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Thank you for being a Healthy Texas Babies Champion! This is a
fully customizable presentation that you can use with groups, leaders
and individuals in your community to promote the Someday Starts
Now effort.
Tips for Using this Presentation:
Adapt and adjust this template in a way that best fits the audience and the
outreach activity. Not every slide may be suitable for every presentation you give.
Slides with yellow and red text (such as this one) are designed for instructional
use and should be deleted prior to giving a presentation.
Slides 2 and 3 contain placeholder text that allows you to personalize the
Some notes are already provided with the slides for your reference. It might be
helpful to add your own notes and rehearse prior to presenting.
Add your organization’s PowerPoint template or logo to this presentation in order
to position yourself and your organization as a supporter of this effort.
Someday Starts Now
A Healthy Texas Babies Initiative
[Your Name]
[Your Title]
[Your Organization]
[I/We am/are] a
Healthy Texas Babies Champion
[Add a short two- to threesentence bio about yourself
here and talk about why you
(and your organization) are a
supporter of the Someday
Starts Now effort.]
Add a Photo of
Yourself that
Exemplifies Your
Story and Passion
for this Particular
Healthy Texas Babies Champions
Raise awareness of the importance of being
healthy before, during and between pregnancies
Recruit new community champions for this effort
Share free tools and materials that are available
to you and your community
Encourage you to make a difference and take
action to reduce infant mortality in Texas
Our Community Needs Us
Six out of 1,000 babies in Texas die before
their first birthday.
Premature birth is a leading cause.
Why is this happening?
A woman’s poor health before pregnancy
Health risks in mom put baby at risk, too:
High Blood Pressure
Women are becoming moms later in life
Disparities are Highlighted
• African American families are
disproportionately affected by:
Infant mortality
Maternal mortality
Low birth weight
• Factors influencing these outcomes:
Chronic stress
Cultural competence of providers
Access to care
Health literacy
Racial discrimination
Socio-economic factors
Weight management
Health before pregnancy
These become modifiable risk factors when a whole
community gets involved to change systems.
What Can We Do About It?
By taking charge of our health
Life planning tools
Manage conditions through a medical home
Avoid exposures, get protection
By mobilizing our community around social
determinants of health: poverty, racism,
access to care, education
By sharing the site
and tools with clients, health care and social
service providers
About Someday Starts Now
Launched in 2012 from Department of State
Health Services
Designed to help Texans live healthy now so
that they can have a healthy baby someday
Created as a public awareness campaign for
Healthy Texas Babies, the state’s infant
mortality reduction initiative
It’s easy to get involved…
Join your local perinatal
Join the Texas
Collaborative for Healthy
Mothers and Babies
Start spreading the
12 Key Messages
1. Health Before Pregnancy
7. Breast is Best
2. Get Tested for STIs
8. Know Your Family History
3. Men’s Health
9. Alcohol is Not Safe in Pregnancy
4. The ABCs of Safe Sleep
10. Folic Acid Every Day
5. Prenatal Care in 1st Trimester
11. Vaccines for Everybody
6. High-Risk and Preterm Birth
12. Perinatal Depression
Things to Know:
Health Before Pregnancy
Health before pregnancy
often has a greater impact
on the mother’s and baby’s
health than her health during
Management of chronic conditions like
obesity, diabetes and hypertension is
vital to a healthy reproductive life.
Things to Know:
Get Tested for STIs
Men and women should get
tested regularly and treated
for sexually transmitted
infections (STIs).
Untreated STIs can make it difficult to
get pregnant and can harm the
developing baby.
Things to Know:
Men’s Health
Men’s health –
emotional, physical and
mental – is also
important to a healthy
Men’s involvement with their
partners and their babies is a
great predictor of the baby’s
success and the mother’s health
and wellbeing.
Things to Know:
The ABCs of Safe Sleep
Babies sleep safest when the ABCs of safe
sleep are followed:
• Alone – Place babies to sleep by themselves,
without parents, siblings or toys.
• Back – Place babies to sleep on their backs. They
have a greater risk of dying from SIDS if they
sleep on their tummies.
• Clean and clear crib – Babies sleep safest in a
crib with a tight-fitting mattress – no loose clothing,
blankets, baby bumpers or stuffed animals.
Things to Know:
Prenatal Care
Prenatal care should
begin in the first trimester
(before the end of 13
Call your provider as soon as you
find out that you’re pregnant to
make an appointment – that way if
you need to reschedule, you will
still get seen before the end of your
first trimester.
Things to Know:
High-Risk and Preterm Births
Women with previous
high-risk pregnancies or
whose babies were born
prematurely need to get
prenatal care on time
and tell their providers
about any complications
they experienced.
Some women can take medicine
to prevent another preterm birth.
Things to Know:
Breast is Best
Encourage women to
prepare for breastfeeding
during pregnancy and help
them get the support they
need to continue
breastfeeding despite
challenges that may arise.
Things to Know:
Family History
Partners should discuss
their family health history
with each other and with
their provider before
Prenatal testing for genetic
conditions and newborn screening
can identify life-threatening
conditions and prepare families to
handle them.
Things to Know:
Alcohol and Drugs
No amount of alcohol is
safe during pregnancy.
Prescription and nonprescription medications and
herbal supplements should
always be discussed with a
health care provider during
pregnancy. If you are using
drugs – marijuana included – it’s
important to stop now.
Things to Know:
Folic Acid
Women of childbearing age
should take a daily
multivitamin with at least
400 mcg of folic acid.
Women need this vitamin in their
bodies before pregnancy so their
baby’s brain and nervous system
develop normally, preventing birth
Things to Know:
Pregnant women should be
vaccinated against flu and
during the last months of their
pregnancy against pertussis
(whooping cough).
Both parents should be vaccinated and
should encourage anyone who will come
in contact with their baby to be
vaccinated too – grandparents, daycare
providers and older siblings.
Things to Know:
Perinatal Depression
It is estimated that one
in five women
experience depression
during pregnancy and
in the year after
Perinatal depression is
treatable, and treatment can
improve not only the mother’s
health but her developing
baby’s health too.
Slides 24-47: Community Supporters
These slides have been developed for presenters speaking to
community supporters to encourage them to become Healthy Texas
Babies champions. If you are presenting to parents-to-be, parents or
their family members, please delete these slides prior to your
Your Ultimate Resource
Enhancement to
website that made it faster and easier to make
a difference
Easy-to-access information about healthy
living – before, during and between
Downloadable materials and outreach
strategies for community outreach
Downloadable Materials
Someday Starts Now has created all the materials
that you need to make community outreach easy:
PowerPoint Presentation (this is it!)
Letter Template
Newsletter Article
Op-Ed Article
Letter to Elected Officials or Other Leaders
Talking Points
Frequently Asked Questions
Healthy Texas Babies Champion Guide
Media Toolkit
Free Printed Toolkits
Someday Starts Now has created toolkits to
use when you are reaching out to parents,
parents-to-be and their support systems.
Each toolkit is specifically designed to meet the
needs of different audiences
It’s easy to find the one that’s right for you
Ordering is simple
Toolkits are free
Order Your Free Toolkits
To order your Someday Starts Now toolkits, visit
the online order form here:
Create a login username and password
Enter name and address
Select “DSHS” from menu
Click on “Healthy Texas Babies”
Slides 29-35: Health Care Providers
These slides have been developed for presenters speaking to health
care providers to encourage them to become Healthy Texas Babies
champions. Please delete if you are not presenting to this audience.
For Health Care Providers:
Two Toolkits
Designed specifically for community health
• Preconception Toolkit
• Pregnancy Toolkit
For Health Care Providers:
Preconception Toolkits
Toolkit focused on preconception messages
How you can help your patients:
– Screen for intimate partner violence and refer the
patient to services.
– Good preconception health starts with a reproductive
life plan – use the Life Planning Tool to help your
patients develop a vision for their reproductive years.
– Inter-conception care: Remind your patients of the
importance of spacing pregnancies 18-24 months.
For Health Care Providers:
Preconception Toolkit
Preconception Provider Poster
Placement in waiting rooms and exam
rooms to open lines of communication
Waiting Room DVD
Reel of public service announcements for
your waiting room or outreach efforts
Life Planning Tool
Questionnaire that helps women develop
a vision for their reproductive years
My Health Priorities Worksheet
Resource to help patients prioritize their
concerns during a clinical encounter
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs related to preconception and
pregnancy health
For Health Care Providers:
Preconception Toolkit
For Health Care Providers:
Pregnancy Toolkit
Toolkit focused on pregnancy messages
How you can help your patients:
Help patients develop a birth plan and refer them
to birthing classes, doulas and breastfeeding
Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks – vital development
occurs in the last weeks of pregnancy.
Help patients sign up for Text4Baby, a free text
message service for pregnancy and the baby’s
first year.
For Health Care Providers:
Pregnancy Toolkit
Prenatal Clinic Poster
Placement in clinic lobbies or waiting rooms
to open lines of communication
Waiting Room DVD
Reel of public service announcements for
your waiting room or outreach efforts
Birth Plan
Questionnaire that helps parents-to-be
ensure that their preferences for labor and
delivery are clearly stated
Life Planning Tool
Questionnaire that helps women develop a
vision for their reproductive years
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs related to pregnancy health
For Health Care Providers:
Pregnancy Toolkit
Slides 37-39: Doulas/Lactation Consultants
These slides have been developed for presenters speaking to
doulas/lactation consultants to encourage them to become Healthy
Texas Babies champions. Please delete if you are not presenting to this
For Doulas & Lactation Consultants
Toolkit to share with patients and/or clients
How you can help them:
– Help your clients complete their Birth Plan and make
informed labor decisions for pain management,
coordination of care and particularly in transitioning at
home after delivery.
– Arm your clients with resources such as and reinforce the importance of
them following up for their six-week postpartum visit
with their provider.
– Help clients sign up for Text4Baby, a free text message
service for pregnancy and the baby’s first year. Have
clients text BABY to 511411 – it’s that simple.
For Doulas & Lactation Consultants:
Someday Starts Now Toolkit
Waiting Room DVD
Reel of public service announcements
for your outreach efforts
Birth Plan
Questionnaire that helps parents-to-be
ensure that their preferences for labor
and delivery are clearly stated
Life Planning Tool
Questionnaire that helps women develop
a vision for their reproductive years
Maps for New Dads
Handbook for navigating fatherhood and
taking care of a new baby
For Doulas & Lactation Consultants:
Someday Starts Now Toolkit
Slides 41-43: Community Advocates
These slides have been developed for presenters speaking to
community advocates to encourage them to become Healthy Texas
Babies champions. Please delete if you are not presenting to this
For Community Advocates
Toolkit to share with community groups
How you can help them:
– Parents should have a car seat and know how to
install it properly – get help from the Safe Riders
– Increase awareness of fetal alcohol spectrum
disorders in your community – these are 100percent preventable birth defects.
– Pregnancy lasts 40 weeks – important
development of the lungs, brain, and
digestive/immune systems happens from weeks
36 to 40.
For Community Advocates:
Someday Starts Now Toolkit
Life Planning Tool
Questionnaire that helps women develop a
vision for their reproductive years
Frequently Asked Questions
FAQs related to preconception and
pregnancy health
Waiting Room DVD
Reel of public service announcements for
your waiting room or outreach efforts
Birth Plan
Questionnaire that helps parents-to-be
ensure that their preferences for labor and
delivery are clearly stated
Someday Starts Now T-Shirts
Available in all sizes, these T-shirts help
promote this effort in a visible way
Media Toolkit
Basic materials to help you reach out to local
For Community Advocates:
Digital Materials
“Someday Starts Now”
Website Banners
“Text4Baby” Website
“Show Your Love”
Website Buttons
“Show Your Love”
Public Service
Slides 45-47: African American Advocates
These slides have been developed for presenters speaking to AfricanAmerican health advocates to encourage them to become Healthy Texas
Babies champions. Please delete if you are not presenting to this
For African American Advocates:
We Need Your Help
African Americans are disproportionately
affected by infant mortality at a rate of 2 to 3
times that of white and Hispanic mothers.
African American mothers are at a significantly
greater risk of dying during pregnancy or within
a year of delivery.
These materials can impact those statistics for
the better.
For African American Advocates:
Someday Starts Now Toolkit
Materials to share with your community
What to say and how you can help:
– Help women in your community prepare for
pregnancy by completing the Life Planning
– Encourage women to proactively manage the
stressors in their lives.
– Increase awareness of safe sleep – keep
baby in the same room as mom, but not the
same bed.
For African American Advocates:
Someday Starts Now Toolkit
Beauty/Barber Shop Reversible
Poster to spark discussion about prepregnancy health
Beauty/Barber Shop Tip Cards
Pocket-sized cards with campaign
Beauty/Barber Shop Capes
Black, waterproof capes with messaging
printed in reverse for mirror-reading
Life Planning Tool
Questionnaire that helps women develop
a vision for their reproductive years
Birth Plan
Questionnaire that helps parents-to-be
ensure that their preferences for labor
and delivery are clearly stated
Someday Starts Now T-Shirts
Available in all sizes, these T-shirts help
promote this effort in a visible way
Get Your Digital Pin
• “Someday Starts Now”
digital pin
• Add to social media
• Be proud of your role!
Don’t Wait for Someday…
• Start making a difference now!
• Visit to:
– Get downloadable materials
– Get printed toolkits [Delete this bullet if
you are not presenting to community
– Get your digital pin
– Learn about the importance of healthy
For You and the People You Love
[Use this slide to list any materials you may
have brought with you to the presentation.]
• Birth Plan
• Life Planning Tool
• Frequently Asked Questions
Thank You
[List your contact information here:]
[Twitter Handle]