Transcript China

EQ 4: How did ancient
Chinese society develop?
Key Terms: Patriarchal, Mandate of
Heaven, Dynastic Cycle, Confucius,
Lao-tzu, Taoism, Chin Shih Huangdi,
civil service exam
What are some things you
know about China?
A Patriarchal Society
• Since ancient times, great emphasis
placed on the family
• Elderly held power, were revered
• Controlled family possessions
• Arranged marriages
• Respect for parents was the most
important virtue in society
• Family ancestors were worshipped
• Considered inferior
• 1. obey fathers, then husbands, then
• 2. Usually married age 13-16, then had
to answer to mother-in-law
• 3. Footbinding practiced by wealthy
families, considered beautiful
• Complex writing system, calligraphy
• Original system had thousands of
• Barely literate=1,000 characters
• Scholar=5,000-10,000 characters
China’s First Emperor
• Chin Shi Huang-ti formed Qin, or
Chin, dynasty (where China gets its
• Used harsh tactics against both
foreign invaders and internal
• Formed an autocracy, where the
ruler had unlimited power and used
it however he wanted
• Had Great Wall of China built, 1400
miles long **only man-made
structure visible from space
• Had 7,500 terra cotta soldiers
built for tomb to protect in
Dynasties Emerge
• The descendants of Chin Shih
were eventually overthrown
• Other dynasties came to power
and ruled China
• Dynasty—a family of rulers
• In 1027 BC, the Zhou dynasty
came to power and developed
the Mandate of Heaven
• The Zhou rulers said that the
previous rulers had been so
incompetent that the gods had
taken away their power and
given it to the Zhou, who were
more capable
• Mandate of Heaven—approval
from the gods to rule
The Dynastic Cycle
• Refers to the cycle of different
families coming to power in China
• A ruling dynasty claimed to have
the Mandate of Heaven
• The dynasty’s power declines,
problems develop
• People believe ruler has lost
mandate of heaven
• Someone overthrows govt, claims to
have mandate of heaven
• After the Zhou dynasty declined,
China was full of violence and
• Confucius, born 551 B.C. during the
decline of the Zhou rulers, started
a new philosophy
• Basic belief—Emphasized fulfilling
obligations in the Five
Relationships to restore social
harmony, order, & respect for
• Confucius was known for making wise
statements, called analects
Analects—A gentleman
• “A gentleman points out the admirable
qualities of men and does not point out
their bad qualities. A petty man does
just the opposite."
• "What the gentleman demands is something
of himself. What the petty man demands
is something of others."
• "Anyone learning without thought is
lost; anyone thinking but not
learning is in peril."
• "To rule a country of a thousand
chariots requires reverent
attention to business, sincerity,
economy in expenditures, and love
for men, as well as the employment
of the people only in the right
Civil Service Exam
• Long difficult tests, those who
passed would become government
• Had to rewrite long passages from
the Five Classics, books thought to
be written by Confucius
• Mandarins—class of well-educated
civil servants
Cultural Diffusion
• Han dynasty brought a golden age to
• Created Silk Roads—trade routes
that linked East Asia to as far as
Mesopotamia, causing cultural
• Buddhism spread to China
• Built pagodas, (temples) and
statues of Buddha; worshipped him
as a god
Questions for Review
• In what ways could China be
considered a patriarchal society?
• What is the dynastic cycle? The
mandate of heaven?
• Who was the first emperor of China
and what are his contributions?
• How did Buddhism come to China?