Transcript Week4-3

Computing probabilities by conditioning
Let E denote some event. Define a random variable X by
1, if E occurs
X 
0, if E does not occur
 E[ X ]  P( E )
Computing probabilities by conditioning
Let E denote some event. Define a random variable X by
1, if E occurs
X 
0, if E does not occur
 E[ X ]  P( E )
 E[ X | Y  y ]   xP ( X  x | Y  y )  P ( X  1| Y  y )  P ( E | Y  y )
Computing probabilities by conditioning
Let E denote some event. Define a random variable X by
1, if E occurs
X 
0, if E does not occur
 E[ X ]  P ( E )
 E[ X | Y  y ]   xP ( X  x | Y  y )  P ( X  1| Y  y )  P ( E | Y  y )
 P ( E )  E[ X ]  E[ E[ X | Y  y ]]
= P ( E | Y  y )P (Y  y )   if Y is discrete
  P ( E | Y  y ) fY ( y )dy   if Y is continuous
Example 1: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is P(X<Y)?
Example 1: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is P(X<Y)?
P ( X  Y )   P ( X  Y | Y  y ) fY ( y )dy
Example 1: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is P(X<Y)?
P( X  Y )   P( X  Y | Y  y ) fY ( y )dy
  P( X  y) fY ( y) dy
Example 1: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is P(X<Y)?
P ( X  Y )   P ( X  Y | Y  y ) fY ( y )dy
  P( X  y) fY ( y) dy
  FX ( y) fY ( y) dy
Example 2: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is the
distribution of X+Y?
Example 2: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is the
distribution of X+Y?
FX Y (a )  P ( X  Y  a )
Example 2: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is the
distribution of X+Y?
FX Y (a)  P( X  Y  a)   P( X  Y  a | Y  y ) fY ( y )dy
Example 2: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is the
distribution of X+Y?
FX Y (a )  P ( X  Y  a )   P ( X  Y  a | Y  y ) f Y ( y )dy
  P( X  y  a ) fY ( y )dy
Example 2: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is the
distribution of X+Y?
FX Y (a )  P ( X  Y  a )   P ( X  Y  a | Y  y ) f Y ( y )dy
  P( X  y  a ) fY ( y )dy
  P( X  a  y ) fY ( y )dy
Example 2: Let X and Y be two independent continuous
random variables with densities fX and fY. What is the
distribution of X+Y?
FX Y (a)  P( X  Y  a )   P ( X  Y  a | Y  y ) f Y ( y )dy
  P( X  y  a ) fY ( y )dy
  P( X  a  y ) fY ( y )dy
  FX (a  y ) fY ( y )dy
Example 3: (Thinning of a Poisson) Suppose X ~Poisson(l)
and {Ui} are i.i.d. Bernoulli(p) independent of X.
What is the distribution of Y   i 1U i ?
n k
For n  0 and k  n, P(Y  k | X  n)    p (1  p ) n  k
k 
l n
 n k
 n k
nk e l
P(Y  k )   n  k   p (1  p) P( X  n)   n  k   p (1  p)
l n
P(Y  k )   n  k
p k (1  p) n  k
k !(n  k )!
 nk (n  k )! (
e l (l p)k l (1 p ) e  l p (l p) k
P(Y  k ) 
 Y is Poisson(l p)
Stochastic Processes
 A stochastic process {X(t), t  T} is collection of
random variables
Stochastic Processes
 A stochastic process {X(t), t  T} is collection of
random variables
 For each value of t, there is a corresponding random
variable X(t) (state of the system at time t)
Stochastic Processes
 A stochastic process {X(t), t  T} is collection of
random variables
 For each value of t, there is a corresponding random
variable X(t) (state of the system at time t)
 When t takes on discrete values (e.g., t = 1, 2, ...) 
discrete time stochastic process (the notation Xn is often
used instead, n = 1, 2, ...)
Stochastic Processes
 A stochastic process {X(t), t  T} is collection of
random variables
 For each value of t, there is a corresponding random
variable X(t) (state of the system at time t)
 When t takes on discrete values (e.g., t = 1, 2, ...) 
discrete time stochastic process (the notation Xn is often
used instead, n = 1, 2, ...)
 When t takes on continuous values  continuous
time stochastic process
 Example 1: X(t) is the number of customers waiting in
line at time t to check their luggage at an airline counter
(continuous stochastic process)
 Example 1: X(t) is the number of customers waiting in
line at time t to check their luggage at an airline counter
(continuous stochastic process)
 Example 2: Xn is the number of laptops a computer
store sells in week n.
 Example 1: X(t) is the number of customers waiting in
line at time t to check their luggage at an airline counter
(continuous stochastic process)
 Example 2: Xn is the number of laptops a computer
store sells in week n.
 Example 3: Xn = 1 if it rains on the nth day of the
month and Xn = 0 otherwise.
 Example 4: A gambler wins $1 with probability p, loses $1
with probability 1-p. She starts with $N and quits if she reaches
either $M or $0. Xn is the amount of money the gambler has after
playing n rounds.
 Example 4: A gambler wins $1 with probability p, loses $1
with probability 1-p. She starts with $N and quits if she reaches
either $M or $0. Xn is the amount of money the gambler has after
playing n rounds.
 P(Xn=i+1|Xn-1 =i, Xn-2 =i-1, ..., X0 =N}=P(Xn =i+1|Xn-1 =i}=p
(i≠0, M)
 P(Xn=i-1| Xn-1 =i, Xn-2 =i-1, ..., X0 =N} = P(Xn =i-1|Xn-1 =i}=1–p
(i≠0, M)
Pi, i+1=P(Xn=i+1|Xn-1 =i}; Pi, i-1=P(Xn=i-1|Xn-1 =i}
 Pi, i+1= p; Pi, i-1=1-p for i≠0, M
 P0,0= 1; PM, M=1 for i≠0, M (0 and M are called
absorbing states)
 Pi, j= 0, otherwise
Markov Chains
 {Xn: n =0, 1, 2, ...} is a discrete time stochastic process
 If Xn = i the process is said to be in state i at time n
 {i: i=0, 1, 2, ...} is the state space
 If P(Xn+1 =j|Xn =i, Xn-1 =in-1, ..., X0 =i0}=P(Xn+1 =j|Xn =i} = Pij,
the process is said to be a Discrete Time Markov Chain
 Pij is the transition probability from state i to state j
Pij  0,
 P00
 10
 .
P .
 Pi 0
 .
 .
i, j  0
Pi 2
. 
P: transition matrix
j 0
Pij  1,
i  0,1,...
 Example 1: Probability it will rain tomorrow depends only
on whether it rains today or not:
P(rain tomorrow|rain today) = a
P(rain tomorrow|no rain today) = b
State 0 = rain
State 1 = no rain
a 1  a 
 Example 2 (random walk): A Markov chain whose state
space is 0, 1, 2, ..., and Pi,i+1= p = 1 - Pi,i-1 for i=0, 1, 2, ...,
and 0 < p < 1 is said to be a random walk.
Defining a DTMC
To define a DTMC, we need
 Specify the states
 Demonstrate the Markov property
 Obtain the stationary probability transition matrix P