Overview of Anatomy Slides

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Transcript Overview of Anatomy Slides

Intro to Human Anatomy
• Organs & Organ Systems
• Specialized Cells & Tissues
• Feedback Loops & Homeostasis
Human Anatomy
• A group of organs that perform closely related functions is an
organ system.
• There are eleven organ systems in the body. You are responsible for
knowing the name, structure and function of all eleven organ systems:
1. Nervous – receives, processes and responds to stimuli about the world around us
2. Integumentary – connects organs, holds the body together, and protects it
3. Skeletal – works with muscular to enable movement and protects the organs
4. Muscular – works with skeletal to enable movement
5. Circulatory – circulates blood around body to deliver nutrients and remove waste
6. Respiratory – provides body with oxygen and removes carbon dioxide
7. Digestive – breaks down food into parts the body can use
8. Excretory – cleans blood and rids body of the waste
9. Endocrine – controls body processes via hormones
10. Reproductive (male and female) – generates offspring
11. Lymphatic / Immune – protects body from disease
Human Anatomy
• You are also responsible for knowing the name, specific location, and
function of the following internal organs:
Spinal Cord
Small Intestine
Large Intestine / Colon
Bronchi & bronchioles
Fallopian Tubes
Human Anatomy
• You are also responsible for knowing the general structure and
function of the following:
Blood (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets)
Bones / Cartilage
Muscles (be able to differentiate between cardiac, smooth, and skeletal)
Peripheral Nerves
Blood Vessels (arteries, veins, capillaries)
Lymph Nodes and Vessels
Nervous System
 Function: Recognizes and coordinates the
body’s response to changes in its internal
and external environments
 Structures:
• Brain
 Processes incoming stimuli from sensory
neurons and organs
 Sends outgoing stimuli to muscles to cause
movement or tissues to cause release of
 Protected by the skull
• Spinal Cord
 Highway for nerve impulses to/from the brain
 Protected by vertebrae
• Peripheral nerves
 Carry impulses to/from the brain
Integumentary System
 Function: Serves as a barrier against
infection and injury; helps to regulate body
temperature; provides protection against
ultraviolet radiation from the sun
 Structures:
• hair, nails, sweat and oil glands
• Skin
 Holds together the body
 Creates a barrier against germs, UV radiation,
and other harmful agents of the external
 Creates a barrier to water loss
 Helps regulate body temperature
Skeletal System
 Function: Supports the body; protects
internal organs; allows movement; stores
mineral reserves; provides a site for blood
cell formation
 Structures:
• Bones
 Form and shape the body
 Protect organs
 Enable movement (muscles pull them)
• Cartilage
 A type of bone that is flexible
• Ligaments
 Connect bone to bone
• Tendons
 Connect bone to muscle
Skeletal System
 Can you find the following
bones in your body?
Muscular System
 Function: Works with skeletal system to
produce voluntary movement; helps to
circulate blood and move food through the
digestive system
 Structures:
• Skeletal muscle
 Connects to bone, enables movement via
contraction which pulls on bone
• Smooth muscle
 Forms organs that squeeze (ex: stomach)
 Involuntary movement
• Cardiac muscle
 Makes up heart
 Regular beats due to pacemaker
Circulatory System
 Function: Brings oxygen, nutrients, and
hormones to cells; fights infection; removes cell
wastes; helps to regulate body temperature
 Structures:
• Heart
 Muscle that squeezes blood around the body via
the blood vessels
 Two halves: one half pumps deoxygenated blood
from the body to the lungs to pick up oxygen and
release CO2; the other half pumps oxygenated
blood coming from the lungs to the body
• Blood
 Transport system for dissolved gasses (oxygen,
CO2), nutrients, waste, immune cells
Circulatory System
 Function: Brings oxygen, nutrients, and
hormones to cells; fights infection; removes cell
wastes; helps to regulate body temperature
 Structures:
• Blood vessels
 Tubes that blood travels through
Arteries – carry blood away from the heart
(oxygenated if going to the body, deoxygenated if
going to the lungs)
Veins – carry blood towards the heart (oxygenated
if coming from the lungs, deoxygenated if coming
from the body)
Capillaries – microscopic vessels that connect
arteries and veins (where oxygen leaves blood and
CO2 enters the blood)
Respiratory System
 Function: Provides oxygen needed for
cellular respiration and removes excess
carbon dioxide from the body
 Structures:
• Lungs
• Nose, pharynx, larynx
• Trachea
• Bronchi
• Bronchioles
Digestive System
 Function: Converts food into simpler
molecules that can be used by the cells of the
body; absorbs food; eliminates wastes
 Structures:
• Mouth, pharynx
• Esophagus
• Stomach
• Small Intestine
• Large Intestine (Colon)
• Rectum
Excretory System
 Function: Eliminates waste products from the
body in ways that maintain homeostasis
 Structures:
• Skin
• Lungs
• Kidneys
• Ureters
• Urinary Bladder
• Urethra
Endocrine System
 Function: Controls growth, development
and metabolism; maintains homeostasis
 Structures:
• Glands (pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid,
• Hypothalamus,
• Pancreas
• Ovaries (in females)
• Testes (in males)
Reproductive System
 Function: Produces reproductive
cells; in females, nurtures and
protects developing embryo
 Structures:
• Testes,epididymis, vas deferens,
urethra, and penis (in males)
• Ovaries, Fallopian tubes, uterus,
vagina (in females)
Lymphatic/Immune System
 Function: Helps protect the body from
disease; collects fluid lost from blood vessels
and returns the fluid to the circulatory system
 Structures:
• White blood cells
• Thymus, Spleen
• Lymph nodes and lymph vessels
Our organs are made out of four different types of tissue, and each tissue is
made out of groups of different types of cells all working together.
Connective Tissue gives shape to organs and holds them together.
It is made out of cells like bone and cartilage.
Nervous Tissue transmits messages throughout your body so that
you are aware of what is going on around you and so you can
respond to your environment. It includes various types of nerve cells.
Muscle Tissue enables you to move by contracting to pull on bones
or tighten organs. It includes three different types of muscle cells.
Epithelial tissue helps to protect you from germs, injury, and fluid
loss by forming layers that cover organ surfaces such as the surface
of the skin, the airways, the reproductive tract, and the inner lining
of the digestive tract.