The Most Common Weight Loss Obstacles

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Transcript The Most Common Weight Loss Obstacles

To achieving and
maintaining a
healthy weight
and lifestyle
Discovering the Seven Keys
Set your goals
Create your plan
Think long-term
Focus on nutrition
Dispel common myths
Know your macros!
Drink and get rest
Make a goal…a SMART Goal
S: Specific
M: Measureable
A: Accountable
R: Realistic
T: Timely
How many pounds or inches do you want to lose?
Do you have a scale to measure progress? Hold yourself accountable!
What is your timeline?
Is this realistic? (10 pounds in two weeks..NO! But 1 pound a week…Yes, maybe).
Make a plan
◦ Decide how many days/week
you will go to the gym
◦ Make a nutrition plan…Plan and
execute your meals
 What you don’t buy at the store,
you will not eat at home.
 Remove the source of cravings
 Make sure healthy foods/snacks
are available to you
 Write it down! Food journals are
linked to higher success rates for
weight loss…Accountability
“Health is a state of
complete harmony of the
body, mind and spirit. When
one is free from physical
disabilities and mental
distractions, the gates of the
soul open.”
Strict diets and fad plans are
not the answer. You want
balance, moderation and
long-term changes. This is no
temporary fix…this is a
lifestyle change and is the
key to happiness, as well as
a healthy body and mind!
The key to weight loss, change in body composition and
overall physique transformation is nutrition;
consistency with proper nutrition.
Physical activity is an added bonus for musculature and
cardiovascular health etc..but if you exercise, it does
not give you a “free pass” to eat what you want.
You cannot out train a poor diet
“Fat is the enemy”
“Carbs are bad for you”
“Eating mostly protein is good for you”
“If I exercise for this long, I can eat this”
Years ago, the fear of fat and cholesterol became widespread and many
thought this was the cause of CVD and obesity – they weren’t quite right
Since then, sugar has been excessively and unnecessarily added to all
foods and drinks
Fat is not the leading cause of the obesity trend; more research has tied
high sugar diets to the increasing epidemic of obesity. Sugar replaced fat
and the prevalence of obesity has only increased.
The science behind sugar: Excess amounts of sugar cause major stress on
the liver. The liver does not know how to process sugar so sugar is
converted to LDL particles. LDL stands for low-density lipoprotein, which
is the worst form of cholesterol.
SUGAR is….
There is no one answer to how much
sugar that men, women and children
should consume in a day.
YOUR ENEMY! Added sugars such as
sugary drinks, processed foods, baked
goods, fruit juices, candies/sweets, lowfat or diet foods should all be avoided.
◦ Make this a health priority!
◦ Try to use natural sweeteners instead—such as
stevia or truvia.
Natural sugars come from fruits, these
are “okay” – in moderation
Fat is not the enemy, but there are fats
to avoid
◦ Trans fat and saturated fat*
Healthy fats are monounsaturated and
Polyunsaturated; add these to your
daily diet:
Egg yolks
Coconut oil, flax seed oil, olive oil
Nuts and seeds
Natural peanut butter or nut butters
Omega 3- fatty acids (fish oil capsules)
 Fats should be 20%-35% of our
daily caloric intake.
Heard of the ketogenic diet? It is a high fat and low carb diet.
A big misconception in the fitness industry is that carbs are bad
for you, which is not the case.
Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of fuel. Carbs are
the macronutrient we need the most of. Why?
◦ Carbohydrates are easily used by the body for energy.
◦ All of the tissues and cells in our body can use glucose for energy.
◦ Carbohydrates are needed for the central nervous system, kidneys, brain,
muscles (including the heart) to function properly.
◦ Carbohydrates can be stored in the muscles and liver and later used for energy.
◦ Carbohydrates are important for intestinal health and waste elimination.
45%-65% of our calories should be from carbohydrates
Fats burn in a carbohydrate fire: this means in order to use fats
for fuel, we must eat carbs as well
The majority of carbs should be ingested around your workouts. Your preand post-workout meals should predominate in carbs.
◦ This is because we use carbs for energy during a workout and post workout is when we
have the most glucose uptake.
The best carbs before a workout are slow digesting carbs such as whole
wheat bread, yams, rice, beans, red potatoes or fruits.
The best carbs for post-workout are fast acting or simple carbs. Examples
are fruits like bananas or raisins, sweet potatoes and white rice
The best carb groups to choose from
for your diet are:
Whole grains
Sweet potatoes, yams
Brown rice
Rice cakes
Excess protein can be
stored as fat
Protein is needed for:
◦ Growth (especially important
for children, teens and
pregnant women)
◦ Tissue repair
◦ Immune function
◦ Making essential hormones
and enzymes
◦ Energy - when carbohydrate is
not available
◦ Preserving lean muscle mass
Daily intake should be 10%-35%
of total calories
Tuna or most any fish
Low fat pork
Lean beef
Soy Protein
Whey Protein
Eggs (esp. whites)
Low fat/no fat cheese
Milk protein isolate
Cottage Cheese
Turkey breast (boneless
Chicken breast (boneless
Essentially most any other
source of protein so long as
it is low in saturated fat
and carbohydrates.
Balance those macros!
◦ Fat: 20%-35%
◦ Carbs: 45%-65%
◦ Protein: 10%-35%
Stay within these ranges
+ eat the suggested
foods+ physical activity=
Balance and consistency
is everything.
Drink ¾-1 gallon of water
a day
◦ Drink water before you eat;
it is an appetite suppressant
◦ Replace other drinks with
◦ Drink it ice cold; thought to
speed metabolism because
body works harder to warm it
◦ Aids with muscle cramping
and recovery
Without enough sleep:
◦ Metabolism doesn’t function
◦ Less motivation to get to gym
and keep up with diet
◦ Increased appetite
◦ Decreased insulin and glucose
◦ Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep a
 More energy
 Better overall health
Choose to
act fit.
Choose to
be fit.