Introducing Phillippians - Christ is King Community Church

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Transcript Introducing Phillippians - Christ is King Community Church

Having the Mind of Christ
Presented by:
Mark Stortvedt Ph.D.
Christ is King Community Church
May 3, 2015
Having the Mind of Christ
Testing the mind of Christ
finds it excels in all areas
Problem: Putting confidence in the mind of man
and never testing and tasting the excellence of
the mind of Christ
 The Context:
The letter was from: Phil. 1:1 The Apostle Paul and
Timothy(a young man Paul was training)
bondservants-doulos-[voluntarily devoted to another
to the disregard of one’s own interests] of Jesus
The letter was written to: all the saints in Christ Jesus
who are in Philippi, including the overseers and
deacons. Written to the Christians as a whole
including the leaders of the group.
The Context Continued
Date of establishment of the church in Philippi:
51 AD
Date of letter to the Philippian Church: 61 AD
The City of Philippi: Founded in 361 BC by
Greek settlers and named Krenides (springs).
Philip II of Macedon the Father of Alexander
the Great, annexed the whole region in 356
BC and named the city after himself. It was
fortified by an extensive city wall and soldiers
were stationed there to guard gold from
nearby mines. The Romans conquered
Macedonia in 168-167 BC.
The Aegean Sea
Context Continued
Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC 2 months
after declaring himself Dictator for life. There
were also some concerns that he was
beginning to see himself like a God. This
began a civic war between those who
assassinated Caesar and those who
remained loyal to him. In 42 BC Augustus and
Marc Anthony who had remained loyal to
Caesar defeated the Roman Republican
forces of Brutus and Cassius who were
remembered as the Assassins of Caesar.
Context Continued
The victors settled many of their veteran
soldiers in Philippi and established it as a
Roman Colony, which grew still more when
additional former soldiers were given land
there. Philippi was given the honor of the
“law of Italy” which meant that it was
governed by Roman law, it’s citizens were
Roman citizens, it’s constitution and
architecture were modeled after Roman
style, coins had Roman inscriptions, Latin was
spoke and they wore Roman dress.
Context Continued
Although the city had a strong Roman influence
their religious life was quite diverse. It included:
Monuments reflecting emperor worship
Statues of Greek Gods and their Roman
counterparts. Jupitor – Roman known as Zeus in
the Greek world, local Thracians worshipped
the goddess Artemis, Egyptian gods Isis and
Serapis and the Phrygian Cybele known as the
great Mother-goddess.
The Goddess Artemis
Context Continued
The Philippian Church: The Gospel came to
Philippi around 51 BC on Paul’s Second
Missionary Journey when he was
accompanied by Silas. They were kept by
the Holy Spirit from preaching the gospel in
the province of Asia and so they tried to go to
Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow
them. They finally reached the coast at Troas
where Paul had a vision of a Macedonian
begging him, “Come over to Macedonia
and help us.” Paul took this as God’s call.
Context Continued
There was only a small Jewish community that did
not have the required 10 men to start a synagogue.
The following were significant events for the
Philippian church:
Lydia a dealer in purple cloth and her family
become the first convert from Europe. Acts 16:14
Evil spirit cast from slave girl. Owners of slave girl had
Paul and Silas flogged and thrown in prison.
Earthquake opens prison doors and results in the
conversion the Jailer was converted and baptized
with his family in the middle of the night. At day
break Paul and Silas were thrown out of town but
between Lydia and the Jailer the church had been
Observations: Paul Uniquely
loved the Philippian Church
Chapter 1 The deep intimacy of common
partnership in care for one another (friendship)
and mission (sharing of finances)
Phil. 1:7 I have you in my heart because you all are
partakers of grace with me. Vs.8 he longs for the
Philippians with the affection of Jesus Christ.
Clarke paraphrase: I call God to witness that I have
the strongest affection for you, and that I love you
with the same tender concern with which Christ
loved the world when He gave himself for it.
God’s love is more higher and deeper at the same
time. Bible Illustration –Joseph Andreas - Day Off
Observations Continued
Approve the things that are excellent
Phil. 1:10 …love may abound in knowledge and
discernment, so that you may approve the things
that are excellent
Approve – dokimazō – to test, recognize as genuine
after examination
Excellent – diapherō – endure, carry through, to
distinguish between good and evil, to approve
things that excel
Results: Internal sincerity – eilikrinēs - In first century
Jerusalem people of discernment would inspect
earthenware outside the booths in the open streets
by holding pots up to the sun and inspecting for
flaws such as holes, cracks or any evidence of wax
used to plug leaks. Vulnerability – Crack
External Blameless Actions
Outline of the Book of
1. Approve What Is Excellent (1:1-11)
2. Struggles that Advance the Gospel (1:12-30)
3. He Emptied Himself (2:1-11)
4. God Is at Work in You (2:12-18)
5. Christian Character: Timothy and Epaphroditus (2:19-30)
6. That I May Know Him (3:1-11)
7. Pressing Toward the Goal (3:12-4:1)
8. Rejoice in the Lord Always (4:1-9)
9. A Partnership in Giving and Receiving (4:10-23)
 Core
Question: On a scale of 1-10 where
are you at in having your full confidence
in the mind of Christ?
 What would it take to move your answer
to one number higher”
 What area is it easier for you to have
confidence in your own mind? Why?
 Who
is it hardest for you to have the mind
of Christ toward? spouse, your child, a
boss or co-worker, someone from
church…etc. What is Christ’s mind toward
them? What can you do to help His mind
become yours regarding this person?