presentation 2 - Faculty Server Contact
Transcript presentation 2 - Faculty Server Contact
Eric Murray
Tim Ficarra
Barbara Deschamp
• Spectroscopy
• Reverse Iontophoresis
• Fluorescence
Study of the interaction of matter and light
Light is focused on some area of the body
Light is absorbed and reflected in different ways by
different substances.
Subcategories include near-infrared, mid-infrared,
and photoacoustic spectroscopy.
Goal is to understand glucose's
spectroscopic properties, in order to
identify its presence in a sample
Functions in .7 – 2.5 micrometer range
Explores tissue depths of 1 to 100
Diffuse Reflection:
Using NIR light to illuminate a spot on the body
Light is partially absorbed, scattered, and
reflected back to a detector
Reflectance spectrum of skin is compared to
reflectance spectrum of the glucose.
A graph of the absorbance spectrum of
skin contains different spectral
signatures for different components that
are present.
Glucose bands located at 1613, 1689, 1732,
2105, 2273, and 2326 nm.
Work by Malin et al. Used custom-built
scanning near-infrared spectrometers.
Detectors were composed of indium-galliumarsenide
Human forearm was the target
Instrument observed the intensity spectra for
diffuse reflectance for the wavelength range
1050-2450 nm
Sampling interval was 1 ns.
Data from Malin's experiments
Prediction error of 9.1%
Prediction error of 3.6%
Image Source: Malin, Stephen F, et al. “Noninvasive Prediction of Glucose by Near Infrared Diffuse Reflectance
Spectroscopy.” Clinical Chemistry, Vol. 45, No. 9. 1999
Sensys GTS by Sensys Medical, Inc.
Been in development for 16 years
Design changes have been a result of the
dynamic nature of skin
Further design changes to address positioning
of the skin.
Glucose is very effective at absorbing
mid-infrared light
Unfortunately, so is water
The body's emission spectrum can be
used to measure glucose.
If the glucose to be measured is at the same
temperature as the tissue it's present in, no
glucose spectrum will be observed in the
emission spectrum.
Developed by OptiScan
Biomedical Corporation.
Uses mid-infrared
Unfortunately, their
current implementation is
invasive, drawing blood
every 15 minutes.
Used for patients in
critical condition.
Image source:
A beam of light is used to heat a target.
Optical energy from the light is
converted into acoustic energy.
This acoustic wave can be measured with
a microphone.
The optimum wavelength for glucose
detection is 9.676 micrometers.
One study (MacKenzie et al.) used nearinfrared pulse laser sources, and
piezoelectric transducers.
The following relationship was found:
y = 0.21x – 0.02
where y is the change in the photoacoustic
response and x is the glucose concentration
Correlation coefficient was 0.99
Very accurate and promising
Equipment is expensive
Testing equipment is extremely sensitive
and requires a controlled environment.
for extracting subdermal
• Apply DC current to the skin
• Current attracts charged molecules
• Force of the flow also draws neutral molecules
and lactate are among the
molecules which can be extracted
commercially available non-invasive
glucose measurement technique
• Continuous monitoring
• Requires blood test for calibration
• Suffers inaccuracy in detecting hypoglycemia
by Animas Corporation in
is a metabolic relationship
between lactate and glucose levels
• Lactate can be extracted using reverse
• Lactate measurement could be used to improve
accuracy of GlucoWatch or similar technologies
measurement is still being
for blood sugar testing
• Two minute test
• Utilizes five sensors
In regions rich with sweat glands
2 hands, 2 feet, 1 forehead
no calibration
Still in developmental stages
heat conformation
Carbon nantoubes (reverse iontophoreris)
Focus is on Fluorescence by means of a
contact lens, most diabetics need corrective
lenses due to vision problems caused by the
Ultimately it was most continuous and non
invasive form
of light by a substance that has
absorbed light of a different wavelength
• Wavelength A is absorbed
• Wavelength B is then emitted
a boronic acid doped contact lens,
glucose levels are monitored through
tears binding with the boronic acid
The sensor responds to the different
concentrations through the diffraction of
light7 therefore changing fluorescence
and wavelength
Measurements are taken by a handheld
device that correspond to blood glucose
is a electron deficient acid
With the presence of glucose becomes
electron rich
The changes of the boron atom can be
noticed by fluorescence spectral changes in
the probe
lenses which react to tear glucose
level and measured by handheld device
Sensors on the lens that change color
according to the glucose concentration in
tear glucose levels were first
demonstrated by Michail, as early as 1937 7
not suffer from fluctuations of ambient
Has a 30 min lag time with blood glucose levels
Correlation coefficient of 0.998 9
• Response to various pH (in the range of
• Polarity response
• Sensitivity enough to detect low
concentrations of healthy person the high
levels of a diabetic
• Comfort (daily disposable contact lens)6
pH and polarity
Toxicity (one study uses off the shelf
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