Early Civilization in China Chapter 3 Sec. 3

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Early Civilization in China
Chapter 3 Sec. 3
Mr. Marsh
Columbus North High School
Geography of China
• Chinese called their land Zhonggua
(JONG goo AW) or Middle Kingdom
• Very isolated which contributed to the
Chinese belief that China was the center
and sole source of the Earths civilization
River of Sorrows
• The yellow river was also known as the
River of Sorrows
– Major floods along the river destroyed many
small farming communities
– Chinese had to learn to control the Yellow
– Fear of floods can be seen in the written
symbol for misfortune (see page 60)
The First Dynasty
• Shang about 1650 BC -1027 BC
– Controlled the northern section of China along the
Yellow River
• Government
– Archaeologists have uncovered large palaces of rich
tombs of Shang rulers
– Kings controlled small areas of land
• Loyal princes and nobles governed most of the land
• These local rulers were apart of Clans
– Clans- groups of families who claimed a common ancestor
» China was closer to the City-States of Sumer than to Egypt
Social Class
• Shang society mirrored that of other
ancient civilizations
• Most people during the Shang dynasty
were peasants
Religious Beliefs
• Chief goddess was Shang Di (mother
goddess who brought plants and animals
to earth)
• It was believed that god like Shang Di
would not answer the call of a common
– So families would pray to there ancestors to
talk to Shang Di
Yin and the Yang
• The Universe is a delicate balance
between two forces
– Yin
• Earth, darkness and female force
– Yang
• Heaven, light and male force
• A well balanced universe required both Yin and
• Oldest forms of Chinese writing have been
discovered on Animal bones and turtle
– Oracle Bones- were believed to be apart of
rituals by ancient priests
• Very difficult language
– Over 10,000 characters
Zhou Dynasty
• 1027BC came from the west and
overthrew the Shang Dynasty
– Claimed the “Mandate of Heaven”
• Zhou families claimed that the Shang king had
upset the gods and called for his removal
• This claim brought forth what was to be known as
the Dynastic Cycle (see page 64) THAT CHART
Feudal State
• A system known as Feudalism developed
in China during the Zhou dynasty
– Feudalism – a system of government in which
local lords governed their own lands but paid
taxes and military services to the King
Economic Growth
• Ironworking reached China by 500 BC
– Iron allowed farmers to be more productive
and produce more food
– China began to use coin money
• Chinese money has a Hole in the center WHY?
• Economic expansion lead to increase population
and trade
Chinese Achievements
• Astronomers studied the plants movement
– Could predict lunar and solar eclipses
– Development of a accurate 365 ¼ day calendar
• Silk
– By 1000 BC women in china learned to weave Silk
from the cocoons of silkworms
– Major demand for Silk lead to trade with India which
became known as the “Silk Road”
Strong Rulers Unite China
Chapter 4 sec. 5
Mr. Marsh
Columbus North High School
Shi Huangdi
and the Qin Dynasty
• 221 B.C. Zhen (JUHNG) united China and
declared himself Shi Huangdi (SHEE hoo ahng
DEE) or 1st Emperor
• Legalism was used to control society in China
• Shi Huangdi abolished feudalism and replaced
the feudal states with 36 military districts
Unity Imposed
• Shi Huangdi forced nobles to move to the capital
and the nobles lands were distributed to the
• Standardized weights and measures and
created 1 coin instead of the 100s that existed
before in the Zhou Dynasty
• Workers repaired and extended roads
– All cart axles had to be the same distance apart
Great Wall
Collapse of the Qin
• When Shi Huangdi died in 210 B.C. so did
the Qin Dynasty
• Liu Bang (LEE OO BAHNG)
– An illiterate peasant lead his army and
defeated many rival armies to become the
new emperor and started the next dynasty
– The Han Dynasty
• 206 B.C. – 220 A.D.
The Han Dynasty
• Silk Road to the West Opened during the Han
• During Emperors Wudi’s reign many government
monopolies were created to control supply of
grains, silks and other products
• Major expansion of territory
Scholar-Officials and Civil Service
• Han emperors made Confucianism the
official belief system of the state.
• Han emperors adopted the idea that
government officials should win positions
by merit rather than family background.
– System of exams given at the local, state and
national levels
Achievements of the Hans
• Science
– Great advancements in chemistry, zoology and
botany. Han astronomers figured out a accurate
calendar that could predict lunar and solar eclipses
• Medicine
– acupuncture
• Technology
– Most technologically advanced civilization.
• Durable paper made from wood pulp, advanced ship building
and invented the rudder, suspension bridges
Fall of the Han
• By 220 A.D. ambitious warlords overthrew
the last Han emperor.
• After 400 years of unity China was broken
up once again into many small states