Transcript Topic:

Topic: From Human Pre-History to Early Civilization
Do Now: What was the greatest
achievement of Paleolithic Man?
Where did humans originate?
Emergence of
humanlike species,
initially were
found in eastern
 Remains of
humans have been
found in Java as
old as 775, 000
years old
Java Man
-Homo (human) Erectus (upright)1.5
million BC300,000 years ago
-Tools made chipped from stone, flint
500,000 years ago Homo Erectus developed
the ability to control fire
Expanded diet
The greatest achievement
of Homo Erectus was the
spread in Africa, Asia, and
Europe reaching
population size of 1.5
million 100,000 years ago
Why did Early Human Species Move?
 Almost
all early humans were
migratory, their housing and their
life remnants suggest this.
–Each small band which usually
consisted of a family or two used a
huge area and there is evidence of
territorialism within their lands.
As physical development
continued through the period of
the ice age, it is obvious that the
key to humanity has been
several things:
Dominance over animals
Understanding of requirements necessary to
cohabitate with environment
Development of Fire
Development of Animal and Plant
domestication techniques
Families, Clans, and Tribes
Hominids organized in social groups
 Chose sexual partners and formed
emotional bonds
 Family units
 Family units clustered and formed clans
 Bands and tribes
Hunters and gatherers who lived off the
 Clans and tribes had cheifs and leaders
 Teamwork for hunting
 Buried the dead
 Gender division regarding labor and
More than 10,000 years ago early inhabitants of the Americas, known as PaleoIndians, hunted large mammals such as bison, mammoth, and mastodon. The
hunting of such large prey was a late development in human prehistory, as it
required sophisticated stone weaponry and a kind of planning and coordination
possible only with an elaborate system of communication, such as language. This
diorama from the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City depicts
Mesoamerican Paleo-Indians killing a mastodon.
What phenomenon (s) allowed humans to
the environment to greater degree than they ever
had before?
Agriculture and Pastoralism
What were the effects of agriculture and pastoralism?
-Permanent settlement
-Increased Populations
-Domestication of animals
-Job specialization
-Technology increased (Bronze Age 3000 B.C.E.)
The “Out of Africa” thesis
A- argues that modern humans appeared
throughout the world at the same rate
B- proposes that modern humans emerged in Africa
C- submits that only Neanderthal emerged in Africa
D- argues that crops were first cultivated in Africa
E- proposes that onl the most primative human
behavior originated in Africa