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Significance Testing
of Microarray Data
BIOS 691 Fall 2008
Mark Reimers
Dept. Biostatistics
Multiple Testing
Family wide error rates
 False discovery rates
Application to microarray data
Practical issues – correlated errors
 Computing FDR by permutation procedures
 Conditioning t-scores
Reality Check
Goals of Testing
To identify genes most likely to be changed or
 To prioritize candidates for focused follow-up
 To characterize functional changes
consequent on changes in gene expression
So in practice we don’t need to be exact…
but we do need to be principled!
Multiple comparisons
Suppose no genes really changed
10,000 genes on a chip
Each gene has a 5% chance of exceeding
the threshold at a p-value of .05
(as if random samples from same population)
Type I error
The test statistics for 500 genes should
exceed .05 threshold ‘by chance’
Distributions of p-values
Random Data
Real Microarray Data
When Might it not be Uniform?
When actual distribution of test statistic
departs from reference distribution
Outliers in data may give rise to more
More small p-values
Approximate tests – often conservative
P-values are larger than occurrence
 Distribution shifted right
Distribution of Numbers of p-values
Each bin of width w contains a random
number of p-values
The expected number is Nw
Each p-value has a probability w of lying in
the bin
The distribution follows the Poisson law
SD ~ (mean)1/2
Characterizing False Positives
Family-Wide Error Rate (FWE)
probability of at least one false positive
arising from the selection procedure
 Strong control of FWE:
Bound on FWE independent of number changed
False Discovery Rate:
Proportion of false positives arising from
selection procedure
General Issues for Multiple Comparisons
FDR: E(FDR) or P(FDR < Q)?
Actual (random) FDR has a long-tailed distribution
But E(FDR) methods are simpler and cleaner
Are you willing to tolerate some false positives
Many procedures surprise you when tests are
Always check assumptions of procedure!
Models for Null distribution: a matter of art
Strong vs weak control
Will the procedure work for any combination of true and
false null hypotheses?
FWER - Setting a Higher Threshold
Suppose want to test N independent genes at
overall level a
What level a* should each gene be tested at?
Want to ensure
 P( any false positive) < a
 i.e. 1 – a = P( all true negatives )
= P( any null accepted )N
= ( 1 – a* ) N
Solve for a* = 1 – (1 – a )1/N
Expectation Argument
P( any false positive )
 <= E( # false positives )
 = N E( any false positive)
 = N a*
 So we set a* = a / N
NB. No assumptions about joint
‘Corrected’ p-Values for FWE
Sidak (exact correction for independent
pi* = 1 – (1 – pi)N if all pi are independent
 pi* @ 1 – (1 – Npi + …) gives Bonferroni
Bonferroni correction
pi* = Npi, if Npi < 1, otherwise 1
 Expectation argument
Still conservative if genes are co-regulated
Both are too conservative for array use!
Traditional Multiple Comparisons Methods
Key idea: sequential testing
Order p-values: p(1), p(2), …
 If p(1) significant then test p(2) , etc …
Mostly improvements on this simple idea
Complicated proofs
Holm’s FWER Procedure
Order p-values: p(1), …, p(N)
If p(1) < a/N, reject H(1) , then…
 If p(2) < a/(N-1), reject H(2) , then…
 Let k be the largest n such that p(n) < a/n, for
all n <= k
 Reject p(1) … p(k)
Then P( at least one false positive) < a
Proof doesn’t depend on distributions
Hochberg’s FWER Procedure
Find largest k: p(k) < a / (N – k + 1 )
Then select genes (1) to (k)
More powerful than Holm’s procedure
But … requires assumptions:
independence or ‘positive dependence’
When one type I error, could have many
Holm & Hochberg Adjusted P
Order p-values pr1 , pr2, …, prM
Holm (1979) step-down adjusted p-values
p(j)* = maxk = 1 to j {min ((M-k+1)p(k), 1)}
Adjust out-of-order p-values in relation to
those lower (‘step-down’)
Hochberg (1988) step-up adjusted p-values
p(j)* = mink = j to M {min ((M-k+1)p(k), 1) }
Adjust out-of-order p-values in relation to
those higher (‘step-up’)
Simes’ Lemma
Suppose we order the p-values from N
independent tests using random data:
p(1), p(2), …, p(N)
Pick a target threshold a
P( p(1) < a /N || p(2) < 2 a /N || p(3) < 3 a /N || … ) = a
P = P( min(p1,p2) < a/2) +
P(min(p1,p2) > a/2 & max(p1,p2) < a)
Area = (a/2 + a/2 – a2/4 )
+ a2/4
Simes’ Test
Pick a target threshold a
Order the p-values : p(1), p(2), …, p(N)
If for any k, p(k) < k a /N
 Select the corresponding genes (1) to (k)
Test valid against complete Null
hypothesis, if tests are independent or
‘positively dependent’
Doesn’t give strong control
Somewhat non-conservative if negative
correlations among tests
Correlated Tests and FWER
Typically tests are correlated
Extreme case: all tests highly correlated
One test is proxy for all
 ‘Corrected’ p-values are the same as
Intermediate case: some correlation
Usually probability of obtaining a p-value by
chance is in between Sidak and uncorrected
Symptoms of Correlated Tests
P-value Histograms
Distributions of numbers of p-values
below threshold
10,000 genes;
10,000 random drawings
L: Uncorrelated R: Highly correlated
Permutation Tests
We don’t know the true distribution of gene
expression measures within groups
We simulate the distribution of samples
drawn from the same group by pooling the
two groups, and selecting randomly two
groups of the same size we are testing.
Need at least 5 in each group to do this!
Permutation Tests – How To
Suppose samples 1,2,…,10 are in group 1
and samples 11 – 20 are from group 2
Permute 1,2,…,20: say
Construct t-scores for each gene based on
these groups
Repeat many times to obtain Null
distribution of t-scores
This will be a t-distribution  original
distribution has no outliers
Critiques of Permutations
Variances of permuted values for really
separate groups are inflated
Permuted t -scores for many genes may
be lower than from random samples from
the same population
Therefore somewhat too conservative pvalues for some genes
Multivariate Permutation Tests
Want a null distribution with same
correlation structure as given data but no
real differences between groups
Permute group labels among samples
redo tests with pseudo-groups
repeat ad infinitum (10,000 times)
Westfall-Young Approach
Procedure analogous to Holm, except that
at each stage, they compare the smallest
p-value to the smallest p-value from an
empirical null distribution of the
hypotheses being tested.
How often is smallest p-value less than a
given threshold if tests are correlated to
the same extent and all Nulls are true?
Construct permuted samples: n = 1,…,N
Determine p-values pj[n] for each sample n
Westfall-Young Approach – 2
Construct permuted samples: n = 1,…,N
Determine p-values pj[n] for each sample n
 p(1) )
To correct the i-th smallest p-value, drop those
hypotheses already rejected (at a smaller level)
(i )
I (min
 I (min
j(1)...( i 1)
p[jn ]  p(i ) )
The i-th smallest p-value cannot be smaller than
any previous p-values
Critiques of MV Permutation as Null
Correlation structure of 2nd order statistics
is not equivalent
E.g. we sometimes want to find significant
correlations among genes
The permutation distribution of correlations
is NOT an adequate Null distribution –
Use a bootstrap algorithm on centered
see papers by Dudoit and van der Laan
False Discovery Rate
In genomic problems a few false positives
are often acceptable.
Want to trade-off power .vs. false positives
Could control:
Expected number of false positives
 Expected proportion of false positives
What to do with E(V/R) when R is 0?
Actual proportion of false positives
Truth vs. Decision
Decision # not rejected # rejected
# true null H U
V (F +)
# non-true H
T (F -)
Catalog of Type I Error Rates
Per-family Error Rate
Per-comparison Error Rate
PCER = E(V)/m
Family-wise Error Rate
FWER = p(V ≥ 1)
False Discovery Rate
i) FDR = E(Q), where
Q = V/R if R > 0; Q = 0 if R = 0
ii) FDR = E( V/R | R > 0) (Storey)
Can’t know what FDR is for a particular sample
B-H suggest procedure controlling average FDR
Order the p-values : p(1), p(2), …, p(N)
If any p(k) < k a /N
Then select genes (1) to (k)
q-value: smallest FDR at which the gene
becomes ‘significant’
NB: acceptable FDR may be much larger than
acceptable p-value (e.g. 0.10 )
Argument for B-H Method
If no true changes (all null H’s hold)
condition of Simes’ lemma holds
 Therefore probability < a
 Otherwise Q = 0
If all true changes (no null H’s hold)
Build argument by induction from both
ends and up from N = 2
Practical Issues
Actual proportion of false positives varies
from data set to data set
Mean FDR could be low but could be high
in your data set
Distributions of numbers of p-values
below threshold
10,000 genes;
10,000 random drawings
L: Uncorrelated R: Highly correlated
Controlling the Number of FP’s
B-H procedure only guarantees long-term
average value of E(V/R|R>0)P(R>0)
Korn’s method gives confidence bound on
individual case
can be quite badly wrong in individual cases
also addresses issue of correlations
Builds on Westfall-Young approach to
control tail probability of proportion of false
positives (TPPFP)
Korn’s Procedure
To guarantee no more than k false positives
Construct null distribution as in WestfallYoung
Order p-values: p(1), …,p(M)
Reject H(1), …,H(k)
For next p-values
Compare p-value to full null
N.B. This gives strong control
Continue until one H not rejected
Issues with Korn’s Procedure
Valid if select k first then follow through
procedure, not if try a number of different k
and pick the one with most genes – as
people actually proceed
Only approximate FDR
Computationally intensive
Available in BRB
Storey’s pFDR
Storey argues that E(Q | V > 0 ) is what
most people think FDR means
Sometimes quite different from B-H FDR
Especially if number of rejected nulls needs to
be quite small in order to get acceptable FDR
E.G. if P(V=0) = 1/2 , then pFDR = 2*FDR
A Bayesian Interpretation
Suppose nature generates true nulls with
probability p0 and false nulls with P = p1
Then pFDR = P( H true | test statistic)
Question: We rarely have an accurate
prior idea about p0
Storey suggests estimating it
Storey’s Procedure
Estimate proportion of true Nulls (p0)
Count number of p-values greater than ½
Fix rejection region (or try several)
Estimate probability of p-value for true
Null in rejection region
Form ratio: 2*{# p > ½} p0 / {# p < p0}
Adjust for small numbers (# p < p0)
Bootstrap ratio to obtain confidence
interval for pFDR
Practical Issues
Storey’s procedure may give reasonable
estimates for p0 ~ O(1), but can’t
distinguish values of p1 that are very small
How much does the significance test
depend on the choice of p0?
Such differences may have a big impact
on posterior probabilities
Moderated Tests
Many false positives with t-test arise
because of under-estimate of variance
Most gene variances are comparable
(but not equal)
Can we use ‘pooled’ information about all
genes to help test each?
Stein’s Lemma
Whenever you have multiple variables with
comparable distributions, you can make a
more efficient joint estimator by ‘shrinking’
the individual estimates toward the
common mean
Can formalize this using Bayesian analysis
Suppose true values come from prior distrib.
 Mean of all parameter estimates is a good
estimate of prior mean
Statistical Analysis of Microarrays
Uses a ‘fudge factor’ to shrink individual
SD estimates toward a common value
di = (x1,i – x2,i / ( si + s0)
Empirical Bayes formalism
Depends on prior estimate of number of
genes changed
Bioconductor’s approach – free!
limma Distribution Models
Sample statistics:
 Variances:
Moderated T Statistic
Moderated variance estimate:
Moderated t
Moderated t has t distribution on d0+dg df.