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Welcome to our
Maths Morning
“Why do they do it differently these days?”
‘When children reach the age of 5 many parents get a
dreadful shock. They find their children bringing
home vocabulary and methods that they just don’t
‘Parents keen to help realise that…they don’t
understand what their child is doing and… when they
try to demonstrate how to do something differently,
all they manage to do is confuse the child.’
Taken from: ‘Maths for Mums and Dads’
This morning we will…
• Inform you how we teach maths at the Bellbird in line
with the new maths curriculum.
• Focus in the classrooms on division methods and steps
for success.
• Look at practical maths activities and problem solving
The New Primary Mathematics
Curriculum 2015
Introduction of new curriculum
Core subjects (Maths,
English, Science)
Foundation subjects (History,
Geography etc.)
Year 1
September 2014
September 2014
Year 2
September 2015
September 2014
Year 3
September 2014
September 2014
Year 4
September 2014
September 2014
Year 5
September 2014
September 2014
Year 6
September 2015
September 2014
Key themes in mathematics in the new curriculum
• Spoken communication and reasoning
• Reading and spelling mathematical vocabulary
• Problem solving and application of knowledge
• Calculators not being used as a substitute for good written and
mental arithmetic
• Focus on mental calculation and written calculation
• Strands now:
geometry (shape and space)
Key Changes - Mathematics
Larger numbers introduced earlier
No data handling in Year 1
Tables to 12x12 by end of Year 4
Earlier introduction to formal written methods
Focus on fractions
No use of calculators until the end of KS2
Focus on problem solving
• Understanding of square numbers, cubed numbers, primes, factors, prime
factors, common multiples etc. during Year 5 and Year 6
No probability
July 2015 will be the last year national curriculum ‘Levels’ are used at
the end of Key Stages
Children will be tested at the end of Year 2 and 6 2016 on maths that
reflects the new curriculum.
Children will be given standardised scores.
There will also be a ‘performance descriptor’ of the expected
standard for Key Stage 2 pupils – (below/towards/at national
standard/mastery standard)
The focus will be on ‘arithmetic’ and ‘mathematical fluency, solving
problems and reasoning’.
Written and mental methods for division
Initially division is introduced as ‘sharing or
‘grouping’ using real objects or pictures in arrays.
The link with multiplication is important.
Share 10 apples equally between 2 children which eventually becomes
10 ÷ 2 = 5
5 x 2 = 10 or 2 x 5 = 10
Beginning to divide more formally
Written methods for division
In the old curriculum this method, often referred to
as 'chunking', was based on subtracting multiples of
the divisor, or 'chunks'.
It is useful for reminding children of the link
between division and repeated subtraction.
However, children need to recognise that chunking is
inefficient if too many subtractions have to be
carried out.
Refining the 'Expanded' method for HTU ÷ U
Initially children subtract several ‘chunks’, but with practice
they should look for the biggest multiples that they can find
to subtract, to reduce the number of steps.
Once they understand and can apply the expanded method,
children should try the standard method for short division.
Long division in the new curriculum
Short division in the new curriculum
Or ‘bus stop’ method!
In Key Stage 1 and 2 your child will learn…
• Maths for 1 hour each day.
Your child will learn…
• How to use the 4 operations effectively.
Your child will learn…
• How to apply these skills in a range of real life
situations (problem solving).
Focus on calculations
• The main part of the lesson can have a
calculation focus e.g. division.
• Many children who struggle to reach the
expected level in maths find division difficult.
Thank you for taking part……..
• Please feel free to walk around the classrooms and take part in
division activities. It may be helpful to start at FS and work
your way through KS1 and KS2 to see progression.
• Please ask staff any questions about the calculation strategies
used when you visit the classrooms.
• Recommended reading:
Maths for Mums and Dads
by Rob Eastaway and Mike Askew
• This powerpoint will be put on the school website.