Transcript Terrorism

the attempt to achieve a goal through
violent or destructive acts intended to
induce change by instilling fear among a
civilian population.
Terrorists do not generally care about
innocent victims. In fact, targeting
innocent victims often meets the aims of
Historical Examples
Guy Fawkes’s Attack on British
Irish Republican Army (Troubles 1968 –
Israeli and Palestinian militia groups prior
to formation of Israel in 1948
Attacks on Oklahoma City Federal
Building on 4/19/1995
Individuals: Ted Kaczynski (The
Groups: Al-Qaeda
State Sponsored: Libya and Pan-am flight
103 in 1988
Bombing of Abortion clinics
Which of the following are examples of Terrorism?
● The United States Declaring War on Germany during World War II
● The 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the U.S.
● An individual sending letters with Anthrax in them to members of the
● al-Qaeda setting off a bomb in the middle of a crowded subway station.
● Bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese planes on 12/7/1941
● Libya dictator Muammar Gaddafi may have supported bombing of Pan Am flight
● Chechnyan-American immigrants plant bombs in a backpack near the finish line
of the Boston Marathon
● Shooting of 12 students by peers in Columbine, Colorado.
Which of the following are examples of Terrorism?
● The United States Declaring War on Germany during World War II
● The 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the U.S.
● An individual sending letters with Anthrax in them to members of the
● al-Qaeda setting off a bomb in the middle of a crowded subway station.
● Bombing of Pearl Harbor by Japanese planes on 12/7/1941
● Libya dictator Muammar Gaddafi may have supported bombing of Pan Am
flight 103
● Chechnyan-American immigrants plant bombs in a backpack near the
finish line of the Boston Marathon
● Shooting of 12 students by peers in Columbine, Colorado.
U.S. Terrorism
Oklahoma City Bombing
Middle Eastern Terrorism
Terrorism has its roots in the formation of Israel in the
1920s and 1930s.
Both Jewish (Arabs and European) and Muslim (mainly
Arab) militia groups fought each other and British occupiers
following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I
Several groups arise that oppose Israel and other forms of
“Western” influence.
Middle Eastern Terrorist Groups
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO): Created in 1964 to oppose Israel. Now a
political party that accepts Israel’s right to exist.
Hamas: Ruling party in Gaza strip. Did not agree with 1993 Oslo Accords in which PLO
agreed to a “Two-State Solution.”
Hezbollah: Shi’a organization in Lebanon formed to oppose Israeli occupation of
Lebanon. Supported by Iran.
Al-Qaeda: Sunni Terrorist Group founded by Osama Bin Laden and responsible for
1993 and 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. Supported and
sheltered by Taliban government in Afghanistan.
Taliban: a tribal group/militia that took political control of Afghanistan in 1996 and
provided protection for Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda prior to and after the 9/11
attacks in 2001.
al-Qaeda attacks on U.S. soil
● 1993 attack on the World
Trade Center
● Ramzi Yousef...spent time in
al-Qaeda training camp in
● Nephew of Khaled Shaikh
● Kills 6 and injures thousands
al-Qaeda attacks on U.S. Soil Continued: 9/11/2001
9/11 - Two planes crash into
North and South Towers of the
World Trade Center.
- One Plane Crashes into
- A third plane (flight 93)
crashes into a field in
9/11 Continued
Reasons given:
● U.S. Support of Israel
● Presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia
● Creation of Islamic State
● Sectarianism
● Economic sanctions imposed on Iraq
● Anti-capitalism feelings
● Osama bin Laden head of al-Qaeda
● al-Qaeda supported by Taliban government in
● Close to 3000 people died (343 firefighters)
U.S. Reponse to 9/11
● George W. Bush declares a “War on
● In October 2001 - U.S. and allied forces
invade Afghanistan in order to root out
al-Qaeda forces that had been protected
by the Taliban.
● PATRIOT Act signed into law in October
● Department of Homeland Security
created in 2002
● U.S. Detains many suspected
terrorists in bases abroad and
at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba