Transcript 252Culture
A group’s specialized values, beliefs,
artifacts, ways of behaving and
communicating passed through
communication, not genetics
Learning Cultures
Enculturation learning the culture into which you were
born (through parents, peers, schools, religion,
government, media, internet, etc.)
Acculturation learning a culture different from your
native culture (mutual influence occurs)
Ethnocentrism the belief one’s culture is superior to that
of other’s cultures
Stereotypes a fixed impression of a person or group of
people based mainly on physical characteristics
Communication Styles
Low Context
majority of information
carried in explicit verbal
messages, with less
focus on the situational
Self-expression valued.
Communicators state
opinions and desires
directly and strive to
persuade others to
accept their own
Clear, eloquent speech
considered praiseworthy.
Verbal fluency admired.
High Context
Important information
carried in contextual cues
time, place relationship,
situation. Less reliance
on explicit verbal
Communicators abstain
from saying “no” directly
Communicators talk
“around” the point
allowing others to fill in
the missing pieces.
Ambiguity and use of
silence is admired.
Individualistic and Collectivist
Individualistic Cultures
Self is separate, unique
individual; independent,
Individual take care of
many flexible group
memberships; friends
based on shared interests
& activities.
Reward individual
achievement & initiative;
individual decision
encouraged, credit/
blame assigned
Collectivist Cultures
People belong to
extended families; “we”
or group orientation.
Cares for extended family
before self.
Emphasis on belonging
to a very few permanent
in-groups with strong
influence over person.
Rewards contribution to
group goals & well-being;
cooperation with ingroup members; group
decisions valued; credit/
blame shared.