China Review

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Periods 1-6
Like rest of period 1 civilizations
agricultural societies
Complex writing
started with oracle bones read by shamans
Pictographs like Egypt &Mesopotamia
Advanced government system
Massive buildings
UNLIKE rest of societies
Supreme importance of family & veneration of ancestors
Secular-Confucianism (Analects)
Valued literacy
Zhou Dynasty
Mandate of Heaven
Chinese generally secular, this is a great example of a connection to
Zhou overthrew the Shang Dynasty using the Mandate of Heaven as
an excuse/justification
Zhou claimed they had the RIGHT to rule
when a dynasty no longer has the confidence of heaven, if they are
no longer just or fair, then the next group has the right to overthrow
Secular beliefs
Confucianism -Active life, centralized state revolving around
hierarchy of relationships (father-wife, father-son, emperor-subject)
Laozi founder
Introspective life connected to nature
Qin Dynasty
Shin Huangdi emperor
Great Wall and Terra Cotta Soldiers
Peasants forced to work for state
Monumental buildings for glory of
Legalism (militaristic) leads
government not Confucians
Strong Army
Unified state
Used one script –same writing so
people can communicate
Used one form of money
Uniform laws
Han Dynasty
Large empire, long borders-hard to defend
Confucians take control from Legalists
Emperor controls nobles by dividing lands among all
sons at death of father
Peasants must work for state-leads to peasant
Silk Road begins to connect East Asia to Middle
Establish exam systems for bureaucracy
Shi turns into Scholar Gentry (Confucians)
Merchants had low status
Traded: heavenly horses, stirrups, paper
Build roads & canals for trade/travel
Invent compass, rudders for navigation
Monumental Building-Forbidden City, Roads,
Sui Dynasty
Build Grand Canal
Connect southern China to
Move food and goods northinternal trade
Tang Dynasty (Turks)
Expand Scholar Gentry & Exam system
Equal Field System- law taking land from nobles at
death and redistributing land (way to control
Buddhism vs Confucians
Buddhism rising in China-Scholar gentry unhappy
SG had Buddhist monasteries destroyed
Shifts Buddhism out of China toward Southeast Asia!
Build universities
Poetry-Li Bo &Du Fu
highest status when Buddhist gaining power
Example: playing polo
Confucians will lower status
Song Dynasty
Trade new products:
Gunpowder- change weapons &war
Printing (along with paper) spread ideas, literacy, government records
Flying money-1st paper money- facilitates trade
Indian Ocean Route- Junk boat (larger than Dhow, sturdier, carry
more cargo)
Deforestation leads to use of coal as fuel:
Metallurgy-coal smelts iron & steel tools
Guilds for merchants
Champa Rice from SE Asia-fast growing feed large population
New-Confucianism-Mencius’ ideas-borrowed some ideas of
Women- originally more power but as Song progresses less
 *Foot binding (Song Dynasty -1910+)
Required of upper class women to get husband
Makes women unable to walk, leave home
Confucians write laws to limit women’s access to laws
Hangzhou-new capital in south, home of merchants too
Yuan Dynasty (Mongols)
Economics: Silk Road at Height
Tolerate Confucianism (even worshiped ancestors) but many
Mongols Buddhists
Used Chinese calendar
Marco Polo (Italian merchant) visits emperor and brings back
info on China and bad directions
Women- Mongol & Chinese both patriarchies but…
Pax Mongolica- (Mongol peace) unification of much of Asiaencourage trade
Nomads: excellent cavalry
Eliminate Scholar Gentry & Exam system
Laws to keep Mongols and Chinese separate
No footbinding but Chinese will continue despite Government
Mongol women enjoy higher status-keep property rights,
move about outside their homes
Environment-plague spreads from China across trade
routes to Europe
Ming Dynasty (Chinese)
Return power to Scholar Gentry & exam system
Centralize power in new capital Nanjing-put a lot of power with
Work on internal projects: rebuild Great Wall, canals, irrigation
systems, internal trade routes
Peasant Revolts (like Han) led to downfall
isolates trade to just water routes with SE Asia
New product: white & blue porcelain
Sends out Zeng He
on expeditions to Africa
(exception to isolationist policy)
 Back to footbinding
for women
Qing Dynasty (Manchu not Chinese)
Government-height around 1750
China reaches largest size up to now
Lower status of Scholar Gentry
Kowtow (deep bow) to emperor
Economics: based on agriculture
New products from Columbian Exchange helped feed large
Large labor force
Favorable balance of trade
Jobs: day to day operations rather than high jobs
Force respect of Manchu-queue Manchu style haircut
No intermarriage of Manchu & Chinese (like Mongols & Abassids)
Europeans buying products (silk, porcelain & tea)
but Qing not buying their products
Hoarding European silver-inflation not a concern in China
Merchants still low status
Culture: Jesuits (Matteo Ricci) unsuccessful converting to
Catholicism, but do intrigue Chinese with European goods
Very low status: encouraged widow suicide, footbinding
Qing Dynasty (Manchu) falling
Corruption in government
Tax money taken by local officials rather than going
to infrastructure
By mid 19th cent flooding devastating for peasants along
Yellow River
Food shortages
Europeans begin to intervene
McCartney Expedition: British sent a delegation to
discuss the
trade imbalance (China hoarding silver) China exporting
silk, porcelain, tea to west but not buying anything in
Canton System- restrictions on trade-British goods could
only come into ONE port (Canton)
Failed negotiations
British Intervene in China
Opium Wars
Treaty of Nanking (unequal treaty)
GB found good China wanted—addictive opium
from India
China asks GB to stop trading opium but GB refused
China lost to GB due to industrialization
Canton System dismantled-China opens 5 ports to
GB trade
GB gets Hong Kong (returns in 1999)
GB guaranteed most favored nation status--GB
asserts economic domination over China
Leads to carving up of China by western powers
into their Spheres of Influence
As slavery declined in period 5, Imperialist nations recruited
poor in their colonies to become indentured servants to work in
areas where needed additional labors– great example of
Indentured Servants worked a set number of years (5-7) in exchange
for their passage—form of forced labor
 Chinese laborers to work on sugar plantations in the Caribbean,
gold mines in South Africa and Australia, railroad construction in
America and Peru
 Japanese and Chinese to sugar plantations in Hawaii,
 Africans to sugar plantations in Caribbean
 Indian migrants to rubber plantations in Southeast Asia, South
Africa and the Pacific
Taiping Rebellion
Led by Hong Xiuquan—led Christian religious mission to
drive Qing from China (called Qing the “creatures of Satan”
Advocated radical reforms like: end to private property,
prohibition of footbinding, free public education, est
democratic political institutions
Chinese gov led by scholar gentry, puts down revolution
with help of Europeans
Bloodiest civil war—no food production, famines- diseases
Boxer Rebellion (1900)
Rebellion in China to expel western countries, secretly
supported by Cixi (dowager empress)
Had to be stopped by west-another example that China
relied on west
Qing problems
Educated group of middle class and merchants-know
about western ideas
Chinese angered by losses of Korea to Japan, Vietnam
to France, Manchuria to Russia
Led to revolution of 1911 and emergence of Sun
Yat-Sen as leader
Post Qing- China decentralized and led by
regional warlords
Only USSR aids Sun Yat-Sen if he will let communists
into nationalist party-he does
Chiang Kai-Shek replaced
Sun Yat-Sen as leader of Nationalists
Began northern trek to defeat warlords
Also targeted Communists
Communist leader Mao Zedongattracts followers and leads them
away from nationalist forces
 1934-36- Long March Communists
flee across Chinese country side
Nationalists and Communists stop
fighting temporarily to fight common
enemy-Japan during WWII
1) 1949 Mao Zedong’s armies drive Nationalists
to Taiwan-island off Chinese coast
2) Mao established the People’s Republic of
China (United Nations did not recognize gov
until 1972)
Command economy- government controlled the
factors of productions (land, labor, capital)
1) Step 1: (1949-1957) USSR had been aiding since
1920s sends $$ to PRC
Land Reform-redistributed land from rich to poor and
increased productivity of agriculture
Civil Reform-gov tried to free from opium addition and
make women equal
Five Year Plans (like Stalin)-nationalize economy,
collectivize agriculture, move toward socialism
2) Step 2 (1958-1966) Great Leap Forward to
move away from Soviet control. Try to develop China
economically into Utopian society focused on:
All-around development-equal attention to heavy industry
and agriculture
Mass Mobilization- make the vast population work longer &
Political Unanimity and zeal-emphasize party devotion
Decentralization- stronger gov at local level
Great Leap forward generally unsuccessful-against
traditional culture, bad harvests led to ideas of the loss
of the Mandate of Heaven
Political and Social Reform-purify
the party through radical changes
Tried to remove ALL ideas of the
old China (the bureaucracy, the
Confucian inequality, the Scholar
Scholars sent to work in the fields
Universities and libraries destroyed
Emphasize basic/elementary
education but no more
Mao died in 1976 which opened
up China to new leadership
Part of United Nations permanent members of
Security Council
Crisis in Korea
UN condemned actions of communists (Chinese backed)
North Korea
Led to Korean War (1950-53)
US primary ally of South Korea
China primary ally of North Korea
Example of Limited War-superpowers could have created global
war but instead limited their actions to Korea
Vietnam war another example of Limited War-again
US vs Chinese backed communist north Vietnamese
(Viet Cong)
1978 New leader rises-Deng Xiaping-encouraged socialist
market economy
Open Door trade policy—encouraged trade with all nations
including US (capitalists)
Household responsibility System- Individual families grow and sell
their crops left over after paying taxes to gov –still used today
Improved food production
Encourage villages to be self supportive-grow crops and develop businesses
Government created Special Economic Zones (SEZ)- est 1979foreign investors given preferential tax rates and incentives to
develop businesses (compare to the spheres of influence of 19th
Reforms in Education– higher academic standards and
expansion of higher education
Institutionalization of the Revolution- legal system and
bureaucracy of old China restored, government
decentralized implement some capitalism
Economy rapidly expanded
Tiananmen Square Crisis of 1989
students protested for democratic
Government sent tanks and killed
hundreds of citizens
Since 1989 has been under international
pressure to expand political rights
Most powerful economy in Asia
Huge population (more than a billion)think workers
China member of World Trade
Organization (agreed with 151 nations to
rules for global trade)