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2nd most frequent diagnosis of
patients 14-64 y/o
What is schizophrenia?
• A chronic severe brain disorder; often they
hear voices, believe media are
broadcasting their thoughts to the world or
may believe someone is trying to harm
• In men it usually develops in teen years
and early 20s; in women it usually
develops in 20s and 30s.
• Currently there is no physical or lab test
that can absolutely diagnose
• A psychiatrist usually comes to the
diagnosis based on clinical symptoms.
• This is a common problem since
schizophrenia shares a significant number
of symptoms with other disorders.
• Per the Nat’l Depression & Bipolar Support
Alliance there is an average of 10 years
from onset to correct diagnosis & tx.
Symptoms of Schizophrenia
• Profound disruption in cognition and
emotion, affecting the most fundamental
human attributes:
– Language
– Thought
– Perception
– Affect
– Sense of self
Positive Symptoms
• Those that appear to reflect an excess or
distortion of normal functions.
Positive Symptoms
• Delusions. Those where the patient thinks
he is being followed or watched are
common; also the belief that people on
TV, radio are directing special messages
to him/her.
Positive Symptoms
• Hallucinations. Distortions or
exaggerations of perception in any of the
• Often they hear voices within their own
thoughts followed by visual hallucinations.
Positive Symptoms
• Disorganized thinking/speech.
• AKA loose associations; speech is
tangential, loosely associated or
incoherent enough to impair
Positive Symptom
• Grossly disorganized behavior.
• Difficulty in goal directed behavior
unpredictable agitation or silliness, social
disinhibition, or bizarre behavior.
• There is a purposelessness to behavior.
Positive Symptom
• Catatonic behavior.
• Marked decrease in reaction to immediate
environment, sometimes just unaware of
surroundings, rigid or bizarre postures,
aimless motor activity.
Other Positive Symptoms
Inappropriate response to stimuli
Unusual motor behavior (pacing, rocking)
Somatic preoccupations
Summary of Positive Symptoms
Disorganized thinking
Disorganized behavior
Catatonic behavior
Inappropriate responses
FYI: Positive Symptoms
• Positive symptoms are those that have a
positive reaction from some treatment.
• In other words, positive symptoms
respond to treatment.
Types of Schizophrenia
Paranoid Schizophrenia
• Persons are very suspicious of others and
often have grand schemes of persecution
at the root of their behavior.
• During this phase they may have
hallucinations and frequent delusions.
Hebephrenic Schizophrenia
• AKA disorganized schizophrenia; characterized
by emotionless, incongruous, or silly behavior,
intellectual deterioration, frequently beginning
insidiously during adolescence.
• May be verbally incoherent and may have
moods and emotions that are not appropriate to
the situation.
• Hallucinations not usually present.
Catatonic Schizophrenia
• Person is extremely withdrawn, negative
and isolated.
• May have marked psychomotor
Residual Schizophrenia
• Lacks motivation and interest in day-today living.
• Person is not usually having delusions,
hallucinations or disorganized speech.
Schizoaffective Disorder
• There will be symptoms of schizophrenia
as well as mood disorder (depression,
bipolar, mixed mania).
Undifferentiated Schizophrenia
• Conditions meeting the general diagnostic
criteria for schizophrenia but not
conforming to any of the previous types.
• Exhibits more than one of the previous
types without a clear dominance of one.
• Before a diagnosis the psychiatrist must
make a thorough evaluation including a
physical/medical exam, a mental status
exam, appropriate labs, and a full history.
• History includes changes in thinking,
behavior, movement, mood, etc. as seen
by the family.
• These medications may have such
intolerable side effects that the patient will
stop the drugs.
• One study showed the average time the
meds were taken regularly was 3 months.
• Psychotherapy - an adjunct to meds and is very
useful to keep the patient on the meds.
• Group therapy
• Family therapy
• Community support groups