Transcript B1CSession5

What is Soil Pollution?
With the rise of concrete buildings and roads, one part of the Earth that we
rarely see is the soil. It has many different names, such as dirt, mud and
ground. However, it is definitely very important to us. The plants that feed us
grow in soil and keeping it healthy is essential to maintaining a beautiful planet.
However, like all other forms of nature, soil also suffers from pollution. The
pollution of soil is a common thing these days, and it happens due to the
presence of man made elements.
The main reason why the soil becomes contaminated is due to the presence of
man made waste. The waste produced from nature itself such as dead plants,
carcasses of animals and rotten fruits and vegetables only adds to the fertility of
the soil. However, our waste products are full of chemicals that are not originally
found in nature and lead to soil pollution.
2. Agricultural Activities: Chemical utilization has gone up tremendously since
technology provided us with modern pesticides and fertilizers. They are full of
chemicals that are not produced in nature and cannot be broken down by it. As
a result, they seep into the ground after they mix with water and slowly reduce
the fertility of the soil. Other chemicals damage the composition of the soil and
make it easier to erode by water and air. Plants absorb many of these
pesticides and when they decompose, they cause soil pollution since they
become a part of the land.
With the advent of urbanization and the rise in popularity of fast food, there have been accompanying
issues with rising cancer rates especially in countries such as Britain and the USA. Please explain and
provide possible solutions.
To begin with, it should be unsurprising that “fast food” is incredibly popular in countries like Britain and
the USA. Consumers spend a large portion of their income on fast foods. For example, the American
Dietary Association found that, compared to the average Indian household, the average American
household’s budget for “take-away fast foods” is six times larger per month. Consequently, it is to be
expected that cancer rates will be much higher in such nations.
For example, processed meats such as hamburgers and hot dogs, which are usually the primary
ingredients in fast foods, contain chemicals called “nitrites” which are toxic to humans in large amounts.
Furthermore, almost 99% of food, including bread, contains added white sugar which is known to feed
cancer cells over time. To make matters even worse, even though every food product has an ingredient
list, people simply buy it without reading the ingredients first. Hence, diabetics who stop adding white
sugar to their beverages still end up consuming it anyway in solid foods.
Finding solutions is a challenging task but there are a number of ways in which developed countries could
battle these issues more effectively. Firstly, new laws should be enacted to regulate how “fast foods
meat” is processed. . Secondly, public health initiatives could be advertised and promoted far more
vigorously. For example, modules that inform citizens about healthy dietary requirements should be
addressed in Universities so students may in turn relay this information to their families by “word of
mouth” . Furthermore, doctors and other healthcare practitioners should have information about
diabetes and cancer prevention in the waiting room.
In conclusion, although diabetes and cancer is a serious issue around world, if the above steps are
taken, the situation will surely improve in the coming years.
IELTS Complaint Letter - Garbage Problem. Write a letter to the environment officer in your area complaining
about the garbage problem in your neighborhood and say:
- What is causing the problem?
- Why is it bothering you?
- Suggest a solution to rectify the problem.
To whom it may concern:
My name is ________, and I am a resident of Square Villa Colony located at_. I am writing this letter to
address a serious problem with litter/garbage pick up in our neighborhood.
First of all, In the past few months, the rubbish has not been picked up at the regularly scheduled time,
resulting in huge rubbish pile -ups. As a result, it has created a terrible smell and very unsanitary conditions.
Moreover, the pile-up has attracted various insects and harmful microorganisms. In addition, on windy days,
the rubbish gets thrown about the neighborhood thereby causing further health risks.
Second of all, my neighbors have become seriously ill because of this, and I am concerned about the safety of
my family members and the other residents. Furthermore, such negligence is especially harmful to the elderly.
Hence, if left unresolved, it could have serious and tragic results which would not be in anyone's interest. to
help rectify the problem, I personally suggest your office organize a public community meeting so residents
may voice their concerns. I would be very grateful if you could please make this issue a priority since the
conditions in our neighborhood are worsening each day.
Considering the urgency of the matter, I am keen to resolve this issue as soon as possible please.
Thank you for your prompt attention. I look forward to your reply.
Wear a 100% COTTON Bra & Natural Fabrics on your
Some people claim that what many people eat in most countries is unhealthy food and that their diet
is getting worse. Critics say that these countries should change their diet.
What are you opinions on this?
You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your argument with examples
and relevant evidence.
Most people believe the quality of food served in most countries is getting worse these days as well
as dietary habits. In my point of view, I also agree with these observations, and the following essay
will discuss it in details.
Without a doubt, the food consumed by people nowadays is considered unhealthy. One only has to
look at the number of new cancer cases everyday to believe such a statement. First of all, “GMO’s”
(genetically modified foods) and pesticides are to blame. Most of the seeds used today are made in a
laboratory, and crops that are produced are exposed to chemical fertilizers, such as pesticide or urea.
Farmers use these “artificial” seeds and chemical ingredients to prevent pests and to increase the
amount of crops in a short time. Second of all, many people prefer to purchase processed meat and
meals because of their busy lifestyle. These two factors combined clearly have a negative impact on
human health. In contrast, our ancestors lived a very natural lifestyle and did not suffer from
widespread cancer and tumors like we do now.
Many people also believe individual eating habits of people is also getting worse these days. As people
become busier, they have less time to prepare healthy food. As a consequence, they prefer to
purchase fast foods such as McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken, which are high in fat and
carbohydrates. Furthermore, most people have a habit of consuming soda and sweets with their
meals. The high percentage of sugar, high fructose corn syrup and carbohydrates is a deadly
In general, this is a difficult issue to address as it requires new laws regulating how food is made and
educating the public at the same time. Consequently, it will require time and effort on the part of both
legislators and the healthcare community, but can definitely be improved over time.
Dear ______,
Greetings from Cairo!
I hope this email finds you well and you are doing well in medical school. Since you asked me
why diabetes has become such a major problem here in _____, I shall try my best to present
my point of view on the matter.
First of all, the biggest cause of the diabetes problem, in my opinion, is a poor diet and a lack
of exercise. For example, fast food restaurants have become widespread, and people like to
eat at them because they are cheap and convenient. Unfortunately however, the meals they
sell are high in sugar, calories and very low in nutrition. Snack foods, especially sweets, chips
and sugary beverages, are also very popular. Similar to fast foods, these products are
extremely high in calories and lack vitamins and minerals.
Second of all, another major cause of diabetes here is lack of exercise. People drive
everywhere, so they have little opportunity to walk. People also work long hours and do not
have much time to go to the gym or play sports. Finally, technology is to blame. Both adults and
children seem to prefer sitting in front of the computer instead of playing sports.
Fortunately, there are solutions to this problem. To begin with, education is very important.
Public campaigns to explain the importance of a balanced diet and regular exercise could get
people to think about changing their eating habits. In addition, healthy food should be readily
available and affordable to everyone. For example, schools could provide lunches with lots of
fresh fruits and vegetables instead of sugary snacks and beverages. Adults should be
encouraged to always read food labels first and become “educated consumers”.
My personal conclusion is if people are encouraged to eat better and exercise more, the
situation could be greatly improved.
I hope I have helped to answer your question. If you have any further questions, please do not
hesitate to let me know. Please keep in touch!
All the best,
IELTS Complaint Letter - Garbage Problem
Write a letter to the environment officer in your area complaining about the garbage problem in your
neighborhood and say
- What is causing the problem?
- Why is it bothering you?
- Suggest a solution to rectify the problem.
Dear Sir,
I am a resident of Square Villa Colony located at XXXXXXXXXXX. I am writing this letter to address a serious
problem with litter/garbage pick up in our neighbourhood.
Firs of all, In the past few months, the rubbish has not been picked up on the regularly scheduled time resulting
in huge rubbish pile -ups. As a result, it has created a terrible smell and very unsanitary conditions. Moreover,
the pile-up has attracted various insects and harmful microorganisms. In addition, on windy days, the rubbish
gets thrown about the neighbourhood thereby causing further health risks.
Second of all, My neighbours have become seriously sick neighbors because of this and I am concerned about
the safety of my family members and the other residents of colony.
I trust that you will make this issue a priority since the conditions in our neighbourhood are worsening each day.
I am sure you understand the urgency of this matter since it could have serious and tragic result which would
not be in anyone's self interest.
Should this issue not be dealt with in a timely manner, I will be forced to address our concerns with the
appropriate higher authorities and address the issue with the media.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
IELTS Speaking/Writing basic
Well, that's an interesting question.
I'm sorry, could you please repeat
the question? Thank you.
1. In my opinion/perspective/point
of view, I agree/disagree with...
1. To begin with/Generally
2. First of all...
3. Second of all...
2. Personally I believe...
4. Finally...
3. On the one hand...For example,
5. Overall...Based on these
reasons, I suppose..
4. On the other hand...
5. But overall, I believe...
Wear 100% COTTON and Natural Fabrics
ALL synthetic “man made” fabrics are made in a lab that cause:
2) skin discoloration from toxic dyes
3) cellulite
4) prevent oxygen from
reaching your skin
5) and causes CANCER
DO NOT wear “Synthetic” fabrics
Biotechnology companies all over the world are developing different types of genetically
modified (GMO) crops. However, not enough is known about these crops on our health
and the environment. Interfering with nature in this way should be prohibited. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Recently, it has become an extremely controversial issue around the world that genetically
modified crops, (GMOs), have many drawbacks. In spite of GMOs helping increase the amount
of crops produced, serious consequences on human health and the environment are suspected
as a result of GMOs. In this paper, I shall analyze the advantages and disadvantages of
genetically modified food.
On the one hand, proponents of GMOs claim that genetically modified food is an effective way
of producing a huge amount of food in a short time period, and with less cost. Furthermore,
GMO supporters believe people can cultivate food in difficult areas with low soil quality, or a lack
of water irrigation. In addition, it is their opinion that genetic modification is an efficient way of
creating seeds which have a higher resistance to many well-known food diseases.
On the other hand, in spite of these benefits, there are a significantly high number of
disadvantages related to genetically modified food. For example, perhaps one of the most
obvious points is that it causes diseases to human beings which were unheard of in our
ancestors generation. Cancer, Alzheimer's, etc. are so widespread nowadays people are
beginning to wonder if there is a link between soil pollution, GMOs, and pesticides. Hence,
some people claim GMOs are a form of “soil pollution”, similar to toxic pesticides.
In conclusion, I personally feel that altering genetics and creating seeds in a laboratory are
“unnatural”. Some people emphasize the benefits of GM foods, while others are more focused
on the negative side. Just as man made “synthetic” fabrics like polyester and nylon are harmful
to human health, so are “man-made” GMO seeds. Hence, consuming such GMO foods when
natural seeds exist does not seem like a logical choice.
Nowadays, a problem of “genetically modified food”,GMO's, is widespread all over the
world. GM foods are genetically modified using biotechnology. More and more GM foods
appear on the shelves of our stores and supermarkets nowadays, and make their way into
our kitchens. GM foods are designed for greater resistance to viruses and pests, higher
nutritional value and longer shelf life. However, their safety, potential risks and ethical
concerns are still being debated. So, should genetically modified crops be banned or not?
Proponents of GMO foods ensure the public these foods are safe for human consumption.
However, critics argue their effects have not been studied long enough.
On the one hand, the primary argument for banning GMO foods is that it badly affects our
health and well-being. For example, some studies have linked consumption of GMO foods to
liver and kidney problems. The antibiotics and hormones given to cows and chickens are found
in our bodies, which cause chronic ailments such as skin rashes, and immune system issues.
Moreover, genetic engineering could introduce allergens into foods, causing allergic reactions.
Another argument is that GMO's do not benefit people, just the large corporations that produce
and sell them such as Monsanto. In addition, the vegetables are physically modified to look
better and larger so these companies can make more money. They do not add to the taste,
freshness or nutrition of the food.
On the other hand, GM manufacturers like Monsanto claim GMO's have benefits. Many people
believe that genetically modified foods can help solve the food crisis in future, and help humanity
to survive. First of all, GM plants are stable against plant diseases and difficult weather.
Second of all, GMO's are cold tolerant. A GMO antifreeze gene is now being introduced into
plants such as potatoes. With this antifreeze gene, these plants are able to tolerate cold
temperatures that normally would kill unmodified seedlings. Finally, GM fruits ripen quickly and
keep longer than usual plants. Consequently, it is easier to transport them and keep fresh for a
long time.
In my opinion, genetic engineering should be banned. Europe has long banned GMOs due to
health concerns and China as well. Even though GMOs will remain a controversial topic for
years to come, I personally believe there are other ways to save people from hunger rather than
using “man-made” GMO seeds.
In recent years, farming practice has changed to include the use of technology such as GMOs to
improve crops. Some people believe these developments are necessary, while others regard them as
dangerous and advocate a return to more traditional farming methods. Discuss both points of view and
give your own opinion.
There is widespread controversy about how farming has been revolutionized in the past decades. While it is
possible to claim that the net effect of these changes has been for the benefit of mankind, my personal view is
that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In this essay, I shall explain my point of view by analyzing
both sides of the argument.
On the one hand, There are several reasons why these innovations in agriculture can be said to be positive.
For example, the world’s population has exploded within the past century. traditional methods of agriculture do
not provide sufficient food for everyone. In addition, it may also be argued that we need more efficient
methods of farming because many countries in Asia and Africa suffer regular famine and droughts.
Consequently, proponents of GMOs believe the people would starve if it was not for genetically modified crops
that are drought resistant. Furthermore, GMO manufacturers, such as Monsanto of the United States, believe
the quality of life of farmers has been improved by these advances which are less labour intensive.
On the other hand, Those who argue for a return to natural and organic farming base their arguments on the
impact of agriculture on health and the environment. Without a doubt, the food consumed by people
nowadays is considered unhealthy. One only has to look at the number of new cancer cases everyday to
believe such a statement. First of all, “GMO’s” (genetically modified foods), and pesticides are to blame.
GMO seeds used today are made in a laboratory. Furthermore, these GMO crops produced are also
exposed to toxic chemical fertilizers, such as pesticide or urea. Farmers use these “artificial” GMO seeds and
chemical pesticides to prevent pests and to increase the amount of crops in a short time. This clearly has a
negative impact on human health. In contrast, our ancestors used natural farming methods, and did not suffer
from widespread cancer and tumors like we do now.
Overall, while there are strong arguments on both sides of the case, my personal belief is that the long-term
dangers of these developments mean that we should be extremely cautious of GMOs. In addition, I suggest
that there should be more investment in traditional farming methods to make them more efficient, so that “manmade” GMO seeds are not necessary in the first place.