The American Dream

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Transcript The American Dream

The American Dream
By Joseph Baviello
 There
was a 13 year old boy named
mike who woke up one day in the
white house and soon realizes that
the was the president of the united
states .He told the people at the
white house that he was not the
president and that he was just a kid.
They did not believe him but when he
looked in the mirror he saw himself as a 38year-old man. He asked them what year was
it in and they said 2035…
 The vice president of the united states
was his best friend josh who acted nicer
then usual when he was 13 “probably
because he was the president mike
thought”, And his first lady was mike’s
girlfriend Judy, and the secretary were
some of his friends from his school.
• Then a few days later when he was
starting to learn and enjoy his new job
an emergency broadcast sent to him
explaining that aliens were coming to
earth. Mike declared war on them.
The aliens were small red crab like
creatures that had air helmets and legs.
Mike had ordered in the military troops,
for some reason josh could not be
found. So Mike was looking for him and
he found him.
• In his office Josh did not notice him when
he took off a mask and had a alien face and
speaking in a walkie talkie and saying
“move in to the white house” it did not take
long for Mike to realized that Josh was the
alien king.
He told everyone about Josh and they found him but
he took the first lady and with his alien powers
climbed to the top of the white house.
Mike ordered the military to send some helicopters to
shoot Josh down but josh destroyed all of the helicopters
with his lazer and he ordered more of the aliens to
destroy the white house. and then he dropped Judy .
Then the white house started shaking, and Mike fell and
hit his head, and when it seemed like it was over he
woke up and it was all a dream.
[1 day later]
After his dream he discovered that the alien
king was the vice president because he was
jealous that he won the election. His friend
called him and asked him to play and he said
do you ever imagine what it would be like to
be president of the United States? Then
someone called him on his cell phone and
said, “Are you ready Mr. president”?
The End?