Physics of boxing

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Physics of boxing
By Caesar Robles and Nicholas cluka
Boxing history
Boxing was invented in 688 BC and the first idea of
boxing came about when a person first lifted a fist
against another person in play.the Greeks believed
that fighting with fists was a game of the gods.boxing
became part of the olympics in 600 bc
Boxing motions
In boxing you move a lot you row your arms and your legs you punch with your
arms and you block with you hands and you also dodge.
Average speed of a boxer
The distance of a boxing ring is 25 feet
The time to get to the other side of the boxing ring is 5
The boxer will move 5 feet per second
Fun fact: the force of a professional boxer's punch is
2150 psi
Newton's 1st law
A boxer's fist will stay in motion until something
or someone acts on it like the other fighter.And a
boxer's fist will stay at rest until someone moves
or you move it.
Newton's 2nd law
Newton's second law would be the boxers force
which is how hard he punches = the boxers
weight x the boxers speed.
Newton's third law
In boxing when you punch someone in the face
there face punches your fist back.
Forces/vector diagram
Weight does matter if you have more weight in
boxing it will be harder to knock you down and
your fists will have more weight when you
How much calories do you burn from boxing
In boxing since yow row with your legs and arms
you put your body through a hard
you burn about 682 calories for evrey hour of
Role of friction
Non Desirable
Friction between your feet and the floor to punch
because a “punch starts from your back to your
Your face and the floor
And to doge you need friction to move around
the boxing ring
And to slide in boxing you need friction to
Boxing on the moon
The gravity on the moon is ¼ of earth's gravity
and moon's gravity is 1.622 m/s2 so you would
weigh a lot less and you would be able to jump
higher then normal and you would move slower
and have less friction. So you would be slower
when punching and you would be able to jump
pretty high.
The End