Transcript Document

Chapter 12
Medical Overview
National EMS Education
Standard Competencies (1 of 3)
Applies fundamental knowledge to provide
basic emergency care and transportation
based on assessment findings for an acutely
ill patient.
National EMS Education
Standard Competencies (2 of 3)
Medical Overview
• Assessment and management of a:
– Medical complaint
• Pathophysiology, assessment, and
management of medical complaints to
– Transport mode
– Destination decisions
National EMS Education
Standard Competencies (3 of 3)
Infectious Diseases
• Awareness of:
– A patient who may have an infectious disease
• Assessment and management of:
– A patient who may have an infectious disease
• Patients who need EMS assistance
generally have experienced either a
medical emergency, a trauma emergency,
or both.
– Trauma emergencies involve injuries resulting
from physical forces applied to the body.
– Medical emergencies involve illnesses or
conditions caused by disease.
Types of Medical Emergencies
(1 of 5)
Types of Medical Emergencies
(2 of 5)
• Respiratory emergencies occur when
patients have trouble breathing or when the
amount of oxygen supplied to the tissues is
• Cardiovascular emergencies are caused by
conditions affecting the circulatory system.
Types of Medical Emergencies
(3 of 5)
• Neurologic emergencies involve the brain.
• The most well-known GI condition is
• A urologic emergency can involve kidney
Types of Medical Emergencies
(4 of 5)
• The most common endocrine emergencies
are caused by complications of diabetes
• Hematologic emergencies may be the result
of sickle cell disease or various types of
blood clotting disorders.
• Immunologic emergencies involve the
body’s response to foreign substances.
Types of Medical Emergencies
(5 of 5)
• Toxicologic emergencies include poisoning
and substance abuse.
• Behavioral emergencies may be especially
difficult to deal with because patients do not
present with typical signs and symptoms.
• Gynecologic emergencies involve female
reproductive organs.
Patient Assessment (1 of 4)
• Similar to the assessment of the trauma
patient, but with a different focus
• Focus is on:
– Nature of illness (NOI)
– Symptoms
– Chief complaint
Patient Assessment (2 of 4)
• Establish an accurate medical history.
• Use dispatch information to guide initial
• Do not get locked into a preconceived idea
of the patient’s condition.
– Injuries may distract from the underlying
Patient Assessment (3 of 4)
• Assessment may be difficult with
uncooperative or hostile patients.
– Maintain a professional, calm, nonjudgmental
– Refrain from labeling patients.
– A frequent caller may have a different complaint
this time.
Patient Assessment (4 of 4)
• Patient assessment steps:
– Scene size-up
– Primary assessment
– History taking
– Secondary assessment
– Reassessment
Scene Size-up
• Scene safety
– Make certain the scene is safe.
– Use standard precautions.
• Nature of illness (NOI)
– Determine the NOI.
– The index of suspicion is your awareness of
potentially serious underlying, unseen injuries or
Primary Assessment (1 of 4)
• Form a general impression.
– Perform a rapid scan of the patient.
– Visual clues include apparent unconsciousness,
obvious severe bleeding, and extreme difficulty
– Determine the patient’s LOC.
Primary Assessment (2 of 4)
• Airway and breathing
– In conscious patients, ensure the airway is open
and they are breathing adequately.
– Check respiratory rate, depth, and quality.
– When in doubt, apply oxygen.
– For unconscious patients, make sure to open
the airway using the proper technique.
Primary Assessment (3 of 4)
• Circulation
– Assess in a conscious patient by checking the
radial pulse and observing the patient’s skin
color, temperature, and condition.
– For unconscious patients, assess at the carotid
Primary Assessment (4 of 4)
• Transport decision
– Patients in need of rapid transport:
• Patients who are unconscious or who have
an altered mental status
• Patients with airway or breathing problems
• Patients with obvious circulation problems
such as severe bleeding or signs of shock
History Taking (1 of 2)
• Investigate the chief complaint.
• Gather a thorough history from:
– The patient
– Any family, friends, or bystanders
• For an unconscious patient, survey the
scene for medication containers or medical
History Taking (2 of 2)
• Obtain a SAMPLE history and use the
OPQRST mnemonic.
– Onset of problem
– Provocation or palliation
– Quality
– Region/radiation
– Severity
– Timing of pain
Secondary Assessment (1 of 3)
• May occur on scene or en route to the
emergency department
– In some cases you may not have time.
• Physical examination
– All conscious patients should undergo a limited
or focused assessment.
– For unconscious patients, always perform a fullbody scan or head-to-toe examination.
Secondary Assessment (2 of 3)
• Physical examination (cont’d)
– Examine the head, scalp, and face.
– Examine the neck closely.
– Assess the chest and abdomen.
– Palpate the legs and arms.
– Examine the patient’s back.
Secondary Assessment (3 of 3)
• Vital signs
– Assess the pulse for rate, quality, and rhythm at
the most appropriate site.
– Identify the rate, quality, and regularity of the
– Obtain an initial blood pressure.
– Consider obtaining a blood glucose level and a
pulse oximetry reading.
• Performed once the assessment and
treatment have been completed
• Begins and continues throughout transport
– Consider the need for ALS backup.
• Reassess interventions.
• Document any developed changes.
Management: Transport
and Destination (1 of 6)
• Most medical emergencies require a level of
treatment beyond that available in the
prehospital setting.
– May require advanced testing available in a
– May be beyond the scope of the EMT to
administer medications to a patient
– EMTs can use the AED.
Management: Transport
and Destination (2 of 6)
• Scene time
– May be longer for medical patients than for
trauma patients
– Gather as much information as possible to
transmit to the emergency department.
– Critical patients always need rapid transport.
Management: Transport
and Destination (3 of 6)
• Type of transport
– Life-threatening condition: lights and sirens
– Non–life-threatening condition: consider
nonemergency transport
• Modes of transport ultimately come in one
of two categories: ground or air.
Management: Transport
and Destination (4 of 6)
• Ground transport
EMS units are
generally staffed
by EMTs and
Source: © Imageshop/Alamy Images
Management: Transport
and Destination (5 of 6)
• Air transport EMS
units are
generally staffed
by critical care
nurses and
Source: © Keith D. Cullom
Management: Transport
and Destination (6 of 6)
• Destination selection
– Generally, the closest hospital should be your
– At times, however, the patient will benefit from
going to another hospital that is capable of
handling his or her particular condition.
How an EMT Can Learn to
Think Like an Experienced
Thinking Like an
Experienced Physician
• Love ambiguity
– Uncertainty natural part of EMS
• Understand limitations
– People’s limitations
– Technology’s limitations
Thinking Like an
Experienced Physician
• Utilize different methods
• No one single way always right
• Remain open-minded and flexible
• Learn from others
• Form strong foundation of knowledge
• Be familiar with conditions
• Remain up-to-date
• Continue learning
Thinking Like
an Experienced Physician
• Be organized
• Be a lifelong
• Reflect on what
you have learned
Think About It
• What are some of the important things to
remember as you learn how to make a
diagnosis and improve your critical thinking
skills in EMS?
Leadership Video
Click here to view a video on the subject of effective leadership.
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Delegating Authority Video
Click here to view a video on the subject of delegation.
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Chapter Review
Infectious Diseases (1 of 2)
• General assessment principles:
– Approach like any other medical patient.
– Size up the scene and take standard
– Perform the primary assessment and history
– Typical chief complaints include fever, nausea,
rash, pleuritic chest pain, and difficulty
Infectious Diseases (2 of 2)
• General management principles:
– Focus on any life-threatening conditions
identified in the primary assessment.
– Be empathetic.
– Place the patient in the position of comfort on
the stretcher to keep warm.
– Follow standard precautions.
Herpes Simplex
• Common virus strain carried by humans
• Of individuals carrying the virus, 80% are
• Symptomatic infections can be serious and
are on the rise.
• Primary mode of infection is through close
personal contact.
HIV Infection (1 of 2)
• No vaccine yet exists.
• Despite treatment progress, AIDS is still
• Not easily transmitted in the EMS work
– Far less contagious than hepatitis B
HIV Infection (2 of 2)
• The EMT’s risk of infection is limited to
exposure to an infected patient’s blood or
body fluids.
• Many patients with HIV show no symptoms.
– Always wear the proper type of gloves.
– Take great care in handling needles.
– Cover any open wounds.
• Sexually transmitted, but also bloodborne
• Small risk for transmission through:
– Needlestick injury
– Direct blood-to-blood contact
• If treated with penicillin, the individual is
considered noncommunicable within 24 to
48 hours.
Hepatitis (1 of 3)
• Inflammation (and often infection) of the
• Early signs:
– Loss of appetite
– Vomiting
– Fever
– Fatigue
– Sore throat
Hepatitis (2 of 3)
Hepatitis (3 of 3)
• Toxin-induced hepatitis is not contagious.
• There is no sure way to tell which hepatitis
patients are contagious.
• Vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine is
highly recommended for EMTs.
Meningitis (1 of 3)
• Inflammation of the meningeal coverings of
the brain and spinal cord
• Signs and symptoms include:
– Fever
– Headache
– Stiff neck
– Altered mental status
Meningitis (2 of 3)
• Most forms of meningitis are not
– However, one form, meningococcal meningitis,
is highly contagious.
• Take standard precautions.
• Meningitis can be treated at the emergency
department with antibiotics.
Meningitis (3 of 3)
• After treating a patient with meningitis,
contact your employer health
– In many states, meningitis is “reportable.”
Tuberculosis (1 of 3)
• Chronic mycobacterial disease that usually
strikes the lungs
• Many infected patients are well most of the
• Patients who pose the highest risk almost
always have a cough.
– Consider respiratory tuberculosis to be the only
contagious form.
Tuberculosis (2 of 3)
• Absolute protection from the tubercle
bacillus does not exist.
– Everyone who breathes is at risk.
– One third of the world’s population is infected
with tuberculosis.
– The vaccine is rarely used in the United States.
– Mechanism of transmission is not efficient.
Tuberculosis (3 of 3)
• Have tuberculin skin tests regularly.
– If the infection is found before you become ill,
preventive therapy is almost 100% effective.
Whooping Cough
• Also called pertussis
• Mostly affects children younger than 6 years
• Symptoms include fever and a “whoop”
sound that occurs when inhaling after a
coughing attack.
• Prevent exposure by placing a mask on the
patient and yourself.
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) (1 of 2)
• MRSA is a bacterium that causes infections.
• Resistant to most antibiotics
• In health care settings, MRSA is transmitted
from patient to patient by unwashed health
care provider hands.
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA) (2 of 2)
• Factors that increase the risk of MRSA:
– Antibiotic therapy
– Prolonged hospital stays
– A stay in an intensive care or burn unit
– Exposure to an infected patient
• Rare but deadly virus transmitted through
rodent urine and droppings
• Not transmitted from person to person
directly, but via food or a vector such as
West Nile Virus
• Affects humans and birds
• Vector is the mosquito
• Noncommunicable and poses no risk during
patient care
• Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
• Potentially life-threatening
• Begins with flulike symptoms
– May progress to pneumonia, respiratory failure,
and, in some cases, death
• Transmitted by close person-to-person
contact or by secretions
Avian Flu
• Caused by a virus that occurs naturally in
the bird population
• Humans can get it when they have close
contact with infected birds.
• No rapid human-to-human cases have been
• “Swine flu”
• Has been present for years in animals
• Contagious in humans
• Only one of many forms of influenza
Summary (1 of 5)
• Trauma emergencies are injuries that are
the result of physical forces applied to the
• Medical emergencies require EMS attention
because of illnesses or conditions not
caused by an outside force.
Summary (2 of 5)
• The assessment of a medical patient is
similar to the assessment of a trauma
patient, but the focus is more on symptoms
and medical history than on visible physical
• Many medical patients may not appear to
be seriously ill at first glance.
Summary (3 of 5)
• Modes of transport ultimately come in one
of two categories: ground or air.
• Many medical patients will benefit from
being transported to a specific hospital
capable of handling their particular
Summary (4 of 5)
• Because it is often impossible to tell which
patients have infectious diseases, you
should avoid direct contact with the blood
and body fluids of all patients.
• If you think you may have been exposed to
an infectious disease, see your physician
(or your employer’s designated physician)
Summary (5 of 5)
• Six infectious diseases of special concern
are HIV, hepatitis B, meningitis,
tuberculosis, SARS, and H1N1.
• Infection control should be an important part
of your daily routine. Be sure to follow the
proper steps when dealing with potential
exposure situations.
1. A seizure patient is having what kind of
medical emergency?
A. Respiratory
B. Cardiovascular
C. Neurologic
D. Immunologic
Answer: C
Rationale: Neurologic emergencies involve
the brain and may be caused by a seizure,
stroke, or fainting (syncope).
Review (1 of 2)
1. A seizure patient is having what kind of
medical emergency?
A. Respiratory
Rationale: Respiratory emergencies include
asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis.
B. Cardiovascular
Rationale: Cardiovascular emergencies
include heart attack and congestive heart
Review (2 of 2)
1. A seizure patient is having what kind of
medical emergency?
C. Neurologic
Rationale: Correct answer
D. Immunologic
Rationale: Allergic reactions are a type of
immunologic emergency.
2. If an injury distracts an EMT from
assessing a more serious underlying
illness, he has suffered from:
A. tunnel vision.
B. index of suspicion.
C. virulence.
D. a trauma emergency.
Answer: A
Rationale: As an EMT, you should use the
dispatch information to guide your initial
response, but do not get locked into a
preconceived idea of the patient’s condition
strictly from what the dispatcher tells you. Tunnel
vision occurs when you become focused on one
aspect of the patient’s condition and exclude all
others, which may cause you to miss an
important injury or illness.
Review (1 of 2)
2. If an injury distracts an EMT from
assessing a more serious underlying
illness, he has suffered from:
A. tunnel vision.
Rationale: Correct answer
B. index of suspicion.
Rationale: The index of suspicion is your
awareness and concern for potentially serious
underlying and unseen injuries or illness.
Review (2 of 2)
2. If an injury distracts an EMT from
assessing a more serious underlying
illness, he has suffered from:
C. virulence.
Rationale: Virulence is the strength or ability
of a pathogen to produce disease.
D. a trauma emergency.
Rationale: Trauma emergencies involve
injuries resulting from physical forces applied
to the body.
3. If a “frequent flier” calls 9-1-1 because of a
suspected head injury, you should NEVER:
A. take the call seriously; don’t waste your time or
resources on such a caller.
B. perform a primary assessment; he called for a
head injury last week, and it wasn’t serious.
C. assume you know what the problem is; every
case is different, and you don’t want to miss a
potentially serious problem.
D. treat the patient with respect; he is probably
Answer: C
Rationale: You are obligated as a medical
professional to refrain from labeling patients
and displaying personal biases. Never
assume that you know what the problem is,
even when you are treating patients who
frequently call for EMS. This attitude could
result in missing a serious condition.
Review (1 of 2)
3. If a “frequent flier” calls 9-1-1 because of a
suspected head injury, you should NEVER:
A. take the call seriously; don’t waste your time
or resources on such a caller.
Rationale: Never assume you know the
patient’s problem before you arrive; you
should treat every patient equally.
B. perform a primary assessment; he called for a
head injury last week, and it wasn’t serious.
Rationale: You should perform a primary
assessment on every patient.
Review (2 of 2)
3. If a “frequent flier” calls 9-1-1 because of a
suspected head injury, you should NEVER:
C. assume you know what the problem is; every
case is different, and you don’t want to miss a
potentially serious problem.
Rationale: Correct answer
D. treat the patient with respect; he is probably
Rationale: It is important that you maintain a
professional, calm, nonjudgmental demeanor
at all times.
4. If your medical patient is not in critical
condition, how long should you spend on
A. 10 minutes or less
B. 30 minutes
C. 2 hours
D. However long it takes to gather as much
information as possible
Answer: D
Rationale: In many cases, the time on scene
may be longer for medical patients than for
trauma patients. If the patient is not in critical
condition, you should gather as much
information as possible from the scene so that
you can transmit that information to the
physician at the emergency department.
Review (1 of 2)
4. If your medical patient is not in critical
condition, how long should you spend on
A. 10 minutes or less
Rationale: Critical patients always need rapid
transport. The time on scene should be limited
to 10 minutes or less.
B. 30 minutes
Rationale: There is no set time limit for
noncritical patients.
Review (2 of 2)
4. If your medical patient is not in critical
condition, how long should you spend on
C. 2 hours
Rationale: There is no set time limit for
noncritical patients.
D. However long it takes to gather as much
information as possible
Rationale: Correct answer
5. Your patient is having respiratory difficulty
and is not responding to your treatment.
What is the best method of transport?
A. Without lights and sirens, to the closest
B. With lights and sirens, to the closest hospital
C. Air transport, to a special facility located 30
miles away
D. The patient does not need to be transported.
Answer: B
Rationale: Patients with respiratory difficulty
generally require high-priority transport,
especially if they do not respond to your initial
treatment. If a life-threatening condition exists,
the transportation should include lights and
sirens. In this case, it is appropriate to select
the closest hospital with an emergency
department as your destination.
Review (1 of 2)
5. Your patient is having respiratory difficulty
and is not responding to your treatment.
What is the best method of transport?
A. Without lights and sirens, to the closest
Rationale: Respiratory difficulty is considered
a high priority and requires lights and sirens
en route to the hospital.
B. With lights and sirens, to the closest hospital
Rationale: Correct answer
Review (2 of 2)
5. Your patient is having respiratory difficulty
and is not responding to your treatment.
What is the best method of transport?
C. Air transport, to a special facility located 30
miles away
Rationale: Respiratory difficulty does not
require a special facility; the closest hospital
with an ED should suffice.
D. The patient does not need to be transported.
Rationale: All high-priority patients should be
rapidly transported.
6. When assessing a patient with an
infectious disease, what is the first action
you should perform?
A. Size up the scene and take standard
B. Obtain a SAMPLE history.
C. Hand the patient off to a paramedic.
D. Cover your mouth and nose with your hand.
Answer: A
Rationale: The assessment of a patient
suspected to have an infectious disease
should be approached much like any other
medical patient. First, the scene must be
sized up and standard precautions taken.
Always show respect for the feelings of the
patient, family members, and others at the
Review (1 of 2)
6. When assessing a patient with an
infectious disease, what is the first action
you should perform?
A. Size up the scene and take standard
Rationale: Correct answer
B. Obtain a SAMPLE history.
Rationale: You must always ensure your own
safety before assessing the patient.
Review (2 of 2)
6. When assessing a patient with an
infectious disease, what is the first action
you should perform?
C. Hand the patient off to a paramedic.
Rationale: EMTs are qualified to assess
patients with infectious diseases.
D. Cover your mouth and nose.
Rationale: This action is not necessary; most
diseases are transmitted via blood or bodily
fluids. Remain calm and be respectful.
7. Your patient believes he has hepatitis and
is now exhibiting signs of cirrhosis of the
liver. He most likely has:
A. hepatitis A.
B. hepatitis B.
C. hepatitis C.
D. hepatitis D.
Answer: C
Rationale: Cirrhosis of the liver develops in
50% of patients with chronic hepatitis C.
Review (1 of 2)
7. Your patient believes he has hepatitis, and
is now exhibiting signs of cirrhosis of the
liver. He most likely has:
A. hepatitis A.
Rationale: Cirrhosis of the liver is not an
B. hepatitis B.
Rationale: Cirrhosis of the liver is not an
Review (2 of 2)
7. Your patient believes he has hepatitis, and
is now exhibiting signs of cirrhosis of the
liver. He most likely has:
C. hepatitis C.
Rationale: Correct answer
D. hepatitis D.
Rationale: Cirrhosis of the liver is not an
8. Your patient is complaining of fever,
headache, stiffness of the neck, and red
blotches on his skin. He most likely has:
A. tuberculosis.
B. hepatitis B.
D. meningitis.
Answer: D
Rationale: Patients with meningitis will have
signs and symptoms such as fever,
headache, stiff neck, and altered mental
status. Patients with meningococcal
meningitis often have red blotches on their
skin; however, many patients with forms of
meningitis that are not contagious also have
red blotches.
Review (1 of 2)
8. Your patient is complaining of fever,
headache, stiffness of the neck, and red
blotches on his skin. He most likely has:
A. tuberculosis.
Rationale: These are not indications of
B. hepatitis B.
Rationale: These are not indications of
hepatitis B.
Review (2 of 2)
8. Your patient is complaining of fever,
headache, stiffness of the neck, and red
blotches on his skin. He most likely has:
Rationale: These are not indications of
D. meningitis.
Rationale: Correct answer
9. What should you do if you are exposed to a
patient who is found to have pulmonary
A. Get the BCG vaccine.
B. Get a tuberculin skin test.
C. Undergo serious therapy.
D. No precautions need to be taken.
Answer: B
Rationale: If you are exposed to a patient
who is found to have pulmonary tuberculosis,
you will be given a tuberculin skin test. This
simple skin test determines whether a person
has been infected with M tuberculosis.
Review (1 of 2)
9. What should you do if you are exposed to a
patient who is found to have pulmonary
A. Get the BCG vaccine.
Rationale: The BCG vaccine is only rarely
used in the United States. A tuberculin skin
test should be sufficient.
B. Get a tuberculin skin test.
Rationale: Correct answer
Review (2 of 2)
9. What should you do if you are exposed to a
patient who is found to have pulmonary
C. Undergo serious therapy.
Rationale: Serious therapy is not necessary;
a tuberculin skin test should be sufficient.
D. No precautions need to be taken.
Rationale: A tuberculin skin test is
10. All of the following are factors that
increase the risk for developing MRSA,
A. antibiotic therapy.
B. prolonged hospital stays.
C. exposure to an infected patient.
D. close contact with wild birds.
Answer: D
Rationale: Factors that increase the risk for
developing MRSA include antibiotic therapy,
prolonged hospital stays, a stay in intensive
care or a burn unit, and exposure to an
infected patient. Close contact with wild birds
is a factor that may increase the risk of
acquiring avian flu.
10. All of the following are factors that
increase the risk for developing MRSA,
A. antiobiotic therapy.
Rationale: This is a factor.
B. prolonged hospital stays.
Rationale: This is a factor.
C. exposure to an infected patient.
Rationale: This is a factor.
D. close contact with wild birds.
Rationale: Correct answer
• Background slide image (ambulance):
Galina Barskaya/ShutterStock, Inc.
• Background slide images (non-ambulance):
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