Addiction Update Slides - National Council for Behavioral Health

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National Council
for Behavioral Health
Update on National Council/CIHS
Resources on Addictions
June 4, 2013
Contact: [email protected]
May 29th Capitol Hill Briefing
Strengthening Our Communities: Ensuring Access to Effective Substance
Abuse Treatment Services
• The National Council, along with three of its members: Haymarket Center,
Phoenix House, and WestCare Foundation, sponsored a congressional briefing
on substance abuse treatment services and the need to ensure access to
these services during implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
• Panelists:
• Jack B. Stein, Director of the Office of Science Policy and Communications
at National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)
• Beth Arthur, Sheriff of Arlington County, Virginia
• Herbert A. Cruz, Director of Telepsychiatry Services at Kings View
Behavioral Health System
• Randolph Muck, Founder of Advocates for Youth and Family Behavioral
Health Treatment
• Abby Raphael, Arlington County, Virginia Public Schools Board Member
Addiction Webinar
• On May 22nd, the National Council sponsored an addiction webinar, Reducing Hospital Readmissions for
Clients with Addictions.
• The webinar focused on the SAMHSA funded mPOWER Project:
• mPower provides mobile patient opportunities for wellness and recovery to veterans (18-55 years old)
with a diagnosis of substance abuse and physical/psychiatric comorbidities.
• Goal: reduce use of addiction crisis and emergency medical/psychiatric services, through utilization of
technology-based interventions.
• Loyola Recovery Foundation found a 192% decrease in readmission rates among participants after
• This webinar was co-sponsored by National Opinion Research Center and the National Addiction
Technology Transfer Center.
Addiction Newsletter
• The National Council’s Addiction News Now is published monthly in partnership with
• The newsletter features the latest addiction news, policy updates, and addiction data. The
newsletter includes important resources concerning addiction, as well as reminders for
upcoming webinars.
Co-Occurring Disorder Learning
Program Structure: This 13 month
initiative engaged 10 member
organizations (5 addiction primary, 5
mental health primary) across 10 states
in a quality improvement process with
the goal of establishing comprehensive
integrated treatment for co-occurring
MH/SU treatment.
Outcomes: New training programs for
employees on co-occurring disorders
were implemented, which increased
staffs’ comfort level with co-occurring
consumers, and allowed for quality cooccurring services and coordination of
care to be achieved.
Participants determined there must be
focus on improving clinical services, as
well as monitoring behind the scenes to
best support and sustain the
improvement of clinical services.
Assessment processes were
consolidated through the use of tools to
screen and assess for COD, which
increased the identification of cooccurring consumers.
Barriers included inability to bill by
select diagnosis, which was overcome
by upgrading the electronic records
MAT Health Network Learning
Program Structure: CIHS developed a year-long health
networks learning collaborative, with the goal of
increasing the adoption of medications in the treatment
of individuals with substance use disorders to facilitate
recovery and improved health.
CIHS is working with selected Single State Authorities
for substance use services to develop two health
networks per the three states selected. The health
networks will consist of addiction treatment programs,
community health centers, and community mental health
Updates: CIHS has conducted numerous activities for the
MAT health network participants, including meetings,
webinar series, quarterly calls, website development, and a
What’s Next: CIHS will continue the webinar series and
provision of technical assistance.
CIHS will host one-on-one meetings and site visits to focus
on specific issues, while providing and connecting the health
network providers to additional trainings and resources
related to MAT.
CIHS will also work to expand the use of strategic partners
such as National Institute on Drug Abuse and National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism to assist with
training and technical assistance.
Recently Released Resources
Innovations in Addictions Treatment: Addiction Treatment Providers Working with Integrated Primary Care Services.
CIHS assembled a meeting of substance abuse providers who have integrated primary care services. Innovations in
Addictions Treatment compiles providers’ perspectives and insight concerning events precipitating integrations efforts,
challenges encountered, lessons learned, and additional information that will help to inform integration efforts across the
Recently Released Resources
• CIHS developed Primary Care for Substance Use Professionals, a
free 5-hour online course for substance use professionals considering
primary care opportunities.
• The course provides information and resources to decide if a primary
care setting is right for them. It follows four modules:
• What are key aspects of primary care culture?
• What new language will I need to learn?
• What is my role and what difference can I make?
• What does it take for an addiction professional to succeed in a
primary care environment?
• Collaborators: Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network and the
Morehouse School of Medicine National Center for Primary Care.
• Individuals can register for the course on the ATTC Network.
Coming Soon!
• Addictions Webinar Track
• CIHS Webinar Treatment Innovations: Perspectives from Addiction
Providers Integrating Primary Care on June 24th from 12-1:30.
• Special Webinar Series & Report: Findings of the Co-Occurring
Learning Community
• Re-launch of Addiction News Now