respiratory system

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The Immune &
Respiratory Systems
• “The human body is protected by both its skin and the by
the lymph and immune systems. Every day it is open to
attack from two types of hostility. One is external: the
daily battle against physical harm and lingering germs.
The other adversaries are within, such as germs that have
gained entry, and the body’s own cells which can set up
diseases such as cancers. The immune system fights wars
on both fronts. Its chief troops are robing white blood
cells. Their transport and supply networks use the blood
as well as the fluid, vessels, and nodes (glands) of the
lymphatic system.”
Lymph and Immunity—
the human body book
The Immune/Lymphatic System
• The body system that
removes harmful
organisms from the
blood and combats
• Made up of lymph,
lymph nodes, lymph
vessels, tonsils, the
thymus gland, and
the spleen.
How the Immune system works
• Protects your body from pathogens (a germ that causes
disease) and provides immunity to disease.
• The lymphatic system consists of a network of vessels and
tissues that move and filter lymph (a clear liquid that
surrounds body cells and circulates in lymph vessels).
• Lymph contains water and proteins. It also contains fats
and specialized white blood cells called lymphocytes.
How the Immune system works
• Lymphocytes protect the body against pathogens.
• There are two types of lymphocytes:
• B cells – multiply when they come in contact with a
• Produce antibodies or defense proteins.
• Create an immune system response by preventing a 2nd
attack of the same disease.
• T cells – there are two main types; they multiply and
enlarge when they come in contact with a pathogen.
• Killer cells – release toxins that prevent infections from
• Helper cells – activates both the B cells and killer T cells;
they control the body’s immune system.
How lymph circulation works
Lymphatic duct
dumps lymph into
veins near heart
where lymph is
returned to blood.
Pathogens filtered
into lymph
Lymph then returned
toward heart to
lymphatic duct
Lymph carried to
lymph node via
lymph vessels
Lymph node
filters and
Organs of the lymphatic system
• Spleen
• Largest of the lymph organs.
• Acts as a store for some types of lymphocytes.
• Major site for filtering blood.
• Thymus gland
• Site of maturations of T-cells.
• T-cells develop from stem cells.
• Tonsils – help to fight infections; help guard against
inhaled microbes.
• Adenoids – help filter incoming air and destroy
microorganisms. Shrink as you get older.
• Appendix – function unknown.
How to Keep Your Immune System Healthy
Choose foods that are high in protein and vitamin B.
Keep accurate records of all immunizations.
Get plenty of rest and sleep.
Exercise to keep bones dense and to protect bone marrow.
• “Oxygen is vital for life. The respiratory system transfers
oxygen from air to blood so that the cardiovascular
system can distribute it, while the muscular and skeletal
systems drive the movements of breathing. The air is
often contaminated with dust particles, harmful microbes,
allergens, and hazardous irritant, and cancer-causing
chemicals; smokers further boost these last three
categories. All of these items can damage the system’s
delicate parts, making respiratory disorders among the
most common of all illnesses.
The Respiratory System—
the human body book
The Respiratory System
• The respiratory
system is the body
system that provides
body cells with
oxygen and removes
carbon dioxide that
cells produce as
How Respiration Works
• The Diaphragm (a muscle) contracts and relaxes to
allow air into the lungs.
• Lungs
• Air moves into the lungs through the trachea (windpipe).
• The trachea branches out into two bronchi (the main
airways that reach into each lung).
• The airways become smaller as they branch out deeper
into the lungs forming bronchioles.
• At the end of the bronchioles are groups of microscopic
structures called alveoli.
• Alveoli – thinwalled air sacs
covered with
• Gas exchange takes
place as oxygen and
carbon dioxide
spread across the
walls of the
capillaries and
Maintaining Your Respiratory Health
• Respiratory problems can affect the functioning of other body
• Some helpful behaviors that should become regular habits for
a healthy Respiratory system:
• Do not smoke
• Smoking damages all parts of the respiratory system and is the
leading cause of lung cancer. Can cause bronchitis and emphysema.
Avoid breathing secondhand smoke
Do not inhale harmful drugs
Avoid breathing polluted air
Exercise regularly
• Improves the capacity of the lungs to pass oxygen into the blood.
• Wash your hands regularly to help prevent infectio
Respiratory System Problems
• Sinusitis
• inflammation of the tissues that line the sinuses. Caused by
allergies or an infection.
• Bronchitis
• Inflammation of the bronchi caused by infection or exposure to
irritants such as tobacco smoke or air pollution.
• The membranes that line the bronchi produce excessive mucus in
the airways, blocking them.
• Symptoms – coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
• Asthma
• An inflammatory condition in which the trachea, bronchi, and
bronchioles become narrowed, causing difficulty breathing.
Respiratory System Problems
• Pneumonia
• Inflammation of the lungs commonly caused by a bacterial or
viral infection.
• Alveoli swell and become clogged with mucus, decreasing the
amount of gas exchange.
• Symptoms – cough, fever, chills and chest pain.
• Tuberculosis
• Contagious bacterial infection that usually affects the lungs.
• Symptoms – cough, fever, fatigue, and weight loss.
• Treatment – antibiotics and hospitalization.
Respiratory System Problems
• Emphysema
• Disease the progressively destroys the walls of the
• Symptoms – difficulty breathing and chronic cough.
• Symptoms can be treated but damage is permanent.
• Usually a result of smoking.