The Cold War Thaws!!!

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The Cold War Thaws!!!
Can you score enough points to
bring the Cold War down?
In the slides that follow this you will be
asked to make a decision about a real
situation that occurred during the Cold War.
If you choose the right choice, you will be
awarded points.
If you choose the wrong choice, you will
lose points.
If you build up 100 points, then you will be
successful in bring the Cold War to an end!
On your sheet, keep track of your score and
the decisions that you make.
Aggression in Europe!
There are rumors that one of your closest
allies is near war with the enemy because
your enemy has not allowed them any food
or supplies. At this point you must make a
decision. Do you:
A. Send over your military and crush your
enemy like the little bugs that they are?
B. Send over supplies and give your allies
the necessary food and supplies they need?
Send over your military and
crush your enemy like the little
bugs that they are?
Why would you want to risk war with
your enemy? You just finished a war
in which you lost 407,000 people and
spent millions of dollars fighting.
Subtract 5 points from your score.
Send over supplies and give your
allies the necessary food and
supplies they need?
Correct answer!!!
This is the best intervention because you
want to avoid war with your enemy at all
Add 5 points to your scorecard
Continue (Just hit enter. For some reason
this link will not work. However, the rest of
the continue links are just fine )
Ally, or not?
At this point in history there have been
discussions about creating a new alliance.
If you join this alliance though you will be
forced to send troops and money to fight
against your enemy if your enemy attacks
any of your allies. Do you:
A. Sign the alliance and show your enemy
that you will take no prisoners!
B. Stay out of the alliance because what
happens in Europe will not impact how we
react to our enemy.
Sign the alliance and show your
enemy that you will take no
You cannot run the risk of upsetting
the rest of the free world by not
signing the treaty with your friends in
Add 5 points to your score
Stay out of the alliance because
what happens in Europe will not
impact how we react to our enemy.
This is a bad idea because you need allies
closer to your enemy. If you do not join in
with this alliance you will have major
problems on the world stage.
Subtract 5 points from your score
Back (Press the left arrow key 2 times. I
promise, no more bad links )
The Next Domino Falls
As you are minding your own business, the
communists continue to win Civil Wars in Asia.
Do you:
A. Send $3 Billion to help the people who are
fighting against the communists to repair their army
and fight against those evil commies!
B. Send in the military. If they continue to show
aggression, we will respond with aggression and
crush them. We will show them how strong we
$3 Billion
Again, this is too close to the end of World
War II. Our president and government do
not want to sacrifice lives in order to stop
the communist forces.
You earn 5 points for this correct answer.
We cannot stop the communist forces in
China by sending troops. They were
fighting with almost 1 million troops. The
U.S. and President Truman had little interest
in sending troops into China to fight a war
he did not believe was our business.
Subtract 5 points from your score.
More Fighting
Another war breaks out involving the
communists vs. non-communists!!!
Do you:
A. Send money. Remember the Cold
War was called that because we did
not fight against our enemy.
B. Send troops! Enough is enough.
We are finally ready to fight.
It is time to react. We have already
lost several nations to communism and
we as proud Americans cannot stand
to lose another nation to the evil
empire of the Soviet Union.
Subtract 5 points.
We finally have had enough and
decide to fight against the communists
in Korea. The U.S. decides to send
troops to stop the communist
Add 5 points to your score.
In the war, the United States is faced
with a tough choice. Do we:
A. Continue fighting as we have so as
not to bring in other communist
nations by expanding the war.
B. Use as much force as possible in
order to show the communists how
strong we are.
Stay the Course
President Truman gave up the idea of
trying to use nuclear weapons because
he did not want to begin another
world war.
Add 5 points.
Nuke ‘Em!
Although Truman’s top general wanted
to expand the war into China, Truman
avoided using this weapon.
Subtract 5 points
Look Up In the Sky!
There is word that the U.S. is losing the
Cold War because their enemy has now
launched a satellite that your intelligence
has told you is going to be used to spy on
your military operations.
Do you:
A. Trust your advisors and go to the United
Nations and demand that the satellite be
taken down
B. Attempt to catch up by expanding school
curriculum and pushing science
U.N. Course
The United States does not take this
course. President Eisenhower instead
increases defense spending by 25%
and helps create NASA.
Subtract 5 points
More Science
President Eisenhower urges this and
also pours money into the defense
budget to catch up to the Soviets.
This however made many Americans
as if we were losing the Cold War.
Add 5 points
Lets Get ‘Em
A communist dictator is installed 90 miles to
the South of you. You have had enough
and you are going to attack.
Do you:
A. Launch an invasion with a group of
nationals who are former prisoners, but
know the island.
B. Launch an invasion with a group of
trained army operatives who can easily
handle these communist aggressors.
Even though this fails, this is the
alternative that President Kennedy
chooses for America. This invasion
fails and leads to the next situation.
Add 5 points
Military Operatives
Although this seems like this would be the
best alternative, President Kennedy chooses
Cubans to launch this invasion. He did not
want to look like he was invading Cuba
because that would anger the Soviets.
Subtract 5 points
Nukes That Can Reach
You have intelligence that shows you the
Soviets have moved missiles 90 miles away
that can reach everywhere in the United
States. They will be fully operational in two
Do you:
A. Send troops in right away to dismantle
the missiles before they become operational
B. Peacefully attempt to remove the missiles
so as not to cause a nuclear holocaust
Although, many were calling for this,
President Kennedy refuses to do this
in fear of causing a larger conflict.
Subtract 5 points
President Kennedy resolves the Cuban
Missile Crisis by agreeing to remove missiles
from Turkey in exchange for the Soviets
removing their missiles from Cuba, but you
already knew that of course 
Add 5 points
There have always been rumors that the
Soviet Union has spies placed within the
United States and has them trying to find
information about our nation’s top secrets.
Do you:
A. Arrest all spies and then put them
through our legal system. This will allow
them fair trials
B. Arrest all spies, but do not afford them
the same legal rights that all citizens have
Fair Trials
The House for Un-American Activities
in no way shape or form treated these
people fairly. Although many were
likely spies, this was a communist
witch hunt.
Subtract 5 points
Fry the Commies
Remember the Rosenbergs! Innocent
people were rushed through trials and
were not given the opportunity to
properly defend themselves.
Add 5 points
More Communist
You hear of a communist takeover that is
being staged on the other side of the world.
Your nation is in a state of disarray however
because of a movement towards equality.
Do you:
A. Send over as many troops as possible in
order to avoid the communists winning
B. Send over a limited amount to gauge the
Mass Troops
It will take a few years before you get
to this point. You want to start slowly
before you get fully involved in
Subtract 5 points
Small Amounts
We called them advisors to start with and
that is how President Kennedy and Johnson
began our involvement in Vietnam. It was
not until after the Gulf of Tonkin incident
until we committed large number of troops
to Vietnam.
Add 5 points
Peaceful Times
Now that the Vietnam War is in the past, the United
States is in a very peaceful time period. We do
have a new President however who has slashed
taxes. He would like to defeat the Soviets in the
worst way possible.
Should he:
A. Impose an embargo on the Soviets and stop all
trading with them to harm them because they do
not have enough resources to keep up without our
B. Increase the budget of the military, although the
government will not have as much money due to
tax cuts.
No Trading
Although this would have been
effective as well, this would have cut
the profits of American business as
Subtract 5 points
Defense Spending
President Reagan increases the amount of
money that the United States spends on the
military including beginning a program
called the Strategic Defense Initiative. The
Soviets could not keep up with the
Add 5 points
The Soviets use this country as the newest
battleground by installing a new repressive
government and jailing members of the
democratic government. As President do
A. Do nothing and allow this government to
stay put.
B. Try to negotiate to come to a solution to
halt the spread of the communist regime.
The United States stays out of this conflict,
but President Reagan begins to worry that
the Soviets are planning on expanding their
evil empire by taking over more democratic
nations in Europe. The Pope actually helps
negotiate for the Polish people and
prevented the Soviets from sending troops.
Add 5 points
Unfortunately the United States has no
leverage in this part of the world and cannot
do anything to stop this. However we are
spared another war when the Pope
intervenes on behalf of the Polish people.
Subtract 5 points
Shot Down!
The Soviet Union decides the need to shoot
down a Korean airplane that flies through
Soviet airspace. As President Reagan do
A. Condemn them and continue your
military spending in hopes that they will
stop these actions
B. Support a U.N. sanctioned resolution that
will send troops into the Soviet Union if they
ever do this again.
Although this was a terrible incident in
which 269 people were killed, the
United States stays out of this almost
Add 5 points
U.N. Resolution
Even though this seems like the better
solution, the United Nations never
does anything about this situation
Subtract 5 points
The United States and the Soviet Union have begun
talks on reducing the number of nuclear weapons
that each superpower has. However, the commies
will not work with you as President and you get sick
and tired of negotiating with them.
Do you:
A. Try to persevere, but to get them to negotiate
you threaten to cut off trade with them until an
agreement can be reached
B. Leave the talks and install more missiles in
Western Europe pointed right at the Soviets.
Cut Off Trade
Although this seems like the right
course of action, Ronald Reagan is
determined to end the Cold War!
Subtract 5 points
More Missiles
President Reagan showed the Soviets that
he would not back down. He sent more
missiles to Western Europe because the
Soviets wanted the United States to remove
existing missiles. Wrong move commies!
Reagan responds by sending more weapons
into Western Europe
Add 5 points
Mikhail Gorbachev, the communist leader of the
Soviet Union, has decided to bring proposals to the
United States to reduce the number of weapons of
mass destruction that the Soviet Union and the
United States have. As President of the United
States do you:
A. See this as a trick that the Soviets are trying to
pull on you and send more missiles into Western
B. Seize this opportunity and attempt to negotiate
as long as it takes to cut down on the numbers of
weapons of mass destruction
Remember that you are trying to end
the Cold War. If the commies want to
talk, it would be a good idea to
negotiate with them.
Subtract 5 points
You are becoming skilled in the arts of
negotiation with the Soviets. President
Reagan attempted to work everything out
with the Soviets, but unfortunately these
talks never resulted in a concrete solution.
Add 5 points
A new treaty has been drafted in
which a reduction of nuclear weapons
is the goal. This treaty is called the
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
Treaty. As President of the United
States do you:
A. Sign it
B. Reject it
Sign It
You see the ice thawing. You can almost
taste the end of the Cold War. The Soviets
have actually agreed to limit the number of
nuclear weapons they have. It must be the
amount of money that you have pumped
into your defense budget because they
cannot keep up anymore.
Add 5 points
Reject It
The United States has seen a chance to
defeat the communists politically and we will
take every chance we can get. By signing
this treaty this shows the commies are
starting to get scared of us.
Subtract 5 points
Attempted Coup
After almost 50 years of fighting (or not fighting)
the United States finally has an ally in Mikhail
Gorbachev. It seems as if he really wants to end
the Cold War. However, many nations have begun
to break free from their former communist leader.
Now there is word that there has been an
attempted coup of Premier Gorbachev. If he is
removed from power, we do not know who is going
to take over for him. As President do you:
A. Support the coup and take your chances with the
new guy
B. Send troops in to re-install Gorbachev
Support the Coup
Even though we as a Democratic nation do not
support policies in which governments are
overthrown, when it is a communist government
being overthrown that works in our favor. We also
know that the coup does not work, but because this
happened, Gorbachev steps down and Boris Yeltsin
takes over and moves the nation towards
Add 25 points!!!!
Send Troops
This is a situation we want nothing to do
with. They work this out on their own and
it leads to the downfall of the Soviet Union.
They will eventually turn towards
democracy and become Russia once again.
Subtract 5 points
The Cold War Is Over
Through your
excellent decision
making skills you
have helped end
the Cold War!!!
The world is safe
from the