Transcript Databases

22 November
Tega: news
1954 Prediction
Creating a Data Base
Collection of related information
Will hold tables and queries
Create a database
Access: New: Blank Database
Create file
Creating a Table
Use design view
Define fields
Select Tables from main view
Create table in design view
Or generally available through
Insert: Table: Design View
Creating a Field - basics
Field name: descriptive name of field
Data Type
Text – if no need to further divide
Number – if you want to compare values
Date/Time – if you want to process in that form
Yes/No – true/false: Boolean
AutoNumber – if you need a unique number id
Currency – if you want to manipulate as such
Creating a Field - additionals
Under General tab
Default Value: used if no value filled in
Required: if value required
Validation rule: required constraints
Partial Boolean: field name assumes as leading
>5 means the field must be greater than 5
Validation test: error message when
constraint not satisfied
Connecting Tables
Relationships icon
Add all tables you want to link
Drag from key to field that should be
the same
Do not click any options
Allows you to gather information from
across tables
Select Queries from main view
Create Query in design view
Or generally available through
Insert: Query: Design View
Creating a Query
Add all tables
Needed for context
Reminds you of the fields
Identify the fields that you want used
In the order that you want them
Creating a Query enhancements
Can choose not to show
Show check box
Reminds you of the fields
Can sort
Will sort fields left to right
Ascending or descending
Forms and Reports
Allows you to create nicely formatted
inputs or reports
Can combine fields from different tables
Database assignment
3 tables
All types of data fields used
4 queries
At least 2 with selection criteria
Forms and reports
A possible assignment
Products by gender or age
All orders of a particular product
All orders for a particular buyer
Demographic summary of buyers
Rest of the Semester
November 24
November 29
Last day to turn in updated web page
Test and Arts grades returned to you
Confirmation of soft copy of all materials
Class: design and implementation of a database
December 1
Database due
December 6
Computer history and famous bugs
Open problem solving session
December 8 -- Final
solving problems with computers
Technologies that you might use in your final project
10 minute presentation
Turn in 2-3 page paper (hard and soft) and soft copy of presentation
December 10 – grades posted
Comments on final by email