Powerpoint - UCLA School of Public Health
Transcript Powerpoint - UCLA School of Public Health
Federal & State
UCLA School of Public Health
Epidemiology 227
May 15, 2013
Prof. Arleen Leibowitz
UCLA School of Public Affairs
Current Status and Affordable Care Act
Care and Treatment Now and Under Health Reform
Ryan White CARE Act
California issues
Private Insurance and Health Reform Changes
Testing and Prevention
Income Support and Housing
Global Programs
Follow The Funding to Determine Priorities
Federal HIV/AIDS Budget Request – FY2013
US $ Billions
Cash and
Care &
Treatment as Prevention
New results show early treatment reduces transmission
But many PLWH are not treated
About 18% do not know their HIV status
33% on ARV therapy, 19-28% are virally suppressed
Expanded guidelines
HAART is costly--$12,000/year
$20,000-30,000/year in total costs
Highlights importance of insurance
Insurance Status PLWHA in Care:
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
Individual mandate
Employers (50+ workers) must offer insurance or pay
penalty if employees get subsidy. Small business credits
Expand Medicaid to all <65 with income <133% FPL
States have option to expand Medicaid (per Supreme Court)
100% Federal funding for expansion, 90% in 2020
Preventive services
Remove Medicare cost-sharing
Pay Medicaid providers at Medicare rates
Affordable Care Act (2)
Health Insurance Exchanges with premium subsidies
Cost sharing subsidies
Out of pocket limits if income <400% FPL
U.S. citizens and legal immigrants
Requires guaranteed issue and renewability
Outlaws medical underwriting
Outlaws lifetime limits on coverage
Essential benefits package
Support for community health centers
Two Kinds of Federal Spending
Mandatory spending
Congress must allocate funding to meet statutory obligation –
e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, SSI
Defined benefit
Discretionary spending
Congress decides on spending level each year
Defined contribution
Block grants
Examples: NIH, CDC, Ryan White, VA
Problems With Discretionary Spending
Block grant budget does not increase to accommodate
increased enrollment
Health care costs rise faster than CPI, so annual
increases are “high”
Annual budget process discourages long-term health
Prevention may reduce costs in long run, but not in short
Early treatment of HIV saves money in long run
Share of discretionary spending is falling
Federal Support for Care and Treatment
Medicaid (Federal share)
Ryan White
$5.6 B
$6.2 B
$0.2 B
$2.5 B
($1.0 B)
Veterans Affairs
$1.0 B
$0.2 B
$0.3 B
$16.0 B
Federal/state health insurance program
Created in 1965
States set eligibility criteria, subject to Federal minima
States set benefits, subject to Federal mandated benefits
Entitlement program that expands to meet demand of
low income and disabled meeting state criteria
Federal government pays a minimum of 50% of costs,
more in low income states (average 55% of HIV $)
Medicaid Benefits
Covers most services; no or minimal cost-sharing
Drugs, an optional service, are covered in all states
Optional services include case management, hospice
Some states limit services
Number of Rx per month or year
Number of MD visits
In recessions, states try to cut Medicaid costs
California instituted cost-sharing for Medicaid
Medicaid Eligibility
Current Law
Low income women and children
Disabled who qualify for SSI
States set income criteria for other
eligibility; differs across states
Medically Needy “spend down” to
Medicaid level at state option
Citizenship required
Legal residents wait 5 years
Medicaid Eligibility
Current Law
Under Health Reform (2014)
Low income women and children
Individuals w/o dependent children
Disabled who qualify for SSI
Disability not required
States set income criteria for other
eligibility; differs across states
Medically Needy “spend down” to
Medicaid level at state option
Everyone under 133% of FPL
[$14,404 } Uniform throughout U.S.
100% federal funding for eligibility
expansions in 2014-16; after, 90%
Citizenship required
Legal residents wait 5 years
Citizenship required
Legal residents wait 5 years
Medicaid Payment Issues
Low Medicaid provider payment levels make access
ACA raises Medicaid reimbursement rates to Medicare
levels for primary care services, with 100% federal funding
in 2013, 2014
ACA encourages primary care homes
Medicaid discount on drugs of 15.1% less than what
others get
ACA increases drug 340b rebate to 23.1%, but some goes
back to federal government
Rep. Paul Ryan’s Bill Would Convert
Medicaid to Block Grant
Repeals ACA
Caps Medicaid spending
Uses formula, rather than costs, to allocate $ to states
Cap grows with population growth and inflation
Reduces federal Medicaid spending 2012-2021
UI estimate: $1.4 trillion
By 34% relative to current law
Projected Result of Block Granting
Federal budget savings and predictability
Inflexibility in recession
Reduction in federal payments to states
Challenges states’ ability to provide care
36.4 million fewer people will be insured
Hospitals lose 38% of revenue
Federal entitlement program created in 1965
Covers persons 65+, persons with ESRD, and long
term disabled
Funded by payroll tax on earnings, general revenues,
beneficiary premiums for Part B and co-payments
(Medicaid can pay patient cost-sharing)
Uniform throughout U.S.
Long-Term Disability Qualifies Many
PLWH for Medicare
Disabled must have sufficient covered work history to
quality for SSDI
29 Month Waiting period
Federal law requires 5 month wait after disability
determination before receiving SSDI payments
24-month waiting period for Medicare, following SSDI
Medicaid coverage for low income persons during the
29 months
Medicare Benefits
Outpatient (20% cost-sharing)
Drugs have been covered since January 1, 2006 under
Part D, private drug insurance plans
Plans required to cover all ARVs
ACA will gradually close “donut hole”
Medicare – Current Policy Issues
Must have sufficient work history to qualify for SSDI, a
problem for young, poor persons with HIV
29 month wait for Medicare eligibility
Catch-22 of disability requirement
High cost sharing if no supplemental coverage
No cap on out-of-pocket spending
Medicare “donut hole”
When ADAP pays, doesn’t count as “true out of pocket
cost” (TROOP)
Health Reform and Medicare
Medicare “donut” hole will be closed
2010--$350 towards cost
Phase-down coinsurance rate in donut hole from 100% to
25%, starting 2011 by requiring 50% rebate from
manufacturers plus federal 25% subsidy
ADAP payments will count as TROOP in Part D
No cost-sharing for covered preventive services (rated
A or B by U.S. Preventive Services Task Force)
Ryan White Care Act
CARE= Comprehensive AIDS Relief Emergency
Discretionary program enacted 1990, Originally designed to
help cities heavily impacted by HIV/AIDS (EMA; TGA)
Payer of last resort for uninsured and underinsured PLWA
Patient Centered Medical Home --Outpatient care, including
medical, dental, case management, home health, hospice,
housing, transportation, drugs (through ADAP and insurance
Current authorization will expire in September
If eligible under ACA, will have to leave Ryan White
AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)
Funded by Part B of Ryan White Care Act
States set eligibility
Congressional Earmark: $1B (approx 50%)
Plus state supplements (approx 25%)
And rebates from drug manufacturers (approx 25%)
5 x FPL in NJ; 4 x FPL in CA; 2 x FPL Texas
Disability not required
Residency, not citizenship required
ADAP is a block grant
3079 PLWH on ADAP waiting lists in April 2012
ADAP (2)
Drugs provided to 133,689 PLWH monthly in 2011
Cost/enrollee c. $1000/month
HIV Medications, drug monitoring and adherence services
Can purchase health insurance for eligible clients
Variation in state coverage
Louisiana had 28 drugs; New York had 460
States set eligibility rules, resulting in variability
States with less generous Medicaid programs, need more Ryan White
Ryan White – Current Policy Issues
Demand increases
Block grant
Greater survival
Enhanced testing efforts
Loss of insurance due to recession
Medical costs increase faster than CPI
But states have limited ability to supplement
Continued availability of prescription rebates?
Health Reform and Ryan White
RWCA is funder of “last resort”; what will its role be
under health reform?
ACA increases insurance -- Medicaid and Exchanges
Especially for non-disabled, reducing need for “bridge” to pay for
CARE/HIPP could help purchase insurance
Effect of ACA on Ryan White funding?
Congress is looking for “offsets”
How will RW sites interact with Medicaid or CHCs?
Health Reform and ADAP
ADAP and Medicare Part D drug coverage
Donut hole costs will fall, reducing need for ADAP
Cost of drugs while in donut hole is reduced by 50%
Donut hole coinsurance drops to 25%
ADAP payments count as TROOP
Effect on rebates?
Drug rebate for ADAP is better than rebate for Medicaid
Where will undocumented get ART?
Health Reform and Private Insurance
Mandates employer offer and individual coverage
Eliminates “medical underwriting” and rescissions
Provides subsidies for purchase from exchanges (32
million people by 2019) with mandated benefits
Legal immigrants eligible for subsidies
Bronze plan—covers 60% of cost
Caps out of pocket expenditures for persons<4xFPL
Sets up high risk pool—June 2010 to Jan 2014
Allows children to stay on parents’ policy until age 26
Care and Treatment
Ryan White CARE Act
California Issues
Health Reform and private insurance
Testing and Prevention
Income Support and Housing
Global Programs
HIV Testing
18% of PLWH do not know they are HIV+
CDC “Advancing HIV Prevention” (2004)
Make voluntary HIV testing a part of routine medical care
Test for HIV outside of medical care settings
Prevent new infections by focusing on HIV+ individuals
and their partners
Further decrease perinatal HIV transmission
National AIDS Strategy (2010)
Focus on communities where HIV most concentrated
HIV Testing – Policy Issues
CDC goal to “normalize” HIV testing
Opt-out vs. opt-in testing recommended by CDC in
Sept. 2006
Default is testing; patient must specifically decline test
Covered by general consent to treat
CA state law since Jan. 1, 2008 removes requirement for
specific written informed consent for testing
Question: need prevention counseling accompany testing?
Testing—Policy Issues (2)
Rapid test could increase knowledge of HIV status
Results ready in 20 minutes, no need to return for results
But needs to be confirmed if “preliminarily positive”
New “60 second” test
Home testing?
New York mandated HIV testing offer in medical
Increase in tests
No increase in number of new positives
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
administers most federal prevention efforts (FY 12
budget: $786 M)
National budget share for prevention (3%) is
decreasing over time
California cut General Fund support for prevention by
$59M in 2009/10
New Prevention Strategies
Treatment as Prevention
Early treatment reduced transmission by 96%
Heterosexual couples in Africa
Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
Reduced transmission by 44% (more if 90% adherent)
MSM in US and Latin America
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
Prevention: Policy Issues
Target increased risk behavior among MSM
Methamphetamine epidemic in CA
Internet—prevention challenge or opportunity?
Social networks?
Reach populations who may not realize their risk and
may not receive routine medical care
Young men are not in routine medical care
STI clinics, EDs, jails?
Separation between federal treatment and prevention
Care and Treatment
Ryan White CARE Act
Testing and Prevention
Income Support and Housing
Global Programs
NIH Budget for HIV research is $2.7B in FY12
Largest investments are biomedical
California HIV Research Program
Income Support and Housing
Cash Assistance (11% of Domestic HIV funding)
SSI - $520 M in FY12
SSDI - $1.9 B in FY12
Entitlement programs for the disabled
Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
(HOPWA) $332 M in FY12
AIDS exceptionalism?
Conclusions—Domestic Issues
HIV care is being mainstreamed
Both clinically
And in finance
Is there still a need for special programs like Ryan White?
Health Reform has addressed many HIV/AIDS policy
Issue of immigrants unresolved
But, the fragmented system still presents challenges
Difficult to know what resources are available
Coordinate care
Care and Treatment
Ryan White CARE Act
Testing and Prevention
Income Support and Housing
Global Programs
Global Programs
Most US AIDS funding is bilateral, circumvents
Global Fund
US is still largest single contributor to GF (58%)
Obama’s Global Health Initiative (GHI)
Funding at $63B over 6 years (FY2009-2014)
Rebalances GHI portfolio from HIV to MCH
HIV/AIDS funding of $5.6B (+0.5% over FY11)
MNCH $846M (+78% over FY11)
Nutrition $150M (+100% over FY11)
HIV Is Still Largest Share of GHI
Slide 10
U.S. Global Health Initiative (GHI), FY 2011 Budget Request
In Millions
Global Fund
Total = $9.6 billion
*FY 2011 is President’s Budget Request to Congress.
SOURCES: Kaiser Family Foundation analysis of data from the Office of Management and Budget, Agency Congressional Budget
Justifications, Congressional Appropriations Bills, and White House Statement by the President on Global Health Initiative, May 5, 2009. Return
Also see: Kates J., The U.S. Global Health Initiative: Overview & Budget Analysis, Menlo Park: Kaiser Family Foundation, December 2009.
to Tutorials
Focus on Health Outcomes
Rather than on dollars spent
Cost-effectiveness approach: Save the most lives
within a given budget
Respiratory infections
Diarrheal diseases
Malaria and TB
1.9 M deaths
2.9 M deaths
2.2 M deaths
2.3 M deaths
Condom promotion and distribution
Prevent MTCT
First Line ART
Management of neonatal pneumonia
Oral rehydration
Bed nets
Global Policy Issues
33% prevention funding had to target
In 2005, 2/3 on abstinence, 1/3 condoms
Condoms only for “high-risk” (prostitutes,
discordant couples, substance abusers)
Funded organizations need “policy
explicitly opposing prostitution and sex
trafficking.” (PL108-25)
ARVs must be approved by FDA (WHO
approval not sufficient)
Abstinence rules lapsed
Pres. Obama rescinded
“gag rule” on abortion
By 2007, 73% of drugs
distributed were generic.
Accelerated FDA
Focus on MTCT, MC
and services for IDUs
Overarching Policy Questions
Is treatment as prevention feasible in developing
How to balance domestic and global needs
Can we provide PrEP for uninfected in U.S. while many are
not treated in developing world?
Is the movement toward other diseases in GHI ethical?
Policy Resources
Kaiser Family Foundation