Transcript P(A c )

1. Correction.
2. Meaning of Probability
3. Axioms of Probability
4. Addition rule
5. Multiplication rules
6. Examples
Correction from end of last time:
# of possible 2-card hands = choose(52,2) = 1326, not 221.
P(AA) = 1/1326.
P(AA) = Choose(4,2)/1326 = 1/221.
Notation: “P(A) = 60%”. A is an event.
Not “P(60%)”.
Meaning of probability:
Frequentist: If repeated independently under the same
conditions millions and millions of times, A would
happen 60% of the times.
Bayesian: Subjective feeling about how likely
something seems.
P(A or B) means P(A or B or both )
Mutually exclusive: P(A and B) = 0.
Independent: P(A given B) [written “P(A|B)”] = P(A).
P(Ac) means P(not A).
Axioms (initial assumptions/rules) of probability:
1) P(A) ≥ 0.
2) P(A) + P(Ac) = 1.
3) If A1, A2, A3, … are mutually exclusive, then
P(A1 or A2 or A3 or … ) = P(A1) + P(A2) + P(A3) + …
(#3 is sometimes called the addition rule)
Probability <=> Area. Measure theory, Venn diagrams
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B).
Fact: P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) - P(A and B).
P(A or B or C) = P(A)+P(B)+P(C)-P(AB)-P(AC)-P(BC)+P(ABC).
Fact: If A1, A2, …, An are equally likely & mutually exclusive,
and if P(A1 or A2 or … or An) = 1,
then P(Ak) = 1/n.
[So, you can count: P(A1 or A2 or … or Ak) = k/n.]
Ex. You have 76, and the board is KQ54. P(straight)?
[52-2-4=46.] P(straight) = P(8 on river OR 3 on river)
= P(8 on river) + P(3 on river) = 4/46 + 4/46.
Counting: k! = 1 x 2 x … x k.
( 0! = 1. )
(n choose k) = C(n,k) =
k! (n-k)!
Ex. You have 2 us, and there are exactly 2 us on the flop.
Given this info, what is P(at least one more u on turn or river)?
Answer: 52-5 = 47 cards left (9 us, 38 others).
So n = C(47,2) = 1081 choices for next 2 cards.
Each equally likely (and obviously mutually exclusive).
Choices with a u : C(9,2) + 9 x 38 = 378.
So answer is 378/1081 = 35.0%.
-----------------------------------------------------Answer #2: P(1 more u) = P(u on turn OR river)
= P(u on turn) + P(u on river) - P(both)
= 9/47 + 9/47 - C(9,2)/C(47,2)
= 19.15% + 19.15% - 3.3% = 35.0%.
Ex. You have AK. Given this, what is
P(at least one A or K comes on board of 5 cards)?
Wrong Answer:
P(A or K on 1st card) + P(A or K on 2nd card) + …
= 6/50 x 5 = 60.0%.
But these events are Not Mutually Exclusive!!!
Right Answer:
C(50,5) = 2,118,760 boards possible.
How many have exactly one A or K? 6 x C(44,4) = 814,506
How many have exactly 2 aces or kings? C(6,2) x C(44,3) = 198,660
How many have exactly 3 aces or kings? C(6,3) x C(44,2) = 18,920 …
… altogether, 1032752 boards have at least one A or K,
So it’s 1032752 / 2118760 = 48.7%.
Easier way: P(no A or K) = C(44,5)/C(50,5) = 1086008 / 2118760
= 51.3%, so answer = 100% - 51.3% = 48.7%
Example: Poker Royale: Comedians vs. Poker Pros, Fri 9/23/05.
Linda Johnson
Phil Laak
Tammy Pescatelli $377,000
Kathy Kolberg
Sue Murphy
Mark Curry
No small blind. Johnson in big blind for $8000.
Murphy (8h 8s). Calls $8,000.
Kolberg. (9c 9d). Raises to $38,000.
Pescatelli (Kh 3s) folds, Laak (9h 3h) folds, Johnson (Jh 6d) folds.
Murphy calls.
TV Screen: Kolberg. (9c 9d) 81%
Murphy (8h 8s) 19%
Flop: 8c Td Ts.
Murphy quickly goes all in. Kolberg thinks for 2 min, then calls.
Laak (to Murphy): “You’re 92% to take it down.”
TV Screen: Kolberg. (9c 9d) 17%
Murphy (8h 8s) 83%
Who’s right?
(Turn 9s river Ad), so Murphy is eliminated. Laak went on to win.
TV Screen:
Kolberg. (9c 9d) 81%
Murphy (8h 8s) 19%
Flop: 8c Td Ts.
Murphy quickly goes all in. Kolberg thinks for 2 min, then calls.
Laak (to Murphy): “You’re 92% to take it down.”
TV Screen: Kolberg. (9c 9d) 17%
Murphy (8h 8s) 83%
Laak (about Kolberg): “She has two outs twice.”
P(9 on the turn or river, given just their 2 hands and the flop)?
= P(9 on turn) + P(9 on river) - P(9 on both)
= 2/45 + 2/45 - 1/C(45,2)
8.8%Given other players’ 6
cards? Laak had a 9, so it’s 1/39 + 1/39 = 5.1%
TV Screen:
Kolberg. (9c 9d) 81%
Murphy (8h 8s) 19%
Flop: 8c Td Ts.
Murphy quickly goes all in. Kolberg thinks for 2 min, then calls.
Laak (to Murphy): “You’re 92% to take it down.”
TV Screen: Kolberg. (9c 9d) 17%
Murphy (8h 8s) 83%
Given just their 2 hands and the flop,
what is P(9 or T on the turn or river)?
P(9 or T on the turn) + P(9 or T on river) - P(both)
= 4/45 + 4/45 - C(4,2)/C(45,2) = 17.2%
P(A & B) is written “P(AB)”. “P(A U B)” means P(A or B).
Conditional Probability:
P(A given B) [written“P(A|B)”] = P(AB) / P(B).
Independent: A and B are “independent” if P(A|B) = P(A).
Fact (multiplication rule for independent events):
If A and B are independent, then P(AB) = P(A) x P(B)
Fact (general multiplication rule):
P(AB) = P(A) P(B|A)
P(ABC…) = P(A) x P(B|A) x P(C|A&B) …
Example: High Stakes Poker, 1/8/07: (Game Show Network, Mon/Thur nights):
Greenstein folds, Todd Brunson folds, Harman folds.
Elezra calls $600.
Farha (K J) raises to $2600
Sheikhan folds.
Negreanu calls, Elezra calls. Pot is $8,800.
Flop: 6 T 8.
Negreanu bets $5000. Elezra raises to $15000. Farha folds.
Negreanu thinks for 2 minutes….. then goes all-in for another $96,000.
Elezra: 8 6. (Elezra calls. Pot is $214,800.)
Negreanu: A T.
-------------------------------------------------------At this point, the odds on tv show 73% for Elezra and 25% for Negreanu.
They “run it twice”. First: 2 4. Second time?
P(Negreanu hits an A or T on turn & still loses)?
Given both their hands, and the flop, and the first “run”, what is
P(Negreanu hits an A or T on the turn & loses)?
It’s P(A or T on turn) x P(Negreanu loses | A or T on the turn)
= 5/43 x 4/42
= 1.11% (1 in 90)
Note: this is very different from:
P(A or T on turn) x P(Negreanu loses),
which would be about 5/43 x 73% = 8.49% (1 in 12)