharyngeal secretions
(swab or aspirate) using IFA or ELISA techniques for
RSV antigen detection.
– Based on the symptoms
– PREVENTION: RSV Medication: SYNAGIS (palivizumab)
Monthly injection in the winter-months which provides antibodies
Used for premis and other high-risk groups
– High humidity
– Adequate fluid intake
– Rest
– Medications depending on symptoms and cause
– Hospitalization:
Usually recommended for children with complicating conditions,
such as underlying lung or heart disease.
The child who is tachypneic, has marked retractions, seems
listless, history of poor fluid Intake should also be admitted.
Any infant born premature or SGA
– Mist therapy combined with oxygen to maintain adequate O2
– IV fluids are preferred until crisis of the disease has passed
– Blood gas values guide the therapy (if available)
– Bronchodilators, corticosteroids, cough suppressants and
antibiotics have not proved to be effective.
– Bronchodilators may be used for symptomatic wheezing
– For intubated and vetilated patients:
An anti-viral agent is the only specific therapy available for
HOWEVER, studies have NOT confirmed its effectiveness
and it is therefore reserved for life-threatening cases (i.e.
premature infants, underlying conditions, etc)
Ribavirin has many precautions:
– Visitors and nurses must know about the potential
harm to themselves if exposed to the drug
Teratogenic: Pregnant women should not be
exposed to medication
Cannot use contact lenses with administration as it
– Administered via mist in hood or tent
High risk infants and children:
– RespiGam (RSV immune globulin) can be used as
preventative treatment for RSV as well as Synagis
– Hand washing and not touching nasal mucosa or
– Diminish the number of personnel, visitors and
uninfected patients in contact with the child
– Nurses try to avoid taking other patients who are
considered high risk for catching RSV.