Contrast Review

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Contrast Review
Two strict contraindications to contrast media studies of the intestinal tract are known:
• Presurgical patients and patients suspected of having a perforated hollow viscus
(intestine or organ) should not receive barium sulfate. Water-soluble, iodinated media
should be used instead. With young or dehydrated patients, care must be taken when a
water-soluble contrast medium is used. Because of these patients' hypertonic nature, they
tend to draw water into the bowel, leading to increased dehydration.
• Barium sulfate by mouth is contraindicated in patients with a possible large bowel
obstruction. An obstructed large bowel should be ruled out first with an acute abdominal
series and a barium enema.
• Because the esophagus is empty most of the time,
patients need no preparation for an esophagram
unless an upper GI series is to follow. When combined
with an upper GI, or if the primary interest is the lower
esophagus, preparation for the UGI takes precedence.
• For an esophagram only, all clothing and anything
metallic between the mouth and the waist should be
removed, and the patient should wear a hospital gown.
Before the fluoroscopic procedure is performed, a
pertinent history should be taken and the examination
carefully explained to the patient.
Foreign bodies
• of which patients may ingest a variety, include a bolus
of food, metallic objects, and other materials lodging in
the esophagus. Their locations and dimensions may be
determined during the esophagram. Radiolucent
foreign bodies, such as fish bones, may require the use
of additional materials and techniques for detection.
Cotton may be shredded and placed in a cup of barium
and drunk by the patient. The intent of this technique
is to allow a tuft of the cotton to be suspended by the
radiolucent foreign body and visible during
fluoroscopy. Although this technique has been used for
decades, most gastroenterologists prefer the use of
endoscopy to isolate and remove these foreign bodies.
• also termed cardiospasm, is a motor disorder of
the esophagus in which peristalsis is reduced
along the distal two-thirds of the esophagus.
Achalasis is evident at the esophagogastric
sphincter because of its inability to relax during
swallowing. The thoracic esophagus may also lose
its normal peristaltic activity and become dilated
(megaesophagus). Video and rapid digital
fluoroscopy is most helpful in diagnosis of
Basic Positions
RAO (35° to 40°)
Central Ray
• CR perpendicular to IR
• CR to level of T5 or T6 (2 to 3 inches [5 to 7.5
cm] inferior to jugular notch)
• Minimum SID of 40 inches (100 cm) or 72
inches (180 cm) if erect
Hiatal hernia
• Hiatal hernia is a condition in which a portion of the stomach
herniates through the diaphragmatic opening. The herniation
may be slight, but in severe cases, most of the stomach is
found within the thoracic cavity above the diaphragm.
• Hiatal hernia may be due to a congenitally short esophagus or
weakening of the muscle that surrounds the diaphragmatic
opening, allowing passage of the esophagus.This form of
hiatal hernia may occur in both pediatric and adult patients.
• Diverticula are pouchlike herniations of a
portion of the mucosal wall. They can occur in
the stomach or small intestine. Gastric diverticula
generally range between 1 and 2 centimeters but
may be as small as a few millimeters to 8
centimeters in diameter. Nearly 70% to 90% of
gastric diverticula arise in the posterior aspect of
the fundus. Consequently, the lateral position
taken during an upper GI study may be the only
projection that demonstrates gastric diverticula.
Most gastric diverticula are asymptomatic and
are discovered accidentally.
Although benign, diverticula can lead to perforation if untreated. Other complications
include inflammation and ulceration at the site of neoplasm formation. A doublecontrast upper GI is recommended to diagnose any tumors or diverticula.
The goal of patient preparation for an upper GI series is for the patient to
arrive in the radiology department with a completely empty stomach. For an
examination scheduled during the morning hours, the patient should be NPO
from midnight until the time of the examination. Food and fluids should be
withheld for at least 8 hours prior to the exam. The patient also is instructed
not to smoke cigarettes or chew gum during the NPO period. These activities
tend to increase gastric secretions and salivation, which prevents proper
coating of barium to the gastric mucosa.
The upper GI series is often a time-consuming procedure, so the patient
should be forewarned about the time the examination may take when the
appointment is made. This time is especially true if the UGI is to be followed
by a small-bowel series. The importance of an empty stomach also should be
stressed when the appointment is made so the patient arrives properly
prepared both physically and psychologically
• Consider the body habitus of the patient. Remember
that the stomach is high and transverse with the
hypersthenic patient and low and vertical with the
hyposthenic patient. The sthenic or average patient
has the duodenum bulb near the L2 region. Usually,
L2 is located 2.5 to 5 centimeters (1 to 2 inches)
above the lower lateral rib cage margin. Centering
points are designed for the average sthenic patient.
• High kV of 100 to 125 is required to penetrate
adequately and increase visibility of barium-filled
structures. A kV below 100 will not provide
visibility of the mucosa of the esophagus,
stomach, or duodenum. Short exposure times are
needed to control peristaltic motion. With double
contrast, reduction of the kV to the 90 to 100
range is common to provide higher-contrast
images without overpenetrating the anatomy
(determine departmental kV preferences).
Iodinated water-soluble contrast studies often
require a kV range of between 80 and 90 kV.
Upper GI Series
RAO (recumbent)
PA (recumbent)
Right lateral (recumbent)
LPO (recumbent)
AP (recumbent)
• Suspend respiration and expose on expiration
Collimation and CR:
• Collimation is seen along the four margins of the radiograph. • CR is
centered to level of L1, with body of stomach and C-loop centered
on radiograph.
Exposure Criteria:
• Appropriate technique is used to clearly visualize the gastric folds
without overexposing other pertinent anatomy. • Sharp structural
margins indicate no motion
Supine - Trandelenburg
Small Intestine
Large Intestine
The large intestine begins in the right lower quadrant, just lateral
to the ileocecal valve. The large intestine consists of four major
parts: cecum, colon, rectum, and anal canal.
Large intestine and colon are NOT synonyms, although many technologists
use these terms interchangeably. The colon consists of four sections and
two flexures and does not include the cecum and rectum. The four
sections of the colon are (1) the ascending colon, (2) the transverse
colon, (3) the descending colon, and (4) the sigmoid colon. The right
(hepatic) and left (splenic) colic flexures also are included as part of the
A thin mixture of barium sulfate is used for most small bowel series. When perforated
bowel is suspected, or when surgery follows the SBS, a water-soluble, iodinated contrast
media may be given. If the patient exhibits hypomotility of the bowel, ice water or
another stimulant may be provided to promote the transit of barium. Also, watersoluble, iodinated contrast media can be added to the barium to increase peristalsis and
transit time of contrast media through the small intestine.
For an upper GI–small bowel combination procedure, a routine upper GI series is done
first. After the routine stomach study is performed, progress of the barium is followed
through the entire small bowel. During a routine upper GI series, the patient generally
should have ingested 1 full cup, or 8 ounces, of barium-sulfate mixture. For any small
bowel examination, the time that the patient ingested this barium should be noted
because timing for sequential radiographs frequently is based on ingestion of this first
cup during the UGI procedure. Some departments, however, begin the timing upon
ingestion of the second cup.
After completion of fluoroscopy and routine radiography of the stomach, the patient is
given 1 additional cup of barium to ingest. The time that this is done should be noted.
Then, 30 minutes after the initial barium ingestion, a PA radiograph of the proximal small
bowel is obtained. This first radiograph of the small bowel series (marked “30 minutes”)
usually is obtained about 15 minutes after the UGI series has been completed.
Radiographs are obtained at specific intervals throughout the small bowel series until the
barium-sulfate column passes through the ileocecal valve and progresses into the
ascending colon. For the first 2 hours in the small bowel series, radiographs usually are
obtained at 15- to 30-minute intervals. If continuing the examination beyond the 2-hour
time frame becomes necessary, then radiographs usually are obtained every hour until
barium passes through the ileocecal valve.
The second possibility for study of the small intestine is the small bowel only series, for
every contrast media examination, including the small bowel series, a radiograph of the
abdomen should be obtained before the contrast media is introduced.
For the small bowel only series, 2 cups (16 oz) of barium generally is ingested by the
patient, and the time is noted. Depending on departmental protocol, the first radiograph is
taken 15 or 30 minutes after completion of barium ingestion. This first radiograph requires
high centering to include the diaphragm. From this point on, the examination is exactly like
the follow-up series of the UGI. Half-hour radiographs generally are taken for 2 hours,
followed by 1-hour radiographs thereafter, until barium reaches the cecum and/or
ascending colon.
Note: Some routines may include continuous half-hour imaging until the barium reaches
the cecum.
In the routine small bowel series, regular barium sulfate ordinarily reaches the large
intestine within 2 or 3 hours, but this time varies greatly among patients.
Fluoroscopy with spot imaging and use of a compression cone may provide options for
better visualization of the ileocecal valve.
A third method of small bowel study is the enteroclysis procedure, which is a doublecontrast method that is used to evaluate the small bowel.
Enteroclysis describes the injection of a nutrient or medicinal liquid into the bowel. In the
context of a radiographic small bowel procedure, it refers to a study wherein the patient is
intubated under fluoroscopic control with a special enteroclysis catheter that passes
through the stomach into the duodenum to the region of the duodenojejunal junction
(ligament of Treitz). With fluoroscopy guidance, a duodenojejunal tube is placed into the
terminal duodenum.
First, a high-density suspension of barium is injected through this catheter at a rate of 100
ml/minute. Fluoroscopic and conventional radiographs may be taken at this time. Then, air
or methylcellulose is injected into the bowel to distend it, providing a double-contrast
effect. Methylcellulose is preferred because it adheres to the bowel while distending it. This
double-contrast effect dilates the loops of small bowel, while enhancing visibility of the
mucosa. This action leads to increased accuracy of the study.
Disadvantages of enteroclysis include increased patient discomfort and the possibility of
bowel perforation during catheter placement
Imaging for any overhead radiograph during a small bowel series is done with 35 × 43centimeter (14 × 17-inch) IRs for visualization of as much of the small intestine as possible.
Spot imaging of selected portions of the small bowel is done with smaller IRs.
The prone position usually is used during a small bowel series, unless the patient is unable
to assume that position. The prone position allows abdominal compression to separate the
various loops of bowel, creating a higher degree of visibility. Asthenic patients may be
placed in the Trendelenburg position to separate overlapping loops of ileum.
For the 30-minute radiograph, the IR is placed high enough to include the stomach on the
radiograph. This placement often requires longitudinal centering to the duodenal bulb and
side-to-side centering to the midsagittal plane. Approximately three-fourths of the IR should
extend above the iliac crest. Because most of the barium is in the stomach and proximal
small bowel, a high-kV (100 to 125 kV) technique should be used on this initial radiograph.
All radiographs after the initial 30-minute exposure should be centered to the iliac crest. For
the 1-hour and later radiographs, medium-kilovoltage techniques may be used because
barium is spread through more of the alimentary canal and is not concentrated in the
stomach. Spot imaging of the terminal ileum usually completes the examination.
Preparation of the patient for a barium enema is more
involved than is preparation for the stomach and small bowel.
The final objective, however, is the same. The section of
alimentary canal to be examined must be empty. Thorough
cleansing of the entire large bowel is of paramount
importance for a satisfactory contrast media study of the large
Certain conditions contraindicate the use of very effective
cathartics or purgatives needed to thoroughly cleanse the
large bowel. These exceptions include (1) gross bleeding, (2)
severe diarrhea, (3) obstruction, and (4) inflammatory
conditions such as appendicitis.
• Barium sulfate is the most common type of positivecontrast medium used for the barium enema. The
concentration of the barium sulfate suspension
varies according to the study performed. A standard
mixture used for single–contrast media barium
enemas ranges between 15% and 25% weight-tovolume (w/v). The thicker barium used for doublecontrast barium enemas has a weight-to-volume
concentration between 75% and 95% or higher.
Contrast Media Preparation
• The mixing instructions as supplied by the manufacturer
should be followed precisely.
• A debate has evolved over the temperature of the water
used to prepare the barium sulfate suspension. Some
experts recommend the use of cold water (40°F to 45°F) in
the preparation of contrast media. Cold water is reported
to have an anesthetic effect on the colon and to increase
the retention of contrast media. Critics have stated that the
use of cold water may lead to colonic spasm.
• Room temperature water (85°F to 90°F) is recommended
by most experts for completion of a more successful
examination with maximal patient comfort.
• The technologist should NEVER use hot water to prepare
contrast media. Hot water may scald the mucosal lining of
the colon.
• After the fluoroscopic room and the contrast media
have been completely prepared, the patient is escorted
to the examination room. Before insertion of the
enema tip, a pertinent history should be taken and the
examination carefully explained. Because complete
cooperation is essential and this examination can be
somewhat embarrassing, every effort should be made
to reassure the patient at every stage of the exam.
• Previous radiographs should be made available to the
radiologist. The patient is placed in Sims' position
before the enema tip is inserted.
• Before the enema tip is inserted, the opening in the back of
the patient's gown should be adjusted to expose only the
anal region. The rest of the patient should be well covered
when the rectal tube is inserted. The patient's modesty
should be protected in any way possible during the barium
enema examination. The right buttock should be raised to
open the gluteal fold and expose the anus. The patient
should take in a few deep breaths before actual insertion of
the enema tip. If the tip will not enter with gentle pressure,
the patient should be asked to relax and assist if possible.
The tip should NEVER be forced in a manner that could
cause injury to the patient. Because the abdominal muscles
relax on expiration, the tip should be inserted during the
exhalation phase of respiration.
Review Patient's Chart: Note any pertinent clinical history on the exam requisition,
and inform the radiologist about whether the patient underwent a sigmoidoscopy
or colonoscopy before the barium enema was given, especially if a biopsy was
performed. Determine whether the patient has any known allergies to the contrast
media or the natural latex products. Diabetic patients shall not be given glucagon
prior to or during procedure unless ordered by physician.
Never Force Enema Tip Into Rectum: This action may lead to a perforated rectum.
The radiologist inserts the enema tip under fluoroscopic guidance, if needed.
Height of Enema Bag Does Not Exceed 24 Inches (60 cm) Above Table: This
distance should be maintained before the procedure is begun. The radiologist may
wish to raise bag height during the procedure based on rate of flow of the contrast
Verify Water Temperature of Contrast Media: Water that is too hot or too cold
may injure the patient or compromise the procedure.
Escort Patient to the Restroom After Completion of the Study: A barium enema
can be stressful for some patients. Patients have been known to faint during or
after evacuation.
• A diverticulum (di′-ver-tik′-u-lum) is an outpouching of
the mucosal wall that may result from herniation of
the inner wall of the colon. Although this is a relatively
benign condition, it may become widespread
throughout the colon but is most prevalent in the
sigmoid colon. It is most common among adults over
40 years of age. The condition of having numerous
diverticula is termed diverticulosis. If these diverticula
become infected, the condition then is referred to as
diverticulitis. Inflamed diverticula may become a
source of bleeding, in which case surgical removal may
be necessary. A patient may develop peritonitis if a
diverticulum perforates the mucosal wall.
• Intussusception is a telescoping or invagination of one
part of the intestine into another. It is most common in
infants younger than 2 years of age but can occur in
adults. A barium enema or an air/gas enema may play
a therapeutic role in reexpanding the involved bowel.
Radiographically, the barium column terminates into a
“mushroom-shaped” dilation with very little
barium/gas passing beyond it. This dilation marks the
point of obstruction. Intussusception must be resolved
quickly so it does not lead to obstruction and necrosis
of the bowel. If the condition recurs, surgery may be
• Polyps are saclike projections similar to
diverticula except that they project inward into
the lumen rather than outward, as do diverticula.
Similar to diverticula, polyps can become
inflamed and may be a source of bleeding, in
which case they may have to be surgically
removed. Barium enema, endoscopy, and
computed tomography colonography (CTC) are
the most effective modalities used to
demonstrate neoplasms in the large intestine.
• Volvulus is a twisting of a portion of the intestine on
its own mesentery, leading to a mechanical type of
obstruction. Blood supply to the twisted portion is
compromised, leading to obstruction and necrosis, or
localized death of tissue. A volvulus may be found in
portions of the jejunum or ileum or in the cecum and
sigmoid colon. Volvulus is more likely to occur in men
than in women and is most common between the ages
of 20 and 50 years. The classic sign is called a “beak”
sign, a tapered narrowing at the volvulus site as
demonstrated during a barium enema. A volvulus will
produce an air-fluid level, as is well demonstrated on
an erect abdomen projection.
Pathology Demonstrated
• Inflammatory processes, neoplasms, and obstructions of the
small intestine are shown
Suspend respiration and expose on expiration.
Barium Enema
• PA and/or AP
• LPO and RPO
• Lateral rectum and ventral
• R lateral decubitus
• L lateral decubitus
• PA (AP) postevacuation
• AP or LPO axial (butterfly)
• PA or RAO axial (butterfly)
Pathology Demonstrated
Obstructions, including ileus, volvulus, and intussusception, are demonstrated. Double-contrast
media barium enema is ideal for demonstrating diverticulosis, polyps, and mucosal changes.
Radiographic Criteria
Structures Shown: • The transverse colon should be primarily barium-filled on the PA and air-filled
on the AP with a double-contrast study. • Entire large intestine, including the left colic flexure, should
be visible.
Radiographic Criteria
Structures Shown: • The right colic flexure and the ascending and sigmoid colon are seen “open”
without significant superimposition. • The entire large intestine is included, with the possible exception
of the left colic flexure, which is best demonstrated in LAO position (or may require a second image
centered higher). • The rectal ampulla should be included on the lower margin of the radiograph.
Radiographic Criteria
Structures Shown: • LPO—The right colic (hepatic) flexure and the ascending and rectosigmoid
portions should appear “open” without significant superimposition. • RPO—The left colic (splenic)
flexure and the descending portions should appear “open” without significant superimposition. (A
second IR centered lower to include the rectal area is required on most adult patients if this area is to
be included on these postfluoroscopy overheads.) • The rectal ampulla should be included on the lower
margins of the radiograph. • Entire contrast-filled large intestine, including the rectal ampulla, should be
Radiographic Criteria
Structures Shown: • Contrast-filled rectosigmoid region
is demonstrated.
Radiographic Criteria
Structures Shown: • Entire large intestine is demonstrated to include air-filled left colic
flexure and descending colon.
Structures Shown:
• Entire large intestine is demonstrated, with air-filled right colic flexure, ascending colon,
and cecum.
Radiographic Criteria
Structures Shown: • Entire large intestine should be visualized with only a residual amount
of contrast media
“Butterfly” Positions
Central Ray
• Angle CR 30° to 40° cephalad.
Direct CR 2 inches (5 cm) inferior to level of
ASIS and to MSP.
Radiographic Criteria
Structures Shown: • Elongated views of the rectosigmoid segments should be visible with
less overlapping of sigmoid loops than with a 90° AP projection.
“Butterfly” Positions
Central Ray
Angle CR 30° to 40° caudad.
•PA: • Align CR to exit at level of ASIS and MSP.
Radiographic examinations of the urinary system are among the most
common contrast media procedures performed in radiology
departments. The urinary system consists of two kidneys, two ureters,
one urinary bladder, and one urethra
Transverse cross-sectional views through the level of L2 illustrate the usual amount of
backward rotation of the kidneys.The normal kidney rotation of about 30° is due to the
midline location of the vertebral column and the large psoas major muscles on either
side. The quadratus lumborum muscles also are shown on each side just posterior to the
kidneys. The deep muscles of the back include the group of erector spinae muscles on
each side of the spine.
When posterior oblique projections are used during radiographic studies of the urinary
system, each kidney in turn is placed parallel to the plane of the image receptor. The body
is rotated about 30° in each direction to place one kidney, and then the other, parallel to
the IR plane. A 30° LPO positions the right kidney parallel to the IR, and a 30° RPO
positions the left kidney parallel.
Most abdominal radiographs are performed on expiration with the patient supine. The
combined effect of expiration and a supine position allows the kidneys to lie fairly high in
the abdominal cavity. Under these conditions, the kidneys normally lie about halfway
between the xiphoid process and the iliac crest. The left kidney normally lies about 1
centimeter more superior than does the right one. The top of the left kidney is usually at
the level of the T11-T12 interspace. The bottom of the right kidney most often is level
with the upper part of L3
The urinary bladder is a musculomembranous sac that serves as a reservoir for urine.
The empty bladder is somewhat flattened and assumes the more oval shape only
when partially or fully distended.
The triangular portion of the bladder along the inner, posterior surface is termed the
trigone . The trigone is the muscular area formed by the entrance of the two ureters
from behind and the exit site of the urethra. The trigone is firmly attached to the
floor of the pelvis. The mucosa of the trigone is smooth, whereas the remaining
aspect of the inner mucosa of the bladder has numerous folds termed rugae. As the
bladder fills, the top of the bladder expands upward and forward toward the
abdominal cavity.
The bladder functions as a reservoir for urine and, aided by the
urethra, expels urine from the body. Normally, some urine is in the
bladder at all times, but as the amount reaches 250 ml, the desire
to void arises. The act of voiding (urination) is normally under
voluntary control, and the desire to void may pass if the bladder
cannot be emptied right away. The total capacity of the bladder
varies from 350 to 500 ml. As the bladder becomes more and more
full, the desire to void becomes more and more urgent. If the
internal bladder pressure rises too high, involuntary urination
Venipuncture is defined as the percutaneous puncture of a vein for withdrawal of
blood or injection of a solution such as contrast media for urographic procedures. In
the past, venipuncture for urography was performed by physicians and laboratory or
nursing personnel. However, in recent years, venipuncture has become part of the
scope of practice for the diagnostic imaging professional.
Before contrast media is withdrawn from
any vial or bottle, confirmation of the
correct contents of the container, route of
administration, amount to be
administered, and expiration date is
Water-soluble, iodinated contrast media is
used for radiographic examinations of the
urinary system. This type of contrast
medium can be administered by either
bolus injection or drip infusion.
A bolus injection is one in which the entire dose of contrast media
is injected into the venous system at one time. This method of
administration is used typically for maximum contrast
During introductions, proper identification of the patient, and the explanation of the
procedure, the mental and emotional status of the patient must be assessed. This
assessment may confirm that the patient is more comfortable lying down, especially if
syncope (temporary loss of consciousness) is a concern.
Venipuncture is an invasive procedure that carries risks for complications, especially
when contrast media is injected. Before beginning the procedure, the technologist must
ensure that the patient is fully aware of these potential risks and has signed an
informed consent form. If a child is undergoing venipuncture, the procedure should be
explained to both the child and the guardian, and the guardian should sign the informed
consent form.
The two major types of iodinated contrast media used in urology are ionic and nonionic.
For many years, patients received a type of organic, iodinated contrast medium referred
to as ionic. This contrast agent contains iodine as the opacifying element and other
chemical components that create a complex molecule. The parent compound of the
molecule is a carboxyl group in the form of benzoic acid, to which other chemical
components (side chains) are attached. Ionic, iodinated contrast media contain a
positively charged side chain element called the cation. The cation is a salt, usually
consisting of sodium or meglumine, or a combination of both. These salts increase the
solubility of the contrast media.
Side effects occur in many patients as an expected outcome of injected iodinated
contrast media. They are brief and self-limiting.
Two common side effects that may occur after an intravenous injection of iodinated
contrast media are a temporary hot flash and a metallic taste in the mouth. Both the
hot flash, particularly in the face, and the metallic taste in the mouth usually pass
quickly. Discussion of these possible effects and careful explanation of the
examination help to reduce patient anxiety and to prepare the patient psychologically.
Patient History
A careful patient history may serve to alert the medical team to a possible reaction.
Patients with a history of allergy are more likely to experience adverse reactions to
contrast media than are those who have no allergies. Questions to ask the patient
include the following:
1.Are you allergic to anything?
2.Have you ever had hay fever, asthma, or hives?
3.Are you allergic to any drugs or medications?
4.Are you allergic to iodine?
5.Are you allergic to any foods?
6.Are you currently taking metformin, Glucophage, Glucovance, Avandamet, Diofen,
Fortamet, Riomet, Actosplus Met, Diabex, or Metaglip?
7.Have you ever had an x-ray examination that required an injection into an artery or
A positive response to any of these questions alerts the injection team to an increased
probability of reaction.
The technologist must check the patient's chart to determine the creatinine and BUN
(blood urea nitrogen) levels. These laboratory tests should have been conducted and
reported in the patient's chart before the urinary study is undertaken. Creatinine and
BUN levels are diagnostic indicators of kidney function. Elevated creatinine or BUN levels
may indicate acute or chronic renal failure, tumor, or other conditions of the urinary
system. Patients with elevated blood levels have a greater chance of experiencing an
adverse contrast media reaction. Normal creatinine levels for the adult are 0.6 to 1.5
mg/dl. BUN levels should range between 8 and 25 mg/100 ml.
Metformin hydrochloride is a drug that is given for the management of non–insulindependent diabetes mellitus. Patients who are currently taking metformin can be given
iodinated contrast media only if their kidney function levels are within normal limits.
Because the combination of iodinated contrast media and metformin may increase the risk
for contrast media–induced acute renal failure and/or lactic acidosis, the American College
of Radiology recommends that metformin be withheld for at least 48 hours after the
procedure and resumed only if kidney function is again determined to be within normal
Bladder calculi are stones that form in the urinary bladder. These stones are not as
common as renal calculi, but they can grow quite large in the and may be radiolucent or
radiopaque. The radiolucent stones are most often uric acid stones. The presence of
bladder stones can make urination difficult. These stones may be demonstrated during
an IVU or retrograde cystogram. They are seen clearly during a CT scan of the pelvis as
Congenital anomalies are structural or chemical imperfections or alterations present at
•Duplication of ureter and renal pelvis involves two ureters and/or the renal pelvis
originating from the same kidney. It is the most common type of congenital anomaly of
the urinary system.* This anomaly usually does not cause a health concern for the patient.
The IVU confirms this condition.
•Ectopic kidney describes a normal kidney that fails to ascend into the abdomen but
rather remains in the pelvis. This type of kidney has a shorter than normal ureter. Although
this condition does not pose a health concern for the patient, it may interfere with the
birth process in females. Although an IVU will confirm the location of the ectopic kidney,
sonography and CT of the pelvis also will demonstrate this anomaly.
•Horseshoe kidney occurs as a fusion of the kidneys during development of the fetus.
Nearly 95% of cases involve fusion of the lower poles of the kidneys.* This fusion usually
does not affect the function of the kidney. Because of fusion of the lower poles, the
kidneys do not ascend to their normal position in the abdomen and typically are situated
in the lower abdomen/upper pelvis. CT and sonography of the abdomen demonstrate this
congenital condition, as does the IVU.
•Malrotation is an abnormal rotation of the kidney that is evident when the renal pelvis is
turned from a medial to an anterior or posterior direction. The ureteropelvic junction (UPJ)
may be seen lateral to the kidney. Usually, malrotation does not produce major
complications for the patient.
Cystitis (sis-ti′-tis) describes an inflammation of the urinary bladder caused by a
bacterial or fungal infection. It is seen most often in females because of the shorter
urethra that more readily permits retrograde passage of bacteria into the bladder.
Polycystic kidney disease is a disorder marked by cysts scattered throughout one or
both kidneys. This disease is the most common cause of enlarged kidneys. Its cause
may be genetic or congenital, depending on the type of polycystic disease. These cysts
alter the appearance of the kidney and may alter renal function. In some cases, the
liver may have cysts as well.
Vesicorectal (vesicocolonic) fistula is a fistula (artificial opening) that forms between
the urinary bladder and rectum or aspects of the colon. This condition may be due to
trauma or tumor, or it may be a congenital defect.
Approximately 60% of fistulas result from diverticulosis (outpouching or herniation of
an organ wall, usually in the small or large intestine). Another 20% are caused by an
invading carcinoma, colitis, and trauma. Pneumaturia and fecaluria are symptoms of a
Pathology Demonstrated
Scout demonstrates abnormal calcifications that may be urinary calculi. After injection,
the AP projection may demonstrate signs of obstruction, hydronephrosis, tumor, or
Intravenous (Excretory) Urography—IVU
• AP (scout and series)
• Nephrotomogram
• RPO and LPO (30°)
• AP—postvoid erect or recumbent
IVU scout and series.
Technical Factors
• Moving or stationary grid
• 70 to 75 kV range
• Minute markers where applicable
• IR size—35 × 43 cm (14 × 17 inches), lengthwise; for nephrogram—28 ×
35 cm (11 × 14 inches), crosswise
Pathology Demonstrated
Nephrogram or nephrotomogram demonstrates conditions and trauma to the renal
parenchyma. Renal cysts and/or adrenal masses may be demonstrated during this phase
of the IVU.
A nephrogram involves a single AP radiograph of the kidney region taken within 60
seconds following injection.
Pathology Demonstrated
Signs of infection, trauma, and obstruction of the elevated kidney are shown. Also
demonstrates trauma or obstruction of the downside ureter.
RPO—30°. Inset, 30° LPO
Pathology Demonstrated
Position may demonstrate enlarged prostate (possible BPH) or prolapse of the
The erect position demonstrates nephroptosis (abnormal positional change of
Pathology Demonstrated
Signs of cystitis, obstruction, vesicoureteral reflux, and bladder calculi are
visualized. Lateral demonstrates possible fistulas between bladder and uterus or
• AP (10° to 15° caudad)
• Both oblique positions (45° to 60°)
Pathology Demonstrated
Functional study of the urinary bladder and urethra determines cause of
urinary retention and evaluates for possible vesicoureteral reflux.
Voiding Cystourethrography
• Male—RPO (30°)
• Female—AP