COE 342 - 1 Data and Computer Communications
Transcript COE 342 - 1 Data and Computer Communications
COE 342 - 1
Data and Computer Communications
Data Communications &
Networking Overview
Communication Model
Source System
Destination System
Transmission System
COE 205
Term 042
Dr.Talal AlKharobi
Communication Model
Fundamental purpose of communications system is exchange of
data between two parties
The key elements of a communication model are
Source: Generates data to be transmitted
Transmitter: Converts data into transmittable signals
(modulation, encoding, …)
Transmission System: Carries data
Receiver: Converts received signal into data (the opposite of
the “Transmitter” role)
Destination: Takes incoming data
COE 205
Term 042
Dr.Talal AlKharobi
Communications Tasks
Transmission system utilization
Signal generation
Exchange management
Error detection and correction
Flow control
Message formatting
Network management
COE 205
Term 042
Dr.Talal AlKharobi
Communications Tasks
Transmission system utilization
Making efficient use of transmission facilities
Multiplexing is used to allocate the total transmission medium among number
of users
Congestion control is needed to assure that the transmission system is not
Interfacing: Interfacing here refers to how to interface communicating devices
to the transmission system
Signal generation : Most forms of computer communication depend on the use
of electromagnetic signals propagated over transmission media. Thus, we need to
generate signals from the data to be transmitted.
COE 205
Term 042
Dr.Talal AlKharobi
Communications Tasks
Synchronization: The receiver needs to know when the signal start and ends.
Also, it needs to know the duration of each signal
Exchange management: The communicating parties need to agree on a variety
of requirements to communicate usefully. Such conventions include
Signal timing
How to start/end conversation
Simultaneous transmission or taking turns
Amount of data to be sent at one time
Data format
Dealing with errors
COE 205
Term 042
Dr.Talal AlKharobi
Communications Tasks
Error detection and correction:
In all communication system there is a potential for error (signal distortion,
attenuation, interference)
In most cases, error in transmission is not accepted (tolerated)
We need to have a technique to detect errors in transmission and even better to
have a technique to correct errors
Flow control: Flow control is required to assure that the source does not send
information too fast
Addressing: When more than two devices share transmission facility:
Each system need to have unique address.
Source need to identify the destination by its address.
COE 205
Term 042
Dr.Talal AlKharobi
Communications Tasks
Routing: the transmission system must assure that the destination system
receive the data
Recovery: Recovery is needed when the information exchange is interrupted or
to restore the system to the point prior to the beginning of the exchange
Message formatting: Communicating parties need to agree on the form of data
to be transmitted such as the binary code for characters
Data sender need to assure that only the intended destination receive the
Destination need to be sure that what he recived was sent actually by the
purported sender.
Destination need to be sure that the data has not been altered
COE 205
Term 042
Dr.Talal AlKharobi
Communications Tasks
Network management: Network management is needed to
configure the system
Monitor the system status
React to failures and overload
Plan for future growth
COE 205
Term 042
Dr.Talal AlKharobi