Nutrition and Wellness Exam Review

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Nutrition and
Exam Review
1. When cooking on the stove top, in what direction should the handles on pots be
turned? To the center of the stove.
2. What items are allowed on the floor in traffic lanes? Nothing.
3. We discussed four food items that should be kept refrigerated. List one. Meat, fish,
• . Why should aerosol cans be kept away from heat? So they
will not explode.
• 5. What is the first thing you should do before you begin to
cook or handle food? Wash your hands and turn on the oven.
• 6. When should you clean up spills? Immediately.
• 7. Where do you put knives when washing dishes? Beside
sink until ready to wash.
• What should you use to reach things that are over your head?
Step stool.
• 9. What should you do with a frayed electrical cord? Replace
• 10. What should you use to remove hot things from the
oven? Oven mitts.
• 11. Where should you store insect sprays? Away from food
and cooking equipment.
• 12. What type of knife is safer to use: sharp or dull or inbetween? Dull.
• . What should you use to pick up slivers of glass? Wet paper
• 14. What should not be clinging to foods that are to be put in
hot fat? Water or ice crystals.
• 15. What do you pull on to disconnect appliances? Plug.
• 16. When cutting with a knife, in what direction should you
cut? Away from you.
• 17. What should you use to cut on when chopping and
slicing? Cutting board.
• 18. What should you do when you drop utensils? Wash it.
• 19. What should you do when you sneeze, cough, or blow
your nose? Wash hands.
• 20. What should you do with hamburger or poultry that has
been in the refrigerator for two days? Cook it or freeze it.
21. When cutting with knives, how should you move the
knives? Away from you.
• 22. What is the temperature range in which bacteria grows
fastest in foods? 40—140 degrees F.
• 23. Where should cleaning agents used in the kitchen be
stored? Away from food and equipment.
• Detergents for dishwashers are specially made to have _____low___________
• The type of detergent that is best to use is __any_____________of the three
(powder, tablet, or gel) because all perform
_____equally____________________ well.
• Dishwashers have _____sensors______ that determine the dirtiness of the
water coming off the dishes; the water and air temperature to prevent
overheating.; and the water level to prevent overflowing.
• Dishwashers heat the water temperature, ___130—
140_______________________ degrees.
• The last cycle is optional and is the ______dry__________cycle.
• Water to wash and rinse is sprayed through____water
• The dirtiest part of the dishes should face toward the
____center______________ of the dishwasher.
• Putting two different ____metals___________ in the dishwasher may
cause corrosion to the metals.
• Bowls, spoons, and other dishes with _____identical______ shapes
should be separated for the best cleaning.
• Pre-cleaning dishes may result in dishes that have _____not__________
been cleaned very well.
• .
• If your home has hard water, use slightly ___more___________
• To prevent build-up from hard water, use ______vinegar____________
in the dishwasher once a month.
• Complete the following abbreviations: (If there are two,
include both.)
• cup = _c__ ___C_________
• 2. tablespoon = _T_ ___tbsp____________
3. teaspoon = _t_ __tsp______________
Answer the following:
• You turn the oven on when you __first___________ begin to
prepare your recipe or meal so the oven will be at
• You should read a recipe before preparing it to determine if
you have the__ingredients_______, __equipment____,
___time_____and __skill_______to prepare the recipe. To
know the __steps__________.
• A good recipe includes: the temperature and time needed to
prepare the recipe, the ingredients and amounts needed, the
steps and the temperature needed, and the number of
servings it provides.
Match the each statement with
the correct following term.
• 1.____digestion______________ Mechanical and chemical
process that breaks food down to release nutrients in forms
the body can absorb for use.
• 2.____calorie________________ Measure of energy in food
or used in an activity.
• 3.____malnutrition___________ A deficiency or severe
shortage of nutrient, caused by faulty or inadequate nutrition.
• 4.___basal metabolism________ Minimum amount of energy
needed to maintain basic body processes.
• 5.___villi_________________ Billions of tiny fingerlike
projections that line folds of small intestine.
• 6.___esophagus_____________ Tube that connects the
mouth and stomach.
• 7.____peristalis_____________Muscle action of esophagus
(contracting and relaxing) that forces food into the stomach.
• 8.____glucose_____________ Blood sugar formed when
carbohydrates are fully broken down chemically.
• 9. Compare the rates that carbohydrates, proteins, and fats
take to break down before leaving the stomach.
• Carbohydrates:
• Proteins: 3—5 hrs
• Fats: up to 12 hrs.
1—2 hrs
• ____carbohydrates________—nutrient that is a person’s main
source of energy; found mostly in plant foods.
• ___complex carbohydrates_______—carbohydrates with
complicated structures; starches.
• ___fiber_________________—plant materials that are eaten
but can’t be digested by human enzymes.
• ____simple carbohydrates____—sugars formed from simple
one- and two-unit structures.
• ___starches______________—formed when plants combine single
glucose units into more complicated chemical structures.
• __sugars________________—simple carbohydrates chemically
formed from plants; made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.
• ___sugar substitutes_______—artificial sweeteners and sugar
alcohols are commonly used to sweeten foods while adding few or
no calories.
• Foods that provide carbohydrates include some in milk; most in
___plant______ foods, including fruits, vegetables, grain products,
dry beans, nuts, and seeds.
• If you saw the word dextrose on a food label, you would know
it is a sugar because it ends in-___ose_________.
• Dietary fiber isn’t a __nutrient______because it cannot be
digested by human enzymes.
• Eating __complex___carbohydrates before a big athletic event
is important because energy-producing glucose is only
available through plant foods.
• During digestion, the carbohydrates you have eaten are
mostly converted back to __glucose__________. Fiber passes
through the system__undigested______________.
• The sugar in an apple different from the sugar in a cookie because
the apple has __naturally_________ occurring sugars. The cookie
has added sugar put there for sweetening.
• If a person eliminated all carbohydrates from his or her diet, many
body processes would be disrupted and make the person have less
• _glycogen________ is extra glucose that has been stored for times
when the body needs extra energy. If it’s not available, the body will
use protein for__energy_________, taking it away from building and
repairing tissues.
• Health experts suggest that your daily carbohydrate allowance come
mostly from __complex________carbohydrates (starches) and
naturally occurring sugars rather than __added_______sugars.
• A food that replaces sugar with a sugar substitute can be high in
calories because it would still be high in calories if it’s high
in___fat_______, which has __9__ calories per gram.
• Some people think that starchy foods make people gain weight
because they are often eaten with __high fat_____spreads, sauces,
and gravies.
• Fiber is just eliminated as__waste___________, but it is needed
because fiber:
• _absorbs_____water and helps food move through the large
intestine at a normal rate;
• __promotes______regular bowel movements;
• helps _prevent______constipation;
• may help ___reduce______cholesterol;
• __adds_____ to feeling of fullness when eating.
• The foods that contribute __fiber________to the diet are
whole-grain foods, dry beans. peas, and lentils, and cooked
Label the following with the
correct body part name.
1. Teeth
7. Appendix
13. Pancreas
2. Epiglottis
8. Salivary gland 14. Small intestine
3. Liver
9. Tongue
15. Rectum
4. Gall bladder
10. Esophagus
5. Common Bile Duct11. Stomach
6. Large intestine
12. Duodenum