Functional requirements
Transcript Functional requirements
Oceanographic Observatory
Team 9
Functional View (Block diagram)
Sensors are part of instruments. Instruments are attached to node instrument
ports on an observatory node;
00 nodes are connected to each other and to the ocean observatory shore station
via a core layer datacomm link; An ocean observatory operations center monitors,
maintains, controls, and manages the components of the observatory;
An observatory instrument control process is used by operators or guest scientists
to control node instrument ports, instruments and sensors;
Core instruments are managed by the 00 operator or their designees;
The instrument data logging process gathers real-time or near real-time data from
instruments and stores them temporarily;
The data archive process gathers/receives data and/or metadata from the
instrument logging process or directly from the instrument itself. A streaming data
process provides subscribers with a real-time stream of data from
The 00 is connected to the Internet and an observatory server provides scientists
and the public with access to certain observatory services.
Functional and
Functional requirements
Fully and quantitatively characterize selected volumes of the atmosphere, water
column, and solid;
Earth including physical properties, dynamics, and life;
Receive information about interrelated system elements in real-time;
Recognize departures from the norm and observe emergent phenomena;
Conduct interactive experiments within the environment .
Non-functional requirements
Reconfigure our observational-sampling systems in response to events;
Continue/expand this real-time interaction within our oceans for decades;
Conduct interactive experiments within the environment;
Communication with law authorities;
Way to get animals attention in order to study them.
Functional requirements
Kind of energy source (cable, batteries, local generation);
Way to grant 24/7 autonomy and system reliability.
Non-functional requirements
Grant current flow limitation to decrease losses (using cable);
DC source to decrease capacitance compensation costs (using cable);
Using ecological power sources.
Functional requirements
Ability to determine what data are or will be available with sufficient detail to plan
data strategies;
Notification when a data stream is or will be interrupted, either intentionally or
Non-functional requirements
A broadcast notification capability that can flag pre-defined events;
Communication and connection to others observatories;
Direct communications with an instrument via the Internet.
Functional requirements
Ability to reset the port interface protocol (Ethernet/RS232, baud-rate, etc);
Ability to remotely power instruments up or down;
Telemetry of sensor status;
Provision for instrument reset or reboot;
Command to initiate data transfer in a default mode;
Command a pause in data transfer;
Integration of metadata with the data stream;
Selectively controlled access to the above (security).
Functional requirements
Data allocation capacity;
Possibility to realize experiences and interactive studies on the field.
Non-functional requirements
User friendly system;
Initiation of sleep mode for packages with the capability to directly communicate
with an instrument via the Internet.
Acesso Web
Fibra optica
Modem Acústico
Velocidade corrente
Autonomia de 24h/7
Base de dados
Rede Principal
Portal Internet
Rede Repetidores
Rede de sensores
Com fios
Sem fios
Energias renováveis
Why Build a Cabled Observatory?
Conventional seafloor sensors are cut off from the surface, so
they have to run on batteries and store their own data. Scientists
don't even know if their instruments are working properly until
they try to recover their equipment at the end of an experiment.
Using a cabled observatory, scientists can see their experimental
results every day, change their sampling routines at will, and
keep their instruments running indefinitely.
• Can be used sensors/instruments with higher energy consumption rate
and communication speed.
• With a cabled observatory we can´t cover all the project requirements.
Networking Considerations For
Acoustic Communication
Systems capable of monitoring the environment and/or to
control equipments in underwater coastal areas are used
more and more.
Typically these systems comprise of sensors located on the sea
floor or in the water and are linked to shore either by cable or
via radio network fromsurface buoys.
However it is often not possible to set surface buoys and sea
floor cables because of associated cost, environmental
conditions or shipping activities. In Such conditions, the
desired way to tranfer data from sensors to end user or to
remotely control underwater devices from shore is to use na
underwater acoustic communication link.
Networking Considerations For
Acoustic Communication
• Advantages
It permits a great flexibility on the dispositives disposition (is not limited to
a fixed place after the sytem is built.
Networking Considerations For
Acoustic Communication
• Disadvantages:
• The acoustical environment in coastal areas, especially in or near
shipping lanes is difficult. It can be characterized by:
- multi-path propagation
- Rapidly changing conditions
- High noise levels
- Absence of direct soud paths between two modems
• 2)limited power is available
• 3)These areas are frequently visited by marine mammals,so care must
be taken that marine wildlife is not hindered by the continuous
operation of these underwater sensor networks.
Networking Considerations For
Acoustic Communication
An approach for a solution for the above
mentioned issues is thought to be found in an
adaptive networking protocol with ‘timetriggered’ communication strategies.
Networking Considerations For
Acoustic Communication
• 1.1)Time Triggered Communication
• Time triggered communication is based on the periodic transmission of a
reference message by a master.The reference message indicates the start
of a so called ‘basic cycle’ in which the different slave responses are
assigned to specific time windows. The relationship between contents of
reference message and location of time windows including which
slave/relay units should be transmitting:
-which data should be send
-which modulation type or power level should be used
is all defined during the phase of the system. This way a very short is enough
to fully define and start the communication patterns during the
operational phase.
Networking Considerations For
Acoustic Communication
1.2)Adaptive Controller
The task of adaptive controller is to determine the optimal basic cycle to
use.This decision is made on a number of dynamic inputs like packet loss
info and battery usage and some static inputs like topology, data
quantities and sensor acquisition patterns. Some rules dealing with these
inputs together with some rules regarding:
-sea life protection(e.g. Slowly increasing and maximum sound levels
-estimated shipping traffic ( based on radar information)
-changing environmental conditions(e.g. Tidal and weather information)
Networking Considerations For
Acoustic Communication
• Conclusions
• The usage of an adaptive networking with ‘time-triggered’ communication
strategies looks to be a favourable approach to increase the effective
available bandwidth for sensor data and limit transmission power levels to
values not harmful to marine mammals.
• Argo is
a self-contained system and could be used as a
mobile module.
How Argo floats work?
• Argo collects high-quality temperature and salinity profiles
from the upper 2000m of the ice-free global ocean and
currents from intermediate depths;
• Two temperature/salinity sensor suites are used -SBE, and FSI.
The temperature data are accurate to a few millidegrees over
the float lifetime.
• As the float ascends a series of typically about 200 pressure,
temperature, salinity measurements are made and stored on
board the float. These are transmitted to satellites when the
float reaches the surface.
Cable Architecture
• Cable Architecture
• The Project Observatory Network Cable is based on CELTNET architecture
• The cable is the best option for Long-term and continuous marine
• Subsea cabled observatories are the only means of continuously
acquiring large amounts of different data in areas where satellites
cannot see and are crucial for observing natural processes that are very
episodic or that require long time series to detect
• The architecture is a robust, ring design, repeater driven backbone cable
that services primary nodes through branching units and spur cables is
proposed to provide a link from shore to the remote deep sea sites
• This option would reduce the risk of cost and time delays
Cable Architecture
• System Main Features
• The communication infrastructure of CELTNET will be based on optically
amplified technology using Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM).
The system wavelengths will be in the 1550nm wavelength window in
order to use telecommunication industrial components (state of the art
design). It will have the following key features:
– Repeaters (where needed) designed for WDM applications.
– Equalization and dispersion management.
– WDM Line Terminal Equipment supporting.
– Global data rate = number of nodes X data rate for one node (namely
2.5Gb/s – original design).
– High reliability submerged components
– Forward Error Correction (FEC).
– Network Management System (state of the art design).
Wireless Architecure
Wireless Architecure
Wireless Architecture
• Wireless architecture is like an acoustically linked deepwater observatory.
It allows users to move in and out in a very flexible and seamless manner, and
it eliminates the complexity and expense of cables and connectors used in
a conventional wired system.
This relatively low-cost observatory allow researchers to observe daily what is
happening on the seafloor, in the water above, and at the surface. Data is
sent back to researchers on shore, with the opportunity to gather
information more often when interesting oceanic events occurred. The
researchers can send commands to adjust experiments on the fly—while
adding others long after the initial deployment.
The keys to the system are satellite transmitters and acoustic modems.
Wireless Architecture
• The Nootka buoy is outfitted with two Iridium satellite transceivers,
allowing the research team to send and receive “calls” from their offshore
observatory any time of day or night.
• Instead of sending data through cables—which are costly and physically
limiting—the Nootka observatory relies on sound waves. Computer codes
and data are turned into sound signals—much like those passing through
and transmitted between the seafloor instruments and the acoustic
modems on the surface buoy.
• With the wireless approach, up to 15 separate instruments can be set up
as far as three kilometers (1.8 miles) away from the base of the mooring.
• The distance could be stretched even farther by using hydrophones to
relay signals along the seafloor from outlying instruments to closer ones
that can be heard by the surface buoy.
Wireless Architecture
• Disavantadges
All the disavantadges mentioned before on the ” Networking
Considerations for Acoustic Communication”
Hybrid Architecture
• An hybrid architecture based on wireless and
cable can be implemented.
• This can be a good solution since it can takes
many forms, with the porpose to reduce the
disavantadges of each architecture and make
an optimal one, for the place in question.