Transcript 1-Cold War

The United States in the Cold War (1945–1963)
Roots of the Cold War
A Time of Prosperity
The Korean War Period
Global Concerns in the Cold War
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Roots of the Cold War
Growing Distrust
Main Idea: Conflict occurred when the United States and the Soviet Union disagreed over who
would control Europe after World War II.
Containing Soviet Expansion
Main Idea: The United States took steps to shape a foreign policy that would prevent or contain
the spread of communism.
International Organizations
Main Idea: Nations joined the UN in the hopes of maintaining world peace and forming
alliances with one another for further security.
The Shocks of 1949
Main Idea: After 1949, the United States faced new challenges in the Cold War.
History Interactive: Learn More
About the Berlin Airlift
Color Transparencies: The
United Nations
MapMaster: The Cold War in Europe
Progress Monitoring
Color Transparencies: The Berlin Airlift
The Berlin Airlift
The United Nations
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A Time of Prosperity
Adjusting to Peacetime
Main Idea: Returning soldiers and the problems of a postwar economy set new
challenges for Americans.
A Changing Society
Main Idea: The return of prosperity during the 1950s greatly improved the lives of many
Americans—but not all.
Image Library: Increase in Car Ownership, 1948–1960
Progress Monitoring Transparency
Increase in Car Ownership, 1948–1960
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The Korean War Period
Conflict in Korea
Main Idea: Five years after the end of World War II, the United States and the United
Nations defended South Korea against North Korea and China.
Fears at Home
Main Idea: Events during the early years of the Cold War increased American fears
of communism at home.
MapMaster: The Korean War
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Global Concerns in the Cold War
The Arms Race
Main Idea: As the Cold War continued, the Soviet Union and the United States
competed in a race to build powerful weapons.
Emerging Nations
Main Idea: Rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States increased conflicts
in other parts of the world.
Latin America and the Cold War
Main Idea: U.S. efforts to contain communism and prevent a nuclear attack increased
after events in Latin America and Cuba.
Color Transparencies: The Cuban Missile Crisis
Progress Monitoring Transparency
The Cuban Missile Crisis
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