chapter 9 notes

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Chapter 9
Racial and Ethnic Inequality
Describe what sociologists mean by the terms:
minority, race, and ethnicity
Discuss patterns of racial and ethnic relations
Discuss the difference between prejudice and
Explain 3 different views of racial inequalities
Compare the condition of American minorities
with that of the white majority
Minority- group of people with physical or cultural
traits different from the dominant group in society
African Americans
Native Americans
Other ethnic groups
People sharing certain inherited characteristics that
are considered important within a society
African American
Native American
Ethnic group- having a characteristic of a certain
group sharing a culture, religion, language, etc.
Difference between Ethnicity and Race
2 black men- one from Georgia and one from
Both men have the same RACE (black) and share
the same physical characteristics
Georgia is a Christian, speaks English, and
celebrates the 4th of July
Ethiopia is a Muslim, speaks 1 of the 84 languages,
and celebrates the Birth of Mohammed
They have different ETHNICITY
How Minorities Blend into Society
(Patterns of Assimilation)
1- Minority group must be accepted
2- Group must be allowed to fully participate in
Melting Pot of America
3 Forms of Assimilation
1- Anglo-conformity: minority accepts American
standards of conduct
2- Tossed salad (also known as cultural pluralism): more
than one culture is being acted out
Mexican immigrant learns English and only speaks English
Mexican immigrant speaks English at school, but Spanish at
home and attends Spanish church services
3- Accommodation: perform minority culture, yet deal
with dominant society
Patterns of Conflict
Minority is rejected
Genocide: systematic effort to destroy entire population
Population Transfer: group is forced to move to another
Hitler and Jews
Cherokee and Trail of Tears
Subjugation: group is denied equal access to culture and
lifestyle of dominant society
Laws- Jim Crow
Practice- Jobs to one race
ACTION of treating people differently based upon
race, ethnicity, religion or culture
Negative ATTITUDES toward a group (race,
ethnicity, religion, culture)
Theories on Race Inequality
Functionalist- See Racial Inequality as Positive
Dysfunctions can be caused by prejudice/discrimination
Safety and stability of society is at risk (protects the
majority group)
Majority feels superior and strengthens their self concept
Theories Cont.
Conflict- majority uses prejudice and discrimination
for power
Control of property, goods, resources
Minorities conflict with one another for what little power
Shiite and Sunni Muslims
Theories Cont.
Symbolic Interactionist: people learn prejudice from
our family
Blackmail, blackballed, etc
Self-fulfilling prophecy: minorities are expected to act a
certain way and will do so
Institutionalized Discrimination
Unfair practices that grow out of common
behaviors and attitudes
Inner city schools and deterioration
Blue Collar Workers
Wage earning workers that wear specialized clothing
on the job
Have their name on their shirt “Bob”
White Collar Workers
Office workers
Wear dress shirts to work (usually white)
No manual labor
Minority Groups in the US
African Americans
Largest and oldest minority group
Lack of acceptance because of physical features and place in
history (slaves)
Gaining in education and politics
Latinos (people from Mexico, Central and South America)
Fastest growing group- will be majority
Migrant workers
Half finish high school
Joining politics
Minorities Cont.
Native Americans
Fight stereotypes
Casinos and Opportunity
Asian Americans
Gold Rush of 1850s
Internment during WWII
Minorities Cont.
White Ethnics (European immigrants)
Blue collar workers
Pg. 304 #2
Answer the 5 objectives at the beginning of