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How do we define the personality traits of a
• There are many different personality traits for heroes and they will vary
depending on what fields or jobs that hero is involved in. For political heroes
Temple University psychologist Frank Farley, Ph.D has developed a 5-d
program for finding political heros traits. Some of these are courage,
strength, and the ability to work under pressure and keep their composure.
(Staff, PT)
• As a child, Roosevelt had suffered from severe asthma, and this plagued
him throughout his life. By use of a self made exercise regiment, he
developed a strong physique and a lifelong love of vigorous activity. He
adopted “the strenuous life,” as he entitled his 1901 book, as his ideal, both
as an outdoorsman and as a politician.
• Roosevelt viewed the presidency as an outlet for his unbounded energy.
He was a proud and fervent nationalist. “I believe in a strong executive; I
believe in power,” he wrote to British historian Sir George Otto Trevelyan.
“While President, I have been President, emphatically; I have used every
ounce of power there was in the office. &elipsis; I do not believe that any
President ever had as thoroughly good a time as I have had, or has ever
enjoyed himself as much.” (Cooper, Jr. p.1)
How did Theodore Roosevelt use
technology to his advantage?
•Theodore Roosevelt used technology to his advantage in many
different ways.
• During his presidency Teddy increased the use of the navy and the
amount of technology that the navy had. Roosevelt used the available
ships and technology to great effect, he ordered many new battleships
to be made and sent them all around the world to enforce his foreign
policies, like in the days prior to the Spanish American war he sent a
US battleship to support the revolution in Cuba. “ He was considered
an example of American determination and technological know how.”
• Nearly 30,000 workers labored ten-hour days for ten years to build
the canal, The Panama Canal was finally completed in 1914. Once
operational, it shortened the voyage from San Francisco to New York
by more than 8,000 miles. The process of building the canal
generated advances in U.S. technology and engineering skills and
converted the Panama Canal Zone into a major military
stronghold.(Miller center.org)
How does a hero reflect his/her particular
culture and society?
• In many cultures heroes perform quests and daring tasks. They
represent the best attributes of their people and may rule over a golden
age in the culture. They are a way to pass on lessons of cultural values
and morals to future generations. (pbs.org.)
• Roosevelt represented many of the characteristics valued by
American society in the early 1900’s including rugged
individuality, bravery, desire for freedom and patriotism
(Theodore Roosevelt Association).
How does a hero represent his/her time period and
geographical area?
• The early 1900s was the first time countries began to expand globally.
Roosevelt expanded the sphere of influence of the United States to
new places around the globe. He was the most widely travelled
president up to that time and represented the U.S. new policy of global
• He believed that “civilized” nations had a responsibility for stewardship
of “barbarous” ones. He knew that taking on the Philippine Islands as
an American colony after the Spanish-American War had ended
America's isolation from international power politics.( Cooper. P.1)
• Roosevelt's policy at home and abroad was to "speak softly and carry
a big stick." This included the cruise of the "Great White Fleet" on a
worldwide trip, the negotiation of a peace treaty between the two sides
in the Russo-Japanese War and many more.
In 1904, the president declared what became known as the "Roosevelt
Corollary" to the Monroe Doctrine-that the United States had the right to
keep the peace in Latin America.(Badertscher)
How do various cultures reward
or recognize their heroes?
• Heroes are rewarded with immortality,
either supernatural or by being famous
and getting recognition. (pbs.org)
• Teddy Roosevelt was not recognized for
all his contributions until after his death.
He was also recognized for his
environmental and conservation
achievments by being on Mount
Rushmore (Theodore Roosevelt Assoc)
What influenced Teddy Roosevelt
to go into politics?
As Teddy Roosevelt grew up he had many people that influenced his life
and made him want to pursue a career in politics. One person that had a
greater influence on him than others, and that was his father. His father died
when Teddy was a sophomore in college at Harvard. When he was young
his father was a philanthropist and founder of many charities including the
American museum of natural history, hospitals and the YMCA in New York
City. He also brought Teddy to watch the New York state senate and he
loved it. Another event that made him want to go into politics was watching
Abraham Lincoln’s funeral procession as a young boy.( Theodore Roosevelt
Roosevelt’s experience in the military also made him want to go into politics.
He believed in the use of power for the good of people and for overcoming
enemies and evil. (Cooper p.1)
What did he do before his presidency?
• Roosevelt was educated by private tutors. He was always an avid
reader and very curious. He graduated from Harvard College, where
he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa, in 1880. He then studied at
Columbia Law School and then began writing about his adventures
and made politics his career.
• After his military success Republican bosses in New York nominated
Roosevelt to run for governor. Elected in 1898, he became an
energetic reformer, removing corrupt officials and enacting many new
laws. (Cooper, p.1)
• From 1895 to 1897, he served as New York City's police
commissioner. He was assistant secretary of the Navy under
McKinley. The Spanish-American War made him nationally known. He
organized the 1st U.S. Volunteer Cavalry (Rough Riders) and, as
lieutenant colonel, led the charge up Kettle Hill in San Juan.
• He was nominated for vice president in 1900. Roosevelt became the
nation's youngest president when William McKinley (1897-1901) was
assassinated. He was reelected in 1904. (World Almanac & Book of
Facts p521-522,)
How did his time in the military influence
his life and decisions.
• TR, who was Assistant Secretary of the Navy in the McKinley
administration, and a leading advocate of the liberation of
Cuba, the Spanish colony then fighting for its independence,
asked the Department of War permission to raise a regiment
after Spain declared war on the United States on April 24,
• “On July 1, 1898 TR on horseback led the Rough Riders and
elements of the Ninth and Tenth Regiments of regulars,
African-American "buffalo soldiers," and other units up Kettle
Hill. After that hill was captured, TR, now on foot, led a second
charge up the San Juan Heights.This was what TR called his
"crowded hour," his great moment.”(Theodore Roosevelt
• These battles and heroic actions greatly influenced teddy as a
leader and a person. He learned how to lead a large group and
this also brought out his natural courage and bravery.
What has made him care so much
about conserving nature?
• Throughout his career teddy advocated for nature and through
government programs and acts he changed the way the united states
looked at conservation. He made many long trips to western
territories during his life and fell in love with nature. “In 1884,
overcome by grief by the deaths of both his mother and his wife on
the same day, he left politics to spend two years on his cattle ranch in
the badlands of the Dakota Territory, where he became increasingly
concerned about environmental damage to the West and its wildlife”
(Cooper p.2)
• “Theodore Roosevelt's 1903 trip to the western parks included a
backcountry camping trip-complete with snowstorm-with John Muir
in the Yosemite Wilderness and informed the president's subsequent
advocacy for national parks and monuments”.(Elam)
What was Theodore Roosevelt’s
• During his presidency Teddy Roosevelt was considered controversial
and many people did not like his very forward and progressive
thinking, so his approval rating was low. Although after his death and
even now “scholars traditionally rank Theodore Roosevelt among the
five greatest American presidents” and today people look back on his
many programs and realize that he accomplished many great things.
(Pederson, p.101-102)
• His accomplishments in government are staggering and coupled by
his individual accomplishments his legacy is truly remarkable. Some
of his accomplishments include building of the Panama canal,
creation of over 200 national parks, the addition to the Monroe
Doctrine called the Roosevelt Corollary, creation of the Rough Riders
Military group and numerous military victories as well as being
governor of New York, vice president and President of the United
States. (Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6Th Edition p.3)