Chapter 28 Wound Care

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Transcript Chapter 28 Wound Care

Wound: is a break in the skin and mucous membrane. Wound is a portal entry for microbes.
Wounds results from many different causes:
-surgical incisions
-trauma: accident or violent act that injures skin, bones, internal organs.
-Circulatory ulcers and pressure sores from decreased blood flow through the
arteries and veins
Type of wounds: pg 583 BOX “FOCUS on OLDER Person”.
2. Pressure Ulcers(decubitus ulcer, bedsore): READ PAGES 585-590
Caused by unrelieved pressure. Occur over bony area. The body weight reduces
blood supply to tissue. Pressure Sores are easier to prevent (reposition q 2 h ) than
to heal.
A. Causes for pressure ulcers: Page 584 Box 28-1
tissue, and over bone prominence
prevent blood flow to
Causes of pressure ulcers:
-friction: scrape/rubbing of skin
-shearing /skin tears: is a break or rip of the skin. skin sticks to a surface
and the deeper tissues move downward and the skin is ripped.
✥To prevent skin tears/shearing/friction:
-lift and turn person in bed
-linens are wrinkle free
-keep nail short and smooth and do not wear rings with large stones.
-poor repositioning
B. Person at Risk: (risk factors)
•Confined to bed or chair
•needed some or total help moving
•loss of bladder/bowel control
•poor nutrition
•altered mental awareness
•obese or very thin
•circulatory problems
Stages of pressure ulcers: Page 586-587 First sign of pressure ulcer is pale
skin or a reddened area.
Stage 1: red or pale skin. The color does not return to normal. Complains
of pain, burning or tingling
Stage 2: skin cracks, blisters or peels
Stage 3: skin is gone and the underlying tissue are exposed
Stage 4: muscles and bone are exposed. Drainage likely
D. Prevention of Pressure Ulcers: it is easier to prevent a pressure sore than trying to
heal the pressure sore!!!!
Pg 588 box 28-3
-reposition every 2 hours
-lift and turn when moving person
-force fluids
-encourage balance diet, ➚ proteins
-use pillows/sheep skin -prevent skin to skin contact
-keep linens clean, dry and free from wrinkles
-never rub or massage reddened areas
Devices to prevent pressure ulcers: page 589-590
-bed cradle
-elbow protectors (made from foam or sheepskin)
-heel elevators
-flotation pads
-eggcrate -like mattress
-special beds
3. Circulatory ulcers: page 591 Open wound on the lower legs and feet caused by
decrease in blood flow through the arteries or veins
◆Stasis ulcers: open wounds caused by poor blood return to the heart from the legs
and feet. Valves in the legs veins do not close efficiently. Therefore the veins do not
pump blood back to the heart normally. Fluid collects in the legs/feet. Elastic stocking
are order by the doctor.
-black dead tissue(necrotic tissue) When is happens: debridement (removal of
dead tissue)
◆Arterial Ulcers: open wound on the lower legs/feet caused by poor arterial blood flow.
Feet/legs may feel cold and look blue or shiny. Painful at rest and usually worse at
Dressing for wounds: Read pgs 595-598
•protect the wounds from injury and microbes
•absorb drainage
•Remove dead tissue
•provide an environment for wound healing
A. CNA never preform procedures that require sterile technique
B. Tape: Remember the older persons skin is thin and fragile.
You must prevent skin tears. Extreme care is necessary
when removing tape.
•Tape extends several inches beyond each side.
•Tape must not circle the entire body part due
to swelling.
Read the delegation guidelines for applying dressings
✥Nurse will always give drugs before a dressing
change to help with the pain
D. Always follow care plan and standard precaution
when helping with a dressing change
Type of wound drains