Transcript Cold War

Cold War
Chapter 18 section 4
 1949
 Soviet Union exploded their first atomic
 Air-raid
 During Eisenhower's time
 Arms race began during Truman's time
 Dwight D. Eisenhower
 President
 John Foster Dulles
 Vice President
 Hydrogen bomb
 67 times the power of the atomic bomb
 The force of 1 million tons of TNT
 U.S vs. Soviet Union
 Deadly race to see which side could produce the first H-Bomb
 November 1952
 U.S Exploded the first H-Bomb
 Said that the Cold War was a moral crusade against
 Promised to prevent the spread of communism by using “all
it’s force”
 Nuclear Weapons
 Against any aggressor nation
 Brinkmanship
 The edge of an all-out-war
 U.S trimmed its army and navy
 Expanded their air force
 Buildup of nuclear weapons
Air Raids
 School children
 Practiced the air raids in school
 Fallout shelters
 Were built in people’s backyard
 Central Intelligence Agency
 Carried out covert or secret operations to weaken or overthrow
governments unfriendly to the United States
 Would use spies to gain information abroad
Warsaw Pact
 Joseph Stalin dies in 1953
 Soviet Union recognizes West Germany
 Concluded peace treaties with Austria and Japan
 1955
 Soviet Union will form their own military alliance
 Warsaw Pact
 Linked the Soviet Union to several Eastern European
 Soviet Union and the United
States set up a meeting
 Geneva, Switzerland
 “Open skies” proposal
 Eisenhower
 The United States and Soviet Union would allow flights over
each other’s territory to guard against surprise nuclear attacks
 Steps toward peace
Eisenhower Doctrine
 January 1957
 A warning
 Stated that the United States would defend the Middle East
against an attack by any communist country
 Dominated by the Soviet Union
 Since WWII
 Hungarian people rose in revolt
 Wanted a democratic government
 United States did nothing to help free the people
 When Stalin died there was no clear leader to succeed him
 One man did gain power as time went on
 Nikita Khrushchev
 Like Stalin, he believed that communism would take over the
 Thought Communism could triumph peacefully
 Favored a policy of peaceful coexistence
 Two superpowers would compete economically and
Space Race
 A competition for international prestige
 Soviets leaped ahead
 October 1957 Sputnik was launched
 First artificial satellite
 Americans first attempt was a huge failure
 January 1958 launched their first successful satellite
U-2 Incident
 1960
 First drones
 Flying over the Soviet Union and collecting pictures showing
positions of troops and any movement within the country
 Francis Gray Powers
Francis Gray Powers
 U-2 pilot
 Flew the last flight
 Shot down
 Tensions emerged
 U.S had to confess to the drones
 Sentenced to 10 years in prison