Leaders and dictators

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Dr. Lauren Love
My name is Dr. Love and
welcome to my brain child a.k.a
museum. This museum is all about
dictators and leaders because like
me, they are control freaks. Have
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Museum Entrance
Welcome to the Control Freak
Leaders and
Room 2
Room 3
The war draws to a
Room 4
Artifact 1:Joseph Stalin
 Joseph Stalin ruled the Soviet Union from
(1927-1953). He was the leader of the
Soviet Union at the start of the Cold War.
He was a dictator and he believed his
country made the greatest sacrifices to
defeat the Nazi’s. Stalin also believed in
Soviet domination on Eastern Europe. This
was to ensure Russia would not be
invaded because of the damage it had
suffered previously from Germany.
America viewed this as proof that the
Soviet Union really did want to dominate
the world. The Americans would do
anything thing to contain Soviet
Influences. Now the Cold War was on.
Information acquired at:
"Joseph Stalin." Encyclopedia of World
Biography. Detroit: Gale, 1998. World History in
Context. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
History.com. A&E
Networks, n.d.
Web. 21 Apr.
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Artifact 2: Harry S. Truman
Information acquired at:
"Truman Doctrine." The Cold War--1945-1991. Gale, 1992. World History in
Context. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
 Harry S. Truman was the 32nd
president of the United States. He
was Franklin D. Roosevelt’s
successor and was the leader of
the U.S. during the beginning of the
Cold War. He saw Stalin’s
reluctance to allow free elections
in Eastern Europe as a clear
violation of those countries rights.
Truman believed that he must put
a stop to the expanding Soviet
Union tendencies. Therefore, from
this stemmed the Truman Doctrine.
This lead to the United States
support of any countries that
rejected communism.
Image acquired at:
"People, Places, News and Other Stuff!" :
2011-06-19. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 3:Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of
Great Britain from 1940-1945 and 1951-1955. He
lead his country through the WWII and some of
the Cold War. He was close friends with the
American presidents of Harry S. Truman and
Franklin D. Roosevelt and together they joined
“in building a postwar order that limited Soviet
leader Joseph Stalin's ability to dominate
European affairs.” He believed that together
they could stop the Soviets from overrunning all
of Europe. In order to “ warn the world” he
gave the “Iron Curtain Speech”, in which he
coined the term “Iron Curtain”. In this speech
he said that the Soviet Union divided Sovietdominated Eastern Europe from the West.
Information acquired at:
"Churchill, Winston." Cold War Reference Library. Ed.
Richard C. Hanes, Sharon M. Hanes, and Lawrence
W. Baker. Vol. 5: Primary Sources. Detroit: UXL, 2004.
16-24. World History in Context. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
Picture acquired at:
"People, Places, News and Other
Stuff!" : 2011-06-19. N.p., n.d. Web. 23
Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 4: George Marshall
 George Marshall served as
the Secretary of State and
the Secretary of Defense for
the United States. He played
major roles in WWII and in the
early years of the Cold War.
He created the Marshall Plan
in 1948, which was aimed at
rebuilding a devastated
postwar Europe and”
stabilizing the region and
preventing the spread of
Picture acquired at:
"The Enduring Mystique of the
Marshall Plan." The Greanville Post
Vol VII 2014. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr.
Information acquired at:
PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
Artifact 5: Nikita Khrushchev
 Nikita Khrushchev assumed power with the death of
Joseph Stalin in 1953. During his reign it was
thought that there may be a “thawing” in the Cold
war due to a speech he made “denounc[ing] Stalin
and calling for greater cooperation between
Communism and capitalism”. He desired to enact
reforms which led to unrest in other Communist
 He actually deepened tensions of the Cold war by
building the Berlin Wall. This wall cut off all contact
between citizens in East and West Berlin.
Image and information acquired at:
"Nikita Khrushchev." Nikita Khrushchev. N.p., n.d.
Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
He would lead to his own demise with the Soviet
withdrawal of Soviet weapons in the Cuban Missile
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Artifact 6: Franklin D. Roosevelt
 Franklin D. Roosevelt became the 32nd
president in 1933. Even though this was
before the start of the Cold War he
lead the United States through the
Great Depression and WWII.
 He put in place reforms such as the
New Deal which was a legislative
program that expanded the role of the
federal government in American
 During his time as president he came
in contact with Joseph Stalin and
Winston Churchill at the Yalta
Conference in 1945. However, this
failed to establish a successful,
peaceful postwar cooperation
between the Soviet Union and the
Image acquired at:
"TR and FDR." The Ink Slinger. N.p., n.d. Web. 23
Apr. 2014.
Information acquired at:
"Franklin D. Roosevelt." Bio.com. A&E Networks
Television, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 7: Dwight D Eisenhower
 Dwight D. Eisenhower was the General of the
Army and the 34th president of the United
 He worked hard to ease the tensions of the
Cold War by his “ Modern Republicanism”
which brought a sense of honor and security to
an uncertain America.
 During his first term in office relations with the
Soviet Union shifted due to the death of Joseph
Stalin in 1953. This enabled Eisenhower to
“Wage Peace” and try to improve relations with
the Soviet Union. His attempted made further
negotiations with the Soviet Union possible in
the future.
Image acquired at:
"Dwight D. Eisenhower." The White House.
The White House, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014
Information acquired at:
"Dwight D. Eisenhower." Dwight D.
Eisenhower. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 8:Fidel Castro
 Fidel Castro was a dictator in Cuba.
He established the first Communist
state In the Western Hemisphere. He
established relations with the Soviet
Union, which lead to the Cuban
Missile Crisis. He was always wanting
to demonstrate his disliking of
American polices. However, when
the Soviet Union fell Cuba’s
economy was also affected.
Information acquired at:
"Fidel Castro." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 23 Apr.
Image acquired at:
"Fidel Castro." History.com. A&E Television
Networks, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 9:Mao Zedong
 Mao Zedong is referred to as “the
face of communism in China.” He
lead the People’s Republic of China
from 1949- his death in 1976. He
transformed his nation but with
enormous human suffering and cost.
 He first failed with his plan of The
Great Leap Forward which was
meant to project China into a
modern industrial world.
 His other failed attempt was the
Cultural Revolution.
Image acquired at:
"Mao Zedong." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21
Apr. 2014. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
Information acquired at:
"Mao Zedong." The Cold War. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014
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Artifact 10:John F. Kennedy
 He was a firm believer in the
“Domino Theory” and that the
United States should “hold their line”
when it came to Vietnam.
Information acquired at:
"John Kennedy and the Cold War." John Kennedy and the Cold War. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
 John F. Kennedy was the 35th
president of the United States who
was in office from 1961-1963.
Kennedy, like the other presidents,
wanted to reduce tension with USSR.
However, he did not want to
withdraw from the “basic principles
of containment” as stated in the
Truman Doctrine.
Image acquired at:
"John F. Kennedy." The White House. The White House,
n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 11: Lyndon B. Johnson
 Lyndon B. Johnson was the 36th president of
the United States. He became president due
to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Due
to JFK’s assassination Lyndon B. Johnson
inherited all of JFK’s advisors and foreign
 He wanted to carry out JFK’s legacy in
Vietnam so he increased American
involvement in the Vietnam War.
 Johnson is best known for the handling of
the Vietnam War by doing “the minimum
possible to ensure that South Vietnam did
not become a Communist state”. However,
his efforts did little to bring a victory to the
United States in Vietnam. It “divided the
liberal movement at home, paving the way
for his decision not to run for reelection in
Image acquired at:
"Lyndon B. Johnson." The White House. The White
House, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
Information acquired at:
"The Cold War Museum." Cold War Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 12: Douglas MacArthur
 Douglas MacArthur rose through the
military ranks all the way to being the
Supreme Commander of the Allied
Powers in Japan. Him and his
soldiers helped rebuild a devastated
Japan. They instituted a democratic
government and laid the path for
Japan to become “one of the
world's leading industrial powers.”
Image acquired at:
"Douglas MacArthur." - New World Encyclopedia. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
Information acquired at:
"Douglas MacArthur." N.p., n.d.
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Artifact 13:Leonid Brezhnev
 Brezhnev lead the Soviet
government into the Arms Race with
the United States. Due to this the
Soviet Union accumulated nuclear
 In 1971, he “he instituted a thawing
of relations with the U.S.” In an effort
to reduce nuclear arms, he signed
the SALT I agreement in 1972.
information acquired at:
 During the height of the Cold War
1964-1982, Leonid Brezhnev was the
leader of the Soviet Union. He was
successor to Nikita Khrushchev and
he ruled for 18 years.
Image acquired at:
"Leonid Brezhnev." Leonid Brezhnev. N.p., n.d. Web.
23 Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 14: Richard M. Nixon
 Richard M. Nixon was the 37th
president of the United States.
 During his presidency Neil
Armstrong was the first man to walk
on the moon. He also aimed to
improved the United States
relationship with China by visiting
Mao Zedong. This was important to
open further relations with China.
He also ended U.S. involvement in
the Vietnam War.
Image acquired at:
"Richard M. Nixon." The White House. The White
House, n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
Information acquired at:
"Biography." Of President Richard M. Nixon for Kids. N.p., n.d.
Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 15:Jimmy Carter
 Jimmy Carter was the 39th president
of the United Sates. During his term
in office the Soviet Union
Conquered and invaded
Afghanistan. Carter also
relinquished the Panama Canal.
 Despite this Carter was able to
accomplish creating the
Department of Education “and
fighting for human rights
throughout the world.”
Image acquired at:
"James Carter." The White House. The White House,
n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
Information acquired at:
"The Cold War - The Jimmy Carter Years (1976-80)." The Cold War - The Jimmy
Carter Years (1976-80). N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 16:Ronald Reagan
Image acquired at:
"Ronald Reagan." The White House. The
White House, n.d. Web. 21 Apr. 2014.
Ronald Reagan was the 40th president of the United
States. He was against détente, which was supported by
Jimmy Carter. Reagan not only wanted to contain Soviet
expansion but he wanted to reverse any gain the as well.
Reagan’s Cold War policies were aimed to “to spread
freedom and democracy around the world and block the
advancement of Soviet communism.” Under Reagan the
U.S. supported anti-Soviet uprisings by peoples in various
places around the world. “For example, President Reagan
provided material and moral support to the Solidarity
movement in Poland. This support brought down the
Soviet-backed regime after President Reagan left office
and helped to inspire other anti-Soviet rebellions.”
Two years after President Reagan left office the Cold War
was over with the Soviet Union being dissolved December
1991. Regan contributed to this with his peace as strength
and his promotion of democracy.
Information acquired at:
"Ronald Reagan." The White House. The White House, n.d. Web. 21
Apr. 2014.
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Artifact 17: Mikhail Gorbachev
 The relationship Gorbachev had with U.S.
President Ronald Reagan helped bring the
Cold War to its end. While he was the leader
the Berlin Wall was finally tore down.
Information acquired at:
"Mikhail Gorbachev." Biography for Kids:. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
 Mikhail Gorbachev was the last leader of the
Soviet Union before in dissolved in December
1991. The reforms he brought to the Soviet
Union eventually led to its demise. These
reforms led many countries to claim there
independence, one by one breaking away
from the Soviet Union. Gorbachev
announced two main areas of reforms one
was called Glasnost and the other
Perestroika. “Glasnost called for increased
openness in government. It also allowed for
some freedom of speech and less
censorship. Perestroika was a restructuring of
the economy and industry. It allowed for
some private ownership and economic
reforms to try and improve the Soviet
Image acquired at:
"Mikhail Gorbachev." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Apr.
2014. Web. 23 Apr. 2014.
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