What I Wish I Knew - Holtorf Medical Group
Transcript What I Wish I Knew - Holtorf Medical Group
What I Wish I Knew
Prolozone/Oxidation/Patient Management
Two Types of Ozone
Arthritis ozone
Pain patterns
“Holistic” ozone
Internal conditions
Macular degeneration
Chronic infections
Infertility conditions
Right to it
Quit having to resale
Re-convincing the patient visit after visit after visit s
Look outstanding
Sharkskin shoes
Wool plants
Dry clean shirt
Silk tie
*White lab coat
Put on lab coat
Convinces me - $1,300 dollars
Audience Participation
Can I see by a show of hands?
Well versed in ozone – primary in practice
Dabbling in ozone –
Never done any ozone
Special Kool Aid™ in the vendor room
What does Ozone do?
Stimulates the production of white blood cells
Interferon levels are significantly increased
Stimulates the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor
Stimulates the secretion of IL-2
Kills most bacteria at low concentrations
Effective against all types of fungi
Fights viruses in a variety of ways
Increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells
Makes the anti-oxidant enzyme system more efficient
Helps with heavy metal detoxification
Degrades petrochemicals
What does Ozone do?
Reduces red cell clumping
Increases oxygen partial pressure
Reduces viscosity
Oxidizes plaque
Improves removal of breakdown products
Good for red cell metabolism
Improved 2,3 DPG
Activates the Krebs cycle
Better ATP formation
Increases glutathione peroxidase, Catalase, peroxide dismutase.
Improves healing
Most remarkable adaptogen
Conditions Treated by Ozone
Acariasis, Acne, Acrodermatitis, Acute otitis media, Acute vestibulopathy, Addisons disease, Adenocarcinoma, Adenovirus,
Adrenalitis, AIDS, Alopecia, ALS (Lou Gehrig disease), Alzheimer's disease, Amebiasis, Amenorrhea, Amyloidosis, Anal fissures,
Anemia, Angina, Angiodema, Ankylosing spondylitis, Anthrax, Apthous stomatitis, Arterial occlusion, Arteriosclerosis, Arthritis,
Arthrosis, Asthma, Athlete's foot., Babesiosis, Bacterial pneumonia, Bartonellosis, Basalinoma, Bell palsy, Bornholm myalgia,
Botulism, Bronchitis, Bronchopulmonary aspergillus, Broncospasm, Brucellosis, Bullous pemphigus, Burkit lymphoma, Cancer of
all types, Candidiasis, Carbuncles, Cavernous sinus thrombosis, Cellulitis, Cerebral atrophy, Cerebrovascular accident, Chagas
disease, Chicken pox, Chlamydia, Cholecystitis, Chronic pain, Chronic, pulmonary disease, Cirrhosis of the liver, Coccidiomycosis,
Colitis, Dengue fever, Dermatitis, Diabetes, Diverticulitis, Echovirus, Eczema, Ehrlichiosis, Encephalitis, Encephalomyelitis,
Endocarditis, Endometritis, Endophthalmitis, Enteric fever, Enteritis necroticans, Environmental hypersensitivity, Epidermoid
carcinoma, Epidermolitic keratosis, Epidermophytosis, Epididymitis, Epstein-Barr virus, Erysipelas, Erythema migrans, Flavivirus,
Folliculitis, Food poisoning, Fulminant varicella, Furuncle, Gangrene, Genital warts, Giardiasis, Glaucoma, Glioma, Glomerular
membrane disease, Glomerulonephritis, Goodpasture syndrome, Gout, Graves disease, Guillan-Barre syndrome, Hairy
leukoplakia, Heart arrhythmia, Heart disease, Hematoma, Hemolytic anemia, Hemorrhage, Hemorrhagic fever, Hemorrhoids,
Hepatitis, Herpes of all types, Histoplasmosis, HIV, HTLV, Huntingdon chorea, Hypercholesterolemia, Hypersensitivity,
Hyperthyroidism, Hypotension, Ichthyosis, Ileitis Polyoma virus, Impetigo, Influenza, Intravascular coagulation, Ischemic optic
neuropathy, Krohn's disease, Kyanasur Forest disease, Landry syndrome, Lassa fever, Leishmaniasis, Leptospirosis, Leukemia,
Leukoencephalopathy, Leukopenia, Listeriosis, Lupus erythematosus, Lyme disease, Lymphocytic choriomeningitis,
Lymphogranuloma, Lymphoid pneumonia, Lymphoma, Malaria, Mastoiditis, Measles, Melanoma, Melioidosis, Meniere disease,
Migraine, Molluscum ecthyma, Mononucleosis, Morbilloform, Multiple sclerosis, Mumps, Myalgia, Myasthenia gravis,
Mycobacterium avium complex, Mycosis, Myelitis, Myocarditis, Myonecrosis, Myositis., Neutropenia colitis, Neurodermatitis, Ocular
trachoma, Optic nerve dysfunction, Optic neuritis, Oral erythema, Orbital cellulitis, Orchitis, Cryptospiridiosis, Osteomyelitis,
Osteoporosis, Osteosarcoma, Otosclerosis, Pancreatitis, Panniculitis, Papillitis, Parainfluenza, Parkinson's disease, Pediculosis,
Pelvic inflammatory disease, Pemphigoid, Pernicious anemia, Pneumocytosis, Pneumonia, Poliomyelitis, Polyateritis, Poor
circulation, Postpartum fever, Proctitis, Prostate enlargement, Prurigo, Psoriasis, Pulmonary toxiplasis, Pyoderma, Rabies,
Radiculoneuritis, Relapsing fever, Reynaud's disease, Reynold's syndrome, Rheumatoid arthritis, Rhinitis, Rift Valley fever,
Rubella, Salmonella, Salpingitis, Scabies, Scleroderma, Senile dementia, Senile macular degeneration, Sennutsu fever,
Septicemia, Shingles, Shock, Sickle cell anemia, Sinusitis, Skin burns, Spinalioma, Staphyloococcus, Stiatonigral degeneration,
Stomatitis, Stroke, Syphilis, T.cruzi, Tardive dyskinesia, Tendinitis, Tetanus, Thoracic zygomycosis, Thrombopenic purpura,
Thrombophlebitis, Thyroiditis, Tinea versicolor, Tinnitus, Togavirus, Tourette syndrome, Toxic amblyopia, Toxoplasmosis,
Traveller's diarrhea, Trench fever, Trypanosomiasis, Tuberculosis, Tularemia, Ulcers, Urethritis, Urticaria, Uterine spasm, Uveitis,
Varicella pneumonia, Varicose veins, Vascular retinopathy, Vasculitis, Warts, Wegener granulomatosis.
You’re not a real doctor
Have to be better in every regard. Better dressed, better office, better
Ozone allows for fantastic outcomes.
Nothing is more powerful than a man who knows he’s right and keeps on a
coming – teddy Roosevelt
Jeff Foxworthy
Now we have covered the scientific bases of ozone therapy
Demonstration #1
All conference long
This is what ozone does
This is how it works
This is what you can expect
Patient promise
I have studied my whole life to bring you the most important healing
modality that I have ever seen.
“Be in the moment” with the patient
Bottom Line
It works.
Now, let’s concentrate on using it effectively
Demonstration #2
Have skit on closing the sale
Demonstrate in person – like a play?
Dr J gives the outline –
Alicia or Anna to close the deal
Show compliance – case fee acceptance
1. What I wish I knew about running an
2. What clinical pearls I wish I knew when
I started using ozone
3. What makes ozone work better
Adjuncts to ozone
My story . . . . .
About me
Oxidative medicine
Regenerative Injection Therapy
Nutritional deficiencies
Manual/manipulative therapy
Dr Jason West
Acknowledgements & Gratitude
Dr. Henry West (deceased)
Dr. Michael Taylor
Dr. Frank Shallenberger
Dr. Robert Rowen
Dr Robbins
Dr. Mark Vance
Dr Garry Gordon
Fourth generation alternative medical provider
Private Practice, Pocatello Idaho 83201
Established in 1916
Ozone works
Listen to the other presentations
*prolozone orientation video
Ozone works for everything.
I have no fear of using ozone for any condition
Know your therapy
Ask for expectations – what do you want me to do
Patient expectations are much, much different than mine
It’s what the patient’s expectations
Ask for healing date – give the patient closure
Aristotle, socrate, plato . . . .
Pain relievers, aspirin, steroids – ozone trumps all of them.
The Perfect Job/Profession
Perfect World Doctor
Born a Rockefeller (free clinic)
Help everyone that comes to my office
Perfect World Patients
Every continent
Every state
Inner circle
Word of mouth referrals only
Center of the Universe
Pocatello ‘Freaking’ Idaho
Take the blinders off
There is no geographic boundaries
Take off your clinicians hat
Put on your businessman hat
Like it or not, how you run your office (how good of businessman are you,
determines your clinical outcomes).
This is what I wish I learned
Hard Easy or Easy Hard
Remove the confusion
You’re costing yourself money
Eliminate Confusion
Confusion interrupts clinical outcomes
Patient confusion
Knee replacement
Reocurring back pain
Financial Confusion – the big no no
Do not allow people to owe you money
because they will get embarrassed and
go somewhere else
Addressing finances in the first visit is
How to handle finances –
The big 5
What is wrong
What can Dr West do about it
How long will it take
How much will it cost
How can we make the pain not come
Prostitute principle
The value of the service decreases
exponentially after the service is
Patient Role Play
#1 – Belligerent patient – I am only here
because my wife wants me to be here. I
know you are witch doctor.
Option #1 – take away selling
Option #2 – why don’t you just give it a
try. (money back guarantee)
#2 – Mucho compliant patient
#3 – the resale patient
#4 – the case presentation patient
The void will always fill
Stop trying to please everyone
I only do business with people that want
to do business with me.
Ozone & Million Dollar Practice
I fully believe that everyone in this room
is or could be making a million dollars in
cash services.
Look the part
Image is everything
Know the PART
You’re a doctor first
No one cares about your initials
Turn weaknesses into strengths
Prostitute principle
How easy or how hard are you to do business with?
Do you have congestion or road blocks?
Do you have a greased chute?
Greased Pocatello Chute
Started in 2005
Successful in spite of myself
Six figure in injections
Six figure in injections every month.
Spent $2,500 in Shallenberger’s course, I figure at least $5,000,000 sine then
(20:1 ROI in 10 years).
Market cannot beat that
Question #2
Fish stink from the head down
Being the leader in your office
Bosses – tell you to do something by making you feel like a child
Leaders – inspires you to do something by making you feel excited.
Office Leadership
Train, train, train, train
Team meetings every morning for 30 minutes
Review every patient and what you are going to do for them (55)
Marketing Budgets
Take your marketing budget and put it into staff training
Treat your staff and your staff family members – pro bono
Hard Easy
Think about this . . .
I learned this new technique . . . .
I want to enhance my current technique
Break it down
What happens at each and every step
The events that occur when a NP calls your office
The events that occur on referral
Flow chart
Appendix for step by step interaction of the office
Financial $ucce$$ful in
Oxidative Medicine
Patient Goals
Make the patient a lifetime patient
Ozone helps every condition
Goal – make every patient unhappy going anywhere else
Get as much diagnostic data as possible on each patient
Holistic chiropractic
Do Superb Exception Work – do what other providers don’t do
Healing Date
90 days and then re-eval
Refund money
Cash Flow
Inform patient prior to visit of expected fees
Have your “agent” negotiate for you
Back up – you have to know your fees cold
Back up #2 – you have to back up your agent
Follow the “I wish rule”
How will you handle today?
Cash or check or credit card?
Patient Value
The reward of helping someone that thought their lifestyle was over or has given
up hope is indescribable. There is more to life than $.
Put in business controls so that you can be in the moment with the patient
Do not allow bills, overhead, payroll, or taxes interfere with the patient experience.
Patient Value
Each patient is worth $15,000
Not to be fleeced
Ask the patient, if I could get your <throwing baseball with your grandson> back for
you, what would it be worth?
Begin with a thorough history- besides the primary complaint
This is where the money is. . . .
Think of the onion approach to health care
Life Time Patient 2
From the data revealed during consultation perform a comprehensive physical
evaluation (orthopedics) on all patients
Do the following on all patients
1. Blood chemistry profile
2. Imaging studies of area of “dragon”
3. Other diagnostic information
Obtain Objective Data- that’s where the “WOW” factor occurs
Life Time Patient 4
Always prepare:
1. Financial consultation
2. A written report of findings
3. A written treatment plan
4. A written payment plan
Written Report Example
Treatment Plan
Arthritis example
Life Time Patient 5
Offer all patients an opportunity to take a case fee treatment plan
What is a case fee treatment plan?
Put in example
Life Time Patient 5
Give all patients something to take home
Differentiate or die
1. Nutritional supplements (nuscriptions or Nx)
2. Exercises (low back, breathing, extremity)
3. Hot packs, cold soaks, or poultices
4. Ointments or salves
5. Special diets
Life Time Patient 6
Perform follow up exams (objective data) on a regular basis. You
want to achieve and maintain optimum health in your patients
Objective follows ups are in important
Differentiate or die
Nutritional supplements (nuscriptions or Nx)
Exercises (low back, breathing, extremity)
Hot packs, cold soaks, or poultices
Ointments or salves
Special diets
Life Time Patient 7
Perform follow up exams (objective data) on a regular basis. You want to
achieve and maintain optimum health in your patients
Prepare an appointment book and rigorously adhere to it. You will never be able
to maximize your patient services if you fail to do this. You must control your
time or it will control you.
Life Time Patient 8
Train your staff well
Conduct meetings at least three times a week
Front desk
AR / Billing
Back office / therapy
Institute a monthly profit sharing plan for your staff.
Marketing Procedures
Internal Procedures
Summarize each visit to the patient
1. What was wrong
2. Can we (patient + doctor) fix it?
3. How long will it take?
4. How much will it cost?
Marketing Procedures
Internal Procedures – Phone calls
Call each patient that first night
Document any questions, concerns or comments
Especially “new” instructions
Call one week later
Are you better same or worse
Call every 6-8 weeks
Checking up on you, I made a commitment to your health and I WILL help you or I will
find someone that can.
Welcome to My Practice
Internal Procedures – Literature
1. Welcome to my practice letter
2. Birthday notes (NOT CARDS)
3. Thank you letter for referrals (Make sure to ask for referrals)
4. Send monthly newsletter
5. Send thank you cooperation and favorable response to treatment
Welcome to My Practice
External Marketing1. Give the elevator pitch – what is your differentiation
2. Network, network, network
In Closing
In every endeavor, there is a fine line between outstanding success and mediocrity.
The difference between a person who is a great acheiver and the average provider
is that the average provider is simply too lazy to do the little things, that the
outstanding provider does. This is what makes the difference between success and
I am not the smartest, I am not the most talented, but I may be the most stubborn.
Do what others don’t do to have what
others don’t have.
Putting It All Together
Dr Jason West – AAOT 2014
Clinical Pearls
Dr Jason West – AAOT 2014
Thoroughly evaluate the shoulder
Shoulder example #1 - rotator cuff
Always do the joint
Always surround the dragon – shoulder isolation
Shoulder pearl #1 – Pec major insertion
Shoulder pearl #2 – Spinal accesory nerve
Shoulder pearl #3 – Dorsal scapular nerve
Shoulder pearl #4 – bicipital insertion on radius
Knee Pearls
If you didn’t get the slosh, you didn’t hit a home run.
Consider a medial or lateral approach
Superior lateral approach via US guidance is the best
After 5 attempts, if no imporvement you are missing the referral pattern
SI joint
Hip joint
L/S joint
Ankle Pearls
Inject the “pit of despair”
Injection medial tibio-talar joint
Plantar fasciitis
Achilles – add superficial D5W
Consider manipulation of the proximal fibular joint
Other ozone applications
Internal conditions
Hip Pearls
Hips are one of the more challenging joints
US guidance
*Neural therapy* inject femoral vein with 3cc procaine
Trigger points
Nerve entrapment
Lumbar Spine
Shallenberger spot
Lumbar ganglion
Silver dollar spot
T/L Junction
SI joint
Cluneal nerves
Cervical Spine
Interspinous ozone
Cervical facets
Dorsal scapular
Sub-occipital ridge
Mastoid osteopuncture
Macular Degeneration
Rheumatoid Arthritis
It’s not auto-immune
1188 Call Place
Pocatello, Idaho 83201
[email protected]