Transcript ppt

Cryptography and Privacy Preserving
Lecture 2: Pseudo-randomness
Lecturer: Moni Naor
Weizmann Institute of Science
Recap of Lecture 1
• Key idea of cryptography: use computational intractability
for your advantage
• One-way functions are necessary and sufficient to solve the
two guard identification problem
– Notion of Reduction between cryptographic primitives
• Amplification of weak one-way functions
– Things are a bit more complex in the computational world (than in
the information theoretic one)
• Encryption: easy when you share very long strings
• Started with the notion of pseudo-randomness
Is there an ultimate one-way function?
• If f1:{0,1}* → {0,1}* and f2:{0,1}* → {0,1}* are guaranteed to:
– Be polynomial time computable
– At least one of them is one-way.
then can construct a function g:{0,1}* → {0,1}* which is one-way:
g(x1, x2 )= (f1(x1),f2 (x2 ))
• If an 5n2 time one-way function is guaranteed to exist, can construct
an O(n2 log n) one-way function g:
– Idea: enumerate Turing Machine and make sure they run 5n2 steps
g(x1, x2 ,…, xlog (n) )=M1(x1), M2(x2), …, Mlog n(xlog (n))
• If a one-way function is guaranteed to exist, then there exists a 5n2
time one-way:
– Idea: concentrate on the prefix
• Be careful what you wish for
• Problem with resulting one-way function:
– Cannot learn about behavior on large inputs from small
– Whole rational of considering asymptotic results is
• Construction does not work for non-uniform oneway functions
The Encryption problem:
• Alice would want to send a message m  {0,1}n
to Bob
– Set-up phase is secret
• They want to prevent Eve from learning anything
about the message
The encryption problem
• Relevant both in the shared key and in the public
key setting
• Want to use many times
• Also add authentication…
• Other disruptions by Eve
What does `learn’ mean?
• If Eve has some knowledge of m should remain the same
– Probability of guessing m
• Min entropy of m
– Probability of guess whether m is m0 or m1
– Probability of computing some function f of m
• Ideally: the message sent is a independent of the message m
– Implies all the above
• Shannon: achievable only if the entropy of the shared secret is at least
as large as the message m entropy
• If no special knowledge about m
– then |m|
• Achievable: one-time pad.
Let rR {0,1}n
Think of r and m as elements in a group
To encrypt m send r+m
To decrypt z send m=z-r
Pseudo-random generators
• Would like to stretch a short secret (seed) into a long one
• The resulting long string should be usable in any case
where a long string is needed
– In particular: as a one-time pad
• Important notion: Indistinguishability
Two probability distributions that cannot be distinguished
– Statistical indistinguishability: distances between probability
– New notion: computational indistinguishability
Computational Indistinguishability
Definition: two sequences of distributions {Dn} and {D’n} on
{0,1}n are computationally indistinguishable if
for every polynomial p(n) and sufficiently large n, for every probabilistic
polynomial time adversary A that receives input y  {0,1}n and
tries to decide whether y was generated by Dn or D’n
|Prob[A=‘0’ | Dn ] - Prob[A=‘0’ | D’n ] | < 1/p(n)
Without restriction on probabilistic polynomial tests: equivalent to
variation distance being negligible
∑β  {0,1}n |Prob[ Dn = β] - Prob[ D’n = β]| < 1/p(n)
Pseudo-random generators
Definition: a function g:{0,1}* → {0,1}* is said to be a (cryptographic) pseudo-random
generator if
• It is polynomial time computable
• It stretches the input |g(x)|>|x|
denote by ℓ(n) the length of the output on inputs of length n
If the input (seed) is random, then the output is indistinguishable from random
For any probabilistic polynomial time adversary A that receives input y of length ℓ(n)
and tries to decide whether y= g(x) or is a random string from {0,1}ℓ(n) for any
polynomial p(n) and sufficiently large n
|Prob[A=`rand’| y=g(x)] - Prob[A=`rand’| yR {0,1}ℓ(n)] | < 1/p(n)
Want to use the output a pseudo-random generator whenever long random strings are used
Especially encryption
– have not defined the desired properties yet.
Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random numbers is, of course, in a
state of sin.
J. von Neumann
Important issues
• Why is the adversary bounded by polynomial time?
• Why is the indistinguishability not perfect?
Construction of pseudo-random generators
• Idea: given a one-way function there is a hard
decision problem hidden there
• If balanced enough: looks random
• Such a problem is a hardcore predicate
• Possibilities:
– Last bit
– First bit
– Inner product
Hardcore Predicate
Definition: let f:{0,1}* → {0,1}* be a function. We say that h:{0,1}*
→ {0,1} is a hardcore predicate for f if
• It is polynomial time computable
• For any probabilistic polynomial time adversary A that receives input
y=f(x) and tries to compute h(x) for any polynomial p(n) and
sufficiently large n
|Prob[A(y)=h(x)] -1/2| < 1/p(n)
where the probability is over the choice y and the random coins of A
• Sources of hardcoreness:
– not enough information about x
• not of interest for generating pseudo-randomness
– enough information about x but hard to compute it
Assume one-way functions exist
• Show that the last bit/first bit are not necessarily hardcore
• Generalization: show that for any fixed function h:{0,1}*
→ {0,1} there is a one-way function f:{0,1}* → {0,1}*
such that h is not a hardcore predicate of f
• Show a one-way function f such that given y=f(x) each
input bit of x can be guessed with probability at least 3/4
Single bit expansion
• Let f:{0,1}n → {0,1}n be a one-way permutation
• Let h:{0,1}n → {0,1} be a hardcore predicate for
• Consider g:{0,1}n → {0,1}n+1 where
g(x)=(f(x), h(x))
Claim: g is a pseudo-random generator
Proof: can use a distinguisher for g to guess h(x)
f(x), h(x))
f(x), 1-h(x))
Hardcore Predicate With Public Information
Definition: let f:{0,1}* → {0,1}* be a function. We say that h:{0,1}* x
{0,1}* → {0,1} is a hardcore predicate for f if
• h(x,r) is polynomial time computable
• For any probabilistic polynomial time adversary A that receives input
y=f(x) and public randomness r and tries to compute h(x,r) for any
polynomial p(n) and sufficiently large n
|Prob[A(y,r)=h(x,r)] -1/2| < 1/p(n)
where the probability is over the choice y of r and the random coins of A
Alternative view: can think of the public randomness as modifying the
one-way function f: f’(x,r)=f(x),r.
Example: weak hardcore predicate
• Let h(x,i)= xi
I.e. h selects the ith bit of x
• For any one-way function f, no polynomial time algorithm A(y,i)
can have probability of success better than 1-1/2n of computing
• Exercise: let c:{0,1}* → {0,1}* be a good error correcting code
– |c(x)| is O(|x|)
– distance between any two codewords c(x) and c(x’) is a constant fraction of
• It is possible to correct in polynomial time errors in a constant fraction of |c(x)|
Show that for h(x,i)= c(x)i and any one-way function f, no
polynomial time algorithm A(y,i) can have probability of success
better than a constant of computing h(x,i)
Inner Product Hardcore bit
The inner product bit: choose r R {0,1}n let
h(x,r) = r ∙x = ∑ xi ri mod 2
Theorem [Goldreich-Levin]: for any one-way function the inner product is a hardcore
Proof structure:
Algorithm A’ for inverting f
• There are many x’s for which A returns a correct answer (r ∙x ) on ½+ε of the r ’s
• Reconstruction algorithm R: take an algorithm A that guesses h(x,r) correctly
with probability ½+ε over the r‘s and output a list of candidates for x
– No use of the y info by R (except feeding to A)
Choose from the list the/an x such that f(x)=y
The main
Why list?
• Cannot have a unique answer!
• Suppose A has two candidates x and x’
– On query r it returns at `random’ either r ∙x or r ∙x’
Prob[A(y,r) = r ∙x ] =½ +½Prob[r∙x = r∙x’] = ¾
A: algorithm for guessing r¢x
R: Reconstruction algorithm that outputs a list of candidates for x
A’: algorithm for inverting f on a given y
z1 =r1 ¢ x
z2 =r2 ¢ x
zk =rk ¢ x
z1, z2,  zk
x1 ,x2  xk
Check whether f(xi)=y
Warm-up (1)
If A returns a correct answer on 1-1/2n of the r ’s
• Choose r1, r2, … rn R {0,1}n
• Run A(y,r1), A(y,r2), … A(y,rn)
– Denote the response z1, z2, … zn
• If r1, r2, … rn are linearly independent then:
there is a unique x satisfying ri∙x = zi for all 1 ≤i ≤n
• Prob[zi = A(y,ri)= ri∙x]≥ 1-1/2n
– Therefore probability that all the zi‘s are correct is at least ½
– Do we need complete independence of the ri ‘s?
• `one-wise’ independence is sufficient
Can choose r R {0,1}n and set ri∙ = r+ei
ei =0i-110n-i
All the ri `s are linearly independent
Each one is uniform in {0,1}n
Warm-up (2)
If A returns a correct answer on 3/4+ε of the r ’s
Can amplify the probability of success!
Given any r  {0,1}n Procedure A’(y,r):
• Repeat for j=1, 2, …
– Choose r’ R {0,1}n
– Run A(y,r+r’) and A(y,r’), denote the sum of responses by zj
• Output the majority of the zj’s
Pr[zj = r∙x]≥ Pr[A(y,r’)=r∙x ^ A(y,r+r’)=(r+r’)∙x]≥½+2ε
– Does not work for ½+ε since success on r’ and r+r’ is not independent
• Each one of the events ‘zj = r∙x’ is independent of the others
• Therefore by taking sufficiently many j’s can amplify to a value as
close to 1 as we wish
– Need roughly 1/ε2 examples
Idea for improvement: fix a few of the r’
The real thing
Choose r1, r2, … rk R {0,1}n
Guess for j=1, 2, … k the value zj =rj∙x
For all nonempty subsets S {1,…,k}
– Go over all 2k possibilities
– Let rS = ∑ j S rj
– The implied guess for zS = ∑
For each position xi
j S
– for each S {1,…,k} run A(y,ei-rS)
– output the majority value of {zs +A(y,ei-rS) }
• Each one of the vectors ei-rS is uniformly distributed
– A(y,ei-rS) is correct with probability at least ½+ε
Claim: For every pair of nonempty subset S ≠T {1,…,k}:
the two vectors rS and rT are pair-wise independent
Therefore variance is as in completely independent trials
Need 2k = n/ε2 to get the probability of error to 1/n
– I is the number of correct A(y,ei-rS), VAR(I) ≤ 2k(½+ε)
– Use Chebyshev’s Inequality Pr[|I-E(I)|≥ λ√VAR(I)]≤1/λ2
– So process is successful simultaneously for all positions xi,i{1,…,n}
Number of invocations of A
• 2k ∙ n ∙ (2k-1) = poly(n, 1/ε) ≈ n3/ε4
Size of resulting list of candidates for x
for each guess of z1, z2, … zk unique x
• 2k =poly(n, 1/ε) ) ≈ n/ε2
Conclusion: single bit expansion of a one-way permutation is a pseudorandom generator
Reducing the size of the list of candidates
Idea: bootstrap
Given any r  {0,1}n Procedure A’(y,r):
• Choose r1, r2, … rk R {0,1}n
• Guess for j=1, 2, … k the value zj =rj∙x
– Go over all 2k possibilities
• For all nonempty subsets S {1,…,k}
– Let rS = ∑ j S rj
– The implied guess for zS = ∑ j S zj
– for each S {1,…,k} run A(y,r-rS)
• output the majority value of {zs +A(y,r-rS)
• For 2k = 1/ε2 the probability of error is, say, 1/8
Fix the same r1, r2, … rk for subsequent executions
They are good for 7/8 of the r’s
Run warm-up (2)
Size of resulting list of candidates for x is ≈ 1/ε2
Application: Diffie-Hellman
The Diffie-Hellman assumption
Let G be a group and g an element in G.
Given g, a=gx and b=gy it is hard to find c=gxy
for random x and y is probability of poly-time
machine outputting gxy is negligible
More accurately: a sequence of groups
• Don’t know how to verify given c’ whether
it is equal to gxy
• Exercise: show that under the DH
Given a=gx , b=gy and r  {0,1}n no polynomial time
machine can guess r ∙gxy with advantage 1/poly
– for random x,y and r
Application: if subset is one-way, then it is a
pseudo-random generator
• Subset sum problem: given
– n numbers 0 ≤ a1, a2 ,…, an ≤ 2m
– Target sum y
– Find subset S⊆ {1,...,n} ∑ i S ai,=y
• Subset sum one-way function f:{0,1}mn+n → {0,1}m+mn
f(a1, a2 ,…, an , x1, x2 ,…, xn ) =
(a1, a2 ,…, an , ∑ i=1n xi ai mod 2m )
If m<n then we get out less bits then we put in.
If m>n then we get out more bits then we put in.
Theorem: if for m>n subset sum is a one-way function, then it is
also a pseudo-random generator
Subset Sum Generator
Idea of proof: use the distinguisher A to compute r ∙x
For simplicity: do the computation mod P for large prime P
• Given r  {0,1}n and (a1, a2 ,…, an ,y)
Generate new problem(a’1, a’2 ,…, a’n ,y’) :
• Choose c R ZP
• Let a’i = ai if ri=0 and ai =ai+c mod P if ri=1
• Guess k R {o,…,n} - the value of ∑ xi ri
Prob[A=‘0’|pseudo]= ½+ε
Prob[A=‘0’|random]= ½
– the number of locations where x and r are 1
• Let y’ = y+c k mod P
Run the distinguisher A on (a’1, a’2 ,…, a’n ,y’)
– output what A says Xored with parity(k)
Claim: if k is correct, then (a’1, a’2 ,…, a’n ,y’) is R pseudo-random
Claim: for any incorrect k, (a’1, a’2 ,…, a’n ,y’) is R random
y’= z + (k-h)c mod P where z = ∑
i=1 xi a’i
mod P and h=∑ xi ri
Therefore: probability to guess correctly r ∙x is 1/n∙(½+ε) + (n-1)/n (½)= ½+ε/n
correct k
incorrect k
Interpretations of the Goldreich-Levin Theorem
• A tool for constructing pseudo-random generators
The main part of the proof:
• A mechanism for translating `general confusion’ into randomness
– Diffie-Hellman example
• List decoding of Hadamard Codes
– works in the other direction as well (for any code with good list decoding)
– List decoding, as opposed to unique decoding, allows getting much closer to
• `Explains’ unique decoding when prediction was 3/4+ε
• Finding all linear functions agreeing with a function given in a blackbox
– Learning all Fourier coefficients larger than ε
• If the Fourier coefficients are concentrated on a small set – can find
– True for AC0 circuits
– Decision Trees
Composing PRGs
• g1 be a (ℓ1, ℓ2 )-pseudo-random generator
• g2 be a (ℓ2, ℓ3)-pseudo-random generator
Consider g(x) = g2(g1(x))
Claim: g is a (ℓ1, ℓ3 )-pseudo-random generator
Proof: consider three distributions on {0,1}ℓ3
– D1: y uniform in {0,1}ℓ3
– D2: y=g(x) for x uniform in {0,1}ℓ1
– D3: y=g2(z) for z uniform in {0,1}ℓ2
By assumption there is a distinguisher A between D1 and D2
A must either
distinguish between D1 and D3
distinguish between D2 and D3
- can use A use to distinguish g2
- can use A use to distinguish g1
triangle inequality
Composing PRGs
When composing
• a generator secure against advantage ε1
and a
• a generator secure against advantage ε2
we get security against advantage ε1+ε2
When composing the single bit expansion generator n times
Loss in security is at most ε/n
Hybrid argument: to prove that two distributions D and D’ are
suggest a collection of distributions D= D0, D1,… Dk =D’ such that
If D and D’ can be distinguished, there is a pair Di and Di+1 that can
be distinguished.
Difference ε between D and D’ means ε/k between some Di and Di+1
Use such a distinguisher to derive a contradiction
From single bit expansion to many bit expansion
• Can make r and f(m)(x) public
– But not any other internal state
• Can make m as large as needed
h(f (2)(x),r)
h(f (m-1)(x),r)
• Let {Dn} and {D’n} be two distributions that are
– Computationally indistinguishable
– Polynomial time samplable
• Suppose that {y1,… ym} are all sampled according to
{Dn} or all are sampled according to {D’n}
• Prove: no probabilistic polynomial time machine can tell,
given {y1,… ym}, whether they were sampled from
{Dn} or {D’n}
Existence of PRGs
What we have proved:
Theorem: if pseudo-random generators stretching by a single
bit exist, then pseudo-random generators stretching by any
polynomial factor exist
Theorem: if one-way permutations exist, then pseudo-random
generators exist
A harder theorem to prove
Theorem [HILL]: if one-way functions exist, then pseudorandom generators exist
Exercise: show that if pseudo-random generators exist, then
one-way functions exist
Next-bit Test
Definition: a function g:{0,1}* → {0,1}* is said to pass the next bit
test if
• It is polynomial time computable
• It stretches the input |g(x)|>|x|
– denote by ℓ(n) the length of the output on inputs of length n
• If the input (seed) is random, then the output passes the next-bit test
For any prefix 0≤ i< ℓ(n), for any probabilistic polynomial time adversary A that
receives the first i bits of y= g(x) and tries to guess the next bit, or any
polynomial p(n) and sufficiently large n
|Prob[A(yi,y2,…, yi)= yi+1] – 1/2 | < 1/p(n)
Theorem: a function g:{0,1}* → {0,1}* passes the next bit test if
and only if it is a pseudo-random generator
Next-block Undpredictable
Suppose that the function G maps a given a seed into a sequence of blocks
y , … ,
let ℓ(n) be the length of the number of blocks given a seed of length n
• If the input (seed) is random, then the output passes the next-block
unpredicatability test
For any prefix 0≤ i< ℓ(n), for any probabilistic polynomial time adversary A that
receives the first i blocks of y= g(x) and tries to guess the next block yi+1, for any
polynomial p(n) and sufficiently large n
|Prob[A(y1,y2,…, yi)= yi+1] | < 1/p(n)
Exercise: show how to convert a next-block unpredictable generator into a
pseudo-random generator.
Pseudo-Random Generators
concrete version
Gn:0,1m 0,1n
A cryptographically strong pseudo-random sequence
generator - if passes all polynomial time statistical
(t,)-pseudo-random - no test A running in time t
can distinguish with advantage 
Three Basic issues in cryptography
• Identification
• Authentication
• Encryption
Solve in a shared key environment
Identification - Remote login using
pseudo-random sequence
A and B share key S0,1k
In order for A to identify itself to B
• Generate sequence Gn(S)
• For each identification session - send next block of
More than two parties
Malicious adversaries - add noise
Coordinating the location block number
Better approach: Challenge-Response
Challenge-Response Protocol
• B selects a random location and sends to A
• A sends value at random location
What’s this?
Desired Properties
• Very long string - prevent repetitions
• Random access to the sequence
• Unpredictability - cannot guess the value at a random
– even after seeing values at many parts of the string to the
adversary’s choice.
– Pseudo-randomness implies unpredictability
• Not the other way around for blocks
Authenticating Messages
• A wants to send message M0,1n to B
• B should be confident that A is indeed the sender of M
One-time application:
S =(a,b) where a,bR 0,1n
To authenticate M: supply aM b
Computation is done in GF[2n]
Problems and Solutions
• Problems - same as for identification
• If a very long random string available – can use for one-time authentication
– Works even if only random looking
Use this!
Encryption of Messages
• A wants to send message M0,1n to B
• only B should be able to learn M
One-time application:
where aR 0,1n
To encrypt M:
send a  M
Encryption of Messages
• If a very long random looking string available – can use as in one-time encryption
Use this!
Pseudo-random Functions
Concrete Treatment:
F: 0,1k  0,1n  0,1m
Denote Y= FS (X)
A family of functions Φk ={FS | S0,1k  is
(t, , q)-pseudo-random if it is
• Efficiently computable - random access
The tester A that can choose adaptively
– X1 and get Y1= FS (X1)
– X2 and get Y2 = FS (X2 )
– Xq and get Yq= FS (Xq)
• Then A has to decide whether
– FS R Φk or
– FS R R n  m =  F | F :0,1n  0,1m 
For a function F chosen at random from
(1) Φk ={FS | S0,1k 
(2) R n  m =  F | F :0,1n  0,1m 
For all t-time machines A that choose q locations
and try to distinguish (1) from (2)
 ProbA ‘1’  FR Fk 
- ProbA ‘1’  FR R n  m    
Equivalent/Non-Equivalent Definitions
• Instead of next bit test: for XX1,X2 ,, Xq
chosen by A, decide whether given Y is
– Y= FS (X) or
– YR0,1m
• Adaptive vs. Non-adaptive
• Unpredictability vs. pseudo-randomness
• A pseudo-random sequence generator
g:0,1m 0,1n
– a pseudo-random function on small domain 0,1log n0,1
with key in 0,1m
Application to the basic issues in cryptography
Solution using a shared key S
B to A: X R 0,1n
A to B: Y= FS (X)
A verifies
A to B: Y= FS (M)
replay attack
A chooses XR 0,1n
A to B: <X , Y= FS (X)  M >
• Construct an ensemble {Φk | kL  such that
• for any {tk, 1/k, qk | kL  polynomial in k, for
all but finitely many k’s
Φk is a (tk, k, qk )-pseudo-random family
• Construction via Expansion
– Expand n or m
• Direct constructions
Effects of Concatenation
Given ℓ Functions F1 , F2 ,, Fℓ decide whether they are
– ℓ random and independent functions
– FS1 , FS2 ,, FSℓ for S1,S2 ,, Sℓ R0,1k
Claim: If Φk ={FS | S0,1k  is (t,,q)-pseudo-random:
cannot distinguish two cases
– using q queries
– in time t’=t - ℓq
– with advantage better than ℓ
Proof: Hybrid Argument
• i=0
• i
• i=ℓ
FS1 , FS2 ,, FSℓ
R1, R2 ,  , Ri-1,FSi , FSi+1 ,, FSℓ
R1, R2 ,  , Rℓ
 pℓ - p0  
  i pi+1 - pi  /ℓ
...Hybrid Argument
Can use this i to distinguish whether
– FS R Φk or FS R R n  m
• Generate FSi+1 ,, FSℓ
• Answer queries to first i-1 functions at random (consistently)
• Answer query to FSi , using (black box) input
• Answer queries to functions i+1 through ℓ with FSi+1 ,, FSℓ
Running time of test - t’  ℓq
Doubling the domain
• Suppose F(n): 0,1k  0,1n  0,1m
which is (t,,q)-p.r.
• Want F(n+1): 0,1k  0,1n+1  0,1m
which is (t’,’,q’)-p.r.
Use G: 0,1k  0,12k which is (t ,) p.r
G(S)  G0(S) G1(S)
Let FS (n+1)(bx)  FGb(s) (n)(x)
If G is (tq,1)-p.r and F(n) is (t2q,2,q)-p.r, then
F(n+1) is (t,1 2 2,q)-p.r
Proof: three distributions
(1) F(n+1)
(2) FS0 (n) , FS1 (n) for independent S0, S1
(3) Random
 1 2 2
Given that (1) and (3) can be distinguished with
advantage 1 2 2 , then either
• (1) and (2) with advantage 1
– G can be distinguished with advantage 1
• (2) and (3) with advantage 2 2
– F(n) can be distinguished with advantage 2
Running time of test - t’  q
Getting from G to F(n)
Idea: Use recursive construction
FS (n)(bnbn-1 b1)
 FGb (s) (n-1)(bn-1bn-2 b1)
 Gb (Gb (  Gb (S)) )
Each evaluation of FS (n)(x): n invocations of G
Tree Description
Each leaf corresponds to an X.
Label on leaf – value of pseudorandom function
Security claim
If G is (t qn ,) p.r,
then F(n) is (t, ’  nq,q) p.r
Proof: Hybrid argument by levels
Di :
– truly random labels for nodes at level i.
– Pseudo-random from i down
Each Di - a collection of q functions
 i pi+1 - pi  ’/n q
…Proof of Security
• Can use this i to distinguish concatenation of q
sequence generators G from random.
• The concatenation is (t,q) p.r
Therefore the construction is (t,,q) p.r
• Expensive - n invocations of G
• Sequential
• Deterioration of 
But does the job!
From any pseudo-random sequence generator construct a
pseudo-random function.
Theorem: one-way functions exist if and only if pseudorandom functions exist.
Applications of Pseudo-random
• Learning Theory - lower bounds
– Cannot PAC learn any class containing pseudo-random
• Complexity Theory - impossibility of natural proofs
for separating classes.
• Any setting where huge shared random string is
• Caveat: what happens when the seed is made
• Blum-Micali : SIAM J. Computing 1984
• Yao:
• Blum, Blum, Shub: SIAM J. Computing, 1988
• Goldreich, Goldwasser and Micali:
ACM, 1986
J. of the
• O. Goldreich, Foundations of Cryptography - a book in
three volumes.
– Vol 1, Basic Tools, Cambridge, 2001
• Pseudo-randomness, zero-knowledge
– Vol 2, about to come out
• (Encryption, Secure Function Evaluation)
– Other volumes in
• M. Luby, Pseudorandomness and Cryptographic
Applications, Princeton University Pres
Web material/courses
• S. Goldwasser and M. Bellare, Lecture Notes on
• Wagner/Trevisan, Berkeley
• Ivan Damgard and Ronald Cramer, Cryptologic Protocol
• Salil Vadhan, Pseudorandomness
• Naor, Foundations of Cryptography and Estonian Course