Exploring Digital Maps as Communication Tools for eParticipation

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Exploring Digital Maps
as Communication Tools for
eParticipation On an example of Urban Planning
PhD concept , Beate Weninger, [email protected], 05/08/09
Structure of the presentation
 Introduction
 The research problem
 Goals of the work
 Research Questions
 Hypothesis
 Methods
PhD concept , Beate Weninger, [email protected], 05/08/09
 the integration of people into planning is very important
 the internet is one option that can be used as a
communication tool -> eParticipation
 maps are used for planning to communicate planning
processes internally and externally
 for eParticipation maps have to be adopted!!!!!
PhD concept , Beate Weninger, [email protected], 05/08/09
The research Problem
 Do people understand a map’s message?
 Peterson (1999) states that the half of the population has
minimal knowledge about maps
 Nevertheless the map is used a lot in the Western world
 Multimedia or 3D as a solution? -> different problems
PhD concept , Beate Weninger, [email protected], 05/08/09
Goals of the work
 elaborate
on the usability of the map for online communication in
urban planning.
 Discuss options to use maps as an intelligent user interfaces; a user
interface that adapts to the needs of the user and is able to facilitate a
two-way communication.
 Therefore I will consider alternative options to the “classical” map
 a special challenge is that a map for eParticipation has no specific
user group but is supposed to address all citizens.
PhD concept , Beate Weninger, [email protected], 05/08/09
Research Hypothesis
 Maps used as intelligent user interfaces and
as communication tools for eParticipation
motivate more people to participate.
PhD concept , Beate Weninger, [email protected], 05/08/09
Research Questions
 Is the map an appropriate tool for
communication in the context of eParticipation for
urban planning – What are the problems related to
that tool?
 What alternatives do we have to convey geoinformation while entertaining the users / What
adjustments to a map are needed to make it an
intelligent user interface?
PhD concept , Beate Weninger, [email protected], 05/08/09
 Phase 1: Identifying problems users have with classical
maps used for eParticipation
- Literature research
- Human-computer interaction, cognitive science
- media theory: uses and gratifiction theory
 Phase 2: Designing maps: based on research results,
approaches from intelligent user interfaces
 Phase 3: Testing: e.g. A/B test
PhD concept , Beate Weninger, [email protected], 05/08/09
Thank you for listening!
PhD concept , Beate Weninger, [email protected], 05/08/09