Lymphatic System PowerPoint

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Transcript Lymphatic System PowerPoint

The lymphatic system is a group of
organs and tissues that collects excess
fluid in your body and returns it to your
 The lymphatic system is connected to
the immune system.
 It helps your body fight pathogens.
 The lymphatic system is a part of the
circulatory system
The purpose of the lymphatic system is to
aid the immune system in getting rid of
waste, debris, and cancer cells.
 Also, the lymphatic system helps the
digestive system by taking excess fats
and giving them to other parts of the
The lymphatic system sucks excess fats
and soluble fats from the digestive
system and distributes them throughout
the body.
 The lymphatic system aids the immune
system by collecting and destroying
cancer cells, pathogens, dead blood
cells, and toxins.
Think of the lymphatic
system as a sewer. It
drains waste from the
body and puts it into
either the right or left
drainage area.
 The right drainage area
only covers the right side
of the chest and the
right arm.
 The left drainage area
covers the rest of the
body (left side of the
chest, left arm, both
Lymph nodes are bean shaped organs
that filter out lymph and are filled with
white blood cells called lymphocytes.
 Lymph nodes house critical immune cells
for our body’s well being.
Cervical Lymph Nodes- located in the
 Superclavical Lymph Nodes- located
along the collarbone
 Mesentery Lymph Nodes- located in the
 Axillary Lymph Nodes- located in the
underarm region
Inguinal Lymph Nodes- located in the
 Femoral Lymph Nodes- located in the
upper, inner thigh
 Mediastinal Lymph Nodes- located
behind the sternum and between the
lung sacs
The lymphatic vessels is where the lymph
is transported.
 The lymph moves one way: toward the
Lymph is a colorless liquid that moves
through the lymph vessels.
 Lymph consists of
 Lymph is low in protein, so it may its
change color and consistency after
eating protein to a milky white.
Throat/Breast/Blood Cancer- When
doctors check to see if you have cancer,
they look at the last lymph node that
tried to absorb the cancer, and then
remove it, if possible.
 Lymphedema- This occurs when the
lymph tissues or lymph vessels have been
ruptured or removed. Therefore lymph is
not able to drain properly. The lymph
then clogs up and results in swelling
Laughter is the best medicine- seriously!
 Relaxing and deep breathing promote a
healthy lymphatic system. Try meditation.
 Sports. Your lymphatic system is mainly
located within your muscles, so go play
an hour a day!
Capillary Walls- where gases and lipophilic
molecules are allowed to pass through
Lipids- a type of protein
Lymph- the liquid that comes out of
capillary walls
Lymphocytes- a type of white blood cell
Lymph Vessels- thin valves that carry lymph
Soluble- able to be dissolved
Thymus- small organ under the breastbone
 7th Grade Science Textbook