Transcript Document

American History
1950s Unit Bingo Review
Names _______________
Why did Americans
have so much money
saved up at the start of
the 1950s? ___rationing
during WWII,
increased employment
during WWII _______
What piece of legislation
allowed large numbers of
American soldiers
returning from WWII to
buy homes and go to
college? ________GI
Truman’s ‘Fair Deal’ was
basically a continuation of
__FDR’s_____ earlier
plan known as the __New
What was Sputnik? __first
artificial satellite- sent up
by the
Which of the following
groups believed that the
government had a duty to
provide a great number of
social services to their
people: the Communists
in Russia or the
Capitalists in American.
(circle one)
The Berlin Airlift was a(n)
__American______ (a
country) action to prevent
the Soviet Union from
getting the __Western_ (a
direction) half of Berlin
Why were Julius and
Ethel Rosenberg
executed? ____selling
nuclear secrets to the
When the U.S. and the
Soviet Union left
Korea to be
independent in 1948,
both sides were sneaky
because they left
governments behind
Americans were eager to
spend money during the
1950s, not only because
their spending had been
limited during WWII,
but also because it had
been limited even earlier
during the ___Great
Depression ________
What was a Levittown?
___a suburb of cheap,
cookie-cutter houses
built on a large scale,
using production line
techniques, after WWII
Republicans pushed
through the 22nd
amendment, placing a
maximum presidential
term limit of two terms, in
response to
What was Eisenhower’s
response to Sputnik?
___greater emphasis on
math and science
education ________
(hint- it had to do with
preparing America to catch
up with the Soviets)
How was Sputnik related
to the Nuclear Arms Race
between the U.S. and the
Soviet Union?
_____Could the Soviets
launch a nuke at the U.S.
through space? ________
Which of the following
things was divided by the
Iron Curtain (best answer
Chang Kai-Shek was
forced to flee the
country of
_China______ when
he lost a Civil War
against ___Mao
Zedong____ (an
When General
MacArthur marched
into North Korea, he
gambled (and lost) that
_____China wouldn’t
enter the war against
the U.S. ___________
What are white collar
jobs and what are blue
collar jobs?
The suburb was only made
possible because
increasing numbers of
Americans owned
What was Eisenhower’s
Under the Communist
System of the Soviet
Union, who ran most
businesses in the country?
If NATO = Western Bloc
then ___Warsaw
Pact____= Eastern Bloc
Who first used the phrase
Iron Curtain?
____Winston Churchill _
HUAC was set up
inside the U.S.
__House of
and its goal was to
___root out
Communists from
the government and
other key sectors of
the United
Despite the fact that by
the end of the Korean
War the north and
south remained
separate and about the
same as at the start,
how could you argue
that the U.S. won the
war? ___Communism
During the 1950s, was
their a shift towards
more Americans
working in white collar
jobs or was there a shift
towards more Ameircans
working in blue collar
jobs? _____white
collar _______
Tell me 2 reasons that the
1950s were a golden age
for teenagers.
How had Eisenhower first
become a household name
in the United States?
__leading D-Day and
western theatre in WWII
Under the Capitalist
System of the United
States, who ran most
businesses in the country?
What was the biggest
failure of the U.S. policy
of containment in the
decade after WWII?
_____China _
At the Yalta Conference,
Berlin was split amongst
the winners of World War
II, which seemed fair, but
seemed a little weird
because Berlin was
entirely inside the part of
Germany controlled by
Who was in control of
Korea for the thirty
years before World
War II? _Japan ____
Which American
minority group was
increasingly involved
with visits to the
therapist in the 1950s?
Which of the following
are ‘service sector’
What was the impact of
the rise of suburbia on
inner cities and public
transportation? Explain! _
_____both were
negatively impacted as
these two things were
used mainly by the poor
and so little money was
put into either _______
What party was
Eisenhower from?
How many political parties
existed in the Soviet
Union? __1_________
What is the name of the
U.S. policy that rushed aid
to Greece and Turkey to
prevent them from falling
to Communism?
__Truman Doctrine____
(look at the question below
before you answer… there
is a very similar question!)
What is the name of the
senator who was most
famously a ‘witch hunter’
of Communists in the U.S.
government? ___Joeseph
Who got the northern
half of Korea in 1945
as it was freed from its
old master? ___the
Soviet Union
‘Yakity Yak’ is proof
both that 1950s teens
were _rebellious
___but also that their
rebellion at this point
was still very __tame
by later
The generation born after
World War II is known as the
_baby boom __ generation
because __so many
returning soldiers had
babies after WWII ___
Was Truman a Democrat
or a Republican?
Did Eisenhower want the size
and power of the federal
government to grow faster or
more slowly than it had been
growing? ____more
Was wealth inequality (the
gap between the wealth of
the rich and the wealth of
the poor) greater in Soviet
Russia or the U.S. in the
1950s? __U.S.___
What is the name of the U.S.
policy that sent money and
weapons to Western Europe to
rebuild it and also to prevent
Communism from taking root
there? _Marshall Plan _
During what decade was
the 1st Red Scare in
American history?
Joe McCarthy finally
lost his credibility
when he went after
Communists in the
U.S. _army_________
Mr. Hansen is _∞
+1___ times
better looking
than you
White collar __suit and
tie  work with your
brain _______
-East and West Berlin
-N and S Berlin
-Eastern and Western
-N and S Europe
Blue collar _overalls 
work with your hands _
#1 ___had money ______
#2 __had more
independence (cars)__
American History
1950s Unit Bingo Review
Names _______________
Why did Americans
have so much money
saved up at the start of
the 1950s? __________
What piece of legislation
allowed large numbers of
American soldiers
returning from WWII to
buy homes and go to
college? ______________
Truman’s ‘Fair Deal’ was
basically a continuation of
_______ earlier plan
known as the __________
What was Sputnik?
Which of the following
groups believed that the
government had a duty to
provide a great number of
social services to their
people: the Communists in
Russia or the Capitalists in
American. (circle one)
The Berlin Airlift was a(n)
________ (a country)
action to prevent the
Soviet Union from getting
the _________ (a
direction) half of Berlin
Why were Julius and
Ethel Rosenberg
executed? _________
When the U.S. and the
Soviet Union left
Korea to be
independent in 1948,
both sides were sneaky
because they left
governments behind
Americans were eager to
spend money during the
1950s, not only because
their spending had been
limited during WWII,
but also because it had
been limited even earlier
during the ___________
What was a Levittown?
Republicans pushed
through the 22nd
amendment, placing a
maximum presidential
term limit of two terms, in
response to
___________’s presidency
What was Eisenhower’s
response to Sputnik?
(hint- it had to do with
preparing America to catch
up with the Soviets)
How was Sputnik related
to the Nuclear Arms Race
between the U.S. and the
Soviet Union? ________
Which of the following
things was divided by the
Iron Curtain (best answer
Chang Kai-Shek was
forced to flee the
country of _______
when he lost a Civil
War against
_____________ (an
When General
MacArthur marched
into North Korea, he
gambled (and lost) that
What are white collar
jobs and what are blue
collar jobs?
The suburb was only made
possible because
increasing numbers of
Americans owned ______
What was Eisenhower’s
nickname? ___________
Under the Communist
System of the Soviet
Union, who ran most
businesses in the country?
If NATO = Western Bloc
then _________________
= Eastern Bloc
Who first used the phrase
Iron Curtain? _________
HUAC was set up
inside the U.S. _____
and its goal was to
Despite the fact that by
the end of the Korean
War the north and
south remained
separate and about the
same as at the start,
how could you argue
that the U.S. won the
war? ____________
During the 1950s, was
their a shift towards
more Americans
working in white collar
jobs or was there a shift
towards more Ameircans
working in blue collar
jobs? ____________
Tell me 2 reasons that the
1950s were a golden age
for teenagers.
How had Eisenhower first
become a household name
in the United States?
Under the Capitalist
System of the United
States, who ran most
businesses in the country?
What was the biggest
failure of the U.S. policy
of containment in the
decade after WWII?
At the Yalta Conference,
Berlin was split amongst
the winners of World War
II, which seemed fair, but
seemed a little weird
because Berlin was
entirely inside the part of
Germany controlled by
Who was in control of
Korea for the thirty
years before World
War II? __________ _
Which American
minority group was
increasingly involved
with visits to the
therapist in the 1950s?
Which of the following
are ‘service sector’
What was the impact of
the rise of suburbia on
inner cities and public
transportation? Explain! _
What party was
Eisenhower from?
How many political parties
existed in the Soviet
Union? ___________
What is the name of the
U.S. policy that rushed aid
to Greece and Turkey to
prevent them from falling
to Communism? _______
(look at the question below
before you answer… there
is a very similar question!)
What is the name of the
senator who was most
famously a ‘witch hunter’
of Communists in the U.S.
government? ________
Who got the northern
half of Korea in 1945
as it was freed from its
old master?
‘Yakity Yak’ is proof
both that 1950s teens
were ____________
but also that their
rebellion at this point
was still very _______
The generation born
after World War II is
known as the ________
generation because ____
Was Truman a Democrat
or a Republican?
Did Eisenhower want the size
and power of the federal
government to grow faster or
more slowly than it had been
growing? _______________
Was wealth inequality (the
gap between the wealth of
the rich and the wealth of
the poor) greater in Soviet
Russia or the U.S. in the
1950s? _____________
What is the name of the
U.S. policy that sent
money and weapons to
Western Europe to rebuild
it and also to prevent
Communism from taking
root there? ____________
During what decade was
the 1st Red Scare in
American history?
Joe McCarthy finally
lost his credibility
when he went after
Communists in the
U.S. __________
Mr. Hansen is
____ times better
looking than you
White collar _________
-East and West Berlin
-N and S Berlin
-Eastern and Western
-N and S Europe
Blue collar _________
#1 _________________
#2 ___________________