Transcript Document
Welcome to Pharmacy 100
Instructor: Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
Overview of the course
Pharmacy Practice for Technicians
fourth Edition
Don Ballington
Chapter 1
The Profession of Pharmacy
Copyright © 20010 Ballington editted by Ryan Lambert-Bellacov
Chapter 1 Topics
Ancient Origins
Pharmacy Technician
Pharmacy Workplace of Today
Ancient Origins
• Pharmacy comes from the Greek word,
• meaning drug
• Scientific approach to medicine began with the
ancient Greeks
• Hippocrates
• Proposed that disease came from natural, not
supernatural causes
• Established the theory of humors
(blood, phlegm, black bile, yellow bile)
Ancient Medicine
Ancient Egyptian Medicine -was highly advanced for
the time (mummification)
Ancient Chinese Medicine - Zhang Liang invented an
instrument named "Meng" which is considered to be
precursor of modern stethoscope.
Ancient India Medicine- Indian snake root (Jones)
Ancient Greek Medicine- Hemlock and the dealth
of Socrates
Ancient Origins
• Conducted animal experiments
• Produced a systematic classification of drugs for
treatment of disease
• Galenical pharmacy described the process of
creating extracts of active medicinals from plants
• First century A.D.
• De Materia Medica (standard text on drugs for 1500
Ancient Origins
Dr. John Morgan
• Eighteenth Century
• Supported the separation of the professions of
pharmacy and medicine
• The profession of pharmacy exists to safeguard
the health of the public
• The pharmacist is one who is licensed to prepare
and dispense medications, counsel patients, and
monitor outcomes pursuant to a prescription from
a licensed health professional
• The role of the modern pharmacist evolved
– from compounder and dispenser
– to providing medication information and preventing
medication-related problems
Evolution of the Pharmacist’s Role
During the twentieth century, the pharmacy
profession has evolved through four stages.
• Traditional Era
• Scientific Era
• Clinical Era
• Pharmaceutical-care Era
Traditional Era
• Early twentieth century
• Formulation and dispensing of drugs from
natural sources
– Pharmacognosy
• The study of the medicinal properties of natural
products of animal, plant, and mineral origins
– Galenical pharmacy
• Techniques for preparing medications
Scientific Era
• Began after World War II
• Emergence of the pharmaceutical industry
– Drugs made in factories, not apothecary shop
• Pharmacy education emphasized sciences
– Pharmacology
• The scientific study of drugs and their mechanism of
action including side effects
– Pharmaceutics
• Release characteristics of drug dose forms
Clinical Era
• 1975: Millis Report, Pharmacists for the Future
• New educational emphasis on clinical (patient-oriented)
– Pharmacokinetics
• the activity of a drug within the body over a period of
time; includes absorption, distribution, metabolism, and
– Pathophysiology
• the study of disease and illnesses affecting the normal
function of the body
Pharmaceutical-Care Era
• 1990: Hepler and Strand defined
•Pharmaceutical care
a philosophy that expanded the pharmacist’s
role to include appropriate medication use to
achieve positive outcomes with prescribed drug
-Monitoring response to therapy
-Educating patients and dispensing
Role of the Pharmacist
Today’s pharmacist:
Compounds and dispenses drugs
Gathers information about patients
Counsels on possible side effects and adverse reactions
Monitors for drug interactions
Screens, monitors, and advises for self-treatment with
over-the-counter (OTC) products sold without a
• Provides drug information to other healthcare
• Advises on home healthcare supplies and medical
Community Pharmacist
• Dispenses drugs for exiting disease
• Involved in patient care initiatives to prevent or
identify disease
– Administration of immunizations
– screening for and educating about hypertension,
diabetes, and other conditions
– providing education about lifestyle choices and dietary
• Runs a business
– hires and supervises employees
– deals with insurance companies
– maintains inventory
Hospital Pharmacist
• Dispenses oral medications
• Prepares and dispenses parenteral medications
• Sometimes specializes, with advanced training in
an area of patient care
• Educates and counsels patients
• Provides drug information
• Administers a department
– develops policies and procedures
– purchases drugs and supplies
– monitors drug use in the hospital
Learn more about hospital pharmacy at the web site of the
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
Home Healthcare Pharmacist
• Prepares medications and IVs for home delivery
and use
– including IV nutrition and antibiotics
– cancer chemotherapy
– pain medications
• Educates patient or caregiver on appropriate and
safe medication use
• Monitors patient’s response to prescribed
Other Pharmacy Settings
• Health maintenance organization (HMO)
• Long-term care facilities
• Specialized practice
– psychiatry
– drug abuse
• Nursing homes
– geriatrics
Nuclear Pharmacy
• Nuclear pharmacist
– Procures, stores, compounds, dispenses, and provides
information about radioactive pharmaceuticals
used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes
Learn more about nuclear pharmacy at the Cardinal Web site
Education and Licensing Requirements
• Education
• 6 year program
• 2 years prePharmacy
– calculus, chemistry, biology
• Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT)
• Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) degree
• basic science courses
• practice setting experience
• Residency in specialty area is optional
For a listing of accredited schools of pharmacy, visit the Web site for
the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
Education and Licensing Requirements
• Licensing
– required by all states
– overseen by board of pharmacy
– involves
• graduation form an accredited college of pharmacy
• passing state board certification examination
• serving an internship
– continuing education for license renewal
• What are the differences and similarities
between and among the various
pharmacy practice settings?
• How does specialized training affect the
role of the pharmacist?
Terms to Remember
• compounding
• over-the-counter (OTC)
Pharmacy Technician
• A pharmacy technician, also called the pharmacy
tech, is an individual working in a pharmacy who,
under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist,
assists in pharmacy activities that do not require
the professional judgment of a pharmacist.
• Regardless of practice setting, the pharmacy tech
can assist with workload.
– The pharmacist provides the final check on the original
prescription with the medication bottle and label before
counseling the patient.
Evolution of the Pharmacy
Technician’s Role
• Without pharmacy technicians, pharmacists would
not have sufficient time for the duties involved in
“pharmaceutical care.”
counseling patients
reviewing medication profiles
monitoring for side effects and adverse reactions
screening patients for disease
discussing cost-effective drug therapy options with the
Evolution of the Pharmacy
Technician’s Role
Safety Note!
Pharmacy technicians play a valuable role in
reducing the risk of medication errors.
Evolution of the Pharmacy
Technician’s Role
• Originally, many pharmacy techs were trained as
medics in the military.
– returned after service to take positions in hospitals
• In community pharmacy the pharmacy tech
evolved from clerk or cashier to a pharmacist’s
Evolution of the Pharmacy
Technician’s Role
• A pharmacy technician assists the pharmacist with
routine functions.
– leaves professional decision making and judgment calls
to the pharmacist
• Technician activities may range from ordering,
stocking, and inventorying drugs to preparing the
IV order to assisting in the dispensing process.
– the pharmacist must always check his or her work
– the pharmacist is responsible for patient counseling
– the technician functions in strict accordance with
standard written procedures and guidelines
Evolution of the Pharmacy
Technician’s Role
Safety Note!
The pharmacy technicians works under the
direction of the supervising pharmacist.
Evolution of the Pharmacy
Technician’s Role
• Central defining feature of the technician’s job is
accountability to the pharmacist for the quality
and accuracy of his or her work.
• The essential differences in the duties of a
pharmacist and a technician involve:
– accountability
– making decisions about the patient’s healthcare
Education and Licensing Requirements
• Most state boards of pharmacy recognize the
existence and importance of the pharmacy
• Each state board of pharmacy regulates:
– the activities of pharmacy technicians
– sometimes the ratio of pharmacy techs to pharmacists
Education and Licensing Requirements
• In the past, on-the-job training was sufficient for
the tech working in a pharmacy.
• Now formal technician training programs train
pharmacy technicians for their expanded roles.
– Initially centered in hospitals to train staff in the
necessary functions of the hospital pharmacy.
– Now many programs are offered by community
colleges and technical schools.
Education and Licensing Requirements
• ASHP developed a model curriculum to meet the
needs of all practice settings.
• In some states pharmacy technicians must be
certified to practice.
– Academic programs help to prepare the student to pass
the certification exam
For an up-to-date list of states requiring certification of pharmacy
technicians, see the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Web site
• What is the relationship between the
duties of the pharmacy technician and
those of the pharmacist?
• How do the education and licensure of
technicians and pharmacists relate to
those duties?
Work Environments and Conditions
• Pharmacy technicians are employed in most
of the same settings as pharmacists
community pharmacies (i.e., drugstores)
hospital pharmacies
home healthcare and long-term care facilities
specialized area of practice (e.g., nuclear
pharmacy) with additional training
Work Environments and Conditions
• Pharmacy technicians usually work in clean, welllighted, and well-ventilated environments.
• To ensure a sterile environment and minimize
infectious disease, many techs in the hospital and
other practice settings work either in a “clean
room” or under specialized ventilation cabinets
called laminar flow hoods when they prepare
infusions, total parenteral nutrition, or cancer
• Gowns, masks, hairnets, foot booties, and gloves
are often needed in this environment.
Work Environments and Conditions
• Pharmacy tech work requires standing, often for
long hours.
• Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians may be on
call or work days, nights, weekends, and holidays.
– At any time, 24 hours a day, some number of the
estimated 250,000 pharmacy technicians currently
employed are on the job.
A successful pharmacy technician must possess a wide range
of skills, knowledge, and aptitudes.
• broad knowledge of
pharmacy practice
• dedication to providing
a critical healthcare
service to customers and
• high ethical standards
• willingness to follow
• eagerness to learn
• an eye for detail
• manual dexterity
• facility in basic
• excellent communication
• good research skills
• ability to perform
accurately and calmly in
hectic or stressful
• ability to multi-task or
work on several projects at
the same time
What makes each of the listed
characteristics of a pharmacy technician
Terms to Remember
•Pharmacy technician
Pharmacy Workplace of Today
• Pharmacists work primarily in community and
hospital pharmacies
• Some go on to pursue further education and higher
degrees, residencies, or fellowships
• Other fields include managed care, mail-order
pharmacy, home healthcare, long-term care,
nuclear pharmacy, academia, drug information,
sales, marketing, or research.
• The need for both pharmacists and pharmacy
technicians is expected to continue.
– new life-saving drugs
– increase in the aging population in the United States
Community Pharmacy
• Three fifths of all pharmacists in the United
States work in a community pharmacy
(retail pharmacy).
– an independent or chain pharmacy that
dispenses prescription medications to
Community Pharmacy
• Most community pharmacies are divided into
– a back prescription area offering prescription
merchandise and related items
– a front area offering over-the-counter (OTC) drugs,
toiletries, cosmetics, and greeting cards
• Community pharmacies may be
– independently owned small businesses
– part of large retail chains
– franchise operations
• The recent trend is toward fewer independent
Community Pharmacy
A chain pharmacy is a community pharmacy that
consists of several similar pharmacies in the region
(or nation) that are corporately owned.
• May be national or regional
– in department stores (e.g., Wal-Mart, Target)
– grocery stores (e.g., Kroger, Publix)
– typical corner drugstores (e.g., Walgreens, Eckerds,
CVS, Rite-Aid).
• Located to allow for large-volume dispensing with
heavy use of both pharmacy techs and automation
• Administrative decisions are made at the corporate
Community Pharmacy
An independent pharmacy is a community
pharmacy that is privately owned by the pharmacist.
• May be owned and operated by a group of
pharmacists (rather than a corporation)
• A pharmacist owner makes his or her own
decisions regarding the practice of pharmacy
– more attention and time spent to keep customers
• Most compounding of prescriptions is done in this
type of pharmacy
Community Pharmacy
A franchise pharmacy is member of a small chain of
professional community pharmacies that dispense and
prepare medications but are independently owned;
sometimes called an apothecary.
• Combines characteristics of independent business and
large retail chain
• A large retail company, the franchiser grants
exclusive use of the company name and rights to sell
company products to a store owner/operator, the
• Most sell only medication and health-related
Visit The Medicine Shoppe
Community Pharmacy
Pharmacy technicians employed in a community
pharmacy typically
• aid the pharmacist in the filling, labeling, and
recording of prescriptions
• operate and are responsible for the pharmacy cash
• stock and inventory prescription and over-thecounter (OTC) medications
• maintain computerized patient records
• prepare insurance claim forms
• order and maintain parts of the front-end stock
Community Pharmacy
A mail-order pharmacy is a large-volume
centralized pharmacy operation that uses
automation to fill and mail prescriptions to the
– somewhat related to retail pharmacy
Run by a centralized operation using both
automation and pharmacy techs
– dispense and mail large volumes of
prescriptions every day
– more and more prescriptions are being filled by
mail-order pharmacies
Community Pharmacy
Mail-order pharmacy
• Economies of scale allow lower acquisition costs
– savings to insurers and customers
• Limitations:
– if the patient experiences a side effect or adverse
reaction, or the physician changes the medication, then
the drug savings could be offset by drug wastage
– impersonal counseling, which is limited to a drug
printout or calling a toll-free number
– time delay
– safety of delivery of pain medications through the mail
What are the advantages and disadvantages
of each type of community pharmacy
Terms to Remember
community pharmacy
chain pharmacy
independent pharmacy
franchise pharmacy
mail-order pharmacy
Institutional Pharmacy
Institutional pharmacies are organized under a
corporate structure, following specific rules and
regulations for accreditation.
• A pharmacy associated with any organized
healthcare delivery system
– hospital pharmacy is the most common example
– more recent examples of places where institutional
pharmacies can be found include :
• home healthcare
• long-term care facilities
• managed-care organizations
Institutional Pharmacy
A hospital pharmacy is an institutional pharmacy
that dispenses and prepares drugs and provides
clinical services in a hospital setting.
• One fourth of all pharmacists work in a hospital
– an institution that offers 24-hour healthcare service; that
has six or more beds, a governing authority, and an
organized medical staff; and that offers nursing and
pharmacy services
– carries out the functions of maintaining drug treatment
records and ordering, stocking, compounding,
repackaging, and dispensing medications and other
Institutional Pharmacy
• The pharmacy technician in a hospital setting
– takes part in functions involving delivery, stocking, or
inventorying of medications anywhere in the hospital
– may operate manual or computerized robotic dispensing
• Typical hospital pharmacy staff may include:
administrators with master’s degrees or PharmD degrees
staff pharmacists with Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees
staff and clinical pharmacists with PharmD degrees
pharmacy technicians
Institutional Pharmacy
• Hospital pharmacies (and drugstore chains) are
more likely than community pharmacies to require
that pharmacy technicians be certified.
• Some pharmacy employers encourage technicians
to become certified
– by paying for the certification exam
– by giving raises to those who pass it
Institutional Pharmacy
A home healthcare pharmacy is a pharmacy that
dispenses, prepares, and delivers drugs and medical
supplies directly to the home of the patient.
• Spiraling hospitalization costs, regulatory changes, and
advances in parenteral therapies have created an
explosion in this field
• The home healthcare market continues to grow because
of our aging society and as an alternative to the higher
cost of hospitalizations
– Many hospitalized patients are discharged as soon as possible
to continue their recovery at home with IV solutions.
Institutional Pharmacy
• Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians working in
home healthcare
– provide educational materials
– carry out traditional compounding and delivery
– prepare and provide infusions and infusion equipment
– often must be available for emergencies on a 24-hour
Institutional Pharmacy
A long-term care facility is an institution that
provides care for geriatric and disabled patients.
• An extended-care facility (ECF) provides
institutional services predominantly to older adults
or disabled “residents” who unable to provide for
routine or medical care for themselves
– includes adults who suffer from chronic (long-lasting)
or such debilitating illnesses as stroke or Alzheimer’s
– both medical and residential care is provided with very
few discharges
Institutional Pharmacy
• Skilled-care facilities (SCF) are limited to patients
requiring more round-the-clock nursing care (such
as IV infusions) or recovery after a recent
– most patients are discharged from SCF to home when
they have adequately recovered
• Other long-term care facilities include patients
with acute or chronic psychiatric disorders or
rehabilitation facilities for those with serious
traumatic brain or spinal cord injuries
Institutional Pharmacy
• Some long-term care facilities have an “in-house”
– others contract with a community pharmacy or allow each
resident to choose his or her pharmacy
• Licensed pharmacists
– establish record-keeping systems related to controlled
– review drug regimens
– monitor repackaging and storage of pharmaceuticals
– ensure that medications are uncontaminated and have not
– note medication errors and adverse reactions or interactions
– educate residents on drug therapies and self-medication
– provide medications to outpatients or residents on weekend
Institutional Pharmacy
• The pharmacist may play a crucial role in ensuring
regulatory compliance
– a licensed pharmacist must do a monthly check
of each patient profile in a long-term care
• The professional organization for “geriatric”
pharmacists is the American Society of Consultant
Pharmacists (ASCP)
Visit the ASCP Web site
Institutional Pharmacy
A pharmacy technician in a long-term care facility may:
log prescriptions and refill orders via computer
prepare billings
maintain drug boxes or trays for emergencies
package and label medications
deliver medications to the nursing home
maintain records, retrieve and organize patient charts
conduct inspections of drugs in inventory and in nursing
• repackage drugs in unit doses labeled for each patient
Institutional Pharmacy
• In-house pharmacies may provide a 7-day supply of
medication in “blister packs.”
• Community pharmacies fill medication carts or trays
with a 30-day supply of medication
– medication orders rarely change in this environment
Managed Care
Managed care is a type of health insurance system
that emphasizes keeping the patient healthy of
diseases controlled to reduce healthcare costs.
• A relatively new form of healthcare that has grown
dramatically over the past 35 years
– One of the first managed-care organizations was Kaiser
• Another name for managed care is health
maintenance organization (HMO)
Managed Care
• HMOs encourage patients to take an active role in
their own healthcare by:
– eating right
– exercising often
– avoiding negative life-style choices
• HMOs encourage patients to:
– have annual checkups
– get all their immunizations on schedule
– get necessary laboratory (like a cholesterol or sugar
test) and diagnostic tests (like a pap smear or
mammogram) to detect early diseases, which may be
surgically correctible
Managed Care
• Most HMOs have their own staff physicians who are on
– Patients who need a specialist must first get a referral
• HMOs have been successful in slowing the pace of the
inflationary increases in healthcare without
compromising the quality of care
• Many employers now include an HMO option on their
health plans
Managed Care
• Most HMOs are centralized primary-care clinics
– they serve patients with pharmacy, x-ray, and
laboratory departments under one roof
• An HMO, like a hospital, usually has an approved
drug list or formulary that has been
recommended by a drug information pharmacist
and approved by the medical staff
Managed Care
• The formulary plus the use of low-cost generic
drugs allows the organization to volume purchase
select drugs to lower operational and patient cost
– unlike a community pharmacy, an HMO pharmacy
does not stock every brand of drug available
• Many HMO pharmacies have a tiered pricing plan
so that patients pay one price for a generic drug, a
higher price for a “preferred” brand name drug,
and an even higher price for a “nonpreferred”
brand name product
– most patients and physicians use the lower-cost
alternatives whenever possible
Managed Care
• After the patient sees the physician, the patient may
go to the HMO pharmacy to fill a prescription
• Patients needing refills may call an automated
telephone number to expedite processing and reduce
waiting times
– this “time savings” also allows the pharmacist to spend
more time reviewing the computerized medication profile
and counseling the patient
Managed Care
• The pharmacy technician in managed care performs
similar functions to those in the community pharmacy
– although insurance billing and cashiering are minimal
• Clinical pharmacists may work closely with the
primary-care physicians to better control chronic disease
– educating
– monitoring
– adjusting doses of medications per physician-approved
• What are the similarities between and
among the various institutional pharmacy
• What are the differences?
Terms to Remember
Pharmacy Workplace:
Institutional Pharmacy
institutional pharmacy
hospital pharmacy
home healthcare pharmacy
long-term care facility
managed care
health maintenance organization (HMO)
Learning Objectives
• Describe the origins of pharmacy
• Describe the four stages of development of the
pharmacy profession in the twentieth century
• Enumerate the functions of the pharmacist
• Discuss the educational curriculum for today’s
pharmacy student
• Explain the licensing requirements for pharmacists
• Identify the duties and work environments of the
pharmacy technician
• Differentiate among the various kinds of pharmacies
How does the pharmaceutical care model
affect the duties of pharmacists in the 21st
Century? medication outcomes?
Terms to Remember
• pharmacist
• pharmaceutics
• pharmacognosy
• pharmacokinetics
• galenical pharmacy • pathophysiology
• pharmacology
• pharmaceutical care