On Being a Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research (American

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On Being a Scientist:
Responsible Conduct in Research
(American National Academy of Science, 1995)
Values in Sciences
Scientists bring more than just a toolbox of
techniques to their work. Scientist must also make
complex decisions about the interpretation of data,
about which problems to pursue, and about when to
conclude an experiment. They have to decide the best
ways to work with others and exchange information.
Taken together, these matters of judgment contribute
greatly to the craft of science, and the character of a
person's individual decisions helps determine that
person's scientific style (as well as, on occasion, the
impact of that person's work).
Much of the knowledge and skill needed to make
good decisions in science is learned through personal
experience and interactions with other scientists. But
some of this ability is hard to teach or even describe.
Many of the intangible influences on scientific
discovery - curiosity, intuition, creativity - largely defy
rational analysis, yet they are among the tools that
scientists bring to their work.
When judgment is recognized as a scientific
tool, it is easier to see how science can be influenced
by values. Consider, for example, the way people
judge between competing hypotheses. In a given area
of science, several different explanations may account
for the available facts equally well, with each
suggesting an alternate route for further research.
How do researchers pick among them?
Scientists and philosophers have proposed
several criteria by which promising scientific
hypotheses can be distinguished from less fruitful ones.
Hypotheses should be internally consistent so that they
do not generate contradictory conclusions. Their ability
to provide accurate experimental predictions,
sometimes in areas far removed from the original
domain of the hypothesis, is viewed with great favor.
With disciplines in which experimentation is less
straightforward, such as geology, astronomy, or many of
the social sciences, good hypotheses should be able to
unify disparate observations. Also highly prized are
simplicity and its more refined cousin, elegance.
Other kinds of values also come into play in science.
Historians, sociologists, and other students of science have shown
that social and personal beliefs - including philosophical, thematic,
religious, cultural, political, and economic beliefs - can shape
scientific judgment in fundamental ways. For example, Einstein's
rejection of quantum mechanics as an irreducible description of
nature - summarized in his insistence that "God does not play dice”
- seems to have been based largely on an aesthetic conviction that
the physical universe could not contain such an inherent
component of randomness. The nineteenth-century geologist
Charles Lyell, who championed the idea that geological change
occurs incrementally rather than catastrophically, may have been
influenced as much by his religious views as by his geological
observations. He favored the notion of a God who is an unmoved
mover and does not intervene in His creation. Such a God, thought
Lyell, would produce a world in which the same causes and effects
keep cycling eternally, producing a uniform geological history.
Does holding such values harm a person's science? In some
cases the answer has to be "yes." The history of science offers a
number of episodes in which social or personal beliefs distorted the
work of researchers. The field of eugenics used the techniques of
science to try to demonstrate the inferiority of certain races. The
ideological rejection of Mendelian genetics in the Soviet Union
beginning in the 1930s crippled Soviet biology for decades.
Despite such cautionary episodes, it is clear that values
cannot - and should not - be separated from science. The desire to
do good work is a human value. So is the conviction that standards
of honesty and objectivity need to be maintained. The belief that the
universe is simple and coherent has led to great advances in
science. If researchers did not believe that the world can be
described in terms of a relatively small number of fundamental
principles, science would amount to no more than organized
observation. Religious convictions about the nature of the universe
have also led to important scientific insights, as in the case of Lyell
discussed above.
The empirical link between scientific knowledge
and the physical, biological, and social world
constrains the influence of values in science.
Researchers are continually testing their theories
about the world against observations. If hypotheses do
not accord with observations, they will eventually fall
from favor (though scientists may hold on to a
hypothesis even in the face of some conflicting
evidence since sometimes it is the evidence rather
than the hypothesis that is mistaken).
The social mechanisms of science also help
eliminate distorting effects that personal values might
have. They subject scientific claims to the process of
collective validation, applying different perspectives to
the same body of observations and hypotheses.
The challenge for individual scientists is to
acknowledge and try to understand the suppositions
and beliefs that lie behind their own work so that they
can use that self-knowledge to advance their work.
Such self-examination can be informed by study in
many areas outside of science, including history,
philosophy, sociology, literature, art, religion, and
ethics. If narrow specialization and a single-minded
focus on a single activity keep a researcher from
developing the perspective and fine sense of
discrimination needed to apply values in science, that
person's work can suffer.
Polywater and the role of skepticism
The case of polywater demonstrates how the
desire to believe in a new phenomenon can sometimes
overpower the demand for solid, well-controlled
evidence. In 1966 the Soviet scientist Boris
Valdimirovich Derjaguin lectured in England on a new
form of water that he claimed had been discovered by
another Soviet scientist, N. N. Fedyakin. Formed by
heating water and letting it condense in quartz
capillaries, this "anomalous water," as it was originally
called, had a density higher than normal water, a
viscosity 15 times that of normal water, a boiling point
higher than 100 degrees Centigrade, and a freezing
point lower than zero degrees.
Over the next several years, hundreds of papers
appeared in the scientific literature describing the
properties of what soon came to be known as polywater.
Theorists developed models, supported by some
experimental measurements, in which strong hydrogen
bonds were causing water to polymerize. Some even
warned that if polywater escaped from the laboratory, it
could autocatalytically polymerize all of the world's
Then the case for polywater began to crumble.
Because polywater could only be formed in minuscule
capillaries, very little was available for analysis. When
small samples were analyzed, polywater proved to be
contaminated with a variety of other substances, from
silicon to phospholipids. Electron microscopy revealed
that polywater actually consisted of finely divided
particulate matter suspended in ordinary water.
Gradually, the scientists who had described
the properties of polywater admitted that it did not
exist. They had been misled by poorly controlled
experiments and problems with experimental
procedures. As the problems were resolved and
experiments gained better controls, evidence for the
existence of polywater disappeared.
The history of polywater is a classic among
scientific affairs. It started in the early 1960's in
Kostroma, a small town in the Russian province.
There, Nikolai Fedyakin examined water. He
enclosed it into very thin glass capillaries and, after
some days, he could observe that a liquid column had
formed in the top of this capillary, although this region
was free from liquids before. The new liquid column
expanded in the course of the following weeks on (?)
expense of the original water column. Already Fedyakin
stated that it is more dense than "normal" water.
The new liquid became finally the the subject of
most extensive investigations.
Boris Deryagin, director of the laboratory for surface forces
at the Institute for Physical Chemistry in Moscow, learned about it.
He improved the method to produce the new water. Of course,
maximum efforts were undertaken to exclude impurities. Deryagin
succeeded. Though he still produced very small quantities of this
mysterious material, he did so substantially faster than Fedyakin
The investigations showed up a substantially colder
freezing point - or better, temperature range of freezing, because
also here "modified" water was different from usual water -,
stability of the liquid at 150 degrees C, a density of approx. 1.1 to
1.2 gram per cubic centimeter, an increased expansion with
increasing temperature etc.
The research results were published in Soviet science
journals. Short summaries of the work were published in the
Chemical Abstracts also in English language, but western
scientists did not react yet to the work of Deryagin.
In 1966, Deryagin presented the work during the
"Discussions of the Faraday Society" in Nottingham. He
speculated there that the state of "usual" liquids was
metastable, and the recently discovered form being the
stable form. Although his lecture excited little attention,
research on polywater did actually start after it.
British scientists reproduced the results of
Deryagin and did further investigations on polywater.
This inspiring area of research was brought to the U. S.
Navy by a "liaison officer" to the USA (such people
were frequently regarded as spies). For them, it was a
question of national honour to overtake the Russians
as fast as possible in polywater research, the Sputnik shock was not overcome yet. During the early 1970's,
more than one hundred articles on this topic were
published per year .
Also the "normal" press jumped up on this course,
particularly since the researchers announced their results frequently
here, before they were submitted to the specialized journals.
Whatever the researchers announced, it was extremely sensational.
Donahoe exceeded all the others: he was concerned that the
research could be dangerous. If polywater is the stable condition of
water, then it could happen that the "usual" water gets converted into
polywater, if it comes into contact with polywater. Thus all life on
earth would be destroyed. Perhaps the planet Venus is so wild
because the water present there is polywater.
In the meantime assumptions arose that polywater was just
contaminated water. This theory could not become generally
accepted for a long time. Extreme efforts were undertaken to avoid
any impurities. Only 1972, the interest in polywater declined severly
in Western countries, in the Soviet Union the retreat took a little
A very detailed representation with a multiplicity of references can be
found in the book: Felix Franks "Polywater", MIT Press, 1981