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Market Design and Analysis
Lecture 5
Lecturer: Ning Chen (陈宁)
Email: [email protected]
Worst Case Optimal Auction Design
Consider an auction setting where there are
one item (unlimited supplies)
n buyers who desire one copy each at value vi
Goal: Design a truthful auction that maximizes the
What if VCG?
Characterization of Truthfulness
An auction is called bid-independent if for each
buyer i, the auction computes ti  f(b-i)
if ti < bi, i wins at price pi = ti
if ti > bi, i does not win
if ti = bi, i either wins or not (doesnot matter)
Theorem. An auction is truthful if and only if it is
equivalent to a bid-independent auction.
Characterization of Truthfulness
Proof. Any bid-independent auction is truthful (trivial).
On the other direction, consider any truthful auction A.
Let bi(x) = (b1,…,bi-1,x,bi+1,…,bn)
If there is a value x* s.t. in A(bi(x*)), buyer i wins and
pays p (≤ x*), then define f(b-i) = p
Characterization of Truthfulness
Consider any value x and bi(x)
if buyer i wins, payment must be p.
(otherwise, there is y s.t. the payment is q ≠ p in A(bi(y)).
Assume wlog q>p. then the auction is not truthful when
vi = y.)
 buyer i wins for any bid x > p.
(otherwise, there is y > p s.t. i does not win when bidding
y. Again the auction is not truthful when vi = y.)
Hence, the auction is equivalent to bid-independent
auction f(∙) where f(b-i) = p.
A Bad News..
Consider a special case where there is only one
By the above theorem, any truthful auction is bidindependent
The value ti offered to the buyer must be a constant
The real value of the buyer, however, can be arbitrarily
In general, truthful auctions can work arbitrarily bad
in the worst case.
Analysis Approach
How we can arrive at a rigorous theoretical
framework to determine the optimality of some
Answer: moving from absolute optimality to relative
(E.g. in data compression, whenever there is an
information theoretic obstacle preventing us from
obtaining an absolute optimal solution, we try to
Analysis Approach
In our setting, the obstacle is the game theoretic
constraint that an auction does not know the true
values in advance and must solicit them in a truthinducing manner.
The approach to study relative optimality of auctions
is to find a suitable benchmark, and show that the
auction is always within a small factor of the
Benchmarks. Assume the values are
v1 ≥ v2 ≥ ∙∙∙ ≥ vn. The following are the natural
T(v) = ∑i vi, i.e. the sum of values of all buyers
F(v) = maxi i∙vi, i.e. the optimal profit given by a single
The example above, however, shows that both T(v)
and F(v) are not good benchmark, as they can be
arbitrarily larger than the profit of any truthful auction.
Definition (F(2)). The optimal single priced profit with
at least two winners is
F(2)(v) = maxi≥2 i∙vi
Definition (competitive ratio). The competitive ratio
of auction A is defined to be maxv F(2)(v) / A(v),
where A(v) is the (expected) profit of A on input v.
Goal: design a truthful auction A to minimize the
competitive ratio (worst-case analysis), i.e.
min maxv F(2)(v) / A(v)
There are 50 bids $10 and 50 bids $1. Then
F(2) = 50 ∙ 10 = $500
There are 5 bids $10 and 95 bids $1. Then
F(2) = 1 ∙ 100 = $100
An Impossibility Result
Theorem. Roughly speaking, no deterministic
truthful auction is c-competitive for any given
constant c > 0.
Therefore, we have to look for randomized auctions.
Profit Extraction
Assume the goal of the seller is to raise a total profit R.
The auction profit extractor with target profit R,
ProfitExtract(R), sells to the largest set of k buyers
that can equally share R and change each R/k.
Example. Consider b = (5,4,3,2,1) and R = 9.
offer R/5 to all buyers, b5 = 1 drops out
offer R/4 to first four buyers, b4 = 2 drops out
offer R/3 to first three buyers, all accept at price R/3 = 3.
Profit Extraction
Lemma 1. For any given value R, ProfitExtract(R) is
Proof. assignment.
 If R ≤ F(v), then ProfitExtract(R) always obtains a
profit of R.
 If R > F(v), then ProfitExtract(R) obtains nothing.
Proof. assignment.
F(v) = maxi i∙vi
Random Sampling Profit Extraction
The random sampling profit extraction auction
(RSPE) works as follows:
randomly partition the bids b = (b1,…,bn) into two
groups g1 and g2.
compute R1 = F(g1) and R2 = F(g2), the optimal profit
given by a single price for each group.
run ProfitExtrac(R1) on g2
run ProfitExtrac(R2) on g1
F(v) = maxi i∙vi
Random Sampling Profit Extraction
Theorem. Random sampling profit extraction is
Proof. Consider any buyer i.
Assume wlog that i is in group g1.
Then we will run ProfitExtrac(R2) on g1, where R2, the
optimal profit given by a single price for group g2, is
independent to the bid of i.
By Lemma 1, we know that ProfitExtrac(R2) is truthful
for buyer i.
Random Sampling Profit Extraction
Theorem. Random sampling profit extraction is 4competitive.
Random Sampling Profit Extraction
Lemma 2. If we flip a coin uniformly k ≥ 2 times, then
E[min {# heads, # tails}] ≥ k/4
Proof. Let Mi = min{# heads, # tails} be a random
variable after i coin flips. Observe that
E[M1] = 0
 E[M2] = 1/2
 E[M3] = 3/4
Let Xi = Mi – Mi-1. Thus,
E[X1] = 0
 E[X2] = 1/2
 E[X3] = 1/4
Random Sampling Profit Extraction
By linearity of expectation,
E[Mk] = ∑ki=1 E[Xi]
Thus, to compute E[Mk], it suffices to compute E[Xi].
Case 1. i is even. Hence i – 1 is odd. Thus, prior to
the i-th coin, # heads ≠ # tails. Assume wlog that
# heads < # tails. Now we flip the i-th coin:
with probability 1/2, it is head and we increase the
minimum by one;
with probability 1/2, it is tail and we do not increase the
Thus, E[Xi] = 1/2.
Random Sampling Profit Extraction
Case 2. i is odd. We use the trivial lower bound
E[Xi] ≥ 0.
where recall that X1 = 0, X2 = 1/2, X3 = 1/4.
Random Sampling Profit Extraction
Theorem. Random sampling profit extraction is 4competitive.
Proof. Assume that F(2)(b) = kp, where k ≥ 2 is the
number of winners and p is the price. Of these k
let k1 be the number of them that are in g1
 R1 = F(g1) ≥ k1p
let k2 be the number of them that are in g2
 R2 = F(g2) ≥ k2p
F(v) = maxi i∙vi
F(2)(v) = maxi≥2 i∙vi
Random Sampling Profit Extraction
That is, for any possible input vector, we always
have F(2)(v) / RSPE(v) ≤ 4, i.e.
maxv F(2)(v) / RSPE(v) ≤ 4
Random Sampling Profit Extraction
Theorem. Random sampling profit extraction is
truthful and 4-competitive.
Theorem. No randomized truthful auction can be
better than 2.42-competitive.
Theorem. There is a truthful auction for n buyers
with ratio 3.12.
Reading Assignment
R. Myerson, Optimal Auction Design, Mathematics of
Operations Research, V.6(1), 1981.
N. Nisan, A. Ronen, Algorithmic Mechanism Design, STOC
1999, 129-140.
A. Archer, E. Tardos, Truthful Mechanisms for One-Parameter
Agents, FOCS 2001, 482-491.
A. Karlin, D. Kempe, T. Tamir, Beyond VCG: Frugality of
Truthful Mechanisms, FOCS 2005, 615-626.
A. Goldberg, J. Hartline, A. Karlin, M. Saks, xxxx, Competitive
auctions, Games and Economic Behavior, 2009.
X. Bei, N. Chen, N. Gravin, P. Lu, Budget Feasible Mechanism
Design: From Prior-Free to Bayesian, STOC 2012.