Transcript PPT

Why did the Puritans want to leave
religious persecution
What religious movement was
focused on getting an emotional
response from its audience?
Great Awakening
Why did the British begin taxing the
colonists in 1763?
pay for the French & Indian (7
yrs.) War
Who did the southern colonies rely
upon for their labor force?
slaves from Africa
Who was the primary author of the
Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
Which enlightenment thinker
pushed for a three branch
Which enlightenment thinker was an
advocate for the protection of “natural
rights” (life, liberty, property)? Where did
they believe these rights came from?
Which enlightenment thinker
pushed government by the general
What famous pamphlet in 1776
called for Americans to reject
monarchy & support independence?
Who was its author?
Common Sense, Thomas Paine
What document set up our nation’s
first government but ended up
giving too much power to the
Articles of Confederation
Name two weaknesses of the
Articles of Confederation.
no power to tax, no power to
coin money, no executive
branch, weak central
What were the two main purposes
of the Declaration of
Establish ideology behind
revolution and list grievances
vs. King George
How many houses are their in
our Congress? What are their
2, the Senate and the House
of Representatives
What were the two major
compromises made during the
drafting of the United States
Great Compromise (large
states: House, small states:
Senate), 3/5 Compromise (5
slaves count for 3 men)
What part of the government did
the Federalists want strengthened
in the new constitution?
the national (Federal)
government, get
What group pushed hard for the
inclusion of the Bill of Rights?
What freedoms are guaranteed
by the First Amendment?
Speech, religion, press,
assembly, petition
Who has the power to declare
laws/acts unconstitutional (aka the
power of Judicial review established
in Marbury v. Madison)?
Judicial Branch/Supreme
What was Hamilton’s (the
Federalist) vision for America?
A country based on
manufacturing and a strong
central government
What was Jefferson’s (the
Democratic Republican) vision of
Agricultural society,
everybody owns land,
strong state’s rights
What was the Monroe Doctrine
(issued in 1823)?
don’t mess around in our
hemisphere & we’ll stay out
of yours (to Europe)
What is “Manifest Destiny”?
The belief that the U.S.
would someday control the
land from coast to coast.
What change in voting
requirements allowed the “common
man” to support Andrew Jackson
and the new Democratic Party in
End to the property
requirement for voting
How were the industries of
westward expansion in conflict
with the lifestyle of the Plains
settled (mining & farming)
vs. nomadic
Why did Mormons move west to
the Utah territory?
To escape religious
What was Lincoln’s main purpose
at the start of the fighting in the
Civil War?
preserving the Union
What happened to the Southern
industrial and agricultural
production facilities during the
They were almost totally
wiped out
What was the purpose of the
Emancipation Proclamation?
Free the slaves in rebel states
In what speech does Lincoln call
for a “new birth of freedom” and
identify the new goals of the
Gettysburg Address
What did the Civil War
Amendments (13, 14, 15) do?
Made slavery illegal (13),
extends civil rights to all
races (14), voting rights for
all males (15)
Name 2 things that kept
freedmen from gaining true
sharecropping, KKK, black
codes, racist attitudes,
Name 2 ways Southern states
kept freedmen from voting.
poll taxes, literacy tests,
threats & violence
What was the major
demographic shift after the Civil
urbanization (shift from
country to city)
What inventions helped fuel the
growth of cities?
telephone, electric light, use
of steel in construction,
electric street car
Give 3 examples of poor working
and living conditions in the new
industrial cities.
heat/cold, unsafe machines,
long hours, low wages,
overcrowding, crime and
Describe 2 ways that districts or
neighborhoods developed in
these new cities?
by industry, wealth, racial or
ethnic group
What religious movement of the late
1800’s created a desire by Christians to
save their souls by reforming society
and by helping the less fortunate?
The Second Great Awakening
What was the goal of Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and Susan B. Anthony at the
Seneca Falls Convention in 1846?
Women’s rights including
suffrage (the right to vote)
What famous book (and author)
exposed the horrors of these
conditions, especially in Chicago’s
meat packing industry?
The Jungle by Upton Sinclair
How did workers eventually
respond to these poor
formed unions
What was the first national labor
organization? Who did they try
and organize?
Knights of Labor, all workers
What type of worker did the
American Federation of Labor
(AFL) try to organize? Who was
their first leader?
skilled white male workers,
Samuel Gompers
What is laissez faire economics?
a system with little or no
government control or
interference with
Why were new immigrants
subjected to so much
different languages, religions
(Roman Catholic, Jewish),
complexions, cultural
How did the Americanization
Movement attempt to help
immigrants succeed?
education in the “American”
way of life, including public
schools, Protestant religion,
hygiene, English language
What did political machines offer to
immigrants in order to get their
help with housing, finding a
job, etc.
Identify two problems political
machines caused for their
corruption, voting fraud,
bribery, graft
What do you call a group of
corporations controlled by the
same board for common
What type of government
economic policy did business
leaders want?
What theory favored by William
Graham Sumner used ideas about
evolution to explain differences
between the rich and the poor?
Social Darwinism
What theory used biblical ideas
to justify gaining wealth (as long
as it was shared to help
The Social Gospel
What development in
transportation linked trade
between cities after the Civil
What kind of person was likely to
be a populist? Where were they
likely to live?
farmer, Midwest
Name 2 demands of the
silver-backed currency, higher
crop prices, a nat’l bank to
give fair loans, regulation of
the RRs
What was the goal of the
draw attention to social
problems with sensational
What optimistic group had great
faith in the ongoing progress of
the progressives
Name a law that progressives
passed to help purify food.
Pure Food & Drug Act, Meat
Inspection Act
Name a measure taken by
progressives to take the corruption
out of gov’t.
commission system, direct
primaries, referendums &
What did Progressives do to try to
help children?
Created the Children’s Bureau,
improved schools and
regulated child labor.
What did Progressives do by
passing the 16th Amendment?
Created the income tax
What two progressive causes were
most important to President
Theodore Roosevelt?
Regulating monopolies
(“trustbusting”) and
conserving the environment.
What law did he use to bust the
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
What California politician helped to
found the Progressive Party, to create
an 8 hour workday and to regulate
Governor Hiram Johnson
What organization was formed by
WEB DuBois in the early 1900’s to
try and improve conditions for
What was the result of the passage
of the 19th Amendment in 1920?
Women got the right to vote
What did the Open Door Policy give
us free reign to do?
force China to trade with us
What new type of newspaper
reporting stressed sensationalism and
led William Randolph Hearst to call
for American intervention in Cuba?
Yellow journalism
Identify 2 places where the United
States annexed territory or otherwise
assumed control in the Pacific at the
turn of the century.
The Philippines, Hawaii, Guam
Name two reasons why the U.S. was
interested in expanding it’s imperial
ports for naval ships, markets for
manufactured goods, expansion
of Christianity, sources of raw
What did the United States do to
support the Panamanian Revolution
from Colombia? Why did we want
an independent Panama?
Roosevelt sent warships, we
wanted to build the Panama
What was the point of the Roosevelt
Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
We will intervene when necessary
in the Western Hemisphere (in a
“policing” role)
What “manufactured” event drew the
U.S. into the Spanish American War?
the sinking of the USS
Roosevelt’s Latin American
foreign policy was based on…?
While Taft’s was based on…?
Roosevelt (Big Stick) military
intervention, Taft (Dollar
Diplomacy) United States
Why was there a surplus in farm
products during the 1920’s?
overproduction from WWI
What was the purpose of the
Selective Service Act?
help raise troops or the AEF
What organization was responsible
for producing U.S. propaganda during
Committee on Public Information
Name the two events that helped pull
the U.S. into the war.
Lusitania & Zimmerman Telegram
What was Wilson’s stated reason for
entering WWI?
“Make the world safe for
What two laws passed during
World War I curtailed civil rights
and sought to punish enemy
Sedition Act (prevented
speaking out against the war)
& the Espionage Act (spy and
Name 2 kinds of people who might
have opposed U.S. involvement in
pacifists, socialists, German
immigrants, Irish immigrants
What was Wilson’s Plan for Peace
called? What was the most critical
component of this plan?
14 Points, the League of Nations
What was the major population
shift from rural areas, especially
the South, to urban areas involved
in wartime production?
Great Migration (many
African Americans moved
Name two key conditions of the
Treaty of Versailles at the end of
World War I.
Germany responsible for WWI,
pay big reparations, League of
Why did many Americans reject
Woodrow Wilson’s “Moral Diplomacy”
at the end of World War I?
High cost of war in exchange for
very little benefit from United
States involvement
What policies offered by Republican
presidents Harding, Coolidge, and
Hoover appealed to many
Americans during the 1920’s?
pro business, isolationist
foreign policy, “return to
What kind of revolution took
place in Russia in 1917-1919?
What kind of “scare” did this
cause in the United States?
Bolshevik (communist)
revolution, “Red Scare”
What was the purpose of the
Palmer Raids?
root out and deport/imprison
suspected Communists
(especially immigrants with
connections to
What organization was formed in
response to the Palmer Raids?
American Civil Liberties Union
Who took over after Harding to
clean up after the scandals?
Describe his business philosophy.
Coolidge, hands off, proownership
Identify two examples of antiimmigrant sentiment from the
Sacco & Vanzetti, Al Smith,
KKK, immigration quotas &
How did the
and the Volstead Act attempt to
change American society?
Tried to improve American
moral values by banning the
sale and production of
How successful was prohibition?
Who took over distribution of
alcohol during prohibition?
not very, organized crime
Identify three characteristics of
urban America in the 1920’s.
cultural diversity, new
immigrants, religious
diversity, speakeasies &
jazz, manufacturing
Name two ways women
established new independent
attitudes in the 20s.
Bobbing Hair, wearing shorter
skirts, moving out on their
What is “buying on the margin”?
taking a loan on profits to
buy more stock
Why is this a problem?
market crashes and nobody
can pay back their loans
What group worked to oppress
everybody who was not a White
Protestant? Why did it have a
resurgence in the 1920’s?
KKK, increased ethnic tension
in the cities (Great Migration
& Red Scare)
How did Marcus Garvey and his
followers respond to increased
hostility toward African Americans?
“Back to Africa Movement”
How did Al Smith’s religion help
to prevent him from winning the
1928 Presidential election?
There was widespread
prejudice in the United
States against Catholics
List two new electronic
conveniences of the ‘20s. How
did these change people’s lives?
vacuum cleaner, washing
machine, radio, refrigerator,
toaster; more free time,
greater mass media
How did the automobile change
American life?
demand for roads, faster
transportation, closed
distances, greater contact
What new forms of media
started the worldwide spread of
American pop culture in the
Radio and the Movies
What amendment gave women
the right to vote?
Name two types of jobs
commonly held by middle class
nursing, teaching, higher
level clerical
Name two types of jobs
commonly held by lower class
factory, lower clerical,
What was the Harlem
the flourishing growth of the
arts in Harlem’s African
American community during
the 1920’s
What were some of the key themes
explored by Harlem Renaissance
writers such as Langston Hughes
and Zora Neale Hurston
challenging racism, problems
of poverty and oppression,
celebrating Black culture
What encouraged consumption
of all kinds of new goods in the
new marketing techniques
and easier credit/installment
What new Government Banking agency
(established in 1913) was blamed in
part for starting the Great Depression?
What mistake did they make?
the Federal Reserve Board
(the Fed), raised interest
What single event in October,
1929 is often thought of as the
start of the Depression?
stock market crash (loses ½
its value) due to overinflated prices
What were the two sources of
bad debts that caused so many
banks to fail at the start of the
Loans to farmers and
investments in the Stock
What President was blamed for
the start of the Depression?
What was his approach to
solving the Depression
Herbert Hoover, Staying
hands off, “rugged
individualism”, voluntary
Why was Hoover opposed to
direct relief?
He thought it would create a
large gov’t, hurt America’s
pride, and make people
What were Hoover’s two
attempts at direct gov’t action?
What did they try to do?
Federal Farm Board (loans and
cooperatives) and the
Reconstruction Finance
Corporation (loans to banks
and businesses)
What did Congress do to try and
protect American industry?
What was the result?
passed the Hawley Smoot
Tariff, cut international trade
and slowed economic
What was the Dust Bowl?
destruction of millions of acres
of farmland in OK & TX
because of drought and wind
and unwise agricultural
What photographer is famous for
capturing the face of the
Depression, especially the Dust
Bowl and the Okie flight to CA?
Dorothea Lange
What was the Bonus Army?
How did the gov’t deal with
WWI vets who wanted their
bonus early, dispersed by
force (US Army troops)
Where did unemployment peak
during the Great Depression?
How much did GNP fall during
the Great Depression?
Who defeated Hoover in the
election of 1932? What was his
plan to solve the Great
Depression called?
Franklin Delano Roosevelt,
the New Deal
What were his three areas of
focus in this plan?
relief, recovery, and reform
How did conservatives view the
New Deal?
1st step towards socialism
(too much gov’t
involvement), too many
“Robin Hood” taxes on the
What was the Agricultural
Adjustment Administration (AAA)
responsible for?
Regulating crop prices &
productions with subsidies &
by paying people not to
What was the most controversial
part of the New Deal? What did
it ask people to do?
NRA (nat’l recovery
administration), comply with
voluntary min. wage & other
What organization brought
electricity to rural areas? What
technology did they use to
generate electricity?
Tennessee Valley Authority
(TVA), hydroelectric (they
built dams)
Who employed young men to
work at road construction at
forest preservation?
Civilian Conservation Corps
What did FDR try to do when the
Supreme Court rejected parts of
the New Deal like the NRA and
the AAA?
Pack the court (add six
justices who agreed with his
Who was the charismatic senator
from Louisiana that promised to
“Share Our Wealth”? What
happens to him?
Huey Long, shot by a political
Who was Father Coughlin? Who
did he blame the GD on?
RC priest in Detroit, Jewish
bankers and capitalists
What group did you join to be a
part of the radical response to
the Great Depression?
Communist party
How did FDR respond to
pressure from these critics and
groups like the Communist
The Second New Deal
What were the two biggest parts
of the “2nd New Deal”?
Social Security and the Works
Progress Administration
What does Social Security
Benefits for the elderly and
What types of jobs did the WPA
traditional public works jobs,
plus additional jobs in “arts
and letters” (writers, actors,
artists, historians, etc.)
What organization was created by
the Wagner Act to help protect the
rights of workers and unions?
the National Labor Relations
Board (NLRB)
What national labor organization
rose to prominence in the
Depression by organizing all types
of workers?
the Congress of Industrial
Organizations (CIO)
What major event eventually
pulled our country out of the
World War II
What law(s) allowed us to
provide supplies for Great Britain
while remaining neutral?
Lend-Lease Act, Cash and
What was significant about the
Atlantic Charter?
established common war
goals for United States &
Great Britain (before we
were actually in the war)
What was the main way that the
United States might have done
more to have helped the Jews of
By relaxing immigration
quotas to allow escape
What key resources did the United
States stop selling to Japan in the
months preceding the attack on
Pearl Harbor?
oil, steel, scrap metal,
Name one piece of evidence that
suggests the government knew
the Japanese were going to
attack Pearl Harbor.
Tension with Japan, no
carriers in port
What were 3 of the 4 freedoms
Roosevelt built his “Four
Freedoms” foreign policy on?
freedom of speech and
expression, freedom of
worship, freedom from fear,
freedom from want
How did the federal government
raise money for the war effort?
Selling war bonds
How did our army handle
soldiers of different races?
placed them in segregated
What wartime production policy did
A. Phillip Randolph convince FDR to
change in order to bring greater
equality to the workplace?
FDR banned racial
discrimination in the
defense industries
What famous group of African
American pilots showed their
abilities in action?
Tuskegee airmen
How did the United States army use
Native American soldiers for secure
communications in the Pacific?
Navajo wind talkers
What famous propaganda character
represented American women
working in wartime factories? Name
one problem these women faced.
Rosie the Riveter; wage gap,
fired for flirting, sexual
harassment, little day care
Why did the United States
government decide to inter the
Nisei? How did many young Nisei
men show their loyalty to the US?
the Nisei were considered a
national security threat, they
joined the 442nd Regiment and
fought with valor in Europe
What Supreme Court decision
declared that this internment
was Constitutional?
Korematsu v. the United
What event brought us into the
Bombing of Pearl Harbor
What two kinds of fighting were
most common in the Pacific?
naval air battles &
amphibious assaults (island
What battle was considered the
turning point in the Pacific? Why
was it significant?
Midway, United States planes
and ships destroyed 4
Japanese carriers and put
Japan on the defensive
Where was the greatest amount
of kamikaze activity? Why?
Okinawa, it was so close to
the Japanese mainland
How did the fighting at Iwo Jima
help convince the United States
to use the Atomic Bomb?
high casualty rate and “fight
to the death” mentality of
the Japanese soldiers
Where did we start fighting the
war in Europe? (hint: it’s not
actually Europe)
North Africa
What 1944 invasion marked the
beginning of the end for the
Germans in Europe? Where did it
take place?
D-Day/Operation Overlord,
the Normandy Coast of
Name a hazard faced by U.S.
troops after they invaded
Normandy and were headed into
land mines, hedgerows,
sniper fire
What was the last major German
counter attack?
Battle of the Bulge
What World War I technology saw
the greatest improvements in WWII
and gave the US its most important
strategic advantage?
Name two goods that were
rationed during WWII.
rubber, gasoline, sugar, flour
Where did the Big 3 meet to discuss
post war plans early in 1945? (hint:
the Soviets were promised a special
role in Eastern Europe during this
Name two things the U.S.
wanted from the Soviets at Yalta.
in the U.N., out of Eastern
Europe, help vs, Japan
Which president made the decision
to drop the Atomic bomb on Japan?
What was his alternative to
dropping the Bomb?
Truman, massive land
Name one thing that was
controversial about the use of
the A-Bomb.
used on civilians, radiation,
start arms race, technology
hidden from Soviets
How did WWII solve the
problems of the Great
boosted production & wages,
created full employment
What international organization
was formed after WWII to try &
solve problems that might lead
United Nations
Name two new organizations that
were created after the war to help
extend economic aid to developing
The International Monetary
Fund (IMF), The General
Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade (GATT) and the World
Why did President Truman veto
the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947?
What happened to the Act?
It cut back on the power and
protection of unions ..
Congress overrode his veto
and it became law.
What doctrine vowed to support
all resistors of communism
wherever they may be?
Truman Doctrine
In what aspect of American society
did President Truman promise to
end segregation in 1948?
the United States Military
What economic plan was
supposed to keep Western
European Nations free form
Comm. after WWII?
Marshall Plan
Which side did the U.S. support
in the Korean War? Who
supported the other side?
the South, the USSR
Why did Truman fire MacArthur
during the Korean War?
insisted on being more
aggressive (nuke China)
What was the result of the
Korean War?
NK stays Comm., SK free,
DMZ in middle
How did we respond to the
Soviets cutting off access to W.
Berlin in 1948?
Berlin Airlift of supplies
What did the Soviets
test/demonstrate in 1949? What
key country had a communist
revolution that same year?
an atomic bomb; China
Who was put to death for
supposedly giving our nuclear
secrets to the Soviets?
Julius & Ethel Rosenberg
Which U.S. Senator made a
name for himself in the early
1950’s by hunting communists?
Joseph McCarthy
Which party did Eisenhower
choose? What young senator
became his running mate?
Republican, Richard Nixon
How did the Suez Crisis of 1956
effect the Cold War?
opened the Middle East to
Soviet influence
What event of 1957 caused a
rush to improve math & science
programs in the U.S.?
launch of Sputnik
What were the two main treaty
organizations of the Cold War? What
anti-communist treaty organization did
the USA help to form in Asia?
NATO & Warsaw Pact;
What communist dictator rose to
power in Cuba in the late
Fidel Castro
What effort did Kennedy make to
remove Castro from power? Why
did it fail?
the Bay of Pigs, lack of local
support, no air strike
What is the name for the
doctrine that says your enemy
won’t attack you if he knows you
can retaliate?
Mutually Assured Destruction
What 1962 Soviet threat in the
Caribbean led to some of the darkest
moments of the Cold War? What was
the outcome of this crisis?
Cuban Missile Crisis, U.S.
promised not to invade
Cuba again, USSR took back
its missiles
What 1896 Supreme Court
decision made segregation legal
(separate but equal)?
Plessy v. Ferguson
What 1954 Supreme Court
decision reversed Plessy? What
was the immediate result?
Brown vs. the Board of Ed.
(Topeka, KS), desegregation
of the schools
Where did Rosa Parks start the
Bus Boycott? Who was chosen to
lead the boycott?
Montgomery, Martin Luther
King Jr.
What was the key principle of
Martin Luther King’s strategy to
end segregation?
non-violent passive resistance
Give an example of a Black
Separatist Organization.
Black Panthers, Nation of
What organization fought school
segregation in the courts? Who served
as its lead attorney in the Brown Case
(& later first black SC Justice)?
NAACP, Thurgood Marshall
Give 2 examples of tough
conditions faced by black
students at Central High in Little
Rock in 1957.
soldier escorts, name calling,
fights, threats
Who organized the Freedom
Rides? What was their goal?
James Farmer and CORE,
take the movement to the
deep South via bus lines
What did the SCLC do to expose
Bull Connor? What happened to
MLK there?
Marches in Birmingham, he
was put in jail
What was MLK’s chief purpose in
his “Letter from a Birmingham
He will be an extremist in the
cause of morality, it is not
the fault of the movement
that their actions result in
What was the purpose of the
March on Washington? What
famous speech did MLK deliver
pressure for Civil Rights
Legislation, “I Have a
Dream Speech”
What legislation came out of this
Civil Rights Act of 1964,
Voting Rights Act of 1965
What roadblock to voting did the
24th Amendment eliminate?
the Poll Tax
What organization did Malcolm X
represent (at first)? What did he
say blacks should reject?
Nation of Islam, self hatred
imposed on them by white
Where was militancy more
Northern cities
Who would “patrol the police” to
assure they were not mistreating
blacks? Name two of their
Black Panthers, full employment,
self determination, blacks should
not serve in Vietnam, decent
housing, better education
What was AIM? What were two
of their demands?
American Indian Movement;
treaties upheld, original land
back, better education,
equal rights
What was NOW? What were
two issues they focused on?
National Organization for
Women, equal pay, equal
rights, sexual discrimination
in the work place
Who did the Vietnamese originally
fight for their independence? Why
did the United States support this
nation in Vietnam?
France, Ho Chi Minh was a
communist, needed French
support in Europe
What gave LBJ the power to
“use any means necessary”?
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
List two ways combat conditions
in Vietnam were unlike those
soldiers had prepared for.
jungle, traps & guerrilla
tactics, heat & rain,
unknown enemy
Name one factor that made our
involvement in Vietnam so
just cause?, high cost ($ &
lives), impatience with lack
of progress
What event led to the arrest of
the Chicago 7?
anti-war protests at the 1968
Democratic National
What was “vietnamization”?
turning the war over to the
South Vietnamese
What were the southern
sympathizers of the communist
North called?
Viet Cong
What is the most infamous
example of the paranoid fear
created by the Viet Cong?
My Lai Massacre
Name two things used to
defoliate the jungles in Vietnam.
napalm & agent orange
Why did the U.S. attack
Cambodia and Laos?
there were bases for the VC
and NVA
What impact did the Tet
Offensive have on public opinion
about the war?
turned many against it
Name two ways you could avoid
the draft during the Vietnam
college, family, self inflicted
wound, act crazy
What documents exposed the
truth about U.S. plans for
Pentagon Papers
What was the name of the quiet
group that wanted law & order &
supported the war? What President
garnered their support?
silent majority, Nixon
What were the students at Kent
State protesting?
invasions of Cambodia & Laos
What minority groups were overrepresented in the troops in
Blacks and Hispanics
What theory proposed that if
South Vietnam fell to
Communism, the rest of SE Asia
would soon follow?
domino theory
What tactic did Nixon use to try
and force the Vietnamese to the
bargaining table?
increased bombing
What book by Betty Freidan
helped inspire the start of a
second Women’s movement?
the Feminine Mystique
What were the poor conditions
that Latino farm workers faced in
the 1960s?
low pay, poor working and
living conditions, no job
What organization was most
critical in addressing these
concerns? Who was its leader?
UFW, Cesar Chavez
What were some other issues
that faced Latinos at this time?
land rights & police
What were the poor conditions
that Native Americans faced in
the 1960’s?
poverty, lack of educational
Name two famous decisions
made by the “Nixon” moderate
Supreme Court.
Roe (abortion), Swann (seg.
neighborhods not seg.
schools), Milliken (no int.
over dist. lines)
Who was the wheat deal
supposed to improve relations
with in the 1970’s?
Why did Carter suspend it in
USSR invaded Afghanistan
Name two reasons Nixon went to
China in 1972?
keep them at odds with
USSR, open markets to
What did the SALT talks do?
limit strategic weapons, like
What revelation by Butterfield
led to Nixon’s downfall?
existence of tapes
Who replaced Spiro T. Agnew as
Nixon’s VP?
Gerald Ford
What was one of Ford’s first
important actions that relates to
pardons Nixon
Why did OPEC place an embargo
on oil to the U.S. in 1973?
we helped Israel in October
Name two factors that led to the
Rust Belt.
overconfidence, lost touch,
energy crisis, foreign
competition, slacking off
What is stagflation a
combination of?
unemployment & inflation
Who had to deal with it during
his presidency?
What was Carter’s major foreign
policy victory in the Middle East?
Camp David Accords
What was Carter’s big foreign
policy nightmare?
Iran Hostage Crisis
What major events had
damaged American national
esteem between 1969-1981?
Vietnam, Watergate, Iran
Hostage Crisis
What president tried to restore
prestige to the presidency in
light of this?
Ronald Reagan
What was congress’ position on
funding the Contras in 1983?
against it
What was our gov’t hoping for
help with from the Iranians in
exchange for selling them arms?
freeing our hostages in
What Soviet leaders reforms
ultimately led to the collapse of
the Eastern Bloc.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Identify two challenges George
Bush faced during his
recession, end of Cold War,
Gulf War, S & L Crisis, War
on Drugs, Clarence Thomas